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1. You are writing to the Principal of a school. Which sign- off would you use?

A. Your friend

B. Love

C. Best wishes

D. Yours faithfully

2. Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank. “Could you send us your latest catalogue and ______, quoting your
most competitive prices?”

A. invoice

B. prospectus

C. leaflet

D. price list

3. _____ is a written communication which is used to show your dissatisfaction to the products or services.

A. Order letter

B. Complaint letter

C. Offer letter

D. Inquiry letter

4. Choose the correct sentence from the jumbled words: for/ find/ please/ cheque/ $49.50/ a/ enclosed.

A. Find cheque for a $49.50 enclosed please.

B. Please enclosed find a $49.50 cheque.

C. Enclosed find a cheque for a $49.50 please.

D. Please find enclosed a cheque for $49.50.

5. ______ is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal
address for the purpose of sorting mail.

A. Zip code

B. Reference

C. File number

D. Order number

6. Attention line is used to direct a letter to a particular person or title, department in an organization.

A. True

B. False

7. In the USA, 10/08/2005 means 8 October 2005.

A. True

B. False

8. Which format of business correspondence is mentioned below? “Everything begins at the left margin, except for
the date and the complimentary close and signature.”

A. Block

B. Semi-block

C. Indented

D. Memo

9. Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the most common reasons for turning an order down?

A. Out of stock

B. Size of order

C. Unfavorable terms

D. Advice of dispatch

10. Which of the following tells the reader two things regarding what job you are applying for and the source of
your information.

A. I am writing to apply for the position of administrative assistant at your company.

B. I saw your advertisement for an administrative assistant in the November 14 International Herald Tribune.

C. I am responding for the administrative vacancy posted on August 16.

D. I came across your job advertisement yesterday on the website:

11. Letters should always be addressed to an individual.

A. True

B. False

12. A(n) ____ lists goods or services, and how much must be paid for them.

A. invoice

B. order

C. enclosure

D. shipping

13. Which is NOT considered as a part of business correspondence?

A. Confidential

B. Salutation

C. Complimentary close
D. Attachment

14. In which kind of business correspondence can we exclude the salutation and complimentary close?

A. Inquiry letter

B. Claim letter thư bồi thường=complain

C. Cover letter

D. Memo

15. Which of the following is considered as a mode of payment?

A. Cheque

B. Receipt

C. Printed order form

D. Resume

16. CIF means cost, insurance and _____

A. freigh

B. fridge

C. free

D. freight

17. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. ‘Even if you use an official order form when placing an order, send
a/an _________confirming terms of payment, discount, delivery, and packing.’

A. notice

B. covering letter

C. announcement

D. fax

18. The words are used to address the person you are writing to:

A. Complimentary close

B. Salutation

C. Reference

D. Courtesy title

19. The four areas you must take into consideration for each business letter are subject, audience, style and

A. purpose

B. requirement
C. suggestion

D. clarity

20. Company that is partly owned by a larger one is called:

A. Incorporation

B. Subsidiary

C. Firm

D. Limitation

21. In your enquiry letter, to let your supplier know how you heard about their company, you can use the following
sentences EXCEPT:

A. We were given your name by the Hoteliers' Association in Paris.

B. You were recommended to us by Mr John King, of Lawsom & Davies, Merchant Banker

C. We are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich.

D. The British Consulate in Madrid has told us that you are looking for an agent in Spain to represent you.

22. In a memo, the purpose of communication is stated in the__

A. “Date” section

B. Subject Line

C. “To” section

D. “From” section

23. What kind of discount is applied when companies have a long association?

A. Loyalty discount

B. Quantity discount

C. Payment discount

D. Cash discount

24. In general, a finished resume should not be more than………. page(s).

A. one

B. two

C. half a

D. three

25. Publication giving details of goods or services offered by a company is called:

A. catalogue
B. quotation

C. price list

D. prospectus

1.----------is a one or two page summaries describing your education, qualifications, previous
jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests.
A. Contract
B. Resume
C. Report
D. Memo
2. The four areas you must take into consideration for each business letter are
subject,audience, style and----
A. purpose
B. requirement
C. suggestion
D. clarity
3. If you signed a letter on someone else behalf, add-------- before the other person's name.
A. p.o
B. p.p
C. p.c
D. p.a
4. What kind of discount is applied when companies have a long association?
A. a loyalty discount
B. a payment discount"
C. a quantity discount
D. a cash discount
5. After receiving enquiry. we often send the sender a
A. quotation
B. catalogue
C. contract
D. report
6. If there are problems with delivery, tell your customer immediately what you intend to do to correct
them. Apologize for
A. being lost
B. prestige
C. inconvenience "
D. promise

7. Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for-------- you for the position
B. choosing
C. asking
D. considering
8. Publication giving details of goods or services offered by a company is called:
A. prospectus
B. catalogue
C. quotation
D. price list
9. Five factors to create an effective complaint are concise, authoritative, factual, constructive and----
A. friendly
B. concrete
C. correct
D. clear
10. The experience section of your resume includes your history.
A. Life
B. work
C. academic
D. job-seeking
11. A written estimate. usually for a large job such as building a factory is called:
A. Quotation
B. Tender
C. Estimate
D. Prospectus
12. Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully, Warm regards... are
A. headings
B. salutations
C. complimentary closes
D. openings
13. An order that is arranged for the present, possibly to be changed later is a
A. trial order
B. firm order
C. provisional order
D. delivery order
14. ------is a document that is included with a shipment of goods sent out to a customer.
A. delivery note
B. stockist
C. retailer
D. wholesaler

15. Which of the following is NOT a popular kind of complaint in business?

A. good service
B. late delivery
C. damaged goods
D. poor quality

1. --------your inquiry letter by offering the reader some incentive for responding.
A. Start
B. Highlight
C. Conclude
D. Develop
2. A counteroffer is an-------- made in response to another offer.
A. agreement
B. answer
D. idea
3. An order in general should include a mode of transporting goods, form of payment, and a
suggested-----------of delivery.
A. tip
B. place
C. chance
4. General order is a confirmed request by one party to another to buy, sell, deliver, or receive goods or
services under specified
A. terms
B. conditions
C. situation
D.A and B
5. A final court order is called
A mandate
B. authoritative mandate
C. judgment
D. command
6. When placing an payment, discounts, order, send a covering letter confirming terms of ......., and
a. Delivery
b. shipping
c. content
d. contract
7. Orders should be acknowledged as soon as……..
a. Presented
b. answered
C. received
d. quoted
8. When sending a letter, explain how the goods are being sent and let your customer know how to
identify the…….
A. Goods
b. commodity
c. crate
d. consignment.

9. If there are problems with delivery, tell your customer immediately what you intend to do to correct
them. Apologize for……..
A. Being lost
b. prestige
d. promise

10. If turning an order down, be polite, and generalize the terms you use so that the customer does not
think this ..... only applies to him.
A refusal
b. application
c. answer
d. response
11. If you sign a letter on someone else's behalf, add………….. before the other person's name.
A. pp
b. your name
c. signature
d. salutation
12. A letter used inside a firm is called………..
A. modified block
B. Block
C. memo
13. Before you begin your report,…………….. or order the things you want to say
A. check
C. announce
D. Summarize
14. CV is often more than 2 pages, containing more personal information, commitment and…….
a. Focusing on education and research details
b. Focusing on family's relation
c. Focusing on references
d.Focusing on job experiences
15. Counteroffer is an offer made in…… another offer
a. Answer
b. request
c. connect
d. response
16. Proximo in very old-fashioned business correspondence means.
a. Last month
b. this month month
d. next year
17. The contents of a covering letter includes responding to job advertisements, adding some more
specific information, calling for more attention, confirming interests and....
a. Looking for an early interview
b. Waiting for an interview
c. Having a good job
d. Hoping to have an interview
18. In a body paragraph of a persuasive letter, you should present the two, three, or even four arguments
supporting the thesis statement and acknowledge the strongest opposing point of view and present
counter-arguments. Present your arguments using logical appeal and……………..
A. emotional appeal
B. specific details
C. illustrations
D. credibility
19. P.T.O stands for please turn it .............
A. On
b. over
c. off
d. once
20. Typewriters are being replaced by…………….. processor
A. Word
b. phrase
c. sentence
d. line
21. F.O.B stands for free on........
A Boat
b, broad
c. board
d. bond
22. C.I.F stands for cost insurance
A Phrase
b. fax
c. fault
d. freight
23. Readers tend to notice the………….. of a letter
A. Meaning
b. style
d. content
24. A……....layout is important in a commercial letter
A. Clear
b. short
c. concrete
d. concise
25. I…………...a cheque for $ 19.99
A. Bought
B. exchanged
c. enclosed
d. gave
26. Esq. is short for...
A. Enquiry
b. estimate
C. esquire
d. estate
27. We……….. receipt of your letter
A. Informed
b. announced
c. acknowledged
d. supplied
28. If you signed a letter on someone else' behalf, add..... before the other person's name.
A. P.o
C. p.c
D. p.a
29. Before we can accept your order, we require a of 5% of the total price.
A. Down payment
B. Number
C. Guaranty
D. Charge
30. It's important to state the...... of each package on all forms
B. Dimensions Mọi góc nhìn
C. Numbers
D. Quantity
31. When fixing a price for an export order, the……………are very important
a. Terms of taxation
b. terms of export
c. terms of charge
d. terms of delivery
32. Another word for "buy" is.
a. Sell
b. sold
C. purchase
d. franchise
33. Order is a letter confirmed by one party to another to buy, sell, deliver, receive goods or services
under specified………………..When accepted by receiving party, an order becomes a legally binding
a. Terms and conditions
b. terms of payment
c. terms of shipping
d. terms of discount
34. A basic organization for the body of a business correspondence consists of..........
a. I part
b. 2 parts
c. 3 parts
d. 4 parts
35 A resume is often short, summarizing work history and……………….
a. Containing objectives
b, containing income
c. containing price
d. containing goals
36. The contents for Cover letter of order includes
a.Confirming payment
- Discounts
- Delivery dates
- Methods of delivery, packing
b. Confirming payment
-Delivery dates
c. Confirming payment
- Discounts
- Delivery dates
- Methods of delivery
d. Delivery dates
-Methods of delivery, payment, packing
37. In the first paragraph of an enquiry letter, identify yourself and if appropriate, your position, and your
firm and……….
A. class
B. organization
C. company
D. agency
38. In the second paragraph of an enquiry letter, briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use
the information.
A. Obliged
C. requested
D. converted
39. After receiving their inquiry, we sent a......
A. Quotation
B Price list
C. Reply
D. Package
40. We send a..... before making up an order
A. Bill
B. Form
C Proforma
D. Schedule
41. It's important to state the. ...of each package on all forms.
A. Quality
B. Dimensions
C. Numbers
D. Quantity
42. When will you be able to.. .........goods to us?
A. Give
B. Purchase
C Offer
D. Deliver
43. List the specific information you need. You can show your requests as questions or as a list of specific
items of……………..
A. news
B. contribution
C. answer
D. information

44. Conclude your letter of enquiry letter by offering your .............. some incentives for responding.
A. Supplier
B. contractor
C. receiver
45. The four areas you must take into consideration for each business letter are subject, audience,
purpose and
a. Style
b. requirement
c. suggestion
d. clarity
46. The seven "C" of a business letter style is conversational, Clarity, concise, complete, concrete,
constructive and......
a. Competitive
b. correct
c. cooperative
d. complex
47. How many parts are there in a business letter?
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15
48. How many optional parts are there in a business letter?
b. 6
c. 8
d. 7
49. The six forms of business letters most commonly used are:
a. Block, modified block, semi block, simplified, hanging indented, memo
b. Block, modified block, modified semi block, simple, hanging indented, memo
c. Block, unblock, modified semi block, simplified, hanging indented, memo
d. Block, modified block, modified semi block, simplified, hanging indented, memo
I. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer and circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D: I
50. There are 7 optional parts in a business letter. They are: file number,----------------- attention line,
subject line, added information, postscript, mailing instruction.
A. salutation
B. confidential
C. inside address
D. complimentary close
51. In general, a finished resume should not be more than
A. one
B. two
C. half a
D. three
52. The four areas you must take into consideration for each business letter are Subject, Purpose, Style,
A. Organization
B. Content
C. Audience
D. A+B+C
53. Five factors to create an effective complaint are:
A. Concise, authoritative, factual, constructive and friendly .
B. Concise, authoritative, factual, constructive and concrete
C. Concise, authoritative, factual, constructive and correct
D. Concise, authoritative, factual, constructive and clear
5. The experience section of your resume includes your…………..history
A. life
B. work
C. academic
D. job-seeking

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