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Removing the discomfortability for the society and making the best use of
natural resources available on Ihe earth must be the goal of every engineer.
The concept behind sea water air conditioning (A/C) syslem is the same.
The concept of sea water air condilioning (A/C) system is to reduce the relative
humidity during the summer time in sea shore places. Because during the
summer season people who are living nearer to Ihe sea shore feel so
inconvenience due do high relative humidity. This type of inconveniences is
overcome only by the A/C &>stem. In t>ur earth we having 75% of water but
we don't know the uses of those type of resources. This project gives an
innovative approach in air condilioning system so we gel an idea to use our
valuable resources in right manner.
The sea water air conditioning system is very compact add consists of less
parts when compare to conventional syslem. The sea water A/C system
requires the following parts pump, pipe, evaporator, blower. So when
compare to conventional A/C syslem Ihe design ofiea water A/C system i£
simple. The pump using here is submersible which is locates under the sea it
pumps the sea water from the 600m depth. The temperature of water befo^
600m is 4-8 degree Celsius which is pumped through pipe then it is flow
inside Ihe evaporator which is finned lypc were the air is sucked from Ihe
room by blower which is to be conditioned is conic conlac! to the evaporator
were the water is in cooled conditioned so by the transfer of energy the air get

2-1 CONVENTIONAL PROCESS AC.................................6
2.2 NON-CONVENTIONAL PROCESS AC....................... 7
2.2.1 AUXILLARY CHILLER..................................................9
2.2.2 COLD STORAGE.........................................................10
3 COMPONENTS OF SWAC................................................11-13
3.1 PVC PIPES...................................................................11
3.2 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP.,,............................................. 11
3.3 HEAT EXCHANGER..................................................... 12
3.4 BLOWER .........................................................,,12
3.5 FILTER....................................................... 13
4 WORKING OF SYSTEM.................................................... 14-16
4.1 WORKING OF SWAC SYSTEM.....-.,-..,...,.....,......14
4.2 OBSERVATION FABLE.......................................16
5 STUDY OF HAWALL SSWAC..........................................17-24
5.1 PRESBNTATION OVHRV1LW................................17
5.2 CURRENT ENERGY CRISES.,.,.......,..,....,,..............17
5.3 CRISES FOR F.NERGV US\:,R$...................................19
5.4 BENEFITS OF SWAC TO HA WALL....................... 20
6 COST.........................................................................25
7 ADVAN FACES AND DISADVANTAGBS..,..,.........,,,........,...26
S SCOP OF FUTURE................................................................27
9 CONCLUSION.............................................................28
• INFERENCES..,,.................................................. ...29

The existing compressor based A/C system has reached

[he maximum level of
innovation. For the last few decades, there has not been any significant
increase in the
coefficient of performance of this system. Moreover, with the increasing
awareness of environmental degradation, the production,
use and disposal of
Chlorofluorocartoons (CFCs) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs) as
refrigerants in
conventional system has became a great concern.
So efforts are being lo develop the other types of air conditioning system,
In this regard,
some alternative and innovative approach is sea water air conditioning
The concept of this system is lo show the effectiveness of our natural
resources Inns we
know that our earth consists of 75% of water but we don't know the value of
resources. By using sea water air conditioning system we
will avoid efficiency
refrigerants decreasing in COP and we cooled large space nither great
performance of sea
water A/C system it requires low HP pumps to pump the water. Let
see the brief
explanation about [he paper.

 What is seawater air conditioning?

A method to provide air conditioning lo buildings by Taking
advantage of an available cold water source (usually deep cold water
from a lake or ocean).

 Why sea water air conditioning?

It is economical and environmentally friendly:

• renewable energy source

• energy efficient - saves more than 90% of the energy used for
conventional air conditioning
* proven technology
* decreased reliance on fossil fuels - reduced air
pollution, acid rain, global
 Where seawater air conditioning can be used?
Resort, residential complexes, commercial buildings other
institutions that have access to a large quantity of cold water-

 when sea water air conditioning can be utilize?

 Deep sea/lake water air conditioning is technically and economically feasible

 What is 'Air Conditioning1?

Air Conditioning is the simultaneous control of Temperature. Humid it}.
Motion & Purity
of the atmosphere in confined Space.

 What are the Requirement* of comfort Air

1.Supply of Oxygen SL removal of Carbon-di-oxide.
2. Removal Of heat dissipated by the occupants.
3. Removal of moisture dissipated by the occupants.
4. To provide sufficient air movement & air distribution in the confined
5. To maintain the purity of air b> removing odour & dust

 What is Air Conditioning load?

Any heat generated with in the space to be air-conditioned forms a load on
the air conditioning system.
Examples: Occupants. Lights, Fans, Photocopier, Stabilizers, Computers,
TV's etc.., Heat also enters the enclosed space from outside drought wails,
glass windows, roof, open doors, etc.

 What are the types of Air Conditioning?

1. Summer a i r Conditioning - To reduce the heat & moisture Content
of the air by cooling De-humidification.
2. Winter Air Conditioning - To increase the heat & moisture
content of air by heating Humidification

Year Round Air Conditioning - To Control temperature & moisture content of

the; air throughout the year as per the climatic changes-Central Plants.

 What do you mean by Ton of Refrigeration (TR)?

Ton of refrigeration is the amount of heal removed lo convert TOOOKgs of
water at' 7ero' degrees Celsius into Ice in 24 hrs. In other \vords. "One Ton
of refrigeration is the capacity to remove 3000 Kilo Calories (12,000 Btu) of
heat per hour from the conditioned apace."

 What is BTU?
The British Thermal U n i t (BTU) is defined as the amount of heat required
to raise or lower one pound of water lo one degree Fahrenheit.

What is Kilo Calorie?

It Is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1000 grams of
water by 1
degree C

 What is Comfort Air-Conditioning?

Temperature ;- 24 -i 1 Degree Celsius
DBT. 2. R H : - 5 0 n lf)%RH,

Wliaidoyou mean by Dry Bulb Temperature <I>BT)T Wet Butb

Temperature (WBT)f and Relative Humidity (RH>?

1. Dry Bulb Temperature The temperature of air measured by ordinary

thermometer is known as Dry Bulb Temperature.

2. Wet Bulb Temperature: The temperature measured by the

thermometer %vhen its bulb is covered with Wet Cloth & exposed lo
airflow is known as Wet Bulb Temperature. \Vhen the difference
between OUT and WBT is /,ero, the air becomes fully saturated (100
% RH).

3. Relative Humidity : 1 he relative humidity is defined as the ratio of

actual mass of water vapour in a given volume to the mass ot water
vapour if the air is saturated at the same temperature, RH = Mass of
the water vapour actually present in a volume of air at T degree C.
Mass of the water vapour required to saturate the same volume of air
at I degree C.

 What is CFM?
The Volume fluw iate of air (Volume of air handled) is measured by Cubic
Feet Per Minute (CFM),
 What is EER?
Energy Efficiency Ratio = cooling Capacity (BTU/Hr.) /Power
consumption (Waits/Hr.)

 what is the need for having fins in condenser and

Fins are provided to increase the heal transfer area and thereby to improve
the efficiency of the unit.

 Where are seawater air conditioning utilize and in

There are currently five institutions that utilize this technology and two
projects in progress:

• 1986: Halifax, Nova Scotia

• 1986: NELHA, Hawaii
• 1995: City of Stockholm Sweden
• 2000: Come!] University
• 2003: Enweave and the City of Toronto
• In Progress: Intercontinental Bora bora

In Progress: Market Street and the City of Honolulu

(T) Sea water irtafca
Co*d sea Sea water
Titanium heal
Wanned «a water
Building cHcularkig
punip Co>|«l fresh
water Coding coil
Wai»Bd Jresh

Fig 1.1 Line Diagram of Sea water cooling system



2.1 Conventional AC
Conventional air conditioning is expensive to operate due to large electrical
power requirements. The process uses evaporative cooling of a gas to transfer
heat. A simplified illustration of the process is below:

1: An AC powered compressor compresses gas resulting in the generation of

2: The gas (shown as red in the figure) runs through a set of coils for heal
dissipation and
condenses in to liquid,
3: The liquid passes through an expansion valve quickly evaporating into cold
pressure gas,
4: The cold gas (shown as blue in the figure) runs through a set of coils for
absorption cooling down the air inside a building.


Large commercial building use the expansion of the refrigerant gas to cool
water instead of cooling the air directly (called a duller unit). Chilled water is
then pumped throughout the building to provide air conditioning.
Furthermofe, large systems utilize cooling towers to more efficiently cool the
high-pressure side of the system (shown as red in the figure above and the
top part of the figure to the left). A l l of these components, compressors, water
pumps and cooling towers, contribute to lift high operating expense of
conventional AC systems.
2.2 Non-Convetional AC (Deep Sea/Lake Water AC)
Along many ocean coastlines and lake shorelines, there is reasonable
access to naturally cold water that is as cold or colder than .the water used
in conventional air conditioning systems. If this water can be tapped, then
the significant power for operating mechanical chillers can be eliminated.
The process is very similar to using chillers in conventional AC systems.
The only difference is that the cold temperature TS. not achieved by
evaporation of a liquid into a gas. Rather, it is retrieved from a natural cold
water source -from a deep ocean or Lake,

 Basic process

1. Water is pumped From a deep cold water source (ocean or lake).

2. T he water is passed through a heat exchanger
3. A closed-loop fresh water distribution system is pumped through the
heat exchanger cooling the water
4. The cooled water is distributed to buildings for air

> Main Components:


electricity cost are 1/10 that of convensional ac
systemsignificantreducing o/p costs while save our

Fig: 2.2 centralized sea water air conditioning main components


Fig: 2.3 centralized sea water air conditioning heat exchange process


 There exist three main components of deep water cooling.

1. A sea/lake water open loop supply system which pumps deep cold
water through a heat exchanger and returns the warm water through a
shallow outfall (note that in Enwave's design the water is not
returned to the lake but used for the city's water supply),
2. Fresh water closed loop system pumps warm water through the
cooling station heat exchanger and distributes the cooled water
among commercial, residential and institutions for air conditioning. .
3. A heat exchanger (cooling station} transfers heat from the fresh water
distribution loop resulting in cold water for air conditioning purposes.

These basic components can be optimized for each specific

location, climate and building.



Convetional air conditioning process

too costly or impractical to supply seawater the necessary low temperatures to maintain
hilled water loop. The distance offshore to rcadi sufficiently cold water might be
ay simply not he available. II is sometimes economically possible to use auxiliary chillers
ed by the seawater exposure. This is illustrated to the use. The fresh chilled water is first
at exchanger and then secondarily cooled with an auxiliary chiller. The auxiliary chiller is
with its condenser cooled by the returning flow if cool .seawater- the condenser kept
rate at an extremely high efficiency - as high as double that of a conventional chiller.

ital cost and a low operating cost. The peak capacity of the system must match the peak
rve:.. these demands are not constant throughout the day or throughout the year, and the
ng used to its maximum capacity. Therefore, capital dollars are spent on a system That
ximum potential. A means of minimizing the capital cost is to use cold-water storage. The
would be operated TOO percent of the time and when the building demands are low, the
storage system of cold fresh water. When A/C demand is at its peak, the cold water is
the demand.

mmercially available that are constant volume; the warm water remains at the top and the
om. These tanks are now used in conjunction with conventional A/C systems to take
cal rates.



dely used plastics pipes interms of volume produced
purpose material.
l], chemical, oil, abrasion and weather resistance in various condition.

ostly used in irrigation tube wells, can be used for this purpose. As it can be used against
his can be give discharges up to 3000 rpm. Their efficiency vary from 60 to 80%.The electric
oth submerged below the pumping water level, The power cable goes down below sea to


making these pumps of which fe\v good manufacturer's brands are quoted here:
ndustries private limited.
ndia limited.
neering private limited. Ktc
air conditioning system Here the heat exchanger is of non frosting forced circulation
hanger is more economical because heat transfer coefficient from—outside to air is far
ent to jnner surface of the evaporator The n maximum heat transfer is related to the
f the fin in proportion to the tube diameter. So finned heat exchanger is using here.

k the air from the room to be conditioned. The compressibility is limited to change in
enters the blower axially and it is discharged radially from the blower. These blowers
they can develop considerable pressure compared with other centrifugal blowers. In the
s large.

g Just from the air Adoption of a particular air-filter depends on the nature of the dtist,
i ness in the ajr-conditioned space. Here the filters are made in the form of padi and hats
plastic fibres or copper mesh This pads are impr-zgnated with viscous oily substance.
ed so thai the filter can be thrown away when it is full of dusk Some viscous filters can be


at the required depth of sea sucks the water(at 4 to 8 degree o and pumped through

flows to the evaporator by which It can he maintain as ADP as 6 degree c.

s the aft from the room to be conditioned through filters.
h the non frosting forced circulation finned evaporator gets coo fed due to cooled water

to flow to the required place through the duels Submersible pump


40 34

29 33
34 32

67 31

144 30

Intial Water temperature: 8.16 C

8.70 C

ater through heat exchanger that time we can achieve 24 "C fin temperature.



5.1 Presentation overview :_

Seawater Air Conditioning for Hawaii

-What It Is?
- Why its Needed
-Benefits of SWAC
- Where We Are
-How HEPF Can Help

What is SWAC.?

Why Its Needed ?

A Solution To Palm's Energy Crisis:

- A Proactive Response to Energy Crises A Proactive Response to Energy

- Reduces Need for New Fossil fuel Generation Capacity Reduces Need For
New Fossil Fuel Generation Capacity
- Uses Renewable energy Uses Renewable Energy
- Reduces Hawaii Reduces Hawaii's Dependence on Oil s Dependence on Oil
- Reduces Fossil Fuel Air Emissions Reduces Fossil Fuel Air emissions
- Saves Potable Water and Reduces Sewage Generation Save* Potable
Water and Reduces Sewage Generation
- Provides Local Economic Development Benefits
Provides Local Economic Development Benefits

5.2 Current Energy' Crises :

•World Oil Crisis

• Reserve electricity Generation Capacity Reserve Electricity Generation C
Crisis on Oahu
Crisis for Hawaii's Energy Users s Energy Users

 World Oil Crisis:

Increasing Demand
Demand Increasing Faster Then
Production Production Capacity at kecord
 New Discoveries Nor Keeping Up With Demand Growth
 Supply Disruptions Due [o Geopolitical events
 Pears of Terrorism fears of terrorism
 Weather
 Specfication

 Increasing Demand:
•Global Demand Now 84 Mbbl/d Nearly 1,000 Bbl.'sec 30 Billion bbl/yr
• Global Demand Increasing by 2%/yr6G% increase by 2030
• China - 7%/yr; India -30% over 5 yr China - 7%/yr;

 Supply Disruptions Due to Geopolitical Events :

• Many Trouble Spots

• Many Are Major Oil Producers Venezuela; Russia; Nigeria; Saudi
Arabia;Iran; Iraq;
• Wars Over Oil in Past likely in future Likely in Future

 Fears of Terrorism ;

• Attacks on Oil Personnel and Facilities- Nigeria- Saudi Arabia; Iraq.

• ''Terror Premium *= $5 to $7/Bbl (Some say much more)

 Weather

- Gulf of Mexico
-Source of much of U.S. oil
- Site of Significant Refinery Capacity
- Record Number of Hurricanes in 2005
- Likely to Increase with Global Warming
-Supply Disruptions
- Hurricane Ivan
- Hurricane Katrina
 Speculation:
• Yes -Of Course
-Something Other Than Production Costs
• Average World Wide Production Costs $5/Bbl
-Current Price -$60
• Oil Prices Convey the "Market '$ Evaluation of Scarcity"
• Oil Becoming Scarcer and More Valuable

 Bottom

• High Oil Prices are Here to Stay

• Much Higher Prices are Likely in the Future

5.3 Crisis for Energy Users:

• Increased oil costs leading to increased electricity prices

• Increased energy costs mean fess for Increased for other needs.

 LFSo Prices - Historical Prices and Price Trends:

LSFO Prices - Historical Prices and Price Trends (1990 - 2034)


2010 2030 2036


• HREA1990 - 2Q05 LSFO Nominal PriM Trend -+- HECO RBforencs LSFO Nominal
-HECO High LSFO Nominal Price Trerd -»-HECQ Law LSFO Nominal Price Trend
 HECO Commercial Electricity - Historical Rates and Trends (1900 - 2034)
19SG 199E 2000 ZOOS 2015 2020 202S 2030 2035

•HECGComnwrcial Electricity Rilfl (HSWAC 1930 - 2005

LSFQ PrtCB Trend)
•HECO Commercial EtocTricity Rat* {Refers™ LSFQ
•HECO Commercial Efoclricily Rale ihrgh LSFQ Price)
• HECO CcunmarciaJ Elecrncily Rate 'Low LSFO P/ice)

5.4 Benefits of SWAC to Hawaii:

• Demand Side Benefits

• Increased Use of Renewable Energy
• Environmental Benefits
• Economic Development

 Demand Side Benefits:

• Reduces Need tor New (Likely-to be Fossil fueled) Generation Capacity

• 100,000 tons of SWAC will Displace Up to 63 megawatts of Hew Generation
- Equal to 86.000 Solar Water Healing Systems
- Equal to --4 years of HECO's Load Growth 'Each ton of SWAC eliminates
the need for more than 3,400 kWh/year of energy use
• 100,000 tons of SWAC will save 344 tons million kWh/year
• Equal to more than 123,000 residential solar water heating systems.

HECO's Total DSM Program Costs With and Without SWAC:

case Net Present Net System Wet System Net Present

Value of Energy Peak Demand
Total Savings Savings Value Cost
Units million £ million KWh MW $/kWh S/kW
HECO's 221.6 559,9 1S7.6 0.232 581
Baseline DSM

Base Fine DSM 229.1 605,8 164.2 0.225 563
+ 25,000

Base Line £40.6 768.9 184.3 0.196 489
tons of SWAC
Marginal Costs of Adding SWAC to HECO's DSM Programs :

Case Increase In increase In Increase In Marginal Cost

Net Present Net System Net System
Value of Total Energy Peak Demand
Program Savings Savings

Units million S million kW/h MW $/kWh $/kW

HECO's (+3.4%] 45.9 6.7 (+4.2%) 0.119 297

Baseline DSM (+8.2%)


HECO's 18.9 f+S.5%) 209.1 26.7 0.069 172

Basel In? DSM
+ 100, 00 Q (+37.3%) (+16.9%)

Increased Use of Renewable Energy:
Uses an Abundant, Indigenous,
- Renewable Energy Resource
- 22 billion year supply
Helps Meet Renewable Portfolio Standard (J?PS)
Requirements 100,000 Tons of SWAG Will Provide
Renewable Energy Benefits fiqiial to:
I B 7 M Wo f Photovoltaics
[ 2 3 MW of Wind
60 MW of MSW Combustion

5.5 Renewable-Energy Development :

•NearTerm (0-5 years) (20G6 2010)

-Solar Thermal (Water Heating/Process Heal)
-Biomass (MSW £ Co Firing'.' & Biofuels ?}
• M i d term (5 10 years) (2010/2015)
-Residential Utility Intertied PV on Neighbor Islands
-Commercial Scale PV
-OTEC (5 10 MW module)
• L o n g - Te r m ( I O 20n years) (2015 -2025+)
-Residential Utility -intertied PV on Oahu
 SWAC Impact on Hawaii's RPS :

Renewable Energy Potential on Oahu Projected

for 2020

SWAC provides one-sixth of the 20 percent renewable energy

requirement of the Oahu RPS


Sea water Air

Conditioning MWS+BIO

Technology system capacity Fraction of

ANNUL size (MW) factor Oahu
otec 701 100 0.80 36.8
MSW + Biomass co-firing 342 60 0.65 17.9
seawater Air Conditioning 319 100.000 0.52 16.7
(SWAC} Tons
Solar Thermal {SWH) 280 100000 - 14.7
Wind 140 60 0.32 7.4
Wave 088 25 0.40 4.6
PV 037 2O 0.21 1.9
Total 1906 - - 100.0
Oahu use 9348 - - •
Re as % of Oahu Electricity 20.4 - -

• Eliminates Cooling Towers

Environ mental Benefits of SWAC ;

The Annual Use imported Fossil Fuels by More 1 than 777,000 barrels
ssociated Power Plant Emissions

Potable Water Use (JJ billion gallons per year)

Sewage Generation (500 million gallons per year)
s Need for Water Treatment Chemicals

ment Benefits;
rate Millions Of Dollars In Construction Project Spending
-term, Well term. Well-paid Jobs Also Created
nomic Development Benefits Accrue from Money that Slays in Hawaii, and Not Used

PF Can help:

SWAC into State Energy Planning Assist in Public Education Efforts Support SWAC -
gislation Special Purpose Revenue Bonds - Inclusion in Enterprise Zones Non Non-Exdusive
asements Priority Processing of State Permits


ms have sustainable advantages over other air

hem as follow.
rtually maintenance free.
high when comparing to conventional
using less power,
good manner



 The sea water cooling technology needs improving:

 The existing seawater cooling technology, mainly seawater direct
cooling, has been applied in industry.

 To the Europe and North America, seawater direct

cooling by original seawater as cooling medium has already been
applied in industry for nearly one hundred years .

 Similarly, it has been used for 60 years in China.

 Due to the difficulties from corruption, encrustation, fouling organism

and salt sediment, it is laborious to popularize and apply circulating
cooling technology. Several countries attempt to develop this
technology towards large .scale's application for benefiting

 In China, however, this technology is still at a step of research and

demonstration. National Bureau of Oceanography and some
universities have already finished preparation for one hundred ion-
levers demonstration .

 They got some achievements from the key technology of direct and
circular cooling, of water resources crisis" s solving, corruption's
preventing etc. AM the technology mentioned above JS limited to the
cooling for industry and utilizing of seawater from surface current.

 It seems that a large scale's developing and utilizing of ocean as cold

resources of 'air-conditioner does not begin.

 Some countries1 researchers attempt to bring seawater into urban

area to built a cooling system , and pay much attention to the usage of
deep seawater also . However, SWCR scheme is more direct and
easier to realize.
Sea water air conditioning system is likely to become a significant form of
domestic air conditioning system within lhc medium term because of the need
to avoid fluids that arc hazardous to environment. And we tan conclude that this
system is quite suitable for Jargc area, at the same time it is used to decrease
the relative humidity of places which are nearer to the sea shore. IT is only an
idea, if our governments take Steps regarding this we can feel the benefits of
this system.

CONDITIONING" 2000,. AND some net sources,
David Rezachek, Ph.D., P.e David Rezachek, Ph,a, P.E.
Associate Development Director
Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning LLC
Hawaii Energy Policy Forum (HEPF)
www .

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