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Rajiv Gandhi National University of

Law, Punjab

TOPIC: Jammu & Kashmir

Submitted to:
Presented by: Dr. Rachna Sharma
Name: Pranav Chadha Assistant Professor of History
Roll Number: 22273 RGNUL, Punjab
Chapterisation Plan:

1. Introduction
The introduction of this topic would briefly introduce the reader about the glorious
past of Jammu & Kashmir and its history
2. The issue
This section will thoroughly demonstrate the issue of Jammu & Kashmir by using
various chronicles associated with the issue
3. Efforts in Integrating J&K
This part of the topic would deal with the efforts done by Govt. of India for the
integration of J&K
4. Jammu & Kashmir – Instrument of Accession
This part would tell about the use of instrument of accession for J&K
5. Article 370 & Article 35A
This part of the topic would concisely highlight the above 2 Articles of the Indian
constitution for the State of J&K
6. Abrogation of article 370 & Article 35A
The events after 5th august 2019 are covered in this part
7. Analysis & Conclusion
A complete analysis of the situation of the people of J&K and a conclusion consisting
of pros and cons of the decisions of Indian Government for Jammu division, Kashmir
Division and Ladakh

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