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INSTRUCTIONS sc in same ch- 3 sp of current snowflake, ch 2] twice,

[(sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp of current snowflake, ch
. Snowflakes are worked with RS facing throughout. 2] 3 times; join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.
Round 2 (joining to two sides to previous
MEASUREMENTS . The first snowflake is worked. Then the next snowflakes): (Sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp of current
Approx 42" [106.5 cm] wide x snowflakes are worked, one at a time, and joined
44" [112 cm] long, including border snowflake, ch 2, [sc in next ch-3 sp of current
to previous snowflakes while working Round 2
snowflake, ch 1, sc in corresponding ch-3 sp of
(joining round).
GAUGE . Make and join snowflakes by first joining previous snowflake, ch 1, sc in same ch-3 sp of
current snowflake, ch 2] 4 times, [(sc, ch 3, sc) in next
One snowflake measures snowflakes into one row of 18 snowflakes. Then
approximately 2" [5 cm] across, at ch-3 sp of current snowflake, ch 2] once; join with sl
make and join the next row of snowflakes, one at a
widest point. st in first sc. Fasten off.
time. If you make and join snowflakes in this order,
each snowflake will only need to be joined to one
edge of one or two previous snowflakes.
. Refer to assembly diagram for placement of white With RS facing, join A with sl st in any ch-3 sp of a
corner snowflake,
and colored snowflakes. Each colored snowflake
Round 1: Ch 1, work sc all the way around, as follows:
may be color of your choice.
. A total of 388 snowflakes are worked, 136 white work 3 sc in each outer corner ch-3 sp (snowflake
point), 2 sc in each ch-2 sp (on side of snowflakes),
snowflakes, and 252 colored snowflakes (50 or 51 of
and 2 sc in each inner corner ch-3 sp (the ch-3 sps on
each color).
either side of a join between snowflakes); join with sl
st in first sc. Fasten off.
Round 2: With RS facing, join B with sl st in any sc,
First Snowflake
MATERIALS ch 1, sc in each sc around, working 3 sc in center sc
Ch 6; join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.
of each snowflake point, and skipping 2 sc at each
Caron® Simply Soft® (6 oz/170 g; 315 yds/288 m) Round 1 (RS): Beg-Cl in ring, ch 3, [Cl in ring, ch 3]
inner corner; join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.
Contrast A White (9701) 1 ball 5 times; join with sl st in top of beg-Cl—6 clusters.
Round 3: With RS facing, join C with sl st in any sc,
Contrast B () 1 ball Round 2: [(Sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp, ch 2] 6 times;
repeat Round 2. Fasten off.
Contrast C Soft Pink (9719) 1 ball join with sl st in first sc.
Round 4: With RS facing, join D with sl st in any sc,
Contrast D Orchid (9717) 1 ball Fasten off.
repeat Round 2. Fasten off.
Contrast E Soft Blue (9712) 1 ball Next Snowflake (make and join 387 more
Round 5: With RS facing, join E with sl st in any sc,
Contrast F Soft Green (9739) 1 ball snowflakes)
repeat Round 2. Fasten off.
Ch 6; join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.
Round 6: With RS facing, join F with sl st in any sc,
One size US H-8 (5mm), or size need to obtain gauge. Yarn needle. Round 1: Work Row 1 of first snowflake.
repeat Round 2. Fasten off.
Determine placement for snowflake (refer to
Round 7: With RS facing, join A with sl st in any sc,
ABBREVIATIONS: assembly diagram) and work appropriate Round 2
repeat Round 2. Fasten off.
(joining round). When joining current snowflake to
Beg-Cl: Beginning Cluster—Ch 2, [yarn Cl: Cluster—[Yarn over, insert hook in 
previous snowflake, hold snowflakes with wrong
over, insert hook in ring ring and draw up a loop, sides together, and with sides to be joined aligned.
and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw yarn over and draw through 2 loops on Round 2 (joining one side to previous snowflake): FINISHING
through 2 loops on hook] hook] 3 times, yarn over (Sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp of current snowflake, ch Using yarn needle, weave in all ends.
twice, yarn over and draw through all 3 and draw through all 4 loops on hook. 2, [sc in next ch-3 sp of current snowflake, ch 1, sc in
loops on hook. corresponding ch-3 sp of previous snowflake, ch 1,




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