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Sectors of the

Indian Economy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (! mark each)
,~,: Objective Section
Q. 1. Choose the incorrect option from the following: (CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
List I List II
(a)Courier (1) Tertiary Sector
(b) Fisherman (2) Primary Sector
(c) Carpenter (3) Primary Sector
(d) Banker (4) Tertiary Sector
Ans. (c)

,,;,';; Very Short Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - 11 mark each)

Q. 1. Suggest any one way to create Secondary Sector: It covers those
employment in semi-rural areas. activities in which natural products
ICBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020) are changed into other forms through
Ans. One important ways to create employ- manufacturing. This is the next step after
ment in semi-rural areas is given below: primary activity, e.g. Industries. -
(i) By starting cottage industries and Q. s. Distinguish between 'Secondary' and
small processing units. 'Tertiary' Sector.
(ii) By providing basic inputs-the gov- Ans. Secondary Sector: It covers those
ernment can increase the productivity. activities in which natural products
Q. 2. How is GDP calculated? are changed into other forms through
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020) manufacturing, e.g. Industries.
Tertiary Sector: It covers those activities
Ans. GDP: The value of final goods and
that help in the development of primary
services produced in each sector during
and secondary sectors, e.g. Transport,
a particular year provides the total
production of the sector for that year. banking, etc.
6 When we produce goods by exploiting
Q. 3. How is Public sector different from Q. ·
natural resources, in which category of
Private sector? (CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] economic sector such activities come?
Ans. Public Sector is different from Private [CBSE, 2018]
Sector: Ans. When we produce goods by exploiting
ln the public sector, government owns natural resources, it comes under the cat-
most of the assets and provides all the egory of 'Primary sector'.
services, whereas in p rivate sector,
Q. 7. Which sector helps in the development
ownership of assets and delivery of
of the primary and secondary sectors?
services is in the hands of private
ICBSE, Term 1, 2016]
individuals or companies.
Ans. Tertiary sector helps in the development
Q. 4. Distinguish between 'Primary' and of the primary and secondary sector.
'Secondary' Se~~~SE Delhi, Set 1, 20191 Q. 8. Define secondary sector.
(CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
Ans. Primary Sector: It covers those activities
Ans. The sector in which people are engaged
that involve production of goods directly
in the activi ties where natural products
using natural resources, e.g. Agriculture.
are changed into other manufacturing
products with the help of industrial ac- can store their products in it.
tivities, is termed as secondary sector.
Q. 10. In which sector does government own
Q. 9. Suggest any one way to create most of the assets and provides the basic
employment opportunity in the rural services? (CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
(CBSE, Term 1, 2015] Ans. In service sector or public sector or ter•
Ans. O pening of cold storage in rural areas tiary sector, the government own most of
creates employment opportunity as they the assets and provides the basic services.

'"'" Short Answer Type Questions-II - - - - - - - - - 1 3 marks each)

Q. 1. Why is the tertiary sector becoming (iii) They are registered by the
more important in India? Explain. government and have to follow its
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] rules and regulations which are
ICBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019] gi ven in va rious laws such as the
Factories Act, the Minimum Wages
Ans. The tertiary sector becoming more im- Act, the Payment of Gratuity Act,
portant in India because of following rea- Shops and Establishment Act, etc.
(i) In any country several services Q. 3. ''Tertiary sector activities help in
such as hospitals, educa tional the development of the primary and
institutions, banks, trans portation secondary sectors." Evaluate the
etc. are considered to be the basic statement. ICBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020I
services fo r any d eveloping country Ans. "Tertiary sector activities help in the de-
for example India. velopment of the primary and seconda ry
(i.i) As income rises, certain sections
sectors" beca use of following reasons:
of people starts demanding more
services like tourism, shopping, (i) Tertiary sector activities, by
hospitals, schools etc. Thi s helps in themselves, do not produce any good
increasing the C DP of the country. but they are an aid or support for
(iii) O ver the past d ecade or so, certa in the primary and secondary sectors
new se rvices su ch as those based prod uction process. Fo r exa mple,
on Inform ation and communica tion the transport, trade, storage, etc.
technology have become essential helps the primary, sector industries
in India. Thus, the tertiary sector like agriculture.
becomes very imp ortant. (i.i) Tertiary sector comprises of several
Q . 2. Whyisorganisedsectorpreferredbythe essential services such as hospitals,
employees ? Explain. educational institutions, post and
(CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020) telegraph services, police stations,
courts, defence, trans port, banks,
Ans. The organised sector preferred by the etc. All these are required as a basic
employees because of following reason: service that helps the primary and
(i) It will provide job security for secondary sectors.
all employees and even a certain (iii) Over the past decade or so, certain
amount of money is kept apart from new services such as those based
the salary every year to pay the on info rm ation and communi cation
lump-sum amount to the employees technology have become important
after retirement. and essential.
(ii) It covers those enterprises or Q. 4. "Primary sector' was the most important
places of work where the terms sector of economic activity at initial
of employment are regular and stages of development." Evaluate the
therefore, people have assured work. statement. (CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020)
Ans. ''Prima ry sector was the most important Q. 5. How do we count various goods and
sector of economic activity at initial stag- services fo r calculating Gross Domestic
es of development" because of: Product (GDP) of a country ? Exp lain
(i) The history of developed countries with example. [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019I
ind icates that in the initial stage of Ans. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the
development, the primary sector market value of the fina l good s and
was the most important sector of services produced during a year w ithin
econo mic activi ties. As the methods the domestic territory of a country . While
of fa rming changed and ag ri culture calculating GDP, final goods and services
sector began to prosper, it started are counted to avoid the problem of
producing much more food than be- d ouble counting.
fore and most people were also em- For e.g. a farmer sold wheat to a flour
ployed in this sector. m ill for f IO per kg. The mill grinds the
(ii) Primary sector is still the largest e<:o- wheat and sold the fl our toa biscuit com-
nomic sector and plays a signi fica nt pany for f 12 per kg. The b iscuit com-
role in the overall socio-economic pany u ses the flour, su gar and butter to

development of the country. make 5 biscuit packets. It sells the biscuit
(i ii) The well being of the seconda ry to the cons umer at, 15 per biscuit pack-
sector depend on the on the prima ry et. Here biscuits are the final goods that
sector. This sector generally takes are purchased by the cons umer. Wheat
the outpu t of primary sector as raw and wheat fl our are the intermediate
material to manufacture fini shed goods used in the production of fina l
goods. Flou rishing primary sector good . The valu e oH 15 already includes
help in the development of strong the value of fl our f 12. Hence, only the
secondary and tertiary sectors. All value o f final goods and services are in-
of these sectors arc required fo r the duded in GOP.
development of the country.
Q. 6. Distinguish the service conditions of organised sector with that of u norgan ised sector.
[CBSE, 2018]

ffll Topper's Answ ers

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Ans. Organised sector: These sectors are regis- sma ll and scattered units which are out of
tered by the government and have to fol - government's control.
low its rules and regulations. Major differences between both such
Unorganised seclors: Such sectors cover units are as follows:

Units of Organised Sector Units of Unorganised Sector

1. In organised sectors workers are covered by These are low paid jobs and often not
security of employment. regu lar. Employment is not secured.
2. Workers are expected to work only for a fixed There are no provisions of overtime, paid
numbers of hours, if they work more, then leave, holidays, leave due to sickness, etc.
they get overtime payment by the employer.
3. The factories follow government rules such as They do not follow government rules. When
Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment there is less work, due to season or other
of Gratuity Act etc. reasons some people may be asked to leave
without salary or payment.

Q. 7. Explain the problem of underemploy- (i) Primary sector-Directly dependent

ment in the service sector in urban areas on nature.
with examples. (CBSE, Tenn 1, 2016) (ii) Secondary sector-Conversion of
Ans. There is a problem of underemployment natural things into useful products.
in the service sector or tertiary sector (iii) Tertiary sector-Service sector.
in urban areas. There are thousands
Sugarcane is a natural product which we
of casual workers in the service sector
grow naturally, that makes it the part
who search for daily employment. For
of primary sector. When it is converted
example: petty workers, painters, street
into sugar o r jaggery, it needs machines
vendors, rickshaw pullers, etc., who are
to perform task, like sugar mills that
underemployed because they do not ultimately makes it a part of secondary
have better work opportunities. sector and use of transport, banking
With the example of sugarcane, explain service or other service sector to export
the interdependence of all the three sugar to the markets and sugarcane to the
sectors of the economy. factories becomes a pa rt of tertiary sector.
(CBSE, Tenn 1, 2015] By this example, we can understand that
most of the time every three sectors work
Ans. Our economy is divided into three
together to perform va rious task.

,~-;:: Long Answer Type Questions __________ IS marks each)

Q. 1. Highlight any five reasons for the importance of tertiary sector in India. (CBSE, 20191

ffll Topper's Answers

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Q. 2. Compare the economic activities of the private sector with that of the public sector.
(CBSE OD, Set 1, 20191,
(CBSE OD, Set 3, 20191
S. No. Private Sector Public Sector
1. Ownership of assets and delivery of The government owns most of the assets and
services is in the hands of the private provides all services.
indi viduals or companies.
2. Their main motive is to earn profit. Their main motive is public welfare rather than
toeam profit.
3. Private sector collects money for the The government raises money for various
service they provide. activities through taxes.
4. Due to the motive of earning profit Due to motives of public welfare, it invests funds
it does not invest funds to construct to construct infrastructures for public utility/
infrastructures fo r public utility/facility. facility, like construction of roads, bridges, etc.
5. Examples: Tata Iron and Steel Company Examples: Railways, post office, police station,
Ltd. (TISCO), Reliance Industries Ltd., etc.
Q. 3. Explain any five differences between organised and unorganised sectors.
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Ans. Five differences between organised and unorganised sectors are as follows:

Organised Sectors Unorganised Sectors

(i) Terms of employment arc regular and people People have no guarantee of work and ca n
have assured work. be removed at any time.
(ii) They are registered under the government. It is outside the control of the government.
(iii) They have to follow certain rules and There are rules and regulations, but are not
regulations stated by the law. E.g. Factories strictly followed.
(iv) It has formal processes and procedures of There are no formal processes and
operation. procedures of operation.

(v) There is security of employment. E.g. Fixed There is no secu rity of employment.
working hours, leaves, etc.

Q. . ;:;~:•:t.•• A pe,son wo,k;ng 9 am-5 pm

For example, A person working in a tea stall.

4 Explain any five features of the Tertiary Ans. Public sector: It is a service sector,
sector. [CBSE, Term 1, 2016] providing service to the people:
(j) It is owned by the government.
Ans. Tertiary sectors refers to the service sec-
(ii) Most of the services provided by the
tor. Main features of tertiary sectors are:
(i) The sector involves activities that government itself.
help in the development of the (iii) Motive of this public sector is the wel-
primary and secondary sector. fare of the masses and all the activities
(ii) The tertiary sector does not pro- are guided by the interest of nation.
duce any kind of goods but they (iv) In this sector employees feel free,
aid and support in the production secured disciplined and punctual in
process. their duties.
(iii) Tertiary sector helps to transport (v) Government earns money by differ-
goods, produced in primary or ent taxes etc.
secondary sector or arrange for For example: Railways, Postal services,
whole sale and retail sale. Banking etc.
(iv) Helps in the storage of goods in Private Sector:
godowns, provide banking service. (i) Ownership is in the hands of the pri-
(v) Since these activities generate service vate individuals or private companies.
(ii) Jobs in this sector is to earn more
other than goods, it is called service
sector. It also includes teachers, money.
doctors and other p rofessionals who (iii) Services are provided in the hands
are not connected with production of individuals.
(iv) Jobs in this sector are less secured.
of goods.
(v) This sector charges high rates for the
Q. 5. State any five features each of public use of services.
sector and private sector. Examples are; TISCO, Reliance Industries
[CBSE, Term 1, 2015I etc.

Sector of Indian Economy

primary nm! so.,.,_undury sedurs

Ans: fCHSt20 12]
Tert.i/1.1"}' soctor helJ>S in t he <le1·elopment of primary
1 When we prorl11cc goods hy exploiting t he natural
and secondary sectors
n...-.;o.nm;t.-s, in which category t.'CoUumic :;t.'Clor imch
acti\·iti es come? (CBSE 2018] 11. Gil·e four re-ms for t he rising of the tertiary sector
Ans : in India.
Ans : [CBSE2012]
When goods are produced by exploiting I he 111\1 urn I
resources, it is an actfrity of the primnry sector. The four re11.'I01L~ for the risiug of the tertiary st'Ct or in
l11di11 11m. provision of lmsic services. rise in income.
1 \Vim ha:1 the ownership of the assets in the pul:.lic <lc1·clopmc11t of pri1u nry tmd SL'l'011d11ry SL'Clurs an<l
SCf'tor? development of !CT.
Ans : [CBSE201&)
The uwucrship of the nsscts in the public st,>clor is
v,ith the government.
3. What does GDP stands for '!
Ans: ICBSE2018)
GDP stand~ for Grosis Domestic Product.
t. ~lc11t io111my one feHture of the unorganised sector.
An!! : [CBSE2014)
U11org11uised S(.'Ctor is uot reg istered with the
5. Where is the disguised employment. fouud moi;t Jy'!
Arn; : fCBSE2014)
T he disguised employment L'! mostly fouu<l in the
agriculture sector.
12. Distingui~h the scrvkc condit ions of organist-d st>ctor
l In 1d1ich soctor arc a large number of workers losing
with thRt of m1org11.11iS1!t"I SCf'tor. [CDSE 201 8]
their juhs sin<.:e 1990?
Ans : ICBSE20U) Explain with suitable exam ples which part of the
In the organised scclor. a large number of workers service sector is not growing in importance.
losing their johli since 1990. Ans : [CBSE2009j
l \\' hat W/15 the lllOSI, important sector of l'COIIOrrli C The scrviet: conditions of the organised and the
act ivities at the earliest stages of development"! 1morg11niSt.,I SL>ctor arc:
Aus : ICBSE2014] Sen ·iee conditions of Orgauist.-d sector:
Primary sector wai; the moi;t important sector l. These arc the big unit!>.
of cconotnic ac:tivitics at t.he earliest stages of 2. These units !\Tc rcgiMtcr1..'I I with the
<le1'Clopment. go1·ernment.
3. There arc some forum! µrue~~ uud
l Name the sector which forms the btt,;C for all other procedures in this soctor. Therefore, ii is
products. [CDSE 2012] called organised.
Ans : 4. There is St.'Cllrity of employment.
Primary SL'Ctor forms the bru;c for all other products h. Scn•icc co11dit ions of unorganised sector:
I. Tli1..-sc nre the ~11111.\111.nd sc11.ttcrc<l units.
I. Nn111e the SL'Ctor in which the natural products arc
2. ThCSll units nre not registered with t he
changed into 01 hcr forms. [CBSE 20 12] go\·enllllCllt.
A ll!! : 3. There are no form a l processes proc«lurcs
Primary sector i~ the sector in which the nRt.nral in this soctor. Therefore, it i~ cnlkd
product s arc changed into other forms. Unorganise<l.
4. There is no security of employment.
• N11111e the st'Chir 11'11ic:h help:,; in the Je1·clopme11t of
13. N111ne 1h1• sector t.hat is the largc,;t emplopir in India. They do not follow the rule:. an,! regnlatious
\Vhy doc'!! this >1t,'Cl(.)r produt't.l ouly u 4uurtcr of the followt-<l by the govcrnr11e11t
national GDP? [COSE 2016] h. There are no formal proccs.;;cs nm\ prot't..'< lurci:, in
o, this !IL'Ctor. Therefore, it ii, cnlled unorganiscd.
Expl1ti11 the meaning of disguised employment with There i~ no SL-curit_y of cmplo.rmcut.
the help of an example d. There are no fixed working hours and workers arc
Ans : [CBSE201?) not, paid for O\"ertime.
Primnry sector is the largest ernplo,yer sector in India. There are no benefits like paid holidays, medical
This sector produce only aquarterofthe national GDP fucilitit'S. snfc workiug environment. pro\·ident
b1,-ca11i;e there is a problem of disguised unemployment. fund etc.
in this !i!.'CtOr. Though almost 60% people of India are 11. Explain disg uised unemployment with two examples,
engilgt'(I iu this S(.'Clor but nil are uot required there. one from urbnu 11rcu.s um! other rrnm rurnl nrcu.,;.
~1any of them arc extra p-roplr,. They arc forco:110 he Aus : ICBSE 2014)
in thi,; sector 1L'I there is less job Op]KJrt1rnitici:, in the
\\/hen more than the required people a rc workin g in
other sectors.
u field. i~ cullt'<I disguist'f.! unemployment. Ju scvernl
ll What constitutes the unorgani:';L,d sector in the urhrm urc1~,;. a.11 the members of a family \.\urk in the same
nrco.,:lt Why do workers in this area uec<l protL'Ction? agricuhun1I lund (wh ich is small and doe; uot require
Ans : [CBSE201:0] i-o much members]

Workers in small scale imlu,-try. cas ual •a.orkers in In urban arni~<;, JK'Ople like plmn hcr. carpenter,
construction, trude 1111d trunsport constitutes the pa.inter are nut able to foul work 011 H duily bas is um!
nnorganiscd sector in the urhan areas. hence do t he oJd job.
\\'orkcrs in unorganiscd sector of the 11rban area..; 19. "ConS(.'qUenccs of the cuviru11111e11tu.l d1,-gmda.tio11 do
IIL'(,~1 prnkc tiou lX.'CRlL<;c not. rcs1>ect national or state bouudarici,r.'" Explai n.
a. They arc paid ,-cry low

t . ,.
Ans : ICBSE2014)

b. Their work is errutic mid >l<> the inco me.
Yci;, it. i~ true to Sil)" that the COII.SCQUellC<.'S of the
15. How does service sector help in the development of environment11I degriulation do not re;pect national or
the primary and secondary !IL'Ctors'! Explain with state boundaries.
exarnpk'S. For example: If any country or state causes uir
[CBSE201l] pollution then it will affect not only to that state
Tertiary sector d(l('>; not produce any good but it helps country hut to all throughout the world.
in the production of goods in the primary and the If there is water pollution cu11sec\ hy any
secondary sectors. For example: co~ ntry the~t it will ufft-ct all stat1,-,;/ coum rit'S throug
u. Ju the primar.,· sector we Ul't..-<l the ~rvlcc of wlucli tlic rl\"cr is flowing.
tra nsportntion. cold storage. banking etc .. which
20. How did NllEGA 2(KJ5 hring npliftment of the rural
comt'S under the service SL'Ctor.
people? E.xpl11i11.
h. In the secondary sector. we need the help or
transportation for bri11giug the mw material,; nud Ans : ICBSE 2014)
la kin g the final prodncts to the market. Banking. ~1ahatma Gandhi National llural Employment.
trade, t1,-cl111ology clc., a rc the other re<i uirements. Guarnntt.>c Act:
a. Thi,- act was passed in the year 2005.
16. \Vith the exm uple of sugarcune. explain the
b. According to this Act, 100 duys or guanmlt't..'<.l
intcrdcpcndcnoo of all the three sectors of the
employment is provided to all those who nrc able
L'CUIIUlll}". [CBSE 20151
to work und nrc in lll't..-d ofv,urk in the rnrnl nrcn:s.
Ans : c. Unemploy ment allowance i8 pro,·idt'fl to the
All the thrl'C st-ctors primary, :;()(.'Oud i1ry und tertiary workers if the govern 111c111 is not able to provide
are highly interdepcndent. They need the hdp of each 1hcm \.\Urkwithin 15dn)'S.
other, without which nouc of the sectors would l>c able d. This Act helps in providing income imd livelihood
to complete its production or scri:ice. lo the J>t.'Oplc iu the rural arcai,.
For example: Culth·ulion of sugarcane comes under 2t Explain the intcrdepcndence orall thrcescctol"llgiving
the prhmuy sector. This cultii:ated sugarcane. is examples from tmnsportation system.
the raw 11111teri11l for sugar-making industries (comes
Ans : ICBSE 2014]
pnder S1.'t..'011d11ry st'Ctor]. Sugarcune is transported 10
the sugar mills with the help of ,·chicles which comes Tertiary scclor does not produce any good bllt it helps
under the tertill.Ty Sl.'\:tor. Sngiu- made hy SUKar mills in the production of goods in the primary nnd the
arc further transported to \'arious markets arnl ,;old by secondary sectors. For t>,xample:
rcluilers und wlwlcsalcrs usiug terti11ry sector. a 111 the primary sector, we need the sen·ice of
lraJLSJKJrtatio11 for getting the supply of the
fl Explain the \.\Urking condition of the workers in agricultural inputs and al<;0 for selling the food
11110rga:ni,;ed stx:tor. [COSE 2015] gra.i1i.s iu the umrkct or supplyiug the 11gricultural
Ans : raw matcriuls lo the agro- based in<ht~tri es
The working condition of the workers in unorganiscd b. In the ;w::condnry Sl'Ctor, we Ul't..'(I the hel p of
transportation for bri nging the raw materi»ls and
lnking the fiwd product.-,i to tl1e market. 11·orkcl"lll if tl1c go\"ernmcnt is riot able to provide
c. Trnnsportation is required in the service seclor as t.hem work \\ith in 15 d rt)"l"l.
well such as fur providiug 1111..'<licnl fociliti1..-,; to the lL This Act help!> in providing income nnd lin:Hhood
1>00ple and other scn·iccs like fire services etc. to the pt..'Ople in Ilic r11rnl I\TC>I>!
tt Highlight the three factors responsible for lhe growt h 26. What is m10rga11ised sec tor'/ De,;crihc the working
of service sector in the Indian economy. procedure of this sector
Aus: (CBSE201S) Ans : ICBSE2009]
D110 t o the fo llowing n:'11..<;()I\S. the tertiary sector is Unorganised sector arc the small and scattered units.
rising in importance in India: These uniti, arc not registered with the govcrnmcllt .
Ilise in the b,u.;ic scn•i<:es providt><.I hy the The 1rnrking procedure of this sector are:
government. They do not fo llow the rules and regulations
b. The dc\"clopment iu t he primary aud secondary follow1..><.I by 1hc go\"crnmeut.
sectors h11s led to the de\·clopment. of the terti11ry b. There arc no formal pmcci;.<;eg and proced11rcs in
St.'ClOr. this Sl..>t:tor. T herefore, it is called Unorganiscd.
D11r lo the rise i11 income. people have started c. There is no sc,::urity of employment.
spcmliug on tlie 1·;1riow; kiuds of services d. There is 110 fixe<l working houn; nml workers arc
23. \Vhy has the entire tertiury St.'Ctor not grow n in not, paid forovcrt.ime.
im portance? Explain (CllSE 2012] There are no benefits like pnid holidays, mcdic11.l
faci li t ie:,;. safe working cnviromucut. prol'i(lcut
fund etc.
The service sector includes two different kinds of
pt.'Ople. One who is highly e<lucatc<l, skille<l an<l
earnin g very high such rus d<X:tors, engineers. softwa re Cf)VE MARKS QUESTIONS :::J
profc:ssirnmh; etc., >UHi on the ot her hand those who
/\re not educated and urn;killt..'<l such I\/; .~treet veudors. 21. Gi\·c fh-e rcnsons for the risiug importance of the
repair persons etc. Though the service i.cctor has tertiary sector in production. [CBSE 2015]
11:ruwn o\·er t he pa.;;t few decades l>ut 11 0\. 11II of the Aus :
scrvke sector ha.~ grown equally. The educated and
highly skilk<l wurkcrs luwe grown very high 1d1ercrni

:~~;~:t ~:~.~: ·~: : :.~~:: :'.: :,:~: .:·4:

the uneducated ancl the uuskilled 1He still s1ruggling.

: :io:~~~::~:~~·
Why docs disguised employment not help in the
of the country? Explilin wi t h the help of
sectors h,1s led to the development of the ternnr
Ans: ICBS E2012) St.'Ctor
In tli e disguist'<I unemployment. extrn pt..'0]1le nrc Due to the rise 111 lllCOlllC 1>00ple ha\C startod
working on the fields. They are not required for work. spendmg on the VflflOU~ kmds of !;CT\' ICCS.
All st'Cms working. No uue sits idle. They share the d. Due to the development of new kimL~ of sen·ices
labour effort. They work ]cs,.,. t hnn their potential. likc lTSt..'Ctorscrvices
There iH hidden uncmplo}·mcut. Underemployment is Due to the int roduction of tlic 11ew 1..-couomic policy
not jusl II fcaturu of the prinll\ry sector. It cau l\ lso lihcralisntion, privatisation and glohalisation. the
l>e seen in the service sector such ru; J>OOp lc doing odd trndc cxpuud1..'tl l!..!l over the world mid the role of
job,; like painters, plu1ubcrs etc. sen ·ice sector became significant.
The extra ]>00plc working in these sectors docH 21. Describe the provision~ of National Rural Employment
1101. help in increasing the prod nction. T heir pr!'SCncc Guarantee Act, 2005.
or >1bs.m1..~ will not affect tlie total production. Au.s: (CBSE2014I
For CXl\ tnJ)l e: if fl piece of land requ ire only 8 Malmtma Gandhi Nat ional Rural Ernp\oymcnt
people for completing the production but IO ]X'Oplc Cuurn11t1..'CAct:
urc eugagcd. The two pt..'Oplc working arc extra 11.."! they This net w11..~ passed in the year 2tJ05.
do not h11vc any job opport unities outside. The lnml b . Aecordiug to this Act, 100 days of guarantt..'l..'l..i
hm; n limit to produce. Engl\ging more people will not em1>loyment. is provided 10 all those who are ahle
help in increasing the production from the land to work t111d nrc in need of work in the rurul areas.
25. Explain the obj1..-clh1::S of im plementin g the NREGA Unemploym ent al1U1\"l!.nce is pro\·idt..><.I to the
2005. workers if the government is not able to provide
them work within 15 d11.ys.
Ans: ICBSE2011] d . This net helps in pro\'iding income and li\'Clihood
~-lalmtma Gandhi Nn tio1111l Rural Employment to the pL'Ople in the rnrn l area.~.
Gunranlt..'c Act:
This Act w11..~ passed in the }'Cl\r 2005. 29. W hat is GDP? Explain the proces."! to c11.lculate
b. Aocordiug to t his Act, 100 <l1Lys of guarlilltee<l CDP.
c111p[oyment. is pro\"idc<l to all thoi.c who arc able Ans : ICBSE2D14]
lo work and 11n:' in nt..'1..'<I of work in 1he rum] area.~. CDP can he defi11ed a.~ the total value of /\II the final
c. Unem ployment 11.llowr111ce is pro\"ided to t.he gOO<I$ nud services pro<luced by t he thrt..'C different
sectors in a cou nt ry in a fina ncial year.
G DP is H comp le:,; task. It is undertaken by the
Centml Governmcut rn inistry uftcr col!ccting a ll the
rl atafro rn thc rl iffcrcnt.Htatcsanrl th cunionterritorics
:II. Compare t he cm plo~•mcnt condit io ns ing in 1hc
orgaui~ aud 1morgaui'i!.'(I Sl.'Clor?
Aus : [CBS£20U]
The comparison hct wccn the employment conditions
pre\'nili ng in t he organised a ud 11uorganiS1.'<I sect or is
11..~ follows ·

Orgnubcd &'(;tor
I. T hese are th e big units. T hei;i: 11.rc t he sma ll
and senUerL-d units.
2. These 1miL~ are These units arc not
regh,tered with the rcgi~t ercd with the
govern ment. gm·er11n1ent .
3. They follow the T l1cy (lo ri ot follow t,he
ru les and regulntions ruk>s 011d regu lations
followcd hy the followe<l hy the
government. gm·emmcnt.
,1. T here some T here are no formal
formn\ proc"C:!6CS and procC:ol6CS aud
proct..'<lllfL>s in t his procedures in t his
sco::tor. T herefore, it is i;cct or. Therefore, it is
eallL'(I oq,,;1mi'i!.'(I. cnlh l Unor,11;1miSL-d.
5. T here is security of T here is no secur ity of
employment. cmploymcm,
6 T here is fixed vrorking T here is no fixed
hour:; uud worker:; arc working hour:; and
paid for O\'CTt ime. worker.; are not paid
for overtime.
7 T here nrc some ot her T l1crc 11m no bencfiL~
benefits like pa id li ke paid holidnys,
lioliduys. mL-dieal mt.-dieul facilitk>s, safo
- facilities, safe worki ng work ing environment ,
envi ronment. provident prov ident fu nd etc.
f11n d et c.
:It In what wnyij enn employment be increased in urba n
Aus : [CBS£2011 ]
Job opportuni t ies can be incre11Sed in the urbnu nrcns
t hroug h the following wnys:
I\, Gm-ernment shou ld invest in transport at ion a nd
b. Gon: rmncnt sho11ld provide loan to the people for
startiug their own businl'S.':! at. reru;onable rate of
intCTL'S t.
c. Opportun ities for new im\ustric,; should be
idcutifk-d, locntL-d au<l promut L-d iu the smull
d . OJ>e ning of the sen•ices like t he cold stomgcs.
.Jobs C H.ll be created in t he field of educat ion.
health a nd tou rism sector
r. J ob!! cnu be ereulL'< I by humehi ng t he \'arious
gm·crnmcnt schcmci-.

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