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,._";' Objective S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 mark each)

Q. 1. Consider the following statements 3. English can be used along with Hindi
regarding language policy of Indian for official purpose.
Federation. [CBSE 00, Set 1, 2020] Choose the right option from the
t. Hindi was identified as the official following:
language. (a)land3 (b)tand2
2. Besides Hindi, there are 21 other (c)onlyl (d) 1,2 and 3
languages recognised as scheduled
languages. Ans. (d)

,'¢?: Very Short Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - 1 1 mark each)

Q. 1. What other factors besides politics keep Ans. Culture, cooperation, mutual respect, his-
the federations united? tory and ideology are some other factors

(CBSE, Term 1, 2015] which keep the federations united.

,,;;: Short Answer Type Questions-II _________ 13 marks each)

Q. 1. Describe the rationale behind the (i) It formalised the local self govern-
implementation of Decentralisation in ment (Panchayati Raj system).
India. (CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] (ii) lt empowers lowerlevel management
or people participation in decision
Ans. The rationales behind the implementa-
making to solve problems and issues
tion of decentralisation in India are:
at the local level.
(i) India is a vast country; central
government is unable to hear the (iii) To hold regular elections of the loca l
needs of people from different areas. governing bodies.
(ii) The loca l government can easily un- (iv) Reserve one third seats for the wom-
derstand the needs and demands of en in the local self government.
their people. (v) The state governments are needed
(iii) It helps women to participate in for the purpose of sha ring some
decision making process because powers and the revenue with local
33% seats are reserved for women in self governing bodies.
local government. (vi) Prior to 1992, local government bod-
(iv) It takes off burden from central and ies were under the control of the gov-
state government. ernment but after 1992, these bodies
(v) It strengthens democracy.
were given constitutional status. Seats
(vi) At the local level it is possible for the
are reserved for SC, ST and OBC in
people to directly participate in deci-
elected bodies and executive head of
sion making.
the Institutions to ensure their equal
Q. 2. Describe any three steps taken by participation.
the Indian Government towards
decentralisation of power in 1992. Q. 3. Describe any three features of 'federal
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020[
Ans. The major steps taken towards the decen-
tralisation of powers in India in 1992 are Describe any three features of 'unitary
given below: government'. ICBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020I
Ans. The features of 'federal government' arc single central government for the
given below: whole state. Laws made by the centre
(i) There arc two o r more levels (tiers) are equally enforced in the rest of
of government. the s tate without any territorial
(ii) Each level of government has its own distinction, while in a federation,
jurisdiction in matters of legislation, the nature of the law varies from
taxation and administration even province to province.
though they govern the same Q. 4. Name any two subjects that are included
citizens. in Concurrent List. How are laws made
(iii) Powers and functi ons of each tier on these subjects? Explain.
of government is specified and OR
guaranteed by Constitution .
How is sharing of power between the
(iv) The Supreme Court has been given
Union and the State Governments basic
power to settle disputes between
to the structure of the Constitution of
federal governments.
India? Explain. [CBSE OD, Set 1, 20191

(v) Fundamental provisions of
Constitution cannot be altered by Ans. Concurrent List includes subjects of
any one level of government. common interest to both the Union and
(vi) The divisions of powers are defined State government. These subjects are
by the Constitution and the legisla- education, forest, trade unions, marriage,
tive power. adoption and succession etc.
OR Both the State and the Union
governments can make laws on these
The three featuresof'unitary government' subjects. But if the laws made by both the
are given below: government contradict each other, or a
(i) Centralisation of Powers: All powers dead lock is created, then the law made
are centralised in the hands of the by the Union government will prevail.
central government and the centre is
the reservoir of all state powers. In OR
this system, there are no provincial Sharing of power between the Union
governments and the Constitution and the State governments is very basic
empowers the central government to the structure of the Constitution. The
to legislate, execute and adjudicate Constitution has distributed the legislative
with full might. powers between the State government
(ii) Single and Simple Government : A and Union government by dividing the
unitary government is very simple s ubjects in Union list and State list, on
system. With the exception of Brit- which, these governments can make laws
ain, there are neither provincial as- respectively. There is a Concurrent lis t as
semblies and executives nor the up- well on which, both the governments can
per chambers at the center. There is make laws. Also, State governments enjoy
a single central government at the their own power in states like Jammu and
center. There is a unicameral legis- Kashmir. Parliament on its own cannot
lature popularly elected. The central change the power s haring arrangement.
legislature is there to legislate, exec- Any change to it had to be first passed
utive to execute and the judiciary to by both the houses of Parliament, with
adjudicate without any share. al least 2/3 majority. Then it has to be
(iii) Uniformity of Laws Another ratified by legislature of at least half of
characteristicofaunitarygovernment the total states. This distribution o f power
is that the laws of the unitary system, is well embedded in the provisions of
(unlike in a federation), are uniform the Constitution and is thus, its basic
because laws are made only by a stru ctu re.
Q. 6. Describe any three provisions of amendment made in 'Indian Constitution' in 1992 for
making 'Three-Tier' government more effective and powerful.
[CBSE, 20181

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Ans. A major step towards decentralisation been created in each state to con-
was taken in 1992. The constitution was duct Panchayat and Municipal elec-
amended to make the third tier of democ- tions.
racy more powerful and effective: (iv) The State Governments are required
(i) Now it is constitutionally mandato- to share some powers and revenue
ry to hold regular elections for local with loca l government bodies.
government bodies Q. 4. Which features of Panchayati Raj do you
(ii) Seats are reserved in the elected bod-
like the most and why? Explain.
ies and the execu tive heads of these [CBSE, Term 1, 20161
institutions for SC/ST/Backward
Ans. There are so many features of Panchayati
classes. Atleast one third of all posi-
Raj system. But the feature I like the most
tions are reserved for women.
is that there are seats reserved for wom-
(iii) An independent institution called
en. About 1/3 seats are reserved for wom-
the State Election Commission, has en in the rural local bodies. In my point
of view it is a revolutionary step which titled as "panchayats." The major provi-
works for women empowerment and it sions of this amendment are:
creates leadership quality in the women (i) Creation of State Election Commis-
of India, which is almost half of the popu- sion to condu ct elections to Pan-
lation of the country. chayati Raj institutions.
Q. 7. Explain the three major provisions of (ii) In order to review the financia l posti-
the Constitutional Amendment of 1992 lion of the Panchayati Raj institu tion,
which really strengthened the third tier each state to setup a State Finance
of democracy in India? Commission for five years.
[CBSE, Tenn 1, 2015) (iii) Tenure of Panchayati Raj institution
fi xed at five years and creation of
Ans. Amendment of 1992 is the 73rd amend- three tier Panchayati Raj structure al
ment of the constitution which added zila, block and village level.
part IX lo the constitution of India en-

_,,,~ Long Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 marks each)

Q. 1. Why has federalism succeeded in India? The policies that ensures su ccess are:
Which three policies adopted by India (i) Linguistic states: States arc di vided
have ensured this success? on the basis of the language spoken
(CBSE, Term 1, 2016) in the state or region.
Federalism is the system of government Eg. Marathi is the language of
in which power is sha red among the dif- Maharashtra, Assamese is the
ferent institutions not within the sing le language of Assam.
constitution body. (ii) Language policy: All languages
The constitution outlines the detail have equal rights. There is no state
of power and functioning of the langu age in the country.
governments at d ifferent levels. (iii) Centre stale relations: Powers are
India has tried to accommodate all its distributed among the two states
diversities in its federal set up. and centres.

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