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Name: Salma, Hawra, Leah


Teacher name: Miss Irin

NaturalSelection: Birds and Beaks

urpose: The purpose of this

experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
Testable question

urpose: The purpose of this

experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
urpose: The purpose of this
experiment is to determine which
birds with different types of beaks
survive the best in their
environment depending on the type
of food available.
Question: What is the effect of the
type of food available on the
frequency of different types of bird
What is the effect of the type of food available on the frequency of different types of bird beaks?

We think that the spoon bird will be able to capture
more jellies than the other birds because the spoon is
used for scooping things.
We think that the spoon bird will be able to capture
more M&Ms than the other birds because it can scoop
M&Ms and can hold many of it at the same time.
Material used
 Plastic fork
 Tooth picks
 Spoon
 Chopstick
 Plastic cup
 Plastic plate
 M&M
 Jellies

Procedure 1.

**Preparation**: Gather all materials needed including paper plates, cups, chopsticks, forks,
spoons, toothpicks, jellies, and M&M's.
2. **Setting Up**: Place a paper plate on a flat surface. Put a cup next to it. Arrange the
chopstick, fork, spoon, and toothpick within easy reach.
3. **Jelly Placement**: Place a handful of jellies on the paper plate and inside the cup.
4. **Timer Setup**: Set the timer for 15 seconds.
5. **Jelly Challenge**: Start the timer and use the chopstick to transfer as many jellies as
possible from the plate to the cup within the time limit.
6. **Recording**: Record the number of jellies successfully transferred.
7. **Reset**: Clear the cup and plate of remaining jellies.
8. **Repeat with Different Utensils**: Repeat steps 3-6 using the fork, spoon, and toothpick
individually instead of the chopstick.
9. **M&M Preparation**: Replace the jellies with M&M's on the paper plate and inside the cup.
10. **Timer Reset**: Set the timer for another 15 seconds.
11. **M&M Challenge**: Repeat steps 5-6 using the chopstick, fork, spoon, and toothpick with
12. **Recording**: Record the number of M&M's successfully transferred with each utensil.
13. **Data Analysis**: Compare and analyze the results for each utensil with both jellies and
14. **Conclusion**: Draw conclusions based on the efficiency of each utensil for transferring
both jellies and M&M's.

In this observation, three experimental stations were set up, each equipped with materials
representing different bird beak types, alongside food sources like jellies and M&M’s. Observers
recorded the types of bird species attracted to each station, their success rates in food pickup
using various “beak” types, and the duration of their visits. Results showed that birds with
slender beaks were more successful at Station 1, where jellies were the primary food source,
while birds with wider beaks fared better at Station 3, where M&M’s were prevalent. These
findings suggest a correlation between bird beak morphology and feeding success, supporting the
concept of natural selection favoring traits suited to specific environmental conditions


Bird Species and Beak Characteristics comparison

ComparisonCharacteristics ComparisonCharacteristics
Jelly Time M&M Time

Chopstick 7sec Chopsticks 8sec

Plastic Fork 9sec Plastic fork 9sec
Plastic 5sec Plastic soon 5sec
Toothpick 14sec Toothpick 5sec

• The results of the experiment

revealed that materials such as chopsticks and plastic forks performed exceptionally well in both
tasks, with high success rates and relatively short completion times.
•Plastic spoons also demonstrated good performance, particularly in picking up jelly due to their
scoop-like structure, although they were slightly less efficient in handling M&M candies.
•Materials like paper cups and paper plates, while providing stability for holding food items,
showed lower success rates and longer completion times, especially when attempting to pick up
M&M candies.
*Jelly:* Success rate: 100% (All tools were able to pick up jelly) - Average time: (7 + 9 + 8 + 5 +
14 + 4) / 6 = 7.833 seconds .Average completion time: (7 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 14 + 4) = 47
seconds .Plastic spoon success rate: 100% . Plastic fork success rate: 100%- Paper cup success
rate: 100%- Toothpick success rate: 100%- Chopstick success rate: 100% Paper plate success
rate: 100%
*M&Ms:*- Success rate: 100% (All tools were able to pick up M&Ms) - Average time: (8 + 9 +
7 + 5 + 16 + 5) / 6 = 8.333 seconds - Average completion time: (8 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 16 + 5) = 50
seconds - Plastic spoon success rate: 100% - Plastic fork success rate: 100% - Paper cup success
rate: 100% - Toothpick success rate: 100% - Chopstick success rate: 100% - Paper plate success
rate: 100% *Overall:* - Success rate across both tasks: 100% - Average time across both tasks:
(7.833 + 8.333) / 2 = 8.083 seconds - Average completion time across both tasks: (47 + 50) = 97

Materials such as chopsticks and plastic forks, with their elongated and pointed structures, were
anticipated to exhibit proficiency in tasks necessitating precision and the manipulation of small
objects. Inspired by the grasping function of beaks in birds, these materials possess inherent
advantages that could potentially facilitate adept handling of various items, including both jelly
and M&M candies. Their design enables users to exert control with finesse, akin to the dexterity
observed in avian manipulation techniques.

On the contrary, materials like a paper cup or paper plate, while serving as functional vessels for
holding food items, lack the intricate manipulation capabilities essential for effectively picking
up small objects. These materials may falter in completing such tasks, mirroring the limitations
encountered in the handling of small food items by beards. Their structural composition,
although suitable for certain purposes, may hinder the precision required for tasks demanding
meticulous handling, thereby underscoring the significance of design considerations in
enhancing functionality.

Based on the results of the experiment, it is evident that the type of food available significantly influences
the frequency of different types of bird beaks. When jellies were the primary food source, birds with
slender beaks, represented by the chopstick and toothpick, were more successful at food pickup.
Conversely, when M&M's were prevalent, birds with wider beaks, symbolized by the plastic fork and
spoon, demonstrated higher success rates. This aligns with our initial hypothesis that birds with specific
beak shapes are better adapted to capturing particular types of food. The spoon bird, representing a wider
beak, indeed showed greater success in capturing M&M's, supporting our prediction. These findings
underscore the role of natural selection in shaping bird beak morphology based on the availability of food
resources in their environment. In conclusion, the experiment highlights the intricate relationship between
bird beak morphology and feeding success, illustrating how evolutionary pressures drive adaptations
suited to specific dietary needs.


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