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Roll no. RGETIONIZIS RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER- 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER: ENGLISH-1 ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is Compulsory and each part carries S marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B, C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - A (Compulsory) 1. a. What role-does Scindh play in “Lord of the Flies"? b. Give one word substitutes for the followis a place where birds are kept alist of booksin a library iia person who walks in his sleep iv, aplatform forhanging criminals v. the study of lenguages c. Replace the underlisied words with an appropriate Idiom from the given list: [came up against a brick wall, took it to heart, make it up, to your Contd.....P.2 oy heart’s desire, took the bull by the horns, talked at cross-purposes, put her foot in, keptier head above water, out of this world, kept her head, got out of hand, make a clean breast of it] i, Sarita stayed calm wien she found her boat si This job is perfect for you. The problem got out of control. jv. She did something wrong. She wants to admit it. v. Sophia said something embarrassing at the meeting. 4. What is the central idea of Stephen Dunn's “Outlaw”? Section - B ing. 2(a) Discuss the themes of dehumanization, isolation, repression and abuse of power in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four. 10 Marks () Explain ‘Faceerime” 02 Marks © Who is Piggy? 03 Marks 3 Henry David Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi were kindred souls who soared high, sought truth and strove to save humanity. Discuss with reference to “Civil Disobedience” and “Trial Speech.” 15 Marks ion 4(a) Write a paragraph on any one of the given topics: 07 Marks Plogging ii. If were the education minister of India i. Humanoids- The New Workforce (©) Givetwo synonyms eae 04 Marks delirium ii, odious iii, affable iv. emasculate (©) Use the given Proverbs insentences of your own: 04 Marks i. birds of a feather flock together ii, a stitch in time saves nine ime is money a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step Contd... Ss(a) () 6(a) ©) «(c) Ka) 3. Write a letter to your mother about your experiences in the University Hostel. 10 Marks Give two Antonyms eac ‘5 Marks baffle iv. stoic v. dubious etic D Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions: 0S Marks Contentment is essential___happiness. ii, He piques himself ___ his artistic taste. iii, His statement was tantamount __a confession. iv, The ultimate decision tests___ the board of directors. v. He succeeded ___ perseverance and hard work, Point out the Conjunctionsand state whether these are Co-ordinating or Subordinatng: 5 Marks i, You will not succeed unless you work hard. ii, He is richer than Tam, ili, He did not come because he did not receive the message. iv. Either you are mistaken, or lam. V. He deserved to succeed, for he worked hard. Fill the blank spaces with ‘later’, ‘latter’, ‘nearest’, ‘next’, ‘latest’, or ‘last’. ‘5 Marks i [prefer the ___proposition to the former. i Is there mo _news than last week's? iii. The bakery is__ to my house. iv. The time I saw him, he was in high spirits v. This is the ____ Post Office to my house. ‘What Part of Speech is the underlined word? 05 Marks i, He is not any the worse for it ii, He has been ill since yesterday. iii, Since you say so, [believe it. iv. This sum is more difficult. v. He is like his father. Contd.....P.4 (b) © 8(a) ). ©). 9a). b). Punotuate the given passage 05 Marks the bill was presented by amember of the opposition mr patrick mercer shadow minister for homeland security itis atype of bill called a private ‘member's bill which isnot part of the government’ political programme in fact if it is not supported by the government and specifically the prime minister mr mercer bslieves the bill will fail. Why are Figures of Speech used? Name any five, 05 Marks Section - EF Explain with Reference to Context: 07 Marks Yetlavi-abiding scholars wre: Lawisneither wrongnortight, Lawisonly crimes, Punished by places and by tres, Law is the clothes men weir" Anytime, anywhere, Lawis Good Moming xd Good Night. Can a criminal be “eminently decent”? 3 Marks Which duty did the “meschants of balm” fail to perform? 5 Marks ‘The misconceived ideas of law of negligence and proximate cause lead courts to irreconcilable’ conflict for recovery of damages. Explain, with reference to “Negligence”. 12 Marks Why did the two travellers clamour before Dame Justice? 03 Marks Rolls. RGETIONZIS RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B.(HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER- Il: MICROECONOMICS (Major- 1) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and esch part carries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - A 1. Write short notes on the following: a. Significance of difference between Total and Marginal Uti b, Internal Economies of Scale . c. Measure of Monopoly Power 4. Factor price determination from the industry’s point of view ‘under Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution. Section - B 2. “The law of Demand rests firm upon logic; itis only indicative and not a quantitative statement.” Discuss the statement and also explain how far is the statement true? Comtd....P.2 2 Explain how a consumer makes a choice using Ordinal Utility approach? Also elaborate on why must the point of tendency between indifference curve and price line be the point of equilibrium ? Section - C What is an Expansion Path curve? How is an Expansion Path obtained for a producer and.how does it explain where a producer will be able to rationalize his production decisions? “A minimum knowledge of the cost concepts a prerequisite for a producer to identify his profit margins.” In reference to this statement, explain what different costs are operative in the market and how can the knowledge of these be,used by the producer for determining his equilibrium point ? ‘Section - D. “The problem before a firm, under conditions of perfect competition, is to determine its output only.” Explain. Also differentiate between the different types of price levels that are determined under Perfect Competition. How is the theory of Oligopoly evolved? Also explain how far does the Kinked Curve theory provide a satisfactory explanation for Price Rigidity under Oligopoly? Section E “The rate of interest at any time, being the reward for parting with liquidity, is a measure if the unwillingness af those. who possess money to part with their liquid control over it.” Explain the theory in context of this statement and also discuss the implications when rate of interest tends to fall considerably low. “Corn is not high because rent is paid, but high rent is paid because corn is high.” Critically examine the statement. Roll no. RGETIOAIZID RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER-I: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY (Major -1) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries $ marks. Attempt one question cach from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Sceti 1. Write short notes on the following: a. Scope of Sociology. b. How is ‘Crowd? different fom ‘Group’. ¢. Crucial functions of Law. 4. ‘Cultural Lag’. Contd....P2 Section - B Discuss in details what factors helped development of So ‘Western part of the World? logy in “Is Sociology a Science or not’! Discuss the given statement with ‘examples and illustrations. Section - C ‘What Role have ‘Pressure Groups played in Indian Society? cuss in detail the features of ‘Society’? What functions Society plays in human life? What are Social Institutions? What role Social Institutions play in fulfilling psychological needs of human beings? Give details with examples. Discuss the functions of ‘Law’ in m-intenance of Social Institutions like Family, Marriage, anc Kinship. Section - £ Discuss the different forms of Social Change i.e. Developn.ent, Growth and Transformation, Give examples for each of the three concepts. Discuss theories of Socie Roll n RGIETIOAIZND RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER: POLITICAL THEORY (MAJOR-1) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Sectio 1. Write short notes on the following: a. Credo of Relevance, , Popular Sovereignty and Rousseau’s views. ‘c. Max Weber’s model of Authority. 4. Generations of Human Rights. Section_-B 2. “The formation ofthe State is accompanied by adivision of population according to territory.’ Friedrich Engels. Discuss the relevance and Establish the inter dependence of essential elements of State, territory ‘and population. 3. Ifpower be held only for a certain time (it does not matter ‘how longa time), itis not sovereign power, he who holds it for that time is not a Contd....P2 Sovereign’ Bodin, In the definition above ‘Permanance” as a feature of Sovereignty is being discussed by Bodin. a) Critically analyse ‘Permanauve’ as a characteristic of Sovereignty and support of your arguments with suitable examples. (5 Marks) 'b) Write a detailed note on various characteristics of Sovereignty and their interdependence. (10 Marks} Section - Write a note o1 evolution of feminism and the political views of Fesninist scholars “Separate them (history and political science) and the one becomes a cripple, ifnota corpse, the other a wilt-of the-wisp.” Burgess. In context of the statement above, discuss the inter relationship between history and political science, Support your arguments with contemporary examples. ‘Section -D. “Authority consists of two important components: power and Jegtinney. Further Gramsci says that ‘when the power is apparently ‘with the consent of its subject, itis called ‘hegemony’. How according to you Power, Authority, Legitimacy and Hegemony interplay. Support Your arguments with views of scholars anc examples. Write a note on Power as a concept, its kinds, its faces and characteristics. “The health and stability of democracy depends on not only on the justice of its bu-ye insttition but also on the qualities and attitudes of its citizens also i.ow iis citizens are being treated” Write a detailed not: on the idea of ctizonship, its nature and position enjoyed 4s an implication of being a citizen. Support your arguments with recent examples related to the questinn of citizonship “There is no relation of man to in in which: man is absolutely free wo act as he pleases,... by virtue of his rationality man has a latitude of alternatives... Restraint is, therefore, as natural or as primeval as freedom.’ Leo Strauss. ‘Comment on the staicment above to explain the concept of liberty auc ‘use examples to support your points of analysis. | [Rota | RONSTNGAIND RAJN GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB BALLB,(HONS)EVIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2039 FIRST SEMESTIR PAPER-Il: FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMICS (@ainor-) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 EIGHTY) Mote: Section-A. is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt | ede question each frem Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. 1. ‘Write short notes on the following: ‘8. Significance of Lav of Diminishing Marginal Utility bb. Implications of Marginal Productivity Theory of Factor Priehug, , Principles of Effective Demand. 4d. Approaches t0 the Definitions of Money. Conta. 2. Section - B “Utility is mere orderable and not quantitative.” Explain how a consumer attains his equilibrium with reférence to the approach highlighted in the statement, Examine the effects of variations in factor-proportions on output. Section - C “The main aim of the monopolist is to sell in such a manner that he ‘may get maximum monopoly profit.” In light of this statement, discuss as to how a monopolist firm determine price and output in short run and long run. tinguish between Gross Interest and Net Interest. Also discuss the liquidity preference theory of rate of interest, Section - D Discuss the concepts relating to National Income. What are the problems involved in the estimatiox: of National Income? “General overproduction and general unemployment are impossible in aan economy.” Critically discuss the model of output and employment determination which is based on the given statement. Section “Cominercial Banks create and credit and Central Bank regulates it.” In light of this statement, discuss as to how the apex bank regulates credit? “If fiscal policy has to achieve the desired objective of economic stability, great care must be exercised with regard to its timing and size.” In light of this statement, discuss the objectives and instructions of fiscal policy. Roll no. ——— RGIBTIOG/IZG RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LLB, HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER-Ill: POLITICAL THEORY: AN INTRODUCTION (Minor -1) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and cach part carries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Sectic 1. Write short notes on the following: Post-behaviouralism. - . Political sovereignty. . Passive revolution. dd. Natural rights. Contd...P2 Discuss the main features o? Marxism. What has been the impact of ‘Marxism on polities in the 20th century? Critically analyse the development of normative and empirical methods inthe study of political theory. Whatave the main differences between the two methods. Section - Compare and contrast the interpretations of social contract theory by Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. Which interpretation, do you think, comes closest to the political reality? Critically analyse the contributions of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes to the concept of sovereignty. Which perspective on sovereignty emerged from their works? “Power is contested idea’ Explain wth relevant examples. What are the main characteristics of power? Critically analyse the interface between power, authority and legitimacy. ‘What is the relation between Max Weber’s concept of legitimacy and Antonio Gramsci's concep’ of iegemony? Section - E Discuss John Stuart Mill's idea of basic liberties and Isiah Berlin’s ‘two concepts of liberty. Which is a better concept of liberty, according to you, positive or negative liberty? Explain the differences between formal equality, equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Which type can ensure a stable political order with social justice. Roll ne L RGIETIOSIZI9 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER-II: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY (Minor -I) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section — A 1. Write short notes on the following: Discuss any four functions of kinship system. a b. Evolution of sociology. Define Secondary Group and Its importance. e Cultural conflict, Contd....P.2 2 Section - B Elaborate the evolution of sociology. Also discuss the development of sociology in India. Do you agree that Sociology and Law help each other. Discuss with examples. Section - C Write a detailed note on social institutions and its importance. Elaborate the functions of Family as an Institution. Do you agree that itis the most important Institution in human life? Seeti Make a comparison between culture and civilization by giving appropriate examples. Define social control. How is it effective for human development? Section - E How social groups are e’fective in social development of society, Discuss your views. Elaborate the importance of primar, group. Also differentiate between Primary and secondary by givins 1, sropriate examples, Roll no. RGETIO/I2I9 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER-IV: HIS1ORY OF MODERN INDIA. (Minor-D, ‘TIME DURATIGN: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and éach part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks, Section-A 1. Write short notes on the following: a, Analles school of thought. b. Anglicist- Orientalist Controversy. . Rowlatt Act. es Significance of Morley Minto Reforms, Contd...P2 2 Section -B In the light of Interdisciplinary approach, discuss the relationship of history with Political science and sociology? Is it possible to attain objectivity in History? Give arguments for und against it Section Give an account of the contribution of Raja~ Ram Mohan Roy and ‘Swami Dayanand in reforming the Indian society? ‘What do you understand by ‘Drain of Wealth’? Discuss the different methods by which India’s wealth was drained to Britain. What do you know about the formation and activities of the Ghadr Party? Discuss its impact on the Natjonal Movement in India Give an account of the Programmé and Progress of the Civil Disobedience Movement during India’s Struggle for Independence? Section - E CCitically evaluate the scheme of Dyarchy as established in provinces under the Govt. of India Act 1919? Explain the basic prineiples of Provincial Autonomy and assign causes, forits failure. Roll no. RGETIIZID RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER - 2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER: LEGALMETHODS AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - A 1. Write short notes on the following: a, Nature of Law. b. Text Book as a Source of Law. c. Preamble of a Statute, dd. Non-Doctrinal Research. Comtd....P2 ‘How did the development of Common Law and Civil Law took place? Elaborate. ‘The role and function of Law is to provide the social security along with being the protector of the society. How far is the statement true in relation to functions of Law? Sectic c For a Judge the Law can be in a case law as well as in a Statute. Out of these two, discuss in detail, which has more relevance in the field of Law? How far are the E-Library sources important for a modern Day researcher? Section - D What parts constitute a Judgement. Give relavant examples of how the judgement creates history and establishes new and contemporary laws. In the explanation and interpretation of a statute, the Intemal and Extemal Aids play a significant role. Describe brefly the role and relvance of these two aids. Section 5 Elaborate the nature, role and objectives of Research. ‘What techniques and methods cai: be used to collect data? What is the impact of data collection on Report Wrting? Roll no. ROETIB/ZID RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERMEXAMINATION DECEMBER-2019 FIRST SEMESTER PAPER: LAW OF TORTSAND CONSUMER PROTECTION ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 (EIGHTY) Note: Section-A is eompulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - A 1, Computso a. Mr, ‘A’ takes the services of a doctor to operate on his ailing minor son for a fee and the operation fails resulting in aggravating the ailment and suffering of the son, Can the doctor be sued by the patient under the law of tort? Justify your answer with nature of the tor. b, Deminimisnon curat lex. c. Can the police take the defence of ‘Doctrine of Apportionment’, when the prisoner in the police custody commits suicide? Justify your answer with relevant provisions of law. d. ‘Consumer Rights’ under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Contd ...P2 2(a) Explain the phrase “All wrongs are not torts.” 05 Marks (b) Explain’the ‘wrongful Act’ ane ‘omission’ in detail with relevant case laws with Public Law remedies. 10 Marks 3(a) The wall of the defendant's buildings collapsed due to 2.66 inches rainfall on a day and resulted in the damages fo the plaintiff. Which defence can be claimed by the defendant, What would be the decision of the court. Explain with relevant case law. 05 Marks (b) The engine of the defendant's ship failed in the mid-sea. The defendant, therefore, liberated petrol in fishing area of the plaintiff's corporation thereby causing damage ‘o plaintiff. Can defendant be held liable? Justify your answer with relevant tortious liability. 10 Marks 4 The plaintiff was a ‘mahant of math’ was removed from his office by the Government. He challenged the action on the ground that his office being hereditary, so he cannot be removed by the Government arbitrarily, \ Which tortious liability can be applied in this case. Justify your answer with relevant doctrine of tortious liability. 5(a) The Bank guard erroneously shot Mr. A, thinking that he has come to commit dacoity. Mr. “A’ died. Can guard be held liable? Explain the relevanttortious liability. 05 Marks (b) The police opened fire ona rtob to disperse knowing it well that many persons were watching the clesh from their roofs and firing may cause injury to them. Can the state be held liable in this case? Justify with the case laws on state immunity. 10 Marks Section =D 6(a) : The driver of a bus who was otherwise healthy suddenly died due to heart attack while driving the vehicle, with the result that it went off the road and dashed against 2 tree. It caused serious injuries to some of the passengers travelling in it. Can the liability be fixed under ‘Negligence? Justify youranswer with relevant law. 05 Marks Contd.:..P3 3. (©). Mr. Awas struck by cricket ball coming out of a cricket ground when the game was being played at Cheetam Hill, Manchester. The ground had a fencing of 17 feet above the level of the pitch and it was 78 fect from the striker. Can the plaintiff sue the cricket club for the Negligence. Explain the answer with the essentials of the Torts of Negligence, 10 Marks 7a) Explain the strict liability under the National Green Tribunal Act,2010 and the Publie Liability Insurance Act, 1991. 10 Marks (b) How Strict Liability is different from the Absolute Liability. 05 Marks See 8(a) Can the airport authority be held lisbleto pay compensation under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, if the car is stolen from the Airport parking, which was given on license to M/S Mahesh Enterprises to ‘manage parking for hire. Who shall be liable to pay compensation. Justify your answer with relevant provision and case law under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. 05 Marks (®) A Coaching centre is charging lump sum fee for entire period for which service is yet to be rendered. Is ita unfair trade practice under ‘the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. 05 Marks (©). A lousing Society is run on no profit, no loss basis and is not rendering any commercial service. Are the members of such Society ‘consumers? ornot? Explain the definition of consuper in detail 05 Marks 9(@). When an appeal is barred by limitation, can State Commission ‘suo motu’ invoke its revisional power to examine the order of the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019? 05 Marks (b) Explain the jurisdiction of the District Commission Redressal forum in detail 05 Marks (©) Bxlplain the Procedure of dealing of Complaint under Consumer Protection Act, 2019. 05 Marks

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