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(Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Re-Accredited by NAAC with 'A++' grade. Awarded Category· I by UGC
Gram: Lavale, Tai: Mulshi, Dist.: Pune-412115, Maharashtra, India

SET 2024 Srott Card




Aclmluioo C11tt.,.,.• OPEN

' ,

SH:don !\tax Marks Marks Sc:ottd I■ SET I May ts. 2024 Marks ~ffll In SET :Z May II, 2824
Geatral E■1U1h t6 9.00 9.00
QIIHtllltlvt t6 9.00 5.00
Gtnnl AwartnHJ t6 7.00 6.00
A■alytlul & Loglul
12 I.N 6.0I
Tocal 641 JJ.N 26.0I

Your SET 2024 Ootrall pnccntik shown abo,..c hu b«n cakulatcd based on the hi&hcr of the KOttS oblaintd by you (in caK you ha,·c apptattd for more lhan on,e SETTtst). A
riio,rous pro(tsl thal had been swistic&Uy tCSlcd WU adminis:ac«d to Cl5W'C that unique lypN of qutilioru Wtre framed under. spttiftc lopic ICf'OII !ht qucstion papen. Thc-
nonnal sp,cad wa1 cJUUttd so tha1 there v.·u no unfair 1dvan1a&c 10 candidates who opitd for any sp«irtc test I muhiple 1ests. Th~ hu nuurcd normaliza1ion of the spread of
qucsaions 1ero11 s«1ioo1. Funhmnorc. the quc11ion papen WC'l'C normalized for level ofditrtculty acro11 two tests. No correspondentt ~amJina 1hi1 will bt mtcnaintd.
SET 2024 K"Orc c1rd is valid for admission to the proi:11Jllmt1 offered in the academic year 2024-25 only.
• Candidates will be sho11li11td for the Puson1I lntuHIIH . .d/or Wrttln1 Ability Tnl (Pl-WAT) a■d/or Portrollo pro«ss based on his/ her SET 2024 Pcrttntilc.
• Only candidates who ha\·(' 1pp:1red for the Symbiosit EntranceTc,t (SET-2024) arc cntitkd to rc«ive che SET 1eorc card. Candidates arc advised to c1ke • printou1 or this scOJe
cant, which shall bt the tandidate's official rcsul1.
• Candhla1cs should no1c thal the SET 2024 score card is an important document. withoul v.ilich candidates will nOI bt pmnintd 10 ~arr°' the fwiher scltttion pro«SJ of
insti1U1c (s). The score card Jhould be maincd l.lmil tht compk1t<>n of the programme. iradmitltd.
• Any unlawful lltlm,pt ar-concealment ofmatcri•I facts by candidates al any s11gc o(tht admisston pro«ts diKoveml. during m ancr the admistion hu bttn granlcd shall result in
the cancellation ofcandidatutt.
• The SET 2024 pttcauik docs not a11tomatic1lly make candidates cligibk: for admission to any of the registered prognmma ofany conslituenl institutes Pff'MUI l•ttaetliN
Hdlor Wrttfac AWlify THI (PI-WA1) aad/or PMtfoMo of Symbiosis lnttmational (Deemed University).
For PtrMalll l■cff'■ttloe. ud/or Wrtd■t Abllily Ttst (Pl-WAT) aad/or Portf.... pkuc: refer to the respttti\·e insti1u1e·s ,.,.cbsitc.
All dispuies will be subject 10 the lcgtl juritdte1ion or Punt City only.
Any attempl lo impersonate or indulge in any rnalpnc1M:c, identiftcd II any stage- of the adminton process would disqualify candidiltt from the admission ofSymbiosll
ln1cma1ional (Dttmtd Univcnity) and may also lead IO appropria1e legal action as dttmcd fit
In all malltt1 conccming SET 2024. Symbiosis ln1ema1ional (Dttmtd Uni\'tf'iity's) decision wlll be final ind binding on 1hc candidates. All disputtt will be subject to the leg•!
juriidK'lion of Pune City only.

• 'W•rds or senl■&fntltt-d ddeatt pt:noa■tl' ulqory Is applkabi. Ollly to SICSR. for Olhtr hmltlUH, C.■didattt wlllo lll\'t ttWtttd 'Wards or •ni■ t/rffll'NI ffrt■u
pt:noa■tl' wlU be ln11ed 11 OPEN c•lqery oaty.

\'Nr St:T 111, ptrct■Olt •·Ill bt SHil to 11w foU.wl11 Uadtrtrad■alt laldc•tt •rSy•b5odt lattnatioul (l>HaHI Ullinnlty) provldNI yo■ la1u nakltffll ,.,. ,.W Sar 1a.11
iuthtt C•> p,..nllHM (1).

SICSR Symblotls IMtihlk or c..,.,tr s,,...kt aad RHHldi

SCMS..PuH Sy. . . . . Cnnn for M-■•ttmttU St•d'"-" hu h11ps· ,-cmspunc- ac 1n/
SCMC Sy•WMh Cutn for Mtd.11 & Com•-■katlN hnps~ . ..,..,..,..K'fflC' cdu 1n.
SSE S)•blosls Sclaool of Etoitomln
SCMS-NOIDA S)wbleah Ct■ln for Man11tmt■t St•dkl • NOIOA ht1ps://""""""·K'
SCMS.N•IJHlr S)•mbiellt Ct■ ltt for Mana&tmt■t Stltdk-s. Na1QN1r h11p11:llwwwscllbnaKJ>ur.tdu.1nf
Sy•Molls Ct■tn for M•.oattmHI Stlldlts. Btapl■n hnps:· """"""' scffl>
SCMS. Hydtnbld Sy•bleds Ct■Crt for l\.hnetmt■t St.clwt - HydtnltN hllpi" aCllbh)d.Nlu.11\.

SSI Symbiosis Sutbtkal 1■•-•tt

Dr. M.S. Shejul
Sy•Wolls l ■ttr■1t1N1l (Ott111ed Ualvtnlty)
Gram: Uvale, Tai: Mulshi. Dist.: Punt 41211.S, Tel.No. - 020 - 61936226/27.
Email: ll'lfo"u itMt:.I.Ofg Website: WWW.St't-leil.Uf};

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