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Text 1 for number 1 – 5

I have a friend. Her name is Indah. She is the same class with me. We are at seven B.
Indah is 12 years old. She often sits beside me.
Indah is tall and slim. She has round light brown eyes. She has long straight black hair,
but her hair is always tied up. She wears black glasses. She likes wearing sneakers and a cute
dress. Her skin is brown.
Indah is friendly. Every student and teacher in the school know her. She is smart and
helpful. She always does her homework and helps her friends study. She is well-behaved,
honest, and obedient. She participates in Student Council and vocal group club.
Indah comes from an artsy family. Her father plays various instruments. Her mother is
wedding singer. Indah’s voice is sweet and soft. She often takes part in singing competition
activities. On the weekend she and her family like to do karaoke.

1. Why does the writer write the text? To describe …

A. Indah
B. the writer
C. Indah’s friend.
D. The writer’s friend.
2. What is the relation of the writer and Indah?
A. Sibling
B. Relative
C. Classmate
D. Schoolmate
3. Read the text carefully
I. Indah is tall and fat.
II. Indah is friendly and helpful.
III. Indah and her family are musician.
IV. Indah is well behaved, honest, and do rules.
Which sentence is in line with the text?
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV

4. From the third paragraph, we can conclude that Indah is …

A. Beautiful and friendly
B. Helpful and friendly
C. Smart and beautiful
D. Honest and wise

5. “She is well-behaved, honest, and obedient.” The word obedient has the same meaning
with ….
A. Easily
B. Dutiful
C. Happily
D. Careful
Text 2 for number 6 – 10
My brother, Ihsan always wakes up at 4.15 o’clock in the morning. He tidies up his bed. He takes the
ritual wash then goes to the mosque to perform subuh prayer. After that, he reads the Holy Qur’an.

Our mom is at the kitchen to make breakfast and he helps her prepare coffee for mom and dad and
milk for himself. We usually have breakfast together, but sometimes our dad goes to work earlier so
our mom will put the food in the lunch box and our dad will have breakfast at his office. He goes to
school at six thirty and studies until 1 p.m., so he always has lunch at school’s canteen.

He usually goes to the library after school when he has a lot of homework, In the afternoon, usually
at 4 p.m., he goes cycling with his friends or just goes to his friend’s house. Next, he takes a bath as
soon as he gets home. We usually have dinner at 6.30 p.m. After washing dishes, he goes to the
mosque to perform ‘isya prayer. Then he goes to his room to study until 9 p.m. After that, he brushes
his teeth, takes the ritual wash, and goes to bed..

6. The text tells us about ...

A. Ihsan
B. my brother
C. Ihsan’s mother
D. the writer’s father
7. What does Ihsan do to make his parents happy?
I. He wakes up early.
II. He stays at his bed.
III. He makes coffee for them
IV. He makes breakfast for the family.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. II and IV
8. From the text we know that Ihsan is a/an ... boy.
A. arrogant
B. boring
C. cute
D. diligent

9. Based on the text, the true sentences below are ...

I. Ihsan always wakes up late in the morning.
II. The writer’s mother makes the breakfast for the family.
III. Their father sometimes goes to his office earlier.
IV. Ihsan usually goes to the library before school.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I and IV
10. From the text we know that Ihsan’s parents ... responsible for the family.
A. be
B. is
C. am
D. are
Text 3 for number 11 – 16
I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really playful. He loves to play with me and the new things he
found. But he doesn’t come home for about 3 days since last Tuesday.
He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He
likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail when he’s at home. He is really
friendly to other people.
I miss him so much. I also like to hold him in my hand, everytime I hold him like that he will fall
asleep. He is a stray cat that like to cuddle. I hope he will come home soon.
11. The text is written to ….
A. inform the writer’s cats
B. tell about the writer’s kitten
C. describe the writer’s lost cat
D. describe the writer’s cute pet
12. Who is the writer ?
A. vet
B. kid
C. owner
D. adopter
13. Where is his pet loving to play catching?
A. In the park
B. In his house
C. In his garden
D. At the garage
14. From the text we know that …
I. The cat has long fur.
II. The owner has two cats
III. The cat like to play with.
IV. The writer wants to meet his pet.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV
15. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The cat’s diet.
B. The age of his cat
C. The day he lost his pet.
D. The physical appereance of his pet.
16. The word “friendly” (p.2) can be replaced by ….
A. Rude
B. Polite
C. Generous
D. Hospitable

Text for number 17 – 23

17. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?
A. Express the love for nature
B. Describe the favorite place
C. Tell the writer’s balcony
D. Share the daily routine

18. The text tells us about the writer’s … .

The balcony is my favorite place. I can enjoy a beautiful view around my house from
the place. As I step on the balcony every morning. I can see a though mountain in the
north end hear the birds singing on the branches of the trees. I spend most of my free
time on the balcony. I can sit and enjoy fresh air, so I can gather ideas to write stories.

The balcony is simple. It is small with enough space to put two chairs and a small
table. It is surronded by rails which protect us from falling. On special occasions, my
family and I usually decorate the rails with ornaments, like small plastic flags during
the independence day
morning habits
B. favorite place
C. hobbies
D. house

19. After reading the text, the readers will likely … .

A. call a friend
B. go for a walk
C. cook breakfast
D. sit and enjoy the view

20. Which sentences are suitable with the text?

I. There is a bird cage
II. It is sufficient to sit and relax
III. There are two tables and one chair
IV. It is decorated with flag on the special event
A. II and IV
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

21. When can the author see the mountain and hear the birds singing ?
A. During the night
B. Every afternoon
C. Every morning
D. On weekends

22. “ … I can see a tough mountain in the north ….” ( Paragraph 1 ). The synonym of ‘tough’
is … .
A. strong
B. pretty
C. high
D. huge
23. From the text we know that the balcony, for its beautiful view … fresh air
A. but
B. and
C. from
D. because

Text for number 24 – 28

How to Make Flannel Rose Ring

To make Flannel Rose Ring, we need

1. Red Flannel around 10×10 cm
2. Scissors
3. Glue
4. Rose

The ways:
1. Cut round the flannel about 5×3 cm and make spiral in it.
2. Glue each side of spiral flannel.
3. Twist it from the central until the end (look like a rose).
4. Cut the flannel in a rectangle (the size depends on your finger).
5. Put the rose in a rectangle and glue it.
6. Flannel rose ring is ready to wear.

24. The text tells us about …

A. How to arrange flannel rose ring
B. How to make flannel rose ring
C. How to use flannel rose ring
D. How to buy flannel rose ring
25. Who is likely to write the text?
A. Nurse
B. Driver
C. Student
D. Father
26. Read the following sentences carefully!
I. We must glue each side of spiral flannel before twisting it from the center until the
II. We must cut the flannel in a rectangle after putting the rose in a rectangle and glue it.
III. The last step to make a flannel rose ring is put the rose in a rectangle and glue it.
IV. The first step to make a flannel rose ring is put the rose in a rectangle and glue it.

Which statements are in line with the steps to make flannel rose ring?
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. III and IV
27. What are the materials do we need to make a flannel rose ring?
A. Scissors and rose.
B. Cut and put.
C. Flannel rose rings.
D. Glue and ring.
28. “Twist it from central until the end “
The underlined word has similar meaning with. . .
A. pull
B. Fling
C. Ream
D. Coil
Text for number 29 – 34

 Two eggs
 Onions
 Garlics
 Chilli (if you like spicy)
 Salt
 Vegetable oil

1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chilli
2. Second, break the egg into a bowl
3. Third, put the garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into bowl
4. Then, mix them gradually
5. The next step, heat a frying pan
6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
7. Next, lift using a spatula and put it on a plate
8. Finally, omelette is ready to serve

29. After read the text, we know…

A. The ingredients of omelette
B. How to make omelette
C. How to use frying pan
D. How to mix gradually
30. Who will be interested to read the text?
A. Children
B. Students
C. Mother
D. Worker
31. 1) Put the egg, garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into bowl
2) Break the egg into frying pan
3) Pour the dough into the bowl
4) Lift the omelette using a spatula
Which of the statements are true?
A. 1, 2
B. 2, 3
C. 2, 4
D. 1, 3
32. What we need to lift the omelette from frying pan?
A. Spatula
B. Spoon
C. Bowl
D. Plate

33. Next, lift using a spatula and put it on a plate. The underlined word refers to…..
A. Frying pan
B. The dough
C. Omelette
D. Spatula
34. Then, mix them gradually. The underlined word means…
A. Continuously
B. Suddenly
C. Slowly
D. Fastly
35. Arrange these words to make a good sentence !
buys – mother – and – syrup – bread – supermarket – in – the – my
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 9–2–1–4–5–3–7–8–6
B. 9–2–1–4–3–5–8–7–6
C. 9–2–1–4–3–5–7–8–6
D. 9–2–1–3–4–5–7–8–6

36. Arrange these words to make a good imperative sentence !

Don’t – your – before – wash – to – eating – hands – forget
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 1–8–4–5–2–7–3–6
B. 1–8–5–4–2–7–3–6
C. 1–8–5–4–7–2–3–6
D. 1–8–5–4–2–3–7–6

Text for number 37 – 38


20 ballons
4 big tart
3 bottles syrup
2 packs of biscuits
5 m ribbons
40 paper trumpets
40 paper hats

37. The person who probably write the text is a ....

A. farmer
B. teacher
C. student
D. housewife
38. Read these statements carefully.
I. The writer will have a party.
II. The writer needs six meters of ribbon.
III. The writer wants to invite forty people.
IV. The writer wants to buy forty plastics hats.

Which statements are in line with the text ?

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I and III

39. Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a good paragraph.

1. I like her very much.

2. Her name is Tania.
3. I want to introduce my close friend to you.
4. She is from Batang.
5. She is smart and kind.
6. She has long straight hair.

A. 3–4–2–6–5–1
B. 3–2–4–6–1–5
C. 3–2–4–6–5–1
D. 3–6–4–2–5–1

40. Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a good procedure text.
1. Pour the mixed juice into a glass.
2. Blend them for 3 minutes at low speed.
3. First, wash the tomatoes and the carrots.
4. Put the carrots, tomatoes, and the lime juice into the blend.
5. Plug in the blender into an electric outlet.
6. Press the blender button on.
7. Finally, serve it with some ice cubes.

A. 3–4–5–6–2–1–7
B. 3–4–5–2–6–1–7
C. 3–4–5–2–1–6–7
D. 3–4–5–6–1–2–7

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