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Sukkur IBA University

Merit – Quality – Excellence

IBA Community Colleges & Schools

Book Review
Subject: Science
Grade: VIII
Name of Reviewer::Miss Mehtab Bhutto
Date of Submission: 15/06/2024

ToRs Explanation with Rationalization and evidences/references from book/page numbers

(Please try to include review of every chapter/unit) for comprehensive review)
1. Is the textbook material related with the goals of Eg: Please write here yes or no then explain your response based on
rationalization/justification having page numbers as evidences
2. Is a teacher’s guide included? Yes, it is a available on internet
3. Layout: Yes,
a) The layout is flawlessly compatible & appealing
b) Beautifully designed with bright colors and attractive pictures
a) Is it attractive, appealing and user friendly? c) It has adequate page size line spacing main topics are written in bold font style,
The Title of the topic has suitable font size that look attractive and subtitles font
b) Is it Colorful and attractive?
resembles with title of the topic that is easy to understand which sub-topic is related
c) Does it have adequate page size, line spacing, to main topic
font size, title and subtitles
d) Does it use consistent format throughout in The arrangement of visual elements within a grid in order & conveys message clearly
language content and activities? and steadiness with the content.
4. Does textbook has: Yes,
a)The text book followed by comprehensive introduction( 2 to 7 page)
a) an introduction, explaining how to use textbook b) Yes, Included context page(2 and 3)
b) Detailed content page c) At the end of the text book Glossary is written from 222 to 229 page of text book
c) glossary/vocabulary index/appendices Oxford International secondary science-3
Index is also written from page 230 to 237

5. Do the illustrations (maps, pictures, drawings, Yes it is helpful and builds a better context understanding with the help of pictures,
graphs, numbers etc. ) help us to understand the Maps and some graphs related to topics
content better?
6. Are there suggestions: a) Yes, online resources can play fruitful role for better understand ding the context
a) Further reading in the area (s)? b) yes Indian websites for Science technology are helpful for further information
b) Websites for further information?
7. Content:
a) Is the content given in the textbook accurate a) Yes it is accurate but edition is not up dated
and up to date?

b) Is the content culturally and contextually b) A mix-up of the foreign and local culture is incorporated in the text book

c) Is the content relevant to the needs, age and c) Yes, it’s context matter is according to grade level for the said age group
level of understanding of students?
d) Yes it is good book to build science vocabulary In some topics extra examples
examples are written in extensions of the same topic so it requires online websites to
d) Is the content suitable for the skills it is
understand it more effectively and easily
supposed to develop?
e) Yes, lots of new words are included to strength glossary and references.
e) Is the language readable, understandable and
easy to follow?
f) To compare with our society and culture of sindh, Students may find it a lit bit
f) Will it be appropriate for the students who will difficult but can be easily covered the guidance of the teacher.
use it?

g) Yes, it does provides,

g) Does the content provide sufficient English
Language exposure, practice and variety of genres/
h) Yes, it includes current knowledge, new technology that touches the foreign
culture but not to our local culture.
h) Does it include the current problems, issues and

i) Yes, it provides knowledge from multiple perspectives.

i) Does the textbook provide issues from different

j) Yes it is free from biasness

j) Does it avoid biases? Such as i) religion ii)
k) Yes, it avoids biases on every level such as: gender, religion, culture and class
k) national gain iii) gender iv) occupation v) class
vi) any other
8. Methodology a) Yes, it does encourage students for critical thinking and be creative oxford
a) Do the activities and exercises encourage students? International secondary science-3
To think; to develop their skills; and to be creative.
b) Yes, Suitable for age and grade
b) Are activities suitable for the needs of the Learner
according to their age and grade?
c) Yes, based on students participation at maximum on real life examples in text
c) Do activities include student participation in real book of oxford International secondary science-3
life issues?

d) Do activities promote critical d) Yes, they do promote critical thinking.

9. Are a variety of assessment strategies suggested in Yes, everything is included at the end of each unit Review. with good work on
the textbook. Such as fill in the blanks, multiple choice projects exhibition sort activities and easy type answers
questions, short answers, essay type answers, memorized
answers, project work, exhibitions, open ended and
divergent responses etc.
10. Do the text, questions and suggested activities Yes, they stimulate for further study and explanation of the materials.
stimulate interest for further study?
11. Review and Revision: Yes, Review and Revision system is very helpful to develop awareness
a) It allows transferring new technology and skills related to modern era
a) Is there a built-in review system b) Yes, it is sufficient for this grade to develop their ne critical thnking and practical
based skills.
b) Is the review system sufficient to develop an awareness c) Yes, It is very helpful to assess students through review and activities
of what is learnt? d) It does engage students in the activities and give them chance to practice what they
have learnt.
c) Are the review activities effective to recall and check
previous learning?

d) Does the review exercise engage students to develop

their creativity and engage them in higher order

e) Is the review system adequate to engage for terminal


f) Are there sample for tests and examination after a few


Conclusion:(summary not more than 100-200 words)

I have been teaching SCIENCE from last many years at level secondary level
I have found this book is very informative as compared to others using earlier than this one.
This one is good books with strong layout and covers all students’ learning outcomes according to National curriculum.
The Book is rich with modern technological activities, new glossary also with references and Reviews to make the
learning more interesting.
Areas of Strength of Book:(summary not more than 100-250 words)

According to National Curriculum, OXFORD International Secondary Science BOOK 3, it covers all areas of new
Technology skills such as, medicines preparation methods, knowledge of pharmacy, Interesting topic related Practical’s
this is very good Science book free from errors. The book offers modern Science technology with updated glossary and
references the writing is clear, the analysis, lucid and consistent and the practical activities well matched of the contents.
But somehow the content doesn’t match with our local culture & tradition –also it touches foreign context too.

Areas Improvement of Book: (summary not more than 100-250 words)

1. More local content should be incorporated in order to aware our students about the rituals and tradition of our
local culture.
2. A systematic way of practical activities should be added at secondary level
3. There is a need to add teacher guide in every unit.
4. More Project and practical work should be added.
5. Some extra examples related to same topics are written in extensions should be eradicate
6. Practical Activities must be design with pictures of Lab: Apparatus
7. Work book should eradicate because it contains same activities as given in the text book
8. Textbook of Oxford International Secondary Science-3 contains assessment Questions after each topic of the Unit
so it is sufficient for the students according to given Schedule of sindh Education system so that syllabus may cover
on given time.

Recommendations and Reasons: (Should we continue to adopt this book or not give your detailed recommendations with
justifications based on above given criteria.
I will not recommend this book for students of grade VIII or any grade of elementary level. Because it contains
Extensions in which extra examples are included as a theory so it should be more practical activities based with
pictures of lab: Apparatus The book has a mix-up of both local and foreign culture. only it is good for information but
not applicable for Higher secondary level, Some extra examples related to same topics are written in extensions should
not be included and work book contains repetition of self assessments that is already given at the end of each unit

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