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CE 600402: Project II (Due April 10)

In this project we will study the size dependent behaviour of concrete using a 3 point
bending test. A plane stress analysis will be performed quasi-statically using
ABAQUS. The dimensions of the beam are shown in Fig. 1. The beam is modelled
using concrete damage plasticity. You can use the same material parameters you used
for Project I. The beam is loaded by prescribing the vertical displacement at the center
of the beam, as shown in Fig. 1. This is done by ramping the velocity at this point from
0 m/s to a value of 0.005 m/s over the duration of the analysis. Once the load reaches a
critical value, the notch starts extending until it extends throughout the depth of the
beam and the beam fails. Check for convergence and mesh independence. Plot the
history of the total reaction force (R) versus the applied displacement. Next change the
fracture energy to half the value you used. Replot the history of the reaction force
versus applied displacement. Finally, perform additional tests for self similar beams
that are 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 the size of the original beam. In the self similar beams, change
‘l’, ‘b’, ‘a’ and ‘d’ self-similarly, however keep the notch width e constant. Plot the
force displacement curves for those beams as well. Are the failure stresses (computed
as (3 R ×l ¿ ¿ ¿ 2 b d 2)for the three self-similar beams the same? Plot the failure stress
versus log (l) where ‘l’ is the beam span. Try fitting a curve through those points and
give the empiricial equation thus obtained relating failure stress to beam span.

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