water resource

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Water Resources

,~-;:- Very Short Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - 1 1 mark each)

Q. 1. How has Shillong solved the problem of and Roof top rain water harvesting. This
acute shortage of water? helped Shillong meet its total water
OR requirement of each household.
How has Tamil Nadu solved the problem
of acute shortage of water? Tamil Nadu has been able to deal with
(CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] the problem of acute shortage of wate r
Ans. Shillong has been able to deal with the by adopting rooftop water harvesting
problem of acute shortage of waler by techniques. This practice was made
setting up Bamboo drip irrigation systems mandatory under the law for all houses
across the sta te.

,fi' Short Answer Type Questions-II _________ 13 marks each)

Q. 1. ''The dams that were constructed to (iv) Water su pply can be used for domes-
contro1 floods have triggered floods.'' tic and industrial purpose.

Analyse the state~e;~E OD, Set l, 20191 7

Q. J. ;~~;::rn:c:;::n;~::i:t o~~~c;:.~a~'~
Ans. Our first Prime Minister, Mr. Ja waha rlal Analyse the statement.
Nehru, called the d ams "the temple of [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019)
modern India ". These dams, that have Ans. A la rge population requires more wa-
been constructed to support the econom- ter not only fo r domestic use but also
ic development of the country, can be de- to produce more food . Hence, to faci li-
structive at times. tate higher food g rain production, water
They may cause fl oods because resources are being over exploited to
sometimes, they are cons tructed without expand irrigated areas for dry season ag-
proper planning and sometimes low ricu lture. Irriga ted agriculture is the larg-
standard construction material is u sed. est consumer of water. Post independent
This inferior qu ali ty of constru ction India witnessed intensive industrialisa-
material increases the chances of floods. tion and urbanisation, creating vast op-
Construction of these dams can make portu nities for u s. Today, large industrial
the a rea, in which they are constructed, houses are as common place as the indus-
·earthquake prone', which may lead to trial units of many MNCs. The ever-in-
landslides and the water to flow ou t creasing number of industries have made
of dams. The sudden release of waler matters worse by exerting pressu re on
from dams can also cou rse flood and existing freshwater resources. Industries,
devastation. apart from being heavy users of water,
Q. 2. Analyse the merits of Multipurpose also require power to run them. Much
projects. [CBSE OD, Set 2, 20191 of this energy comes from hydroelec-
Ans. Merits of multipurpose projects are given tric power. Most of these have their own
below: groundwater pumping devices to meet
(i) Dams are built fo r genera ting their water need s, w hich resu lts in frag-
hydroelectricity. ile water resources being over explo ited.
(ii) Canals a re made for irrigation pur- This has ca used fa lling ground-water lev-
pose. els in several of these cities.
(iii) Canals can also be used for inland Q. 4. Analyse the importance of 'rainwater
navigation. harvesting.' (CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019)
Ans. It is a technique of increasing the recharge the crops; thus, water scarcity
o f groundwater by collecting and storing immediately leads to loss of crops. The
rainwater by constructing structures, scarcity of water damages the already
such as d ug wells, percolation pits and sown crops. Livestock is affected as
check dams. the fodder (a nimal feed ) production is
(i) In most cases, the harvested water is also decreased manifolds due to water
usually redirected to storage tanks, scarcity. The domestic farm s need water
cistern or reservoirs. First and fore- for its proper maintenance. So, water
most, the collection offers a better scarcity is a threat to both these sectors.
and efficient utilization of energy Water scarci ty directly affects human
resource. It is important because po- beings and animals. Absence of potable
table wa ter is usually not renewable. water for drinking and other purposes
(ii) Harvt..>sting allows the collection causes a lot of diseases and problems
of large amounts of rainwater. to human beings. This hinders their
Rainwater is usually free from daily routines and they are unable to
harmful chemicals, which makes it discharge their dail y duties.

ideal for irrigation purposes. Without access to clean water, there is
(iii) Another important advantage is that no way one ca n avail proper sanitation
it reduces demand for potable wa- facilities. Access to quality water is
ter. It is important especially in areas fundamental to better living standard and
with low water levels. economic growth. Absence of that lowers
Rainwater harvesting, thus, is the li ving standards of the country.
considered as a very reliable way to Natural land scapes suffers the most
conserve water. because of water scarcity as it contributes
Q. 5. Analyse the impact of 'waler scarcity.' to desertification, loss of plants and death
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019] of wildlife.
Ans. Water is one of the most important Q. 6. How has the ever increasing number of
requirement for agriculture and industries in India made worse position
livestock. Water is needed for irrigating by exerting pressure on existing fresh
water resources? Explain. ICBSE, 20181

~ I Topper's Answers
Ans. (i) India has witnessed intensive the Indira Gandhi canal has facilitated
industrialisation a nd urbanisation for easier and better irrigation.
the last few yea rs. The ever increasing Q. 8. Why is the rooftop rainwater harvesting
number of industries has made the most common practice in Shillong
matter worse by exerting pressure on inspite of the fact that Cherrapunjee and
existing fresh water resources. Fresh Mawsynram receiving highest rainfall
water is required in thermal energy in the world are situated only at a
plants and steel industries on a large distance of 55 kms from there? Explain.

scale. ICBSE, Term 1, 20161
(ii) Industries, apart from being heavy Ans. The roof lop rainwater harvesting is
users of water also require power to the most common practice in Shillong
run it which in tum needs add itional inspite of the fa ct that Cherrapunjee
and Mawsynram receiving the highest
rainfall in the world are situated only at
(iii) We have to consider a situation
a distance of 55 kms from there. Inspite
where water is sufficiently available of being very close to the area of highest
but these areas still suffer from water rainfall in the world, Shillong faces
scarcity. This sca rcity may be due acute shortage of water. Nearly every
to bad quality of water or polluted household in the city has a rooftop
water. rainwater harvesting structure. Nearly
Q. 7. "Irrigation has changed the cropping pat- 15-25% of the total water requirement
tern of many regions in India." Analyse of the hou sehold comes from rooftop
the statement. (CBSE OD, Set 3, 2019) water harvesting.
Ans. A well developed irrigation facility reduces Q. 9. Explain any three causes of water
the dependence of farm ers on monsoons scarcity. (CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
and ensures regular supply of water. Ans. Shortage of water is called the scarcity
Irrigation facilities also ensures installation of water. It is due to the less rainfall or
of tube wells, pumps in the farm lands that ocrurs in the drought prone area .
enable the farmer to irrigate large portions Causes of water scarcity are:
of land more effectively. They also facilitate (i) India is the second largest populated
the construction of dams that help in country in the world and for more
generating electricity. Better irrigation has population, we need more water to
contributed in the increased production produce crops or other domestic use.
of maize in states like Kamataka, Uttar (ii) Excessive use of waler in the
Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and industries for producing more hydro
multicropping has also become possible electricity.
due to irrigation. Water intensive cropping (iii) Over exploitation of water in urban
is now done in places like Ganganagar and areas leads to the water scarcity in
Hanumangarh region of Rajasthan where India.
"?-,;: Long Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 marks each)
Q . 1. What is the need for conservation of (iii) Water resources are being polluted
water resources? Suggest three measure d ay by day, especially in the urban
to conserve water resources. areas and are not suitable for
(CBSE, Term 1, 2015) drinking purpose.
Ans. Water is the basic need of the people. It is (iv) It is necessary lo conserve water to
a natural resource needed by every Jiving make it available lo all for the con-
being on the globe. It is limited and nec- tinuation of our livelihood and to
essary to conserve it. Reasons to conserve save our ecosystem as well as human
water can be explained as follows: beings.
(i) Water resources in India are limited Measures to Conserve Water Resources:
and our population is increasing day (i) Save water, avoid water wastage in
by day so the wa ler requirement is domestic as well as at all other levels.
also increasing day by day. (ii) Recharge ground water by using rain
(ii) Ava ilability of water in our country water harvesting etc.
is uneven, so it is necessary to make (iii) Use drip irrigation and sprinklers
it available to all. methods to irrigate the fields.

Water Resources

13. Ou which river t.l1c Snlnl Dam is built ?
1 Name any one river Yallcy project which ha.-. Aus : ICBSE2015)
signific uutl)· contributed to the loss of forests. Chcnah.
Ans: ICBS E20U) 1t In which region,; lhe release of water from <lams du ring
Sanlar Sarovar Dam ht!a~- rai1L., aggravatP<I the food sit11at.io11 in 2006 ?
2. Write the major ROUIT.C or frcshwnt.cr in India"! Ans : [CBSE2015]

Ans: ICBSE2010] ,\ laliarashtrnand Gujnrni..,;

Groundwater. 15. Which wnter is r<,,clmrgt.-d by roof-top rainwater
harvesting t eclmiquc"!
3. How mu ch percent of the tot11l \·olnme of world's
wa ter is cstim,rtccl to c:d11t nM fresh water? Ans : (CBSE2014)

Ans : [CBSE2011] Cruund water.

25 percent.
4.. What pcrccnt ngc of the total volume of wor ld 's water
is l'Sti11mtt1t to exis t us OCClli llS?

Ans : [CBSE2012)
96.5 pcrccm .
5. What arcthc cn11SC11ofwat c r scarcity?
Ans : ICBSE 2013]
Rapid growth of population. uneven distriblllion of
water resources and incrca.-.e in demand of water
I. Which largest artifidal Juke w11,1; built in 11 th century?
Ans : [CBSE20U] 18. ln which region. pooplc huilt. 'G11ls ' or ' Kuh; ' for
BhopRI lake. irrigation?
Aus : [CBSE2012)
1. On which river has the t-lirakud Dam been constrncted"!
Western llimalayas
Ans : [CBSE2014)
Ri ver Mnlurntl(li. n. 1-.fontion one state where cnnnl irrigat io n has <len~lopcd.
l On which ri\'n Bhakhra Nangal Dnm ha.., been Ans : [COSE 201S)
oonstructc<l't Nngnlttml.
Ans : [CBSE 2014, 20151 1l In which state Bamboo Drip lrriglllion i.'> prevalent'!
River Satluj. Ans : ICBSE2014)
l Who proclaimed dams as th e temples of modern ln<li:t"! r.lcgha!nyn.
A.llll : [CBSE 2014) 19. On which river is the Nugaijunsagar dam built"!
Ja1\"a]mrlul Nehru. Ans : [All lnd.lll 2010)
11. \\' hich river is know n H.<; t he ' River of Sorrow'? The Nu.garju nsagur Dam is built 011 the Kris hna.
Allll ; [CBSE2015) 21. ,vhut isthetrnditionalsys tc111ofrniuwatcrlmrrnst iug't
Darno<larri\"cr. Ans : [Foreign2010J

n. Name two socit1l movement s which were against the The traditional S)1>tem of rai nwater liarvc,;ting is to
multipn rpo,,e projects. build 1mdcrgrou11<l tnuks or tankas fur storiug drinking
wi1tcr. This system is nrnin ly practised in the arirl and
Ans : ICBSE201s1
scmi-nrid regions of Ilajll.Ntlmn .
Nnr1111uJn Bnchao Andolm1 1111d Tehri Dam Audolan.
2t Name the rin:r un wl.iich Snrdar Sarovar dam is
12. The Nag11rjuna Sagar Dam is !milt on which river?
Ans : ICBSE 2015)
Ans : [Delhi201l]
Sardar Sarovar darn is built on the Narm~la Discuss how rainwater harvesting in semiarid regions
tt Name the river on wh ich Nagarjunn.sagar dam is of futjastlnm is carrit..><l out. [NCE RT]
constructed. Ans :
Aus : [Detbl200t] n. In scmi•11rid 1lnd 11rid regiou.s of Jfojnsthnn 11huoot
The Nagarjn nsa.gar Dam is built 0 11 the Krishna. 11,l] the ho11ses trnditiou11,Jly h11.d underground
tnnk,; for stori ng drinking water.
73. Kmm~ the rin:r on which ~lettur darn hai; OC~ n built.
h. They nre extremely relin hle so11n:e of drinking
A11s : (Oclbl2009) wntcr 11·hcn at.her sources nrc dried up. Thi~ is
~lctt ur dam hlL'i l)(.'ell huih on t he Ka\'Cri. t·tmsidered tl1e pur<.o:,;t form of 1111t11rnl water.
2:l \\'hnt was the l1Htin purpooo of l11u11ching multi- c. The 11111ks cn n he ns lnrgc as big rooms
1mr)x)!;C projcx:ts in India a fter i11depe11dem.~? d. The tnnki; were pi,rt of the well- dcvclop<..'1:1 rooftop
Ans: (AUIDdla2010]
The tuuks were built inside the umiu house or the
The main purpo,;c of l11.und1i11g nmlti--, purp06C court.yard giving cooling effect to the rooms int.he
projt..-cts ,1ftcr independence w11..,; 11111.t they would smnmcr
intC'grnt.c development of agriculture wit h rapid f. Thosti t1111ks \\'ere l-Ol1 lleCtl~l to tile slo11ing roofs
in<lustrinlizntiou. of the hoUJ;(.' !l throug h a pipe.
2:5. N,rn1e t.wo toclmir111cs of rooftop r11.i 11w11,tcr \mrvcstiug. g. R11in folling on these rooftops would trnvcl down
A ns : jAIIIDdla2011] the pipe nnd stored in these underground tnnks.
11. Co ustruction of tnnks sons to store the rn iu wnter h. Us11111ly first: ruin w11ter is not colk>ctt..'U to cle1u1
h. Col lection ofex~•ss r11.i11w11t.er in the dugwell the rooftop ancl th e pipe. (Any three)

2:1. \\'hat is the need ofrn.inwnt.cr 111,n-csting '! 38. Why did J11wah11rl11l Nehru prod11 im d11111,; a.s the
·temples of modem lmlia'? Expl11in ,my lhrce rc11.wrn;.
Aus : [Dclhl20II I
Arn; : [CDSE201 4]
Rniuwater hnr,·csting b m_'(,'Ut•d to provide it for
ngriculturc, collect drinking wflt.er. irrigate the fields Jnwnlmrlnl Nehru proclaimed theda111s ns the "temples
and to moisten the:;oil. of rn odcm lucli n"' bccnusc
a. They dimiW1tc or reduce Oooding.
b. Pro\·idc 11·11ter for 11griculturc.
THREE MARKS QU ESTIONS c. Pro\·ide water for lmnmn and ind ust.rin/ 1 1

5':. ~lention an}' four main object i\1.'!i of mu lti -purpose

river valley projects. Nnme nny two l\fultipurpo,;c
d. Provide hydroelectricity for houses 11.nd incl11.~trii~
31 How hm"C intensive industrinlization aud urbauizatio ~
Projects of India. (CBSE 20H,) posed u gre11l pressure on existing freshwater rcsourt-c

o, in India. Explain. [C OSE 2014]
What is a multipurpo:,c river valley project? ~leut ion
any four object ives of it. [CBSE 2016-17] How does urbanization and urban lifestyle lead to over
Ans : ex ploitation of water resource;? Expl11i11. [CBSE 2013]
A project where many uses of t he impounded water arc
How have intem,ive iudu.strialization and urbanization
iutegrutt'U with one nnother is kuown w; mu ltipurpo:,c
J>OIIC(\ a great. pre;.~ure on existing freshwater resources
project. It is huilt for irrig11tion, power generation,
in India'! Expl11.i11. [CBSE 2012]
wuler supply, flood colllroL r<.>cre11tio11, etc.
A us :
2:1. \\'11ter sc:11,rcity in most ca.,;ei, is c11.uscd hy over
Plll!t indcpeu1lcnt Jndiu willWSS<..'1:I intensive
exploit atio n. cxcc,;;;ivc use nnd unequa l access to water
imlustri<1lisation and 11rha11isatio11.
11mon,11;. different soci11I grou1,c;. Explain the mc,ming
of the statement with the help of examples a Arrival of l\lNC's: Apart from fresh water they
require electricity which comes from hydroclt>ctric
Ans: ICBSE2015]
\Ve can unden;tand the meaning of the above statement b. 1-Iultiplyiug urban rent ers with l11rgc uud dense
through thl.'8eexarnples: popula1io11s and urban life styles ha\'c not only
u. After a ILcuvy downpour. 11 boy collects drinking ad1kd to water nm l energy R'<jUircmcnL,;, but have
water in Kolkatn. further aggrnvated the problem.
h. A K11.~luuiri c11rlhq11nkc Mllrvh·or carrk,i; water iu c. L11rgt~.sc11lc migrution frolll rurul to urbnu urciis is
t.he:-uow in I\ deviu;tatcd' vil111.gc. causing over exploi1ation of water rcsonrces.
c. A Ruj~tlmui 1vo1111111 l.mlu1u..'i.-:,; lier umtkn nu<l (CBSE Marking Scheme, ?DIS).
32. Describe any three lr™litio1111l method;; of rainwater
21.. Explnin the working of underground tnnks as a part han·csting adopted iu different parts of India
of roof top rainwater haITto:,; ting s~~tew praetist.><l iu [CBSE?Ol4,2015, 2016-17j
Rajasthan. [CBSE 2015, 2014, 2012, ?010] o,
o, Describe any three diffcreut rainw/11.cr han·csting
How were the nndcrgronmi tanks beneficial to the ~yslem.,; pn1ctiscd in lncliu. [CBSE 2012]
in:oplc of Ruj~tlmu'! Explain. [CBSE 2012, 2016-171
"Rainwater han·~tiug system is viable altcmnt ive
both socially, economically and Cll\'iro111nc111ally" Sophisticated hydraulic structures like <lams built of
Support the statement with three examples. stone nibble. reservoin; or lake,, e111bankme11t s and
Aus: ICBSE2012) canals for irrigation were built in various regions' of
a. In hilly and mountainous regions, people build the country.
di \"ersion channels like 'gnl' or 'kn l" in Western a ,\ sophisticated wa ter han-c,,ting system
Himalaya for agriculture. channelling the flood water of rl\·er Ganga was
b. Roof-top rainwater har\"csting was commonly built at Sringaverapma near Allahabad in the
practiood to store drink ing water part icularly in 15th century BC.
Rajasthan. b. i\agarjunakonda in And hra Pradesh. Dcnnur in
c. In West 13engal, people develop inundation Karnatnka, Kolhnpur in .\Iaharas htra and Knlingn
chrumc\s lo irrigate their fields . in Odisha lnwe evidence; of irrigation structures.
d. In semi-arid regions agricnlrnral fields arc c. In th e !I t h century, Bhopal Lake. one of the
converted into rainfed storage structures that largc:n artificial lakes of its time was built.
allowed th e water to stand and moi-;t the soil cf. T he tank in Hauz Khru;, Delhi was constrn ctcci hy
lltutmish iu the 14th ccutury to supply water to
13. List any three advantages aud three d isad vantages of the Siri F"ort Area.
multipurµo,;c riwr project. [CDSE 201 3, 2012]

\\'!mt arc the advantages and d isadvantages of

multipurpose ri\"er 11rojet:t .
Ans : ICBSE2014]
11. These urc the main so urce of µ,ower geueratiou.
h. They provide us neat, pollution free and cheapest
cucrgy wl1ich fa; the bucklxmc of industry uu<l
c. These proj<."Cts control the noocl:s because water

can he stored in th em. Th ese projects hal'e
converted nmny. •rivers of sorrows· into 'rivers of 36. \Vhy is groundwater a ILighly o\·erus<.'11 resmucc?
d. T hese projects arc the main 5011fC1l of irrigation A~ ,
a ml al,;o help in <.'011;;erving soil . Groundwater is a highly overused resonrce [CBSE
heca. \\Re of

Disadvantages: t he following reasons:

Due to the cor~~t ruction of dnn~~- t here n.re uo a. One to large and growing µ,opu lauon an
adeqnat e n,MK[s in the river. B,!Cause of 1!1i.~. consequent greater demands for water am
the soil of the Jow11stren.m r<.-gio11 doc;; uot get unequal ~ to it.
nutrient ri ch silt. b. To facilitate higher food grain production for
b. Dams also fragmc l\t ri vers making it di fficult for \urge popul11tio11, water rcsourC\.'S arc being over
lllJUatic fauna to migmte for spaw11i11g, i.e., lo cxploih:d to expand irrigated areas aud dry season
- ngriculture.
produce eggs.
c. It resul ted in <lisp\acerneut of loc1.1J t:o nmnmit ici;. c. In the ho11..~ing societies or colonies in the cities,
The local people often have fO gi ve up th eir hrnd there is 1.111 nrrnugcrn cut of own ground water
and linilihood and their meagre access an<l control pumping devices to meet water needs.
over resou rces for the greater need of the nation.
M. What is Bamboo Drip Irrigation"! ~lent.ion a ny two FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS
fcutun'tl of il. [CBSE 2012)
Ans : 31. \Vhy is roof-top waler lu1n-cst ing impo rtant in
8 ,uul,oo Drip lrrig1.1tiou system is u 2()1)..year-old Raja.stlmn? Ex plain. [CBSE 20 14]
systmn of la pping stream and spring waler by m>ing Ans:
bnmboo pil>C find trarnsporting "'filer fro m higher to Roof top water harvesting is im1>0rtunt in Raj1~~tl11111
lower regions th rough grnvity. because:
Feature&: a. It was commonly pructist--<l to store drinking
a. 18--20 liters of wu tcr enters tile l,urnboo pipe water.
syAtcm, get tranAported over lrnndrccis of mcl.crs h. T he rainwater can be stored in t he touks till the
nud finally rcdut-cs to 20--80 dro1,s per mhmte nt uext rai nfall, mak ing it an extremely rclixhlc
the site of the plant. source of drinking water whcu all other so urccis
l,. The now of water into tlic p ip<.'tl is t"Olllrolk-J IJy arc drkd np, part.icnlarly in the summers.
manipulating t he pipe positions. c. Rai n water. or palar pani. as commonly referred
J5. Highlight any three hydraulic strnetnrcs a.~ p.-1r1 of lo in t hese purls, is <.'011;;i<lcr<.'li the purest form of
wuter 1mumgement programmes initiat<.,'li i11 ancient natural water
India aloug with the period when they were built. d. 1-. hmy hom;<.'tl conslruct underground TOolll.'j
Ans: (CDSEZOll,2011] adjoining the 'tanka " to heat the summer heat as
it would kt-c p the room cool.
e. Some houses still mllintain the tanks since they do I. In ancient. India a lso along with the sophist.icat.ed
uot like the taste of tap water. hydrnu licstruclu rcs, there existed nn cxtrnordina.ry
31. Explaiu uny tlm.-c reasons responsible for wutcr traditiou of various wat er hn rvcsti ng systems.
scarcity in India. [C BSE 2013,2011 ] 2. People adopted different. toclmiqucs ln diffcrenl
11re1L'i. In hilly regions p<.'Ople built d iversion
Water is available in abundance in India. Even tlw11 channel ~ like the ·guls' or "kul s" for agricult ure.
scarcity of water is cxµcric nc,.,•d in major pnrts of t he 3. Roof-top rn iu wntcr lmrvesting was couunonly
count ry. Explaiu it. with four exam pk.-,. prnct.iscd to store drinki ng water. particularly in
4. 111 the flood plains of Bengal, people developed
The availability of water n.'l!Ourct:s vnrics over inundation channels to irrigate their fields.
space and time. mainly dne to the \"ariations i11 Kha<lins, Johads and Taub arc the forms o f
sc=nal uml ,uurnul pn:dpit ution. rainwater harvesting practised in Haja..~t h1m.
h. Over-exploi tation. excessive lt..C and unequal
ncccss to wntcr nmou g diffcn:nt social groups.
Water scarcity 11111y be 1\11 out(..·ome of large and
growing J>Op u!a1io11 nm\ consequent greater
dct11 u11d!> for wuter. A large population mcuns l!lorc
water to produce more food. llcnce, to facilitate
higher food-grain prod11ctio11, water r=urccs arc
being o\·er ex ploited to ex pand irrigated areas for

. ..
dry-season ngriculturc.
d. ~lo;,t farmers lm\'e their own welki and tubewell ~
in their farms for irrigation t o increase their
production. But it may lead to falling groumlwulcr
lc\·cls, adwrscly a ffecting water availability And
food security of the J)C()ple. Thus, im;pitc of

11hundnn t, wuter there is Y.'llter scarcity.
39. DC!!<:rihe IHI)" four tradit ional methods of rai nwat er

, ,
J,,.m,ti,.g ••lop«~ ;,. differeo, po,,s of J,.d;,.,

Met.hods of rainwater han·est ing m;i)(I in India ure:

Guls iu ul Kuls: People built gu ls und kuls in hilly
und mo1111tui11ous regions lO divert w11 tcr. Tlicsc
nre simple channels. They arc mai nl y used in th e
h. Hoof top ruinwater han~ting: Commonly
prnctised to store dri nking 11·ater iu Rajn;;than.
c. Jm mdntiou Channels: These channel~ dc~·eloped
in the flood p lai m; of llengnl to irrigate fields.
d. Khadins aud Johu<k 111 11ricl al)(I semi-arid
regions. some agricultural lidc\s were converted
into rain fo<l storage ,;truct url'l!. These structure~
1He fo11nd in Raja..st han.
'foukas: The tnnkas were built ins ide the nm.iu
house or the courty11.rd. They were {..'OilIWCted t-0
t he sloping roofs of the houses through a pipe.
Raiu falling ou t lie rooftops would travel down
the pipe and wa..s s1orc<I in t hese nn<lergronnd
' tunlrns'. The firsl spell of min was usually uot
collected as this would cle11.n t he roofs aml th e
pipes. The rainwater from the subsequent showers
wiu; then oolkct.<.'<L The rainwater can hu stor<.'<I
in the tanka..~.
U. \V hy arc different w1itcr hnr\'est ing systems considered.
11 viable a lternative ho th socio-economically au<l
environmentally in a country like India'! jC BS E 2010]
Ans :
Keeping in view th e di:;.'\O,,antages and risi ng resistance
ag11iiu;t t he multb purpose proj<.>cts, wuter lmrvcstiug
system is considerod a viable alternati ve both socio-
economically aml e11vironmentally.

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