Stay Healthy

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Did you know that / making small, / healthy choices every day / can help you feel great /

and have lots of energy / to play and learn? Have you ever noticed / how a nutritious
breakfast / sets a positive tone for your day? What if / regular exercise / could boost
your mood / and improve your concentration? A very good day / to the judges, / the
timekeeper, / teachers / and all my fellow friends. Today, / I want to talk to you about /
why staying healthy / is so important / and how we can all make better choices / to keep
our bodies strong and happy.

First, / let’s talk about something called / obesity. Obesity means / having too
much body fat, / which can make it harder to run, / play, / and even breathe sometimes.
In Malaysia, / many kids and adults are becoming overweight / or obese / because of
the way we eat / and live. In fact, / according to the National Health and Morbidity
Survey 2019, / almost 30% of children in Malaysia / are overweight or obese. That
means / nearly 1 out of every 3 children! According to a 2024 report from Sunway
Medical Centre, / approximately / 12.7% of Malaysian children aged 5 to 19 / are
obese. Being overweight / can lead to serious health problems, / even for kids. It can
make it harder to breathe, / cause joint pain, / and increase the likelihood of getting

The question is / why do people get overweight? There are a few reasons, / often
related to our food / and lifestyle here / in Malaysia. First, unhealthy foods. We love our
delicious food, / but some of our favourite dishes are high in sugar, / fat, / and calories.
Foods like nasi lemak, / roti canai, / and sugary drinks / like teh tarik and sirap bandung
are tasty / but can make us gain weight / if we eat them too often. Second, not enough
exercise. People spend too much time sitting or lying down, / like watching TV or
playing video games, / and not enough time being active / and playing outside. Third,
cultural habits. As we all know, there are many celebrations and gatherings here in
Malaysia / that often involve lots of eating. During festivals like Hari Raya, / Chinese
New Year, / and Deepavali, we tend to eat large amounts of rich foods and sweets.
These reasons / are the major factors / contributing to obesity.
So, how can we stay healthy? / Let me share with you / some fun and easy ways
/ to stay healthy and strong. First, eat a balanced diet. Try to include a variety of fruits /
and vegetables / in your meals every day. They are packed with vitamins and nutrients /
that help keep you healthy. In addition, / you can also choose healthy snacks / like
apples, / carrots, / or yogurt / instead of candy and chips / when you’re hungry before
mealtime. You also need to drink plenty of water / instead of sugary drinks / like soda, /
teh tarik, / and sirap bandung. As my parents don’t let me drink soda or sugary drinks
very often, / I end up drinking a lot of water / when I’m thirsty, / especially after playing
or exercising.

Second, be active. Spend at least an hour each day / playing outside. You can
run, / ride your bike, / play football, / or just have fun with your friends. As I play rugby
and football for my school team, / we usually have training two or three times a week /
for at least two hours. By doing this, / I stay active and healthy. / I also join activities
with my family, / like going for a walk, / hiking, / or playing a game of tag / in the park. If
I can do it, / why can’t you? Remember, / being active helps your body stay strong / and
gives you lots of energy!

Lastly, getting enough sleep is crucial. Establish a bedtime routine / by going to

bed at the same time every night / and aiming for at least 8-10 hours of sleep. If you
need to wake up at 6 am, / try to be in bed before 10 pm. To help with this, / limit your
screen time. Spend less time in front of the TV / or playing video games. Did you know
that / kids in Malaysia / spend an average of 3 hours a day watching TV / or using
electronic devices? Let’s try to cut that time / and sleep early!

In summary, / staying healthy means eating good foods, / being active, / getting
enough sleep, / and spending less time on screens. You don’t have to change
everything at once. Start with small steps, / like choosing a fruit for a snack / or playing
outside after school. Remember, staying healthy is fun / and makes you feel great! Let's
all try to make better choices every day / to keep our bodies strong and happy. Thank
you for listening! Let's all take the first step / towards a healthier lifestyle today!

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