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| M aste rclass in BIOLOGY

ji powered by y / n e e t ^ P E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

Who, amongst the following, was the earliest to

I ntroduction attempt a more scientific basis of classification?
1. Aristotle
! The five kingdom classification was proposed by 2. John Ray
3. Tournefort
1. R. H. Whittaker 4. Linnaeus
2. C. Linnaeus
3. A. Roxberg Kingdom Monera in Whittaker’s Five Kingdom
4. Virchow
classification is not characterized by:
1 In Linnaeus’ time, the number of Kingdoms of living 1. Prokaryote cell type
2. Cellulosic cell wall
organisms was 3. Absence of nuclear membrane
|l. 2 2. 3 4. Cellular body organization
3-4 4. 5
j | Phylogenetic classification is based on:
| In the Two Kingdom classification, the Kingdom 1. Morphological similarities
Plantae was erroneous with some major issues that 2. Physiological similarities
include: 3. Reproductive similarities
I. Placing bacteria and blue green algae with eukaryotic 4. Evolutionary relationships
II. Grouping together the unicellular organisms with Whittaker’s Five Kingdom classification,
multicellular ones heterotrophic mode of nutrition is present in members of:
III. Placing heterotrophic fungi with autotrophic plants 1. Two kingdoms
1 .1 and II only 2. Three kingdoms
2 .1 and III only 3. Four kingdoms
3. II and III only 4. Five kingdoms
4 .1, II and III
Which of the following organisms, earlier placed in
Identify the Viruses A and B in the given diagram:
Animal Kingdom, is placed under Kingdom Protista in
Whittaker’s classification?
1. Ameoba proteus
Spike (St & S2) 2. Chlamydomonas
3. Gonyaulax
Mem brane 4. Chlorella
(M )

Envelope The main criteria for classification used by Whittaker


(+) included all the following, except:
proteins 1. Cell structure and body organization
2. Mode of nutrition
A B 3. Mode of reproduction
1. SarsCoV2 HIV 4. Mode of locomotion
HIV SarsCoV2
r HSV 1 HSV 2

M aste rclass in BIOLOGY
powered by t y n e e t i £ £ P
E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

14 The vast majority of bacteria are:

K ingdom M onera 1. Heterotrophs 2. Photoautotrophs
3. Chemosynthetic autotrophs 4. Methanotrophs
Match the bacteria in Column I with its shape in
Column II and select the correct option from the codes
given below:_____________________________________ A rchaebacteria
A Bacillus a Rod meuranogens are commonly present in:
B Coccus b Spherical 1. Alimentary canal of the lower invertebrates
C Spirilla c Spiral 2. Symbiotic relationships with xerophytic plants
D Vibrio d Comma 3. Gut of ruminant animals
Codes 4. Close associations with corals
A B C D Halophiles are archaebacteria adapted to extreme:
1. a b c d
1. Hot habitats
2. b a c d
2. Saline habitats
3. a d c b 3. Marshy habitats
4. b a d c 4. Cold habitats

12 As a group the most extensive metabolic diversity is Both Archaebacteria and Eubacteria:
shown by: I. have a similar structure of cell wall
1. Bacteria 2. Protista II. are members of Kingdom Monera
3. Fungi 4. Animals 1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
13 Bacteria are of varied shapes. Identify the correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
match for A, B and C in the given figure:
I. are eubacteria
II. have chlorophyll a similar to green plants
III. can fix atmospheric nitrogen
1. Only III is correct
2. Only I and II are correct
3. Only II and III are correct
1. Spirocheate Streptobacillus Staphylococcus
4 . 1, II and III are correct
2. Vibrios Staphylobacillus Streptococcus
3. Vibrios Streptobacillus Staphylococcus
4. Spirochaete Staphylobacillus Streptococcus

E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

Cyanobacteria: Which of the following does not relate to

I. are also referred to as ‘blue green algae’. heterotrophic bacteria?
II. are photosynthetic autotrophs with chlorophyll a 1. They are important decomposers.
similar to green plants. 2. They are helpful in making curd from milk, production
III. often form blooms in polluted water bodies. of antibiotics and fixing nitrogen in legume roots.
IV. some of them can fix atmospheric nitrogen in 3. Some are pathogens causing damage to human beings,
specialised cells called hetrocysts. crops, farm animals and pets.
In light of the above given statements:________________ 4. Almost all help in recycling nutrients like nitrogen,
Only I, II and IV are correct Only I, II and III are correct phosphorus, iron and sulphur.
All statements are correct Only I and III are correct
In NCERT textbook which of the following are not
included in Kingdom Protista?
E ubacteria 1. Chrysophytes
2. Dinoflagellates
3. Protozoa
Chemosynthestic autotrophic bacteria: 4. Blue green algae
I. Produce ATP by oxidizing inorganic substances
II. Play a great role in recycling nutrients like nitrogen, Identify the correct statement regarding the given
rhosphorus, iron and sulfur_________________________ figure:
1. Both I and II are correct 2. Only I is correct
3. Only II is correct 4. Both I and II are incorrect

Identify the incorrect statement regarding true

1. As a group, they exhibit maximum metabolic diversity.
2. Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria play a great role
in recycling nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and
3. Heterotrophic bacteria are the most abundant in nature.
4. Bacteria reproduce mainly by fission but sometimes
under favourable conditions, they produce spores.

Which of the following plant diseases in not caused

by a fungus?
1. Late blight of potato
2. Loose smut of wheat
3. Canker in citrus I: It shows Nostoc - a filamentous blue green alga.
4. Powdery mildew of grape vine II: The arrow shows specialised cell for fixing
atmospheric nitrogen called heterocyst.
H 3 Consider the given two statements: 1 .1 is correct but II is incorrect
I. Mycoplasma are naturally resistant to antibiotics that 2 .1 is incorrect but II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
rarget cell wall synthesis
II. They are the smallest bacteria discovered yet 4. Both I and II are incorrect
1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
3 .1 is correct but II is incorrect
4. Both I and II are incorrect

E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n


Chrysophytes: The phenomenon of red tides is associated with
I. include diatoms and desmids rlooms of:
II. are found only in marine water 1. Zooxanthelle 2. Gonyaulax
III. are planktonic 3. Blue green algae 4. Ctenoplana and Berne
1. Only I and II are correct
2. Only I and III are correct Identify the incorrect statement regarding
3. Only II and III are correct
4 . 1, II and III are correct Euglenoids:
1. Majority are found in fresh stagnant water
2. Presence of two flagella
C hrysophytes 3. Behave as heterotrophs when deprived of sunlight
4. Pigments entirely different from those found in higher
P ill The chief producers in the oceans are:
1. Floating hydrophytes
2. Blue green algae E uglenoids
3. Desmids
4. Diatoms The body of Euglenoids is flexible because of
The cell walls of diatoms are ‘indestructible’ as they presence of:
1. a cell wall made up of pseudopeptidoglycan
are embedded with:
2. a protein rich pellicle and absence of cell wall
1. Silica
3. a phosphate ether bonding in phospholipids in cell
2. Chitin
3. Calcium
4. lipopolysaccharide layer in the outer cell wall
4. Raphides
Naked cytoplasm, multinucleated and saprophytic
Which of the following is not a characteristic of
are the characteristics o:e
1. Monera |2. Protista
1. Mostly fresh water and photosynthetic
2. Cell wall with stiff cellulosic plates 3. Fungi 4. Slime molds
3. Two flagella
4. Various colored pigments in the cell jjfffl The given figure shows an organism capable of
causing ret tides in water bodies that adversely affect the
31 The given figure shows the architecture of the cell aquatic life. This organism can be:
wall of:

1. Archaebacteria
2. Gram positive bacteria
3. Diatoms
4. Dinoflagellates

M a s te rc la s s in BIOLOGY
A |ji§ powered by Q « n e e t ^ P
E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

S lime M oulds P rotozoans

The saprophytic protists are: African sleeping sickness is caused by a/an:
1. Slime moulds 2. Protozoans 1. Amoeboid protozoan
3. Desmids 4. Dinoflagellates 2. Flagellated protozoan
3. Ciliated protozoan
Consider the given statements regarding slime 4. Sporozoan
moulds: Match each item in Column I with one in Column II
Statement I: Under unfavourable conditions they form a
olasmodium. anc choose the correct answer from the codes given:
Statement II: During favourable conditions, the COLUM N I C O L U M N II
plasmodium differentiates and forms fruiting bodies A Entamoeba a Flagellated protozoan
bearing spores at their tips. B Trypanosoma b Amoeboid protozoan
Statement III: The spores bear true walls. C Paramecium c Non motile protozoan
Statement IV: The spores are dispersed by water.
D Plasmodium d Ciliated protozoan
1. Only Statement I and Statement II are correct
2. Only Statement III is correct
3. All statements are incorrect A B C D
4. Only Statement III and Statement IV are correct 1. a b c d
2. b a c d
| The major criteria used for classification of 3. a b d c
Protozoans is: 4. b a d c
1. Nature of cell envelope
2. Mode of locomotion Identify the incorrect statement regarding body
3. Mode of heterotrophic nutrition
organization in fungi:
4. Habitat
1. With the exception of yeast, fungi are filamentous.
What would be true for the pathogen seen in the 2. Their bodies consist of long slender hyphae that may
be coenocytic or septate.
given slide of peripheral blood from a patient suffering 3. The network of hyphae is known as the mycelium.
from a certain disease? 4. The cell walls of fungi lack chitin and polysachharides.
I. The pathogen is Trypanosoma brucei gambiense.
II. It causes African Sleeping Sickness. Protists that do not include any photosynthetic
members are:
I. Euglenoids
II. Slime moulds
III. Protozoans
1. Only I
2. Only II
3. Both II and III
4 . 1, II and III

M aste rclass in BIOLOGY
powered by V / n e e t ^ P
E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

A ‘dikaryon’ stage is seen in the members of:

K ingdom F ungi 1. Ascomycetes and Phycomycetes
2. Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes
Which of the following is not used in asexual 3. Basidiomycetes and Phycomycetes
4. Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes
reproduction in fungi?
1. Conidia The basis of classification for the division of
2. Sporangiospores
Kingdom Fungi into various classes includes all the .
3. Zoospores
following except:
4. Ascospores
1. Morphology of the mycelium
An association between roots of higher plants and 2. Mode of spore formation
3. Types of pigments present
fungi is called 4. Fruiting bodies
1. Lichen
2. Fern A symbiotic relation between fungi and the roots of
3. Mycorrhiza
4. BGA higher plants is called as:
1. Lichen
With respect to fungal sexual cycle, choose the 2. Mycorrhiza
3. Amensal
correct sequence of events 4. Proto-cooperation
1. Karyogamy, Plasmogamy and Meiosis
2. Meiosis, Plasmogamy and Karyogamy fff§ Yeast is unique amongst the members of Kingdom
3. Plasmogamy, Karyogamy and Meiosis
Fungi because it:
4. Meiosis, Karyogamy and Plasmogamy
1. reproduces by ascospores
Fungi can be distinguished from other living 2. is unicellular
3. does not have a chitinous cell wall
organisms by 4. does not have a sexual mode of reproduction
1. Presence of chitinous cell wall
2. Structure of cell membrane Members of phycomycetes are found
3. Mode of nutrition
4. Multicellular body organization i. In aquatic habitats
ii. On decaying wood
Asexual reproduction in fungi takes place by: iii. In moist and damp places
iv. As obligate parasites on plant
1. Fragmentation Choose from the following options’
2. Fission
1. None of the above 2. i and iv
3. Budding
4. Spores 3. ii and iii 4. All of the above

Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes have many You discover a new fungus. On careful examination
homologies. All the following will be true but: you find that the mycelium is septate and branched, they
1. Binucleate ascogenous hyphae of ascomyctes and reproduce asexually by conidia and you cannot identify
binucleate secondary hyphae of basidiomycetes any sexual stage in its life cycle. To which fungal class
2. Ascospore and basidiospore would you place this fungus?
3. Hook and crosier method in ascomycetes and clamp 1. Phycomycetes 2. Ascomycetes
connection in basidiomycetes 3. Basidiomycetes 4. Deuteromycetes
4. Conidia in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes

M a s te rc la s s in BIOLOGY 1
powered by 9 j * f l e e t E ssentials; B iological C lassification

Morels and truffles are edible fungi belonging to the

P hycomycetes class:
1. Phycomycetes
fflj Which of the following is not true for fungi 2. Ascomycetes
3. Basidiomycetes
belonging to the class Phycomycetes? 4. Deuteromycetes
1. Aspetate and coenocytic mycelium
2. Spores endogenously produced in sporangium
3. Asexual reproduction by nonmotile zoospores or A scomycetes
motile aplanospores
4. Found in aquatic habitats, decaying wood or as
obligate parasites on plants A fungus used extensively in biochemical and
genetic work is:
Mucor, Rhizopus [the bread mould] and Albugo [the
1. Neurospora
parasitic fungi on mustard] belong to: 2. Trichoderma
1. Phycomycetes 2. Ascomycetes 3. Paecilomyces
3. Basidiomycetes 4. Deuteromycetes 4. Streptomyces

| j f l Given below is a schematic representation of the Which of the following is not a character of

events in the life cycle of Rhizopus. Find the correct Ascomycetes?

~atch for A-D: 1. Mycelium is unbranched and septate
2. Asexual spores conidia are produced exogenously
3. Sexual spores called ascospores are produced
4. Conidia on germination produce mycelium
Gametangia with Young /
haploid nuclei zygosporangium
(heterokaryotic) — What is not true regarding the sexual reproduction in
Sexual basidiomycetes?
1. Sex organs are well developed
Sporangium 2. Plasmogamy brought about by fusion of two vegetative
or somatic cells of different strains or genotypes
3. Karyogamy and meiosis takes place in basidium
producing four basidiospores
4. Basidiospores are produced exogenously on the
Asexual \ Dispersal
reproduction J ancj
B asidiomycetes

64 Rusts and Smuts are the fungi that belong to:

A B C D 1. Phycomycetes 2. Ascomycetes
k Plasmogam Karyogamy Meiosis Sporangia 3. Basidiomycetes 4. Deuteromycetes
2. Karyogamy Plasmogamy Meiosis Sporangia
Plasmogam} Karyogamy Mitosis Conidiophores
4. Karyogamy Plasmogamy Mitosis Conidiophores

M aste rclass in BIOLOGY
powered by 9 / n e e t B ^ P
E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

Which of the following is not a feature of the

members of the class Basidiomycetes? D euterqmyc etes
1. Branched and septate mycelium
2. Asexual spores are generally not formed Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma belong
3. Vegetative reproduction not seen
4. Dikaryon stage commonly seen to the class:
1. Phycomycetes 2. Ascomycetes
jpffg Deuteromycetes are also called as Fungi imperfecti 3. Basidiomycetes 4. Deuteromycetes
1. They do not have a thalloid body Which of the following is not true regarding
2. They can contain chlorophyll members of Dueteromycetes?
3. There are no parasitic members 1. Mycelium is septate and branched
4. Sexual phases are not known 2. Many are decomposers and help in mineral cycling.
3. They reproduce only by asexual spores called as
Given below is a schematic representation of the conidia.
events in the life cycle of a fungus belonging to 4. They include Agaricus, Claviceps and Colletotrichum.
Basidiomycetes. Identify the correct statements:
Amongst the plants:
mating type Dikaryotic
I. Bladderwort and Venus flytrap are insectivorous.
,y . II. Cuscuta is parasitic.
♦ mating type
Gills lined sV
with basidia
1. Only I is correct
and j
j •/
2. Only II is correct
germination / ~ Sexual
mycelium 3. Both I and II are correct
Basidium with
4. Both I and II are incorrect
^Basidium containing
four haploid nuclei

K ingdom P lantae

Basidiospore Diploid
Which of the following will not be true for members
of Kingdom Animal ia?
1. They all are multicellular
Statement I: A is karyogamy; B is plasmogamy and C is 2. Mode of nutrition is heterotrophic - holozoic
meiosis. 3. Most are capable of locomotion
Statement II: Though not shown in the figure the fungi 4. They do not follow a definite growth plan
belonging to this class reproduced extensively by asexual
methods involving conidia.
1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect K ingdom A nimalia
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
Which statement is wrong for viruses
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
1. All are parasites
2. All of them have helical symmetry
3. They have ability to synthesize nucleic acids and
4. Antibiotics have no effect on them

M aste rclass in BIOLOGY
powered by V • neetPilP E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

Bacteriophages are:
V irus, \ iroids, P rions & 1. Bacteria infecting ss RNA viruses
L ichens 2. Bacteria infecting ds RNA vimses
3. Vimses that infect bacteria and generally have ds DNA
4. Vimses that infect bacteria and generally have ds RNA
73 Contagium vivum fluidum was proposed by
Which of the following is not a viral disease?
1. D. J. Ivanowsky 2. M. W. Beijerinek
3. Stanley 4. Robert Hooke 1. Influenza
2. Yellow fever
Viruses are non-cellular organisms but replicate 3. Japanese encephalitis
4. Kala azar
themselves once they infect the host cell. To which of the
ollowing kingdom do viruses belong?________________ Which of the following would best describe a vims?
1. Monera 2. Protista
1. Non cellular organization, crystalline inert structure in
3. Fungi 4. None of the above a living cell
2. Non cellular organization, crystalline inert structure
Identify the incorrectly matched pairs: outside a living cell
I. Louis Pasteur: Gave the name vims 3. Cellular organization, crystalline inert structure in a
II. D. J Ivanowsky: Recognized the causal agents of living cell
mosaicism in tobacco to be larger than bacteria 4. Cellular organization, crystalline inert structure outside
III. M. W. Beijerinek Contagium vivum fluidum a living cell
IV. W. M. Stanley: Discovered HIV
1 .1 and III The figure shows potato affected by certain disease.
2 .1 and II The affected plants are stunted, tubers may be small,
3. Ill and IV elongated, cylindrical, spindle or dumb-bell-shaped, with
4. II and IV prominent eyes evenly distributed over the tuber, and
cracking. What will be tme for the given figure?
U In general, the viruses that infect plants have:
1. Single stranded RNA
2. Single stranded DNA
3. Double stranded RNA
4. Double stranded DNA

3 Which of the following viruses has both DNA and

RNA as its genetic material?
1. Retroviruses
2. Bacteriophages
3. Plant vimses
4. None
I. The disease is Potato Spindle Tuber Disease.
Viruses are: II. It is caused by a pathogen that is high molecular
1. Obligate intracellular parasites weight double stranded RNA.
1. Only I
2. Obligate extracellular parasites
2. Only II
3. Facultative parasites
3. Both I and II
4. Free living, outside a living cell
4. Neither I nor II

fcj M a s te rc la s s in BIOLOGY
powered by 9 , - n e e t P c ^ P
E s s e n t ia l e : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

f f f | Which of the following statements is wrong for fffjj The disease caused by prions in humans is known as:
viroids? 1. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
1. Their RNA is of high molecular weight 2. Scrapie
2. They lack a protein coat 3. CJD [Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease]
3. They are smaller than viruses 4. Infectious mononucleosis
4. They cause infections
fffjj Mycobiont and Phycobiont are formed in
[||jf| Viroids differ from viruses in having
1. Mycorrhzia 2. Root
1. DNA molecules with protein coat 3. Lichens 4. BGA
2. DNA molecules without protein coat
3. RNA molecules with protein coat IJfftj In the symbiotic relation lichen, the mycobiont does
4. RNA molecules without protein coat
[ |||j Potato Spindle Tuber Disease is caused by a 1. prepare food for the other partner
2. provide shelter to the other partner
pathogen that is: 3. absorb mineral nutrients for the other partner
1. A nucleocapsid 4. absorb water for the other partner
2. A low molecular weight free RNA
3. An abnormally folded protein H H Match each item in Column I with one in Column II
4. A protozoan
and choose the correct answer from the codes given:
flffj Prion is: COLUMN I COLUMN II
1. A nucleocapsid A. Mucor a. Pin mould
2. A low molecular weight free RNA B. Rhizopus b. Bread mould
3. An abnormally folded protein C. Albugo c. White rust
4. A protozoan D. Pythium d. Damping-off of seedlings
fffg| The given figure shows: a normally folded protein
[A] and a misfolded protein [B], What will be correct? 1. a b c d
2. b a c d
3. a b d c
4. b a d c

{The fungus shown in the given diagram can be:

I. Prions are misfolded proteins that have the ability to 1. Mucor

transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the 2. Penicillium
same protein. 3. Puccinia
II. Prions cause scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform
4. Ustilago
encephalopathy (BSE) in catde (commonly known as
"mad cow disease") and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
in humans.
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II

f| f| M aste rclass in BIOLOGY

I1 powered by y * f l e e t ISimP
E ssentiale : B iological C lassification

g j Match the fungi [Column I] with the Class to which Match the class of fungi in Column I with
it belongs [Column II] and select the correct answer from representative examples in Column II and select the
the codes given:__________________________________ correct option:___________________________________
A. Ustilago tritici P. Phycomycetes A Phycomycetes P Morels and truffles
B. Albugo C a n d id a Q. Ascomycetes B Ascomycetes QAlternaria, Trichoderma
C. Alternaria solan i R. Basidiomycetes C Basidiomycetes R Bread mould and Albugo
D. Claviceps purpurea S. Deuteromycetes D Deuteromycetes S Smut and rust fungi
Coc es Codes:
A B C D A B c D
R P s Q 1. P R s Q
Q P s R 2. R S p Q
3. R S p Q 3. P Q R s
Q s p R 4. R p s Q
j Given below is a schematic representation of the Match each item in Column I [Protist] with one in
r ents in the life cycle of a fungus belonging to Column II [Characteristic] and select the correct option:
- scomycetes. Identify A-E: Protist Characteristic
A. Chrysophytes P. Plasmodium
B. Dinoflagellates Q. Chief producers in the ocean
Dispersal Germinatiot Mating R. Stiff cellulose plates in cell wall on
C. Euglenoids
ASEXUAL M yceiu m type (+)
PLASMOGAMY outer surface
7 V :/
(dikaryotic) D. Slime moulds S. Two flagella, a long and a short
* '« •
G erm ination y KARYOGAMY

Diploid nucleus— ,,,

1. R Q s P
(zygote) , 2. Q S p R
Four haploid
3. Q R s P

Given diagram shows the structure of Tobacco

Mosaic Virus. Identify the correct match for A, B and C.
A: Sporangiophore A: Sporangiophore A B C
B: Sporangia B: Sporangia 300 18 Single
C: Ascocarp 2. C: Ascocarp 1.
nm nm stranded RNA
D: 4 Ascospores D: 8 Ascospores 18 4 Single
E: Ascogonium E: Ascogonium 2.
nm nm stranded DNA
A: Conidiophore A: Conidiophore 300 18 Double
B: Conidia B: Conidia 3.
nm nm stranded RNA
C: Ascogonium 4. C: Ascogonium
18 4 Double
D: 4 Ascospores D: 8 Ascospores 4. I_ Z ZBZ _ J
nm nm stranded DNA
E: Ascocarp E: Ascocarp

M aste rclass in BIOLOGY
powered by fle e t
I r is : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

Identify the incorrect statement regarding viroids: Viruses are no more "alive" than isolated
1. Viroids are the smallest infectious pathogens known. chromosomes because: -
2. They are composed solely of a short strand of circular, 1. They require both RNA and DNA
single-stranded RNA that has no protein coating. 2. They both need food molecules
3. The first recognized viroid, the pathogenic agent of the 3. They both require oxygen for respiration
potato spindle tuber disease, was discovered by Theodor 4. Both require the environment of a cell to replicate
Otto Diener.
4. The nucleic acid of viroids codes for only a few The correct chronology of the steps seen in the
proteins. sexual cycle in fungi will be:
1. Plasmogamy - Karyogamy - Meiosis in zygote
A location with luxuriant growth of lichens on the
2. Karyogamy - Plasmogamy - Meiosis in zygote
trees indicates that the: 3. Plasmogamy - Meiosis in zygote - Karyogamy
1. Trees are very healthy 4. Karyogamy - Meiosis in zygote - Plasmogamy
2. Trees are heavily infested
3. Location is highly polluted I Which of the following is not a character ::
4. Location is not polluted members of Kingdom Fungi?
1. Thalloid body
T.O. Diener discovered a
2. Lacking chlorophyll
1. free infectious RNA 3. Store starch as reserve carbohydrates
2. free infectious DNA 4. Heterotrophic mode of life
3. infectious protein
4. bacteriophage 10 After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are
produced exogenously in
1| Which of the following statements is correct? 1. Neurospora
1. Lichens do not grow in polluted areas. 2. Alternaria
2. Algal component of lichens is called mycobiont. 3. Agaricus
3. Fungal component of lichens is called phycobiont. 4. Saccharomyces
4. Lichens are not good pollution indicators.
U One of the major compound of cell wall of mos:
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
fungi is
1. Prions consist of abnormally folded proteins 1. peptidoglycan
2. Viroids lack a protein coat 2. cellulose
3. Viruses are obligate parasites 3. hemicelluloses
4. Infective constituent in viruses is the protein coat 4. chitin

Which disease of man is similar with cattle's, bovine Which pair belongs to basidiomycetes?
spongiform encephalopathy: 1. Puffball and Claviceps
1. Encephalitis 2. Peziza and Stink Horn
2. Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease 3. Morchella and Mushroom
3. Spongiocitis of cerebrum 4. Bracket fungi and Puffballs
4. Spondylitis

Masterclass in BIOLOGY
- powered by ^ n e e t ^ P I r is : B io l o g ic a l C l a s s if ic a t io n

J Which one single organism or the pair of organisms Stored food in fungi i s :
is correctly assigned to its or their named taxonomic 1. Starch
group? 2. Proteins
1. Paramoecium and Plasmodium belong to the same 3. Glycogen
1-dngdom as that of Penicillium 4. Chitin
2. Lichen is a composite organism formed from the
symbiotic association of an algae and a protozoan Which of the following statements is correct?
3. Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus 1. Organisms that depend on living plants are called
Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of protista saprophytes.
2. Some of the organisms can fix atmospheric nitrogen in
j?| The imperfect fungi which are decomposer of litter
specialized cells called sheath cells.
and help in mineral cycling belong to: 3. The fusion of two cells is called Karyogamy.
1. Basidiomycetes 4. Fusion of protoplasms between two motile on non-
I. Phycomycetes motile gametes is called plasmogamy.
3. Ascomycetes
Deuteromycetes Which of the following environmental conditions are
essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of
Match the Column-I with Column-II
Column-I Column-II (a) Temperature of about 25°C
Symbiotic association of fungi with (b) Temperature of about 5%
a) Saprophyte (i) plant roots (c) Relative humidity of about 5%
(d) Relative humidity of about 95%
Decomposition of dead organic
<b) Parasite (ii) materials (e) A shaded place
(f) A brightly illuminated place.
«c) Lichens (hi) Living on living plants or animals Choose the answer from the following options.
Symbiotic association of algae and 1. b, c and e only
<d) Mycorrhiza (iv)
fungi 2. a, c and e only
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 3. a, d and e only
(a) (b) (c) (d) 4. b, d and e only
1. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
3 (hi) (iv)
(ii) 0)
4. (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

J Which of the following statements is incorrect?

1 Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long thread-like
I. Morels and truffles are edible delicacies
: Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids and LSD
- Conidia are produced exogenously and ascopores
1. Conidia on sporangiophores
2. Ascospores on asci
3. Basidiospores on a basidium
4. Conidia on conidiophores

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I The fruiting body of a fungus contains many E H Which one of the following statements is wrong?
structures with eight haploid spores lined up in a row. 1. Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi.
This fungus belongs to the class: 2. Cyanobacteria are also called blue-green algae.
1. phycomycete 3. Golden algae are also called desmids.
2. ascomycete 4. Eubacteria are also called false bacteria.
3. deuteromycete
4. basidiomycete EFfl Match the organisms in column I with habitats in
column II.
In an individual basidiomycete fungus, the size of
Column I Column II
the following [largest to smallest] will be: Halophiles Hot springs
(a) (i)
a. basidiocarp
b. basidium (b) Thermoacidophiles (ii) Aquatic environment
c. basidiospore (c) Methanogens (hi) Guts of ruminants
d. mycelium (d) Cyanobacteria (iv ) Salty areas
e. gill Select the correct answer from t te options given below:
1. d, e, a, b, c (a) (b) (c) (d)
2. e, a, d, b, c 1. (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
3. e, a, d, c, b
2. (i) (ii) (hi) (iv )
4. d, a, e, b, c
3. (hi) (iv ) (i) (ii)
H p In a fungus like Neurospora, conidia can be 4. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
distinguished from ascospores as:
jj||l How many organisms in the list given below are
1. ascospores are diploid, conidia are haploid
2. ascospores are produced only by meiosis, conidia are autotrophs ?
produced only by mitosis Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas,
3. ascospores have undergone genetic recombination Nitrobacter, Streptomyces, Sacharomyces, Trypanosoma,
during their production, conidia have not Porphyra, Wolfia
4. ascospores are larger, conidia are smaller 1. Five
2. Six
HQ The guts of cow and buffalo possess 3. Three
1. Fucus sp 4. Four
2. Chlorella sp
| In which kingdom would you classify the archaea
3. methanogens
4. cyanobacteria and nitrogen-fixing organism, if the five-kingdom system
of classification is used?
ETjjl The motile bacteria are able to move by: 1. Plantae
1. fimbriae 2. Fungi
2. flagella 3. Protista
3. cilia 4. Monera
4. pili
R i Barophilic prokaryotes
Cell wall is absent in : 1. Occur in water containing high concentration of
1. Funaria barium hydroxide
2. Mycoplasma 2. Grow slowly in alkaline frozen lakes at high altitude
3. Nostoc 3. Grow and multiply in very deep marine sediments
4. Aspergillus 4. Readily grow and divide in sea water enriched with
soluble salt of barium

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Which is wrong about mycoplasma? Diatomaceous earth is used as heat insulator in

1. They are called PPLO boilers and steam pipes because the cell wall of diatom is
2. They are pleomorphic
3. They are sensitive to penicillin 1. composed of iron
4. They cause diseases in plants 2. composed of silicon dioxide
3. conductor of heat
Bacteria that obtain energy from light and carbon 4. bad conductor of electricity
from the fixation of carbon dioxide, using reducing
equivalents from inorganic compounds are called as: 39 Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. chemolithoautotrophs Protozoan Group
2. photolithoautotrophs 1. Plasmodium Sporozoan
3. photoorganoheterotrophs
2. Trypanosoma Flagellated
- chemolithoheterotrophs
3. Balantidium Ciliate
Select the wrong statement: 4. Giardia Amoeboid
1. Cell wall is present in members of Fungi and Plantae
1. Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes 40 Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
:. Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in Pathogenic Protozoan Mode of transmission
Sporozoans 17 Leishmania Vector borne
- Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell in all
2. Trichomonas Sexual contact
--.".gdoms except monera
3. Toxoplasma Through placenta
j Which of the following organisms are known as 4. Trypanosoma Droplet
thief producers in the oceans ?
| Identify the incorrect statement regarding Euglena:
1 Dinoflagellates
1 Diatoms 1. Euglena's chloroplasts are surrounded by three
: Cyanobacteria membranes and contain pyrenoids
- Euglenoids 2. Euglena has two flagella rooted in basal bodies, one
flagellum is very short, and does not protrude from the
In which group of organisms the cell walls form two cell, while the other is relatively long
■ t overlapping shells which fit together? 3. A photosensitive red spot is present towards the
Chrysophytes anterior end
1 Icglenoids 4. When feeding as a heterotroph, Euglena takes in
1 Dinoflagellates nutrients by osmotrophy
- 5.tme moulds

j - he thalloid body of a slime mould (Myxomycetes)

*r. own as :
: : ;tonema
1 Plasmodium
::ng body
- ~ vteiium

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If you are told that the given diagram shows a single I f f l Identify the incorrect statement regarding viruses:
‘super cell’ that can ‘move’, you would conclude that this 1. A virus is a nucleoprotein and the genetic material is
must be: infectious
2. Retroviruses contain both RNA and DNA
3. Viruses are obligate cellular endoparasites
4. Viruses can be crystallized and this was first shown by
W. M Stanley

Identify the incorrect statement regarding Eubacteria:

1. Cyanobacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen in
specialized cells called heterocysts
2. Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria play a great role
in recycling nitrogen and phosphorus
3. Heterotrophic bacteria are the only bacteria that do not
include any economically useful microbe for humans
4. Mycoplasma lack cell wall and can survive without

1. A plasmodial slime mould

2. A pathogenic fungus
3. A coenobium of an alga
4. A bioluminescent dinoflagellate

Identify the organism shown in the figure and the

function of the structures shown by arrow:

1. Paramoecium, trophic functions

2. Euglena, sexual reproduction
3. Paramoecium, osmoregulation
4. Euglena, photoreception

E ssentiale: B iological Classification A nswer K ey

Iris: B iological Classification - A nswer K ey

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