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• 450 gr. Memphis yarn in blue no. 20
• crochet hook no. 4
• 1 80 cm. blue organza ribbon, H 1.2 cm.
• tapestry needle

SIZE: 40/42

Chain stitch
Single crochet
Double crochet
Treble crochet
Bobble: 4 chs. and 1 the first chain
Fancy stitch: work over a multiple of 27+13 stitches following the chart. Rep. again from row 1 to row 12.
Net stitch: work over a multiple of 4+2 stitches.
Row 1: 2 dc. in the 2 sts. below (replace the first tr. at beg. of row with 3 chs.), * 2 chs., slip 2 sts., 2 trs. in the next 2 sts. *,
rep. from * to * over the row

10x10 cm. with crochet hook no. 4 in fancy st. = 27 sts. and 9.5 rows.
10x10 cm. with crochet hook no. 4 in tr. = 20
sts. and 9.5 rows.

Back: cast on a 112 stitch chain and work in
fancy st. following the chart. When work
measures a total of 50 cm., cont. working 1
row in tr., decr. 17 sts. spaced evenly, 1 row
in net st. then cont. in tr., decr. 21 sts. spaced
evenly in row 1. When work measures 12.5
cm. from the first row work in tr., to shape
the sleeve holes stand off work, at the ends,
on 5 sts. once then decr., inside 1 st., 1 st.
every row 4 times (to work decreases work 2
trs. tog.). When work measures 6 cm. from
the sleeve holes, to shape the neckline stand
off work over the 32 centre sts. and cont. over
the 2 parts separately; decr. again centrewise,
inside 1 st., 1 st. every row 5 times. When
work measures 12 cm. from neckline break off
and bind the yarn.
Front: cast a 112 st. chain and work in fancy
st. following the chart. When work measures a
total of 50 cm., cont. working 1 row in tr.,
decreasing 22 sts. spaced evenly, 1 row in net
st. then cont. in tr., decr. 19 sts. spaced
evenly in row 1. At 7 cm. from the first row in
tr., to shape the neckline, work over the first
36 sts., standing off the rem. sts. and decr., centrewise, 1 st. every row 19 times. At the same time, at beg. of neckline, incr.
rightwise 1 st. every 2 rows twice. When work measures 5.5 cm. from neckline, to shape the sleeve hole stand off work,
rightwise, over 6 sts once then decr., inside 1 st., 1 st. every row 6 times. When work measures 18 cm. from sleeve hole break
off and bind the yarn. For the right part, work the first st. in the 36th stitch of the left side, then pick up 35 standing stitches and
work to match right part.


Sew up the shoulders and the sides. Trim the sleeve holes 1 row worked as follows: 1 the side tr., 1 bobble, * 1 dc. in the
next side tr., 1 bobble *, rep. from * to * over the row and ending with 1 sc. in the first st. at beg. of row Break off and bind the
yarn. Trim the neckline with 1 row worked in same way as sleeve holes but, at the base of the front neckline work 2 chs., 1 dc. in
the centre st. of the neckline, 2 chs. At end of row, break off and bind the yarn. Trim the bottom of the dress with 1 row in tr.
Break off and bind the yarn. Braid the organza ribbon into the row of net stitch of the dress. Trim the bottom of the dress by
joining 1 fringe in every 2 stitches (for each fringe cut off two 24 cm lengths and knot them in the treble of the trim).

Row 14: rep. from row 2


Beg. of work

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