forest and wild life

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Forest and Wildlife

,ep Short Answer Type Questions-II - - - - - - - - - 1 3 marks each)
Q. 1. Describe the Project Tiger launched by 9 reserves in 1972 to 2,226 in 27 reserves
the Indian government. in 2015. Out of the total area an area of
[CBSE, Term 1, 2016] 4,936 km 2 was set apart as a core zone
Ans. The Project Tiger Conservation pro- free from all human interference. Cattle
gramme was initiated in 1973 in grazing in this area has been stopped and
Corbett National Park of Uttarakhand for many villages have been move out.
the purpose of saving the tiger population Q. 2. Explain how communities have
from extinction in India. The objective of conserved and protected forest and
this project was to ensure the survival and wildlife in India.
maintenance of the tiger population of (CBSE, Term 1, 2015)
India. This is one of the success stories of Ans. Role of communities in the conservation
wildlife conservation in the whole world. of forest and wildlife can be explained as
An estimate of the tiger population in follows:
India at that tum of the century places the (i) 'Sariska Tiger Reserve' is situated in
figure upto 40,000. Subsequently, the first Rajasthan, here the people of nearby
ever all India-Tiger census was cond uct- vill ages have fought against mining
ed in 1972 which revealed the ex istence of activities and protecting the natural
only 1827 tigers. The project of conserva- habitat of wildlife.
tions of tiger population was launched by (ii) In Alwar, Rajasthan, the people of
the government of India with the help of five villages have declared 1200
international agencies like World Wild- hectare of forest as the "Bhairodev
life Fund etc. Nine Tiger Reserves in nine Dakav Sanctuary". They set their
state with the total area of 13,017 km 2 own rules and regulations which do
were set aside with a tiger population of not allow hunting etc.
about 300. (iii) Chipko movement by locals in
The main achievements of this proj- Himalayas successfully resisted the
ect are excellent recovery of the habitat
and consequent areas from a mere 268 in

,;;;, Long Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - - -15 marks each)

Q. 1. What is bio-diversity? Why is bio- from certain species, but we indirectly
diversity important for human lives? depend on many other species. Hence,
Analyse. (CBSE, Term t, 2016) biodiversity is important for human
Ans. The variety of flora and fauna in a given lives. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem
geographical area is called biodiversity productivity where each species, no
of that area. Each species on this earth matter how small, all have an important
lives in a system of interdependencies on role to play. For example, a large number
various biotic and abiotic factors. Human of plant species means a greater va riety of
beings also depend on several biotic crops. Greater species diversity ensures
and abiotic factors for their survival. We natural sustainability for all life forms. In
may be directly taking some resources addition, the richer the diversity of life,
the greater the opportunity for medical (ii) Biological resources, such as
discoveries, economic development, o Food

and adaptive responses to such new o Medicinal resources and pharma-

challenges as climate change. A healthy ceutical drugs
o Wood products
biodiversity provides a number of natural
o Ornamental plants
services for everyone.
o Breeding stocks, population reser-
(i) Ecosystem services, such as
o Protection of water resources
o Future resources
o Soils formation and protection o Diversity in genes, species and
o Nutrient storage and recycling ecosystems
o Pollution breakdown and absorp- (iii) Social benefits, such as
tion o Research, education and monitor-
o Contribution of climate stability ing
o Maintenance of ecosystems 0
Recreation and tourism
o Recovery from unpredictable events ° Cultural values
Water Resources
Very Short Answer Type Questions ________ 11 mark each)
Q. 1. HowhasShillongsolvedtheproblemof and Roof top rain water harvesting. This
acute shortage of water? helped Shillong meet its total water
OR requirement of each household.
How has Tamil Nadu solved the problem OR
of acute shortage of water? Tamil Nadu has been able to deal with
(CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019) the problem of acute shortage of water
Ans. Shillong has been able to deal with the by adopting rooftop water harvesting
problem of acute shortage of water by techniques. This practice was made
setting up Bamboo drip irrigation systems mandatory under the law for all houses
across the state.

,if.' Short Answer Type Questions-II - - - - - - - - - 1 3 marks each!

Q. 1. ''The dams that were constructed to (iv) Water supply can be used for domes-
control floods have triggered floods." tic and indu strial purpose.
Analyse the state~e;~E OD, Set l, 20191 Q. _ ;~~::~~c;;:~n;ic,;:laat~o:~~c~~~a~'~
Ans. Our first Prime Minister, Mr. Jawaharlal Analyse the statement.
Nehru, called the dams "the temple of (CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019I
modem India". These dams, that have Ans. A large population requires more wa-
been constructed to support the econom- ter not only for domestic use but also
ic development of the country, can be de- to produce more food. Hence, to facili-
structive at times. tate higher food grain production, water
They may cause flood s because resources are being over exploited to
sometimes, they are constructed without expand irrigated areas for dry season ag-
proper planning and sometimes low riculture. Irrigated agriculture is the larg-
s tandard construction material is used. est consumer of water. Post independent
This inferior quality of construction India witnessed intensive industrialisa-
material increases the chances of floods. tion and urbanisation, creating vast op-
Construction of these dams can make portunities for us. Today, large industrial
the area, in which they are constructed, houses are as common place as the indus-
'earthquake prone', which may lead to trial units of many MNCs. The ever-in-
landslides and the water to flow out creasing number of industries have made
of dams. The sudden release of water matters worse by exerting pressure on
from dams can also course flood and existing freshwater resources. Industries,
devastation. apart from being heavy users of water,
Q. 2. Analyse the merits of Multipurpose also require power to run them. Much
projects. [CBSE OD, Set 2, 20191 of this energy comes from hydroelec-
Ans. Merits of multipurpose projects arc given tric power. Most of these have their own
below: groundwater pumping devices to meet
(i) Dams are built for generating their water needs, which results in frag•
hydroelectricity. ile water resources being over exploited.
(ii) Canals are made for irrigation pur- This has caused falling ground•water lev-
pose. els in several of these cities.
(iii) Canals can also be used for inland Q. 4. Analyse lhe importance of 'rainwater
navigation. harvesting.' [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019)
Ans. It is a technique of increasing the recharge the crops; thus, water scarcity
of groundwater by collecting and storing immediately leads to loss of crops. The
rainwater by constructing structures, scarcity of water damages the already
such as dug wells, percolation pits and sown crops. Livestock is affected as
check dams. the fodder (animal feed) production is
(i) In most cases, the harvested water is also decreased manifolds due to water
usually redirected to storage tanks, scarcity. The domestic farm s need water
cistern or reservoirs. First and fore- for its proper maintenance. So, water
most, the collection offers a better scarcity is a threat to both these sectors.
and efficient utilization of energy Water scarcity directly affects human
resource. It is important because po- beings and animals. Absence of potable
table water is usually not renewable. water for drinking and o ther purposes
(ii) Harvesting allows the collection causes a lot of diseases and problems
of large amounts of rainwater. to hu man beings. This hinders their
Rainwater is usually free from daily routines and they are unable to
harmful chemicals, which makes it discharge their daily duties.

ideal for irrigation purposes. Without access to clean water, there is
(iii) Another important advantage is that no way one can avail proper sanitation
it reduces demand for potable wa- facilities. Access to quality water is
ter. It is important especially in areas fundamental to better Jiving standard and
with low water levels. economic growth. Absence of that lowers
Rainwater harvesting, thus, is the living standards of the country.
considered as a very reliable way to Natural landscapes suffers the most
conserve wa ter. because of water scarcity as it contributes
Q. 5. Analyse the impact of 'water scarcity.'
to desertification, loss of plants and death
ICBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019] of wildlife.
Q, 6. How has the ever increasing number of
Ans. Water is one of the most important
industries in India made worse position
requirement for agriculture and
by exerting pressure on existing fresh
livestock. Water is needed for irrigating
water resources? Explain. (CBSE, 2018I

l~I Topper's Answers

Ans. (i) India has witnessed intensive the Indira Gandhi canal has facilitated
industrialisation and urbanisation for easier and better irrigation.
the last few years. The ever increas ing Q. 8. Why is the rooftop rainwater harvesting
number of industries has made the most common practice in Shillong
matter worse by exerting pressure on inspite of the fact that Cherrapunjee and
existing fresh water resources. Fresh Mawsynram receiving highest rainfall
water is required in thermal energy in the world are situated only at a
plants and steel industries on a large distance of 55 kms from there? Explain.
(CBSE, Term 1, 2016)

(ii) Industries, apart from being heavy Ans. The roof top rainwater harvesting is
users of water also require power to the most common practice in Shillong
inspite of the fact that Cherrapunjee
run it which in tum needs additional
and Mawsynram receiving the highest
water. rainfall in the world are situated only at
(iii) We have to consider a situation a distance of 55 kms from there. lnspite
where water is sufficiently available of being very close to the area of highest
but these areas still suffer from water rainfall in the world, Shillong faces
sca rcity. This scarcity may be due acute shortage of water. Nearly every
to bad quality of water or polluted household in the city has a rooftop
water. rainwater harves ting structure. Nearly
15-25% of the total water requirement
Q. 7. "Irrigation has changed the cropping pat-
of the household comes from rooftop
tern of many regions in India." Analyse
the statement. ICBSE OD, Set 3, 2019] water harvesting.
Ans. A well developed irrigation facility reduces Q. 9. Explain any three causes of water
the dependence of fanners on monsoons scarcity. [CBSE, Term 1, 20151
and ensures regular supply of water. Ans. Shortage of water is called the scarcity
Irrigation facilities also ensures installation of water. It is due to the less rainfall or
of tube wells, pumps in the farm lands that occurs in the drought prone area.
enable the farmer to irrigate large portions Causes of water scarcity are:
of land more effectively. They also facilitate (i) India is the second largest populated
the construction of dams that help in country in the world and for more
generating electricity. Better irrigation has population, we need more water to
contributed in the increased production produce crops or other domestic use.
of maize in states like Kamataka, Uttar (ii) Excessive use of water in the
Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and industries for producing more hydro
multicropping has also become possible electricity.
due to irrigation. Water intensive cropping (iii) Over exploitation o f waler in urban
is now done in places like Ganganagar and areas leads to the waler scarcity in
Hanumangarh region of Rajaslhan where India.
'c"c Long Answer Type Questions - - - - - - - - - - 15 marks each)
Q . 1. What is the need for conservation of (iii) Water resources are being polluted
water resources? Suggest three measure day by d ay, especially in the urban
to conserve water resources. areas and are not suitable for
(CBS E, Term 1, 2015) drinking purpose.
Ans. Water is the basic need of the people. It is (iv) It is necessary lo conserve water to
a natu ral resource needed by every Jiving make it available lo all for the con-
being on the globe. It is limited and nec- tin uation of our livelihood and to
essary to conserve it. Reason s to conserve save ou r ecosystem as well as human
water can be explained as fo llows: beings.
(i) Water resources in Ind ia are limited Measures to Conserve Water Resources:
and ou r population is increasing day (i) Save water, avoid water wastage in
by day so the wa ler requ irement is domestic as well as at all other levels.
also increasing day by day. (ii) Recharge ground water by using rain
(ii) Ava ilability of water in our country water harvesting etc.
is uneven, so it is necessary to make (iii) Use drip irrigation and sprinklers
it available to all. methods to irrigate the fields.

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