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(S21) AR2608 - HH2: Tectonics

the gap between public and private in his book Une Maison – Un There was a supreme concern about the climatic considerations of
Palais (1928), a few years post the construction of Villa Cook in Paris. architecture— found not only under the oeuvre of Le Corbusier’s shift
Mill Owners’ Association Building in the 1930s, but also to the direction modern architecture confirmed
The building, one of the pioneers of Modern Architecture in the city, into in the ensuing decades. (Barber, 2016) By accenting the place of
Le Corbusier introduced an aspect of lightness to the architecture of the city. The climate within the historiography of autoimmune disorder Corbusier’s
1954 building exhibits an R.C.C. Frame Structure, with columns functioning as flip, we can conjointly indicate that climate-based style methodologies,
Ahmedabad the primary supports. On the edges and at places in the free plan where addressed to issues of shading, ventilation, and interior comfort, square
Simran Mashruwala | UG191338 the need for an enclosure emerges, there is an introduction of Shear measure a very important and under-recognized facet of the reception
Walls, which act as supports along with the columns. The building displays of recent design as a social project. The Marseilles Unité, the Palace
a detachment between its constituent elements, the gaps between the of Assembly at Chandigarh, Ministry of Health and Education in Rio
Brise Soleil: Beyond Solar Shading load-bearing walls and the ceiling, as well as the gap between the facade de Janeiro are among other instances of Corbusier’s pertinent effort

of brise soleil and the interior structure itself. The structural expression to incorporate brise soleil as a technocultural device in architecture.
which generates an autonomy to these elements further extends the idea
The Datum of Mill Owners’ Association Building of Lightness. The East and West Facades that constitute the brise soleil,
form the skin of the building, which provides various facets of dialogues
Keywords: Brise Soleils, Climatic Performance, Com- to inside vis-a-vis outside.
positional Element, Contextual Engagement, Struc- R.C.C. TIE BEAM

tural Detachment, Lightness R.C.C. CURVED CEILING

By the beginning of the 1930s, the traces of Corbusier’s trajectory of
work suggest a significant towards a climactic approach. As technological
advancements started evolving the modern lifestyle, Corbusier’s BRISE SOLEIL

approach towards architecture itself started looking at it more from R.C.C. SECONDARY SHEAR
the perspective of a machine, which would effortlessly functional and
efficient. Brise Soleil, an invention of his that occurred at the core of
this ideology, was a result of Corbusier’s frequent encounter with sites
situated in a harsh solar context. His affinity towards a technocratic
perspective led to a static mechanism, posing as a techno-cultural
device, which had the merit to mediate across various climates and
provide the desired kind of sunlight throughout the entire year.

Ahmedabad Textile Mills’ Association (ATMA), was formed as a body

for the preservation of interests of the employers of the then chiefly
flourishing textile industry of Ahmedabad. Corbusier was invited by the R.C.C. FLOOR SLAB

city’s elite to visit Ahmedabad in 1951, during his first stay in India,
while involved in the planning of Chandigarh and was commissioned to
design four projects: Sanskar Kendra, Villa Sarabhai, Villa Shodhan, and R.C.C. COLUMNS

the Mill Owners’ Association Building (Prasad, 2019). This is the work
that defined the architectural cityscape of Ahmedabad, which in the UNPLASTERED BRICK FACADES
future drew Kahn, Correa, and Doshi to enhance it with other iconic
Fig 1: Structural System of the Buildings showing: R.C.C. STAIRCASE

works. Red: Primary Shear Walls; Blue: Secondary Shear Walls; Yellow: Columns
Source: Author’s Collection R.C.C. CEREMONIAL RAMP
“The building is a physical manifesto representing Le Corbusier’s proposal
for a modern Indian architecture.” (Jones, 2014) An indistinguishable
model of Promenade Planning in the City, the building, completed in 1954,
observed the crystallization of each element that plays a role in creating Brise Soleil
its experience, whether structural, climatic, or contextual. (Jones, 2014) Brise Soleil, derived from the french word meaning sun breaker, is an
architectural feature that helps in the reduction of a building’s heat 50 100 200 400 800CM

Corbusier intended for cohesive quality while designing the Mill gain, through the deflection of sunlight, as mentioned in (Mohanram,
Owners’ Association Building. It was designed to be a place to 2019). Brise soleil, an ingenious invention of Corbusier, used Fig 2: Exploded Isometric View of Mill Owners’ Association Building
intertwine the public and private aspects for routine users, as well as collectively to form a grid, is a system that involves utilizing the lower Source: Author’s Collection
The entrance to the building takes place through the ceremonial ramp Compositional Element
that connects directly to the first floor of the building. The brise soleil The brise-soleils form an undeniably strong compositional element
form the East and West Facades of the building, which while providing of the building. Serving as a Datum, unifying the Front and Rear
a porous enclosure, also poses a threshold to the interior structure. The facades of the building, it also aggregates the building’s exterior with
front facade, facing the West, creates a grid setting through the brise its interior. From the exterior front, the grid of brise soleils provides
soleil, unifying the structure at its exterior. a division of volumes, along with aligning with the floor slabs, there
are secondary horizontal planar elements, with the same thickness
as the columns, 22 cm, which provides a further division. This grid,
unifying the exterior facade, with the use of proportions taken from
the golden ratio. However, the rectilinear plan and grid expressed on
the building’s exterior stand in contrast to the interior spaces, which
are characterized by convex volumes and organic walls in the plan.

Fig 4: Shadows on the West Facade at 12:30 p.m. in January; April; July; Au- Exceptionally, even in the plan, there is a strong sense of pull generated
gust. between these two facades, which provides a sense of direction, from
Source: Gajera, S., Li, Y., Orpinel, D., Radwan, S., Rampuria, N. (n.d.). Mill Owners Asso-
ciation Building. one towards the other, because of the traversing light. The entire
building is invested in this sense of gravity between the two brise soleils.
The east facade, however, has an orthogonal projection, i. e. the brise
soleil is oriented at a 90 degree angle, which aids ventilation through the With two strenuous sites present on both sides of the building, the
utilization of the Sabarmati breeze. These cool winds traverse across the contextual relationship of the building extends the larger intent of
entire building, through the East-West axis. The East light characterized the facade, maintaining an inside-out relationship. The transparency
by a soft quality, is granted to reach the interior rather affluently. of this facade is something that is key to not just the elevation,
but the entire project. While the porosity plays a crucial role in
One of the more prominent features of the facades is the quality of smoothening the shift between the outside and the inside, the light
chiaroscuro it produces at different times of the year. In that respect, ray entering from either side, aggregates the two facades, presenting
it also becomes a device to intuitively hint at the time of the day for its the users with a sense of direction, and immediately creating an
Fig 3: Entrance to the Building showing the Ramp, Staircase, and Front Facade routine users. The robust shadows produced, highlight through contrast,
Source: Limited, A. (2021). The Millowners Association Building, Ahmedabad, Le Cor- enclosure as you enter, however seamless the transition might be.
the slenderness of the slabs and the secondary shear walls used to create The individual grids frame picturesque spectacles of cloth washers
the facade, hinting at the lightness of the structure. Come upon a closer indulged in washing and drying clothes, and farmers feeding cows,
introspection of the same, the use of Broom finished Concrete helps with goats and the like. Such a panorama was an invitation to Corbusier to
preventing the reflection of light and scattering it efficiently, along with frame views.
Climatic Performance providing it a subtle tactility. Experientially from the Interior, the outside
becomes a light well, with boxes posing as sources of light. The orientation
The brise soleil on the west and east facades have been positioned of these brise soleil at 45 degrees, accentuates the awareness of the light
exactly in keeping with Ahmedabad’s latitude, whereas the south and traversing from the West to the East facade during hours after noon.
north façades consist of a limited number of fenestrations. Foreign to
the hot and dry climate of Ahmedabad, Corbusier designed this device
to beat this challenge and utilize the Sabarmati breeze, that traverses
throughout the East-West axis. The Sun, therein sense, is taken into
account the sole kinetic object within the system, occupying no same
position for three hundred and sixty-five days.

The device is designed so as the Sun never touches the interior

in the summer, between the two equinoxes, while in the cold
winters, the Sun is allowed to reach inside to provide warmth.

On the West facade, the brise-soleil has been rotated at an angle of

45°. This obstructs the harsh sunlight of West from directly entering
the building and preventing human intervention and clutter to enter
through the front facade. This angle also prevents dry wind and
pollutant air of the busy Ashram road from entering the building.
Fig 5: Light incident on the brise soleil, emphasizing the tactility of broom
Planters and Creepers spill out from the transparent facade, cooling finish concrete. Fig 6: Brise Soleil framing views to the outside.
the winds traveling from the outside. Source: Emdem, C. (2017, April 4). Le Corbusier. Mill Owners’ Association Building. Source: Emdem, C. (2017, April 4). Le Corbusier. Mill Owners’ Association Building.
The structural shift alone gives the facade an autonomy that speaks of the Conclusion
lightness of the structure. This detachment and the slender ratio of a 22cm
thick shear wall to a 220 cm width of the brise soleil further articulates the Brise Soleils, to the current date, remains to be one of the most awe-
idea of a floating facade. The entire facade is cast in Reinforced Concrete. producing discoveries ever made in architecture. Mill Owners’ further
The load transfer is simple, a normal two-way slab system where the slab articulates it through the lightness and structural detachment, that
transfers its load to the beams, which further transfer their load to the intended to provide Ahmedabad a fresh approach, which goes further
columns and shear walls. The same system follows for the facade as well. beyond using it as a mere solar shading device. As mentioned in
(Mackenzie, 1993), “Clive Entwistle, the British architect, who translated
Perhaps the only connection the facade on the east and the west makes several of Le Corbusier’s books, once wrote to him in August 1946: ‘I
to the building’s internal structure is through a connection to the two- take this opportunity on behalf of young people here to thank you for
way slab of the roof. The facade consists of upturned beams where it your latest gift to architecture: the brise-soleil, a splendid element, the
aligns with the floor slabs of the internal structure, along the horizontal key to infinite combinations. Now architecture is ready to take its place
grid. The upturned beams hold the soil for planters that spill out of the in life. You have given it a skeleton (independent structure), its vital
facade. organs (the communal services of a building), a fresh shining skin (the
Fig 7: The front facade, as seen frm the approach. piloti). And now you have given it magnificent clothes, adaptable to all
Source: U. (2012, November 26). Mill owners’ Association Building. West Façade. climates! You must be a little proud!’ (Oeuvre Complete. Vol.IV. p113).”

Structural Detachment
The building, a Frame Structure, articulates a 4cm gap between
the internal frame and the skeletal brise soleil facade. A stand-
alone component, Corbusier designed the facade to have a
dichotomy with the interior of the building, even structurally.
450mm x 300mm R.C.C.
Inverted Beams

450mm x 450mm R.C.C.

Tie Beam

220mm thk R.C.C. Secondary

Shearing Walls

220 mm thk Upturned Beams Fig 9: Sectional Perspective showing different elements of the Brise Soleil
220mm thk R.C.C. Slab facade
Source:Gajera, S., Li, Y., Orpinel, D., Radwan, S., Rampuria, N. (n.d.). Mill Owners Asso-
150mm thk R.C.C. Slab ciation Building.
450mm x 450mm R.C.C.

450mm thk R.C.C. primary

Shear Walls

Fig 10: Image emphasizing a 4cm gap between the facade and the internal
Fig 8: Wall Section of the Junction of Brise soleil facade with the Internal Struc- structure.
ture Source: Jones, R. (2014, January 07). AD classics: Mill owners’ Association building / Le
Source: Author’s Collection Corbusier.
Reference List List of Figures
Barber, D. (2016). Le Corbusier, The Brise-Soleil, and the socio-climatic Fig 1: Structural System of the Buildings showing:
project of modern architecture, 1929-1963. Retrieved March 28, Red: Primary Shear Walls; Blue: Secondary Shear Walls; Yellow: Columns
2021, from Source: Author’s Collection
Fig 2: Exploded Isometric View of Mill Owners’ Association Building
Architecture_1929_1963. Source: Author’s Collection

Emdem, C. (2017, April 4). Le Corbusier. Mill Owners’ Association Fig 3: Entrance to the Building showing the Ramp, Staircase, and Front Facade
Building. Retrieved March 27, 2021, from Source: Limited, A. (2021). The Millowners Association Building, Ahmedabad, Le Cor-
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Gajera, S., Li, Y., Orpinel, D., Radwan, S., Rampuria, N. (n.d.). Mill
Fig 4: Shadows on the West Facade at 12:30 p.m. in January; April; July; Au-
Owners Association Building. Retrieved from http://faculty.arch.tamu.
edu/anichols/courses/applied-architectural-structures/projects-631/ Source: Gajera, S., Li, Y., Orpinel, D., Radwan, S., Rampuria, N. (n.d.). Mill Owners
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Jones, R. (2014, January 07). AD classics: Mill owners’ Association sentation.pdf.
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Fig 5: Light incident on the brise soleil, emphasizing the tactility of broom
finish concrete.
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Le Corbusier. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from
stock-photo-the-millowners-association-building-ahmedabad-india- Fig 6: Brise Soleil framing views to the outside.
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Mackenzie, C. (1993, February 17). Le Corbusier in the Sun. Retrieved
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Source: Author’s Collection
Nouveau, E. (1970, January 01). Le Corbusier Mostrar todas las
entradas. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from Fig 9: Sectional Perspective showing different elements of the Brise Soleil
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Source:Gajera, S., Li, Y., Orpinel, D., Radwan, S., Rampuria, N. (n.d.). Mill Owners
Prasad, A. (2019, November 29). What Le Corbusier designed For Association Building. Retrieved from
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