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It violates the federal structure of the constitution

Federal structure of the constitution of Indica is a cornerstone for the democratic system of
the country, with a demarcation of powers between central government and state government.
Separate elections helps in maintaining the federal balance and hence, creating an amendment
to the constitution for something of this magnitude would not only require many other
situations and provisions to be taken into account but would also set an alarming precedent
for more alterations to the constitution. Tarini Ranadive, "One Nation-One Election: A
Comprehensive Analysis,",
(, accessed August 2,

Even though the constitution does not promote absolute federalism but in the case of S.R.
Bommai v. Union of India supreme court mentioned “Federalism is, therefore, a concept
which unites separate States into a Union without sacrificing their own fundamental political
integrity. Separate States, therefore, desire to unite so that all the member-States may share in
formulation of the basic policies applicable to all and participate in the execution of decisions
made in pursuance of such basic policies.’ S.R. Bommai v. Union of India, 1994 AIR 1918

Similarly in the case of Kuldip Nayar v. Union of India Supreme Court emphasised that , the
essential characteristic of federalism is "the distribution of limited executive, legislative and
judicial authority among bodies which are coordinate with and independent of each other"
Kuldip Nayar v. Union of India, (2006) 7 SCC 1 (India)

Combining national and state elections could lead to centralisation of power and dilution of
authority of state governments. This could be detrimental to the principles of federalism and
autonomy that underpin the constitution of Indica.

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