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Static electricity On combining eq'n 1st and 2nd we get, 1

Frictional Electricity:- When two bodies are mutually q 1q2

rubbed, Than one of which get positively charged while r2
second one get negatively charged, and hence both of q 1 q2
or F k
the bodies acquire the property to attract small things i.e. r2
both get electrified or charged, this is called frictional elec- Where, 'k ' is a proportionality constant. and
tricity. Since this electricity is produced due to friction , So k = 1/
it is called Frictional Electricity . Here , ' ' is the absolute permittivity of the medium present
Cause of frictional electricity :- When we rub one body between two charges.
with another than some of the electrons may transferred So, F 1 q 1 q2
from one body to the second, and we know that initially 4 r2
all the atoms are neutral in nature. Hence after losing or But = r
= K
gaining the electrons, effect of electrons is increased or Where ' ' is the permittivity of free space
decreased. So when a body losses some electrons it gets ' r' the relative permittivity of the medium And 'K' is the
positively charged because in this condition the effect dielectric constant of the medium.
of protons is increased. While the body which gaining So, 1 q1q2
some electron get negatively charged because in this 4 0 r r2
condition the effect of electron is increased . But r
= 1 ( for air/ vacuum)
Quantization of charge:- According to this rule all the So, for air or vacuum,
charged bodies in this universe having the charge in the 1 q1 q 2
integer multiple of charge of an electron or electronic charge. 4 0 r2
Mathematically we can say that, The charge on a body is In S.I. System,
only possible in the following from. q = + ne 1
9 10 9 Nm 2 C 2
Where n is an integer & e is called electronic charge of 4 0
value 1.6 10-19 C i.e. so q1 q 2
F 9 10 9 N ........( 3 )
Note:- some of the charges are called having the charge r2
2 1
e and e are called up quarks and down quarks In C.G.S. System,
3 3 1 2 2
respectively, but these charges are not available in free 1 dyne cm stat coulom b
4 0
one proton is made of two up quark and one down quark q 1q 2
F d y n e .. . . . . ( 4 )
while a neutron is made of one up quark and two down r2
quark. Unit Charge : In S.I. System,
Q- Write the Coulomb inverse square law and define if q q q; F 9 10 9 N and r 1m in equation (3)
1 2
unit charge on the basis of it. Than, 9 1 0 9 9 1 0 9 q .2q
Ans - According to Coulomb's inverse law, " The force or q2 = 1 or q 1
of attraction or repulsion acts between two point Hence, we can say that, "When two similar charges
stationery charges, is directly proportional to the are kept at a distance of l m apart in air or vacuum
product of amount of the charges and inversely and are repel to each other by a force of 9 109 N Than
proportional to the square of distance between them." each charge is said to be unit charge."
If q1 and q2 are two point charges kept at a distance of 'r'
In C.G.S. System,
to each other . Than force of attraction or repulsion act if q q q ; F 1dyne and r 1cm in equation ( 4 )
1 2
1 q.q
between them will be, F q1 . q 2 a nd F than 1 1. 2 or q 2 1 or q 1
r2 1
Physics for you
Therefore, " If two similar charges are kept 1 cm charges, the force will be, 2
1 q1q2
apart in air or vacuum and repel to each other by a F .........( 2 )
4 0 r2
force of 1 dyne, Then each charge is said to be Unit on dividing the eq'n (2) by eq'n (1) we get
Charge." 1 q 1q 2
Note :- F 4 0 r2
F 1 q 1q 2
(1) The value of is 0 = 8.854185 10-12 C 2 N 1m 2
4 0K r2
(2) Charge is a scalar quantity, its S.I.unit is 'coulomb'
and in C.G.S. system its e.s.u. is state coulomb and or K
e.m.u. is ab coulomb
Therefore "the dielectric constant of a medium is the
(3) 1C 3 10 9 stat coulomb
ratio of force acting between two charges when are kept
1 at a definite distance in air or vaccum to the force acting
1C ab coulomb
10 between the same charges kept at same distance in that
1ab coulomb 3 10 stat coulomb medium."
1ab coulomb c stat coulomb Q. What is electrostatic induction?
Ans. When an uncharged conductor is kept near a charged
(4) Charge is invariant quantity. conductor than, equal amount of opposite charge is induced on
(5) Charge is a quantity just like mass, which can not the near surface of uncharged conductor while same charge
be seen but can be experience is induced on its opposite surface. This phenomena is called
electrostatic induction.
Limitations of Coulomb inverse square Law :- Note :- If uncharged body is not a conductor than value of
(1) Coulomb law is valid not only for point charges but charge can be found by the formula-
also it is valid for extended charges up to some extent. 1 LM OP
(2) The Coulomb force is not affected by other charges
q q 1
Comparison between Electrostatic & Gravitational
but affected by presence of medium.
force :
(3) This law is valid for stationary charges only. (1) Between electron - electron:- We know that -
(4) Coulomb force is a type of conservative force. m e = 9.1 10-31 kg and qe = 1.6 10-19 C
(5) This is also central force. So, electrostatic force between e and e at a distance r will
be, 1.6 10 19 1.6 10 19
(6) This exists up to very small distance (about 10-13 m) Fe 9 109
to few meters. r2
And gravitational force between e and e at a distance r will
Source Charge:- A charge on a body whose
be, . 10 31 9.1 10 31
11 91
electrostatic effect at a certain point is to be studied is Fg 6 .67 10
called the source charge.
On dividing Fe and Fg we get-
Test Charge:- A charge which can not create its own
1.6 10 19 1.6 10 19
electric field is called test charge, generally a unit Fe 9 10 9
r2 4.1 10 42
31 31
positive charge is consider as a test charge. Fg 9.1 10 9.1 10
6.67 10 11
The dimensional formula for charge is [AT] and r2
Order of magnitude is 10
for permittivity [ M-1 L-3T 4A2 ] (2) Between proton - proton - We know that -
Dielectric Constant: - Let us consider two charge q1 mp = 1.6 x 10-27 Kg and qp = 1.6 x 10-19 C
and q2 are kept at a distance r from each other. Than,So, electrostatic force between proton and proton at a
distance r will be, 19
1.6 10 19
force acts between them will be (When K is dielectric 9 1.6 10
Fe 9 10
constant of medium present between charges) - r2
And gravitational force between proton and proton at a
1 q1q 2
F 2
.........(1) distance r will be,
4 0K r 167
. 10 27 167
. 10 27
Now, if we remove the dielectric medium between the Fg 6 10 11
Physics for you
On dividing Fe and Fg we get- Intensity of Electric field is a vector quantity 3
19 19
1.6 10 1.6 10 whose direction is in the direction of force. Its
9 10 9
Fe r 2
27 27 1.35 10 dimensional formula is [MLT-3A-1] and its S.I. unit is N C-1.
Fg 11 1.67 10 1.67 10
6.67 10 While C.G.S.Unit is dyne st C-1
Order of magnitude is 1036 ( 1 N C-1 = 3.33 x 10-5 dyne st C-1)
(3) Between electron - Proton:- We know that - Intensity of Electric field due to point charge :- The
me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg and mp = 1.67 x 10-27 kg
force experienced by a test charge ( or unit positive
qp= qe = 1.6 x 10-19 C
So, electrostatic force charge) at a point in an electric field is called intensity of
1.6 10 19 16 . 10 19 electric field at that point.
Fe 9 109
r2 If q be a charge, so the force experienced by a test
and gravitational force
charge q0 kept at a distance r from charge q will be
. 10 31 167
91 . 10 27 1 q. q 0
Fg 6 10 11 F
r2 4 0K r2
On dividing Fe and Fg we get-
19 19 Now the Intensity of Electric field at that point will be-
1.6 10 1.6 10
Fe 9 10 9 1 q. q0
r2 2.37 10 39
Fg 11 9.1 10 31
1.67 10 27 F 4 0K r2 1 q
6.67 10 E
r2 q0 q0 4 0K r2
Order of magnitude is 10
Theoretical comparison : This is the intensity of electric field due to point charge.
1. Both the forces are conservative in nature. Uniform Electric Field:- When intensity of electric
2. Both are central forces. field is same at all the point in an electric field than field is
3. Both follows the inverse square law. said to be uniform electric field. It is denoted by parallel
4. Both are unaffected by the presence of other mass or & equidistance lines.
5. Both the forces exist from very short range to very high
range. Non uniform electric field: - When the intensity of
6. Gravitational force is always attractive while electrostatic electric field is not same at all points in an electric field
force may be attractive and repulsive both. than such electric field is said to be non uniform electric
7. Electrostatic force is much stronger than gravitational field . It is denoted by non parallel lines.
force. ELECTRIC DIPOLE:- " When two opposite charges
8. There is no effect on gravitational force due to medium are kept very close to each other. Than the system is
present between two masses while electrostatic force said to be a normal electric dipole, while when two equal
depend upon the medium between the charges. and opposite charges are kept very close to each other.
Electric field :- The space around a charge where it Than the system is said to be an ideal electric dipole."
can show its electrical effect is called electric field. The distance between two charges of an electric dipole
Intensity of Electric field :- The force experienced by is called effective length and is denoted by 2l.
a test charge ( or unit positive charge) at a point in an elec- Effective length is a vector quantity, have direction from
tric field is called intensity of electric field at that point. negative to positive charge . Its dimensional formula is
If F be the force experienced by a charge q at a point in [M0LT0] and S.I. unit is m (meter).
an electric field. Than, intensity of electric field at that point ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENT:- The product of
will be, F amount of anyone charge of a dipole to its effective length
E is called electric dipole moment and is denoted by p. If
(q , -q ) be an electric dipole of effective length 2l its
Physics for you
dipole moment will be, in SI system- 2p 4
p q.2l E 9 109 3 N C 1
It is a vector quantity whose direction is from negative r
charge to positive charge. Its S.I. unit is C m. and dimensional
in CGS system- E 3
dyne stC 1
formula is [M LTA] r
Q-Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to
Q - Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to an
electric dipole in Broad side on position or Equatorial
electric dipole in end on position or axial position.
Ans - Let us consider an electric dipole (-q, +q) of effective
Ans- Let us consider an electric dipole (-q, +q) of
length 2l and dipole moment p is situated on the points
effective length 2l and dipole moment p is situated on
AB of mid point O as shown in figure.
A l O l B P the points AB of mid point O as shown in figure. Let us
+q consider ' p ' be a point at a distance 'r' from the mid
-q r
point ' ' from where the indensity is to be found.
by the formula of intensity of electric field we know that- E1
1 ch arg e
4 0 (distance) 2
so the intensity of electric field due to +q charge will be - Cos
1 q Cos
E1 .......(1) in the direction of dipole moment
4 0 (r l)2
E2 r
{because distance from B to P is (r-l)}
similarly the intensity of electric field due to -q charge will A B
1 q -q 2l +q
be- E2 .......(2)
in the direction just opposite to dipole moment
Now, in the AOP and BOP by Pythagoras theorem.
4 0 (r l)2
{because distance from A to P is (r+l)} AP BP r 2 l 2 ...........(1)
Now the resultant intensity will be- Now, intensity of electric field at point 'p' due to '+q'
E = E1 - E2 charge-
1 q
on putting the value of E1 & E2 we get 4 0 ( AP ) 2
1 q 1 q 1 q
E E1 E2 . . E1 .......(2)
4 0 (r l) 4 0 (r l)2
4 0 r l22
in the direction A to P
q 1 1 LM OP similarly, the intensity of electric field due to -q charge-
4 0 ( r l ) (r l ) N
Q E2
1 q

qL(r l) (r l) O q L(r l 2rl) (r l 2rl)O

2 2
4 ( BP )
2 2 2 2 0

4 MN (r l) (r l) PQ 4 MN PQ or E 4 r l .......(3) in the direction P to B

1 q
orE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 (r l ) 0 0

q L r l 2rl r l 2rl O
q L 4rl O It is obvious that,
2 2 2E E
4 M
N 0 (r l ) P M
Q 4 N(r l ) Q letP2
be the angle made by point P with dipole.
2 2
2 2 2
1 2

1 L q .2 l .2 r O 1 L O N ow w e resol ve i ntensity E into two rectangular

2 pr
o rE
4 MN ( r l ) PQ 4 MN ( r l ) PQ components
2 2
,We get-
Sin (vertically upward) 0
2 2 2

Cos (horizontally rightward)

because q.2l = p electric dipole moment
Similarly we can resolve the intensity E in two rectangular
This is intensity of electric field due to an electric dipole in components-
end on position. Sin (vertically downward)
special case:- If the effective length of the dipole is too Cos (horizontally rightward)
Since the vertical component Sin and Sin are
less than the distance of observing point from centre of
equal and are acting in opposite direction so they will cancel
dipole.i.e. r >> l then from above equation out there effect.
1 2 pr Hence, the resultant intensity will be,
4 0 r4 Cos + E Cos
1 2p But , E E2
or E 3
4 0 r So E = 2 Cos
Physics for you
Same result we can obtain by parallelogram law of vector same distance but in broad side on position can be 5
addition as follows - written as, E 1 p
E E12 E22 2 E1 E2 cos
4 0 cr 2
l2 h 2

But E1 E2
If r >> l than intensity will be,
1 p
So E E12 E12 2 E1 E1 cos 4 0 r3
or E 2 E12 2 E12 cos On dividing eq. 1st by 2nd we get.
or E 2 E12 1 cos a f E 4
1 2 p
r 3
c h
1 0
or E 2 E12 .2 cos 2 1 cos 2 cos 2 E 1 p
or E 2 E1 cos 4 0 r 3
on putting value of from equation 2 we get st Or 2
1 q E2
E 2. Cos
4 0 r2 l2 Or E1 = 2 E2
base l Hence we can say that the intensity of electric field due to
But Cos
hypo r2 l 2 an electric dipole in end-on position is approximately
1 q l twice than that of intensity in broad side on position.
So E 2. 2 2 2
4 0 r l r l2 Q. Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to
1 2ql
Or _ E an electric dipole at a point which makes an angle with
cr l h
but q.2l= p electric dipole moment
2 2

dipole at its midpoint.

Ans. Let us consider an electric dipole (-q, +q) of
Or E
4 0 r 2 l 2 32
c h
effective length 2l. A point P is situated at a distance r
from the midpoint of dipole and making an angle with
This is intensity of electric field due to an electric dipole in the dipole, at where the intensity is to be found.
broad side on position. {the system is shown in figure}
Special case:- If the effective length of the dipole is too F
less than the distance of observing point from centre of C
dipole. i.e. r >> l then from above equation E1
1 p 1 p E2
4 0 cr h 2
2 4 0 r3 P
In SI system
E 9 109 NC 1

r3 -q +q
And in CGS system
p Let p be the electric dipole moment of the dipole. If we
E dyne stC
r3 resolve the electric dipole moment into two rectangular
Direction : Opposite to the direction of dipole moment. components. Such that one of the component remains in
Q - Prove that, the intensity of electric field in end on the direction OP, we get,
position is approximately twice than intensity in broad side
(i) p Cos (in the direction on OP)
on position.
Ans - Let us consider an electric dipole of dipole moment (ii) p Sin (in the direction perpendicular to OP)
p and effective length 2l. Now, the intensity of electric field in the direction OP
Now, intensity due to this dipole in end-on position, at a will be,
distance r can be given by, 1 2 p cos

1 LM 2 pr OP
E 3 ........(1)
4 0 K r
4 0 N (r l ) Q 2 2 2
Similarly, the intensity at point P in the direction perpendicular
If r >> l than intensity will be,
1 2p
to OP will be,
E 1 p sin ........(2)
4 r3 E
4 0K r3
Similarly intensity of electric field due to same dipole at the
Physics for you
It is oblivious that the resultant of E 1 and E 2 will be in the Ans- An imaginary curve in an electric field on 6
direction PF whose magnitude can be written as,
which a test charge (Unit positive Charge) can move
E E12 E22 2 E1E2 cos 90 0 freely is called electric line of force.
Or E E12 E 22 ( cos 90 0 0 ) Or

Or E LM 1 2 p C o s OP 2 LM 1 p S in OP 2 An electric line of force is an imaginary curve drawn in

N 4 0K r3 Q N 4 0K r3 Q such a way that the tangent at any point gives the

LM p OP 4 Cos 2
Sin 2
direction of the electric field at that point.

N 4 Kr Q 3
Properties :

Or E M
L p OP 3Cos Cos Sin 2 2 2
(i) These are open and continuous curves.
(ii) They can emit and enter in a conductor always
N4 Kr Q 0

B u tC o s 2
S in 2 1 normally to the surface of conductor.

So E M
L p OP 3Cos 1 2 (iii) These lines never exist inside a conductor.
N 4 Kr Q 0
(iv) A tangent drawn at any point of an electric line of
This eq. shows the magnitude of intensity of electric field at force gives direction of electric filed.
point P. (v) They are emitted out form positive charge and enter
Let the resultant intensity makes an angle with the intensity into negative charge, i.e. They are directed from positive
E than, in PCF to negative charge.
per. E2
tan (vi) Two electric lines of force never intersect each other
base E1
1 p S in because if two lines intersect each other at a point, we
4 r3 0 K can draw two different tangents at the same point which
Or T a n
1 2 pC os will show two different direction of electric field at that
4 K r3
0 point. But, it is impossible. So, any two electric lines never
Tan 1 LM Tan OP intersect to each other.
Or Tan
N 2 Q (vii) The place where the electric lines of force are
This equation gives the direction of resultant. dense,electric field strength will be more and vice versa.
Case I :- In end on position ( = 00) Than from equation 3rd (viii) The electric lines of force expand side wise this
p LM 3Cos2 00 1
OP property helps us to understand the repulsion between
4 0 KrN3
Q the two charges.
3 1
1 2p
OP ix) The lines of force contract length wise. This property
4 0 Kr3 4 0 K r3 Q helps us to understand the force of attraction between
and the direction
1 Tan 0 1LM OP
two unlike charges.
2 N
tan ( 0 ) 0
some shapes of electric field lines are given below
(1) for single charges :-
Case 2 :In broad side on position = 900
Than from eq. 3rd we get,

LM p OP 3Cos 90 2 0
N4 0 Kr
Q N4 0Kr
1 p
or E 3
4 0K r
and direction
1 LM Tan90 OP tan 1 ( ) 90
N 2 Q
Q-What are electric lines of force? Write there properties
Physics for you
(2) for two opposite charges :- Gaussian surface :- any closed surface not 7
passing through any point charge is called Gaussian
surface. It may be of any shape and may or may not
enclose any charge.
(1) It should be a closed surface so that a clear
distribution can be made between points that are inside
the surface and outside the surface.
(2) This surface must pass through the point where
electric field is to be calculated.
(3) The surface must have a shape corresponding to the
symmetry of the source, so that the field is normal to the
surface at each point and constant in magnitude
(3) for two similar charges :- (4) For a system of charges the Gaussian surface should
not pass through any discrete charge. It is because electric
field at the location of any charge is not well defined.
However, the Gaussian surface through any continuous
charge distribution.
Coulomb inverse square law in vector form :- the
Coulombian force is given by the equation-
1 q q2
F 1

4 0 K r2
in vector form it can be written as
1 q1 q2
F r
4 0 K r2
Q. Comparison between charging by conduction and 1 q 1 q2 1 q 1 q2
or F r or F12 r12
charging by induction. 4 0 K r 3
4 0 K r2
Ans. q 1 q2
Or F21 r21
4 0 K r2
By Induction By Conduction Q - Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to
uniformly charged circular ring on its axis.
1-In this method charge of 1-In this method charge of Ans - Let us consider a circular ring of radius 'a' is uniformly
opposite nature is developed same nature is developed. charged with a charge +q. Let P be a point on its axis at
2-In this method uncharged 2- In this method a distance x from its centre at where the intensity is to be
body must not be touch uncharged body must be found.
with charged body. touch with charged body. r
3-In this method charge of 3-In this method charge of
charged body is un affected charged body is effected. dE cos
O x
4-The mass of both the 4-Mass of charged body P
bodies isunaffected during may be decreased or in-
charging. creased after completing
the charging process.
5-Any charge or electron is 5-Charge or electron are let us consider 'AB' be a small part of the ring of length
not transformed from one transferred from one body dl . The distance of this part from P be r and the angle
body to another. sustained by it at point P be The distance r can be
to another.
calculated by Pythagoras theorem.
r2 a2 x2 or r a2 x 2 ..........(1)

Physics for you

Since, q is the charge on whole ring than, charge on the 1 q. x.2 a 8
part dl will be, Or E
total ch arg e length of element
4 0 K 2 a a2 x 2
c h 3

1 q. x
q dl Or E ...........( 4)
2 a
...................( 2 ) 4 0 K a2c x2 h 3

Now, intensity due to this small part on point P will be, This is intensity due to uniformly charged circular ring.
1 q'
dE Special case 1:- If the observing point is lying at the
4 0K r2
centre of the ring. i.e. x = 0
On putting the value of q' and r2 from eq. 1st and 2nd ,We
1 q.0
get, 1 1 q. dl 1 q. dl E 0
dE 2 2
4 0 K a x 2 a 4 0 K 2 a a2 x 2 c h
4 0 K a2 02 32
c h
Special case 2:- If the observing point is lying very far.
The direction of this intensity dE will be towards C to P and
i.e. a2 + x2 = x2. Than, from eq. 4th
which can be resolved in to two rectangular components :
1 q. x 1 q. x
i dE cos ( Horizontal component ) E
ii dE sin ( vertical component )
c h
4 0K x2 2 4 0K x3

If we take another part of the ring A' B' lying diametrically 1 q

Or E
opposite to part AB, of same length, it is obvious the 4 0K x2
magnitude of intensity due to this part will be same whose It shows that if the distance of point where the intensity
direction will be, C' to P and this intensity dE can also be is to be found is so far, circular ring can be treated as
resolved in to two rectangular components: point charge.
i dE cos ( Horizontal component ) Q- Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to
uniformly charged disc on its axis.
ii dE sin ( vertical component in the direction just
Ans- Let us consider a disc. of negligible width and
opposite to 1st vertical component)
radius a is uniformly charged with charge 'q' and charge
It is obvious that the vertical components will cancel out density ' '.
there effect. It is obvious that, ch arg e(q ) q
area( A) a2
Suppose that whole ring is made up of such small parts .
Than, all vertical components will cancel out there effect by
each other and the resultant intensity will be sum of all
horizontal components, i.e. y
E dE cos O P
On putting value of dE we get
1 q. dl cos
4 0 K 2 a a2 x2 c h
But, in COP,
base x Let us consider the whole disc is made by many small
cos rings of width dy each . Let us consider such type of a
hypo a2 x 2 ring of radius y .
So, E 1 q. dl x It is obvious that the charge on this ring will be ,
4 0K 2 a a
x 2
. 2
a x2 h q' = (2 y)( ) (dy) = 2 y dy
1 q. dl. x Now, the intensity at point P due to this small ring will
Or E
4 0 K 2 a a2 c hc
x 2 a2 r 2 h 1
2 be,
1 q '. x
Or E
0K 2 a a
q. dl. x
c x 2
h 3
4 0 K y2
c x2 h 3

Or E
1 q. x
dl 1 2 y. dy. x
Or dE
4 0K 2 a a
c x 2
h 3
4 0 K y2
c x2 h 3

but dl 2 a
Physics for you
Now, the intensity of electric field due to whole disc can be
2 LM 1 a OP2 9
found by integration of above equation with limit 0 to a. 4 0 K N2 x Q 2

z z

1 2 xydy a2
4 0 K
cy 2
x2 h 3
4 0K x

z z On putting the value of we get-

2 x ydy q
4 0K 0 cy 2
x2 h 3
E a 2 a 2

2 x LM 1 OP a 4 0 K x2

4 0 K MN y2 x2 PQ E
1 q

LM OP 4 0K x

2 x 1 1
E this is the intensity of electric field due to uniformly charged
4 a 0K x N 0 x 2 2 2 2
disc at very far from it. And it is obvious that this is the Q
2 x 1 LM 1 OP
intensity equal to the intensity due to a point charge.
Q:- Give a derivation for the intensity of electric field due
4 0 K a 2
x 2
N x Q
to linear charge at a distance x from its centre along the
straight line -

x LM .......(1) its centre.
(i) perpendicular to the linear charge and passes through

4 0K a 2
x 2
(ii) in the direction of the linear charge and passes through
its centre ( out side to the linear charge ).
Eq. 1st shows the intensity of electric field on the axis of Ans:- (i)
uniformly charged circular disc. A Cr d
dl 0 dE sin
Case 1:- If point P lies on the Centre of circular disc, B d
i.e. x = 0 dE
from equation 1st
0 LM
xOP P E dE cos

4 0K a2 02 N
4 0K
l dl
Q dE sin

Case 2: If x >> a than from equation (1)

M 1
x PP 2 Let us consider a thin wire of length 2l, is uniformly
MN x x 1 PQ
charged by a charge q. A point P is situated at a distance x
from the centre of the wire as shown in the figure. Now
LM OP consider a small element of the wire of length dl at a
M 1 P distance x from the centre of the wire. It is obvious that
a P
E 1
4 2 the amount of the charge on the wire will be -
MN 1 x PQ 2
LM F a I OP 2
Now intensity of electric field due to this small element
1 G1 J P
KM H x K
E 1 qdl 1
N Q will be -
4 0 dE
4 0 2l r 2
On using binomial theorem here r is the distance of point P from the element.
LM1 F1 IJ OP2 Now we are going to divide it into two rectangular
0 KN H
G 1a
2 x2KQ components -
(i) dE sin vertical component
2 LM1 1 1a O 2 (ii) dE cos horizontal component
2 x PQ
KN 2 If we take another element of same length at same
4 0
distance from the centre of the wire but opposite side
than intensity will be same in magnitude but in different
Physics for you
direction (as shown in the figure), which can also be divide dx x O x dx P 10
into two rectangular components in which the vertical r
component will cancel out the effects of each other. It is clear that the point P is situated at a distance (r - x)
Now we can say that the vertical components of each dl from the element. Hence the intensity of electric field due
part will cancel to each other and the resultant intensity can to this small element will be-
be find out by the integration of dE cos with suitable 1 qdx 1
limits -
1 qdl 1
4 0 2l r x
b g
Now dE cos .cos If we take another element of same length dx then the
4 0 2l r 2 distance of the point from the second element will be (r +
now we draw a perpendicular on the line AP from point B. x), so the intensity will be -
It is clear that the angle ABP will be . 1 qdx 1
Now in ABC
base AC
4 0 2l r x 2 b g
cos so AC dl cos since the direction of intensities will be same hence the
hypo dl resultant intensity will be -
Now in ACP
z z
l l
1 qdx 1 1 qdx 1
Or d
so AC r d 0
4 0 2l r x b g 2
4 0 2l r x b g 2

zb zb
l l
so dl.cos = r.d 1 q dx 1 q dx
So dE cos
1 qr
1 q
4 0 2l 0 r x g 2
4 0 2l 0 r x g 2

4 0 2lr 2 4 0 2lr
1 q 1 LM OP l
1 q LM OP

now in the BOP

4 0 2l r x N Q 0 4 0 2l r xN Q 0

base x q L 1 O q L 1 O
l 0
1 cos 1 1
2 l MN r x PQ 2l MN r x PQ
cos So . E
hypo r r x 4 4
0 0 0 l

So dE cos
1 q
.cos d 1 q 1 1 LM OP 1 q 1 1 LM OP
4 0 2l. x E
4 0 2l r l r 0 N Q 4 0 2l r 0 r l N Q
if upper end of the wire is making an angle at point P then 1q 1 1 LM 1O q L1 OP1
N r PQ 2l MN r r lQ
lower end will make the angle - at P E
4 0 2l r l 4 0
Now E z dE cos z 4
2l. x
.cos d
1 q 1
4 0 2l r l r r
1 1 LM
1 O
r l PQ
Or E
2l. x z .cos d
2l. x
sin E
1 q 1 1
4 0 2l r l r l
Or E
1 q
2l. x
sin sin( )
1 q
2l. x
sin sin LM
1 q (r l) (r l) OP 1 q LMr l r l OP
N b gb g Q 4 2l MN cr l h PQ
0 0 E 2 2
1 q 4 0 2l r l r l 0
Or E 2 sin
1 q L 2l O
4 0 2l. x

perp l E M l h PP 4 1 cr q l h
2 l M cr
But sin
hypo l x2
2 4
N0 Q 2 2
2 2

1 q 2l 1 q this is the required intensity.

So E
4 0 2l . x l 2
x 2 4 0 x l 2
this is the required intensity.
(ii)Let us consider a thin wire of length 2l, is uniformly Q:- Give a derivation for the intensity
charged by a charge q. A point P is situated at a distance r of electric field due to linear charge at a distance from
from the centre of the wire as shown in the figure. Now con- its centre along the straight line perpendicular to the lin-
sider a small element of the wire of length dx at a distance ear charge and passes through its one of the end.
x from the centre of the wire. It is obvious that the amount Ans:- Let us consider a wire or a thin rod of length L is
of the charge on the wire will be - uniformly charged by a charge q. A point P is lying at a
q distance y from its one of the end and perpendicular to
dq dx
2l the wire (or rod ) as shown in the figure-

Physics for you

dE Now 11
dE sin 1 qdx
dE y dE sin sin
P 4 0 c
L x2 y2 h
dE cos
similarly we can solve the above equation and we will
x2 y2 1 q
Ey 1 cos 1
y 4 0 Ly

(if the length of the wire or rod is infinite i.e. too high, the
limits of integration will be from 0 to / 2)
A L dx B Now the intensity at poin p will be the resultant of these
two Ex and Ey.
Let the wire (or rod ) is made of so many small parts,
consider a small part of length dx at a distance x from the E E x2 E y2 2 E x E y c os 9 0 0 E x2 E y2
end A. It is clear that the point P will be at the distance
y from the element. E
LM 1 q
s in
1 b co s g OPQ

N4 Q N4
2 2
x 1 1
0 Ly 0 Ly
Now the charge per unit length of the wire will be q / L
so the charge on the element will be-
sin 2 1 b1 cos 1 g

dq dx 1 q
L E sin 2 1 1 cos2 1 2 cos 1
this element is very small so it can be consider as a point 4 0 Ly
charge, Hence the intensity of electric field due to this element 1 q 1 q
E 1 1 2 cos 1 2 2 cos 1
can be written as dE 1 qdx 4 0 Ly 4 0 Ly
4 0 L x2c y2 h 1 q
b g 1 q RS FG 1 IJ UV
T H 2 sin 2
E 2 1 cos 1 2 1
now if we divide it in to two ractangular components, we 4 0 Ly 4 0 Ly 2
will get dEx= dE cos (the horizontal component) and 1 q RS
2 1 1 2 sin 2 1 UV 1 q
4 sin 2 1
dEy= dE sin (the vertical component) E
4 0 Ly T 2 W 4 0 Ly 2
Now 1 qdx
dE x dE cos
4 0 L x2c y2 h cos E
1 q
2 sin 1
4 0 Ly 2
from the figure
x If wire is too long, the answer will be-
tan or x y tan
1 q 2
On differtiating it we get E
4 0 Ly
dx = y sec2 d

z z
1 1
1 qdx
Dielectrics and their polarization
Ex dE cos cos
0 0
4 0 c
L x2 y2 h
A dielectric is a substance which does not allow the flow
of charges through it but permits them to exert
here is the maxium value of angle (for end B ) On putting electrostatic forces on one another. e.g.- water, wax,
the value of x and dx we get glass, wood etc.
q . y sec 2 . d
4 0 L y tan 2
y 2
co s
The dielectrics are of two types -
(i) Polar dielectrics:- In these types of dielectrics,
centre of negative charge does not coincide with the centre
4 z
1 1
q . y sec 2 . d
0 Ly
ta n 2 1 c cos of positive charge. Hence these dielectrics have their net
dielectric moments. In the absence of external electric
z 1

4 0 Ly sec
1 q . sec . d
4 0 Ly
cos . d z
field all the molecules are arranged arbitrary because of

thermal agitation, so the net electric dipole moment of

these dielectrics is zero. When these dielectrics are kept
4 0 Ly 0
cos . d z
4 0 Ly
sin 0 in to an external electric field maximums are arranged in

the direction of external electric field i.e. they get

1 q 1 q polarized , as shown in the figure.
Ex sin 1 sin 0 sin 1
4 0 Ly 4 0 Ly
Physics for you
E0 0 Q-Give a derivation for torque of couple act on 12
an electric dipole in a uniform electric field.
Ans- Let us consider an electric dipole (-q, +q) is
placed in a uniform electric field E and making an angle
with the field. let 2l be its effective length.
E0 +
B qE
(ii) Non polar dielectrics:- In these types of dielectrics, E
centre of negative charge coincide with the centre of
positive charge. Hence these dielectrics have not any
dielectric moments. When these dielectrics are kept in to
an external electric field their negative and positive charge qE q C
start to shift or displace, this displacement remains
continue until the external force balanced the restoring It is obvious that the electric dipole experience couple
force, as shown in the figure. (qE, qE) due to electric field as shown figure.
This couple will try to rotate the dipole i.e. some torque
E0 0
of couple experience by dipole.
We know that,
Torque of couple = any one force moment arm
Now, in ABC
per BC BC
hyp AB 2l
Or BC = 2l.Sin
Whenever a dielectric slab is kept into an electric field, So, = qE.2l.Sin
due to polarization of the dielectric some induced electric
But q.2l = p
field established which opposes the main electric field.
Hence resultant electric field reduced. Hence, pE.sin
This eq. shows the torque of couple act on dipole
Case 1:- When the electric dipole is kept parallel to
electric field,
i.e. = 00 Than form equation 1st we get,
p E sin {but Sin 00= 0}
so =0
Therefore, when dipole is kept parallel to the electric field
In the case of a conductor the induced electric field is so , there is no torque experienced by dipole. In this posi-
formed that it is equal and opposite to the external electric tion the dipole is said to be in stable equilibrium.
field, so the resultant electric field become zero. Case 2 : When dipole is kept perpendicular to electric
field , i.e.
= 900 than from eq. 1st we get,
Eind extra notes

E0 Eind

Physics for you

p E sin 900 {but Sin 900 = 1} Than from eq. 1st 13
so max p E W = pE[ cos 00 - cos ]
Therefore , we can say when the dipole kept perpendicular
W = pE[ 1 - 0]
to electric field there is maximum torque act on it.
Case 3:- When the electric dipole is kept opposite to W = pE
electric field,
When a dipole rotate in a uniform electric field from
i.e. = 1800 Than form equation 1st we get,
pE sin parallel to perpendicular the work done will be the
pE sin1800 {but Sin1800= 0} product of electric dipole moment and intensity of
so 0 electric field.
Therefore, when dipole is kept opposite to the electric field
, there is no torque experienced by dipole. In this position Case 3 :- When = 00 and = 1800; Than from
the dipole is said to be in unstable equilibrium. equation 1st
Q-Give a derivation for work done to rotate an electric W = pE [ cos 00 - cos ! ]
dipole in a uniform electric field.
W = pE [ 1- (-1)]
Ans- Let us consider an electric dipole of dipole moment
W = 2 pE
p is kept in a uniform electric field E with an angle .
We know that, So, when a dipole rotate in a uniform electric field from
Work torque angular displacement parallel to opposite direction than the work done will be
If the angular displacement be d . than, work will be, twice to that of product of electric dipole moment and
Since Fr Or F intensity of electric field intensity.
r Q. Give a derivation for the potential energy of a dipole
dW d
And ds rd
But = p E Sin in uniform electric field.
So, dW = p E Sin d So dW Fds rd d Ans. "The work done to rotate an electric dipole from
standard position to present position in an electric
Now, total work to rotate dipole from to can be filed is stored in the form of its potential energy."
calculated by the integration of above equation with limit Let an electric dipole of dipole moment p is kept in a
z z

pE sin d uniform electric filed with an angle . Than, We know
that, Work torque angular displacement
W pE cos 1
If the dipole is displaced by d ,work will be,
W pE cos
dW = d
W pE cos 1 cos 2
But, = p Sin
This is work done to rotate a dipole in a uniform electric So, dW = p Sin d
field. Now, the potential energy can be found out be integrating
Case 1:- When = 00 and = 00 or 3600 ;Than from
equation 1st the above equation with the limit /2 to
W = pE[ cos 00 - cos 3600 ]
W = pE[ 1- 1 ] z z
pE sin d pE cos

W = 0
Therefore, when no rotation takes place or dipole rotated W pE cos pE cos cos
such that it complete one rotation than there is no work is W pE 0 cos
done. W pE cos .............(1)
0 0
Case 2 :- When = 0 and = 90

Physics for you

This is the potential energy of electric dipole in a uniform of total or net charge enclosed by the surface." 14
electric field. Or
Case 1 :- When, = 00; Than from equation 1st "The surface integral of the electric field E taken over
a closed surface is 1/ times the net charge enclosed
U = - p Cos0 but Cos0
by the closed surface."

z z
If q be the charge enclosed by a surface S Than,
So, we can say that if the dipole is kept parallel to the q
"E d" E E. dS
electric field its potential energy will be negative and it will be
the product of electric dipole moment and intensity E
of electric field.
Case 2 :- When, = 900 ;Than from equation 1st r ds
U = - p Cos900 but Cos 900 +q
U=0 O
Therefore, we can say that if dipole is kept perpendicular
to the electric field its potential energy will be Zero. Proof :
Case 1 :- When charge lying inside
Case 3 :When, = 1800;Than from equation 1st
Let us consider a charge +q is placed at a point O and
U = - p cos 1800 enclosed by a surface S let us consider a small part ds of
U=p this surface making solid angle at O be d#. The distance
Thus, we can say that, if the dipole is kept such that its from O to ds be r and the angle between intensity and
direction is just opposite to the electric field its P.E. will be area vector be Than, the electric flux passing through
positive and equal to the product of electric dipole moment this small surface will be,
and intensity of electric field. d" E E. dS EdS cos
ELECTRIC FLUX :- The no. of electric lines of force 1 q
But E
4 r2
passing through an area normally is called electric flux. It is 0
1 q q dS cos
denoted by " . It is a scalar quantity. Its dimensional So d" E dS cos
4 0 r2 4 0 r2
3 -3 -1 2 -1
formula is [ML T A ] and SI. unit is N m C . but d #
dS cos
The electric flux can be calculated by the scalar product of r2
so d" E d#
intensity of electric field to the area of surface. If E be 4 0
the intensity of electric field and S be the surface area. Than Now total electric flux emitted by whole closed surface,
electric flux will be, can be obtained integration of above eq'n-
" E. S ES cos
d" E z z q
4 0
4 0
d# z
Where is angle between intensity of electric fleld E and area
vector of the surface (S) If the surface is perpendicular to but d# 4
the electric field, = 00 & if surface is parallel to the
intensity, = 900
so d" E z q
4 0
Hence proved

If the flux emit out from a surface it is said to be Case 2 :When charge lies out side the surface
positive electric flux and if it enter into a surface it is Let us consider a closed surface S and a point charge
+q is place at a point O outside the surface S. Let us
said to be negative electric flux.
consider two small parts ds1 and ds2 of surface situated
Q - State Gauss theorem and prove it.
at a distance r1 and r2 from point O respectively. Both
Ans - Gauss law or Gauss theorem:- "The total
the surface ds1 and ds2 make solid angle at point O is
electric flux passes through a closed surface is 1/ times
d# and 1, 2 be the plane angles made by surfaces ds1
Physics for you
& ds2 with the direction of intensity .
z zd" 2
d# 15

z z
Or d" 2 d#
4 0
But d# 4
d# So " 2 4
r2 4 0
+q r1
Or " 2
.......... 2 bg
O Now the net electric flux will be
Now the electric flux enter through the surface ds1 will be,
" " " -q / q/ =0
d"1 E1. dS1 E1dS1 cos(180 1 ) E1dS1 cos 1 Hence, we can say that if there is no charge enclosed by
1 q
But E1 surface, Net electric flux pass through it will be Zero.
4 0 r12
Q- Find out the intensity of electric field due to linear
1 q
So d" 1 ds1Cos 1 charge by Gauss's Law.
4 0 r12
Ans- Let us consider a thin wire of length l is uniformly
Or d " 1 q ds1 Cos 1
4 0 r1
2 charged with charge q Than its linear charge density will
d s 1 C os be. $=q/l S1
But 1
r1 2
q Let us consider P be a point
So d " 1 d# situated at a perpendicular S
4 0 3 r P
distance r from wire where
Now total electric flux emitted by whole closed surface, can
the intensity is to be found . l
be obtained integration of above eq'n- If we imagine a cylinder of
z z
d" 1
4 0
d# radius r by taking wire as
its axis, this cylinder can be

Or z z
d" 1
4 0
d# treated as gaussian surface. This gaussian surface has three
surfaces in which S1 and S2 are upper and lower circular
But d # 4 surfaces respectively and S3 be the curved surface. It is
q obvious that the direction of intensity is parallel to the
So " 1 4 surfaces S1 and S2. Than, electric flux passing through these
4 0
surfaces will be zero because = 900 i.e.
Or " 1
.......... 1 " 1 E . S1 E S1 co s 90 0 0
Similarly, the electric flux passing out from surface ds2 will " 2 E . S 2 E S 2 co s 9 0 0 0
be, d " 2 E 2 . dS 2 E 2 dS 2 cos 2
Now we will find out the flux passing through surface S3
1 q
But E2 & for this we consider a small surface ds around P. The
4 0 r12 electric flux pass through this surface ds will be,
1 q
So d" 2 ds2 Cos 2 d " E . dS EdS cos
4 0 r22 0
But = 0 (Because curved surface is perpendicular to intensity )
q ds2 Cos 2
Or d " 2 2 So, d " EdS cos 0 0 EdS
4 0 r2
ds 2 Cos 2 Now total electric flux passing through whole curved
But d #
z z
2 surface can be calculated by integration above equation-
q d" E E . dS
So d " 2 d#
4 0
Or z
d" E E . dS z
Now total electric flux emitted by whole closed surface, can
be obtained integration of above equation
But dS 2 rl z Physics for you
So " E E .2 rl electric flux passing through this small surface ds 16
But " E will be- d " E . dS EdS cos
q But = 00 (Because surface is perpendicular to the direction of intensity)
So E .2 rl
0 So, d " EdS cos 0 0 EdS
q Now, total electric flux passing through curved surfaces
Or E But q = $ l
2 rl 0
S3 can be calculated by the surface integration of above
So E equation-
2 rl
z z z z
$ d" E E . dS or d" E E . dS
Or E
2 0r

this is the intensity of electric field due to linear charge and

it is obvious that it is inversely proportional to the distance
So " E
z dS 2 rl (area of cylinder)
E .2 rl
from it. (in this condition the graph between E & r will be But " E (by Gauss' theoram)
rectangular parabolic.) as shown below- q
So E .2 rl
Or E .........(2)
2 rl 0
On putting the value of 'q' from eq'n (1)
% R 2l
So E
2 rl 0
%R 2
Or E . . .. .. .. .. .. . ( 3 )
Q- Find out the intensity of electric field due to uniformly 2 0r
charged solid non conducting solid cylinder (by gauss's law ).
Ans- Let us consider a non conducting solid cylinder of (ii)When point P lying on the surface of
length l and radius R is uniformly charged with a charge q. cylinder (r = R):-
It is obvious that the charge density will be
If the point 'P' lying
charge q
% 2 on the surface of
volume Rl
cylinder the surface
So, q = % R2l ..........(1) of cylinder can be
It is obvious that the point P may have three positions where
treated as gaussian
the intensity is to be found.
(i)When point 'P' outside to the cylinder :- surface and the
let us consider a point P lying intensity of electric
at a distance 'r' (r >R)from field can be found as Case 1st. But in this condition r = R
the axis of cylinder where
Than from eq'n (3)
the intensity is to be found.
%R2 %R
Now if we imagine a cylinder E ... .......... ( 4 )
2R 2
of radius r and length l. By 0 0

taking axis of main cylinder This is intensity of electric field on surface of cylinder.
as its axis. It is obvious that this (iii) When point P lies inside the cylinder i.e.( r < R )
imaginary cylinder can be treated as gaussion surface. When point P lies inside the
This gaussion surface will have three surfaces in which S1
surface of cylinder than, we
and S2 are circular while S3 be curved. It is obvious that the
direction of intensity is parallel to surface S1 and S2 So, the can imagine a cylinder of radius r
total flux passing through these surfaces will be zero inside the cylinder which behave
because of this = 900 i.e. as Gaussian surface.
" (from S1) = ES1 cos 900 = 0 It is oblivious that the amount of
" (from S2) = ES2 cos 900 = 0 charge in this Gaussian surface will be,
Now, consider a small surface ds around point P. The q' = % r2l
Physics for you
on putting this value in equation (2) we get S3 17
% r 2l S1
2 0 rl P' P
S2 O
E &
2 0
this is the intensity of electric field inside cylinder. Since intensity of electroc field is parallel to curved
surface S3 (i.e. = 900) Than, total electric flux passing
It is obvious from equation 3rd , 4thand 5th that the
through this surface will be zero, i.e.
intensity is maximum on the surface, Zero on its axis and
" s E . S3 ES3 cos 90 0 0
rapidly increase from axis to surface . It gradually 3

Now we know that

decreases outside the cylinder and becomes zero at
S1 S2 A
infinite. This statement can be explained by following graph.
So, the elctric flux passing through the surface S1 and S2
will be same,
r'R " S " S E . A EACos
1 2

r(R But = 00 (Because surface S1 and S2 are perpendicular

to the electric field )
r R
So, " S " S E . A EACos0
1 2

Hence, total electric flux "

Note :- The intensity of electric field due to conducting
" = 0 + EA + EA = 2 EA
solid cylinder will be same at outside and on the cylinder
By Gauss law we know that,
is same as the previous case but zero inside the cylinder q q q
and we should use surface charge density ( ) instead of " so 2 EA or E
0 0 2 0A
volumetric charge density (% .
on putting value of q from equation 1st we get,
Note :- The intensity of electric field due to conducting
hollow cylinder will be same at outside and on the E
2 0A 2 0
cylinder is same as the previous case but zero inside the
This is Intensity of electric field due to uniformly charged
cylinder because there is no charge inside the cylinder
and we should use surface charge density ( ) instead of
Note:- If sheet is thick then intensity will be just double
volumetric charge density (%).
than that of a thin sheet.
Note :- The intensity of electric field due to non conducting
hollow cylinder will be same at outside and on the cylinder Q- Give a derivation for the intensity of electric field due
is same as the previous case but zero inside the cylinder to two charged parallel conducting sheet.
because there is no charge inside the cylinder and we should Ans- Let us consider two charged parallel conducting
use surface charge density ( ) instead of volumetric charge
sheets A and B of same area and their charge densities
density (%).
Q- Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to are Aand B respectively.
uniformly charged metallic sheet or conducting sheet. Let us consider the direction of intensity is in the
Ans- Let us consider a conducting sheet of area A is direction of positive- X axis. It is obivious that the point
uniformly charged with charge q than, its surface charge
P where the intensity is to be found may be passible at
density will be,
q there places.
or q A ............ (1)
A 1- Left of both the sheets.
Let us consider P be a point at a distance r from the sheet 2- Between the Sheets.
where the intensity is to be found. If we consider another
3- Right side of both the sheets.
point P' at same distance in the opposite side of sheet,
intensity will be same at that point. Now imagine a We know that,
cylinder of area of cross section A by taking PP' as its E so EA A
and EB B

axis this, cylinder can be treated as gaussian surface . This 2 0 2 0 2 0

gaussian surface will have three surfaces, in which S1 and
And let us consider these values will be positive in the
S2 are circular and S3 is curved.
direction of positive X axis (right side) and negative in
the direction of negative X axis (left side of the sheets).
Physics for you
It is obivious that the point P may have three 18
III possible positions :
Now the intensity of electric field - r P
O dS
For I region intensity will be,
E = EA + EB
A B 1
E A B ........(1)
2 0 2 0 2 0 Case 1: When point 'P' lies outside the sphere (r >R):
Let us consider a point P lying outside the sphere at a
For II region intensity will be, distance r from the origin where the intensity is to be
E = E A+ E B found.
A B 1 Now imagine a sphere of radius r, by taking centre of
E A B ........(2) sphere as its centre. This sphere can be treated as gaussian
2 0 2 0 2 0
surface. Consider a small surface ds around point P Than
For IIIregion intensity will be, electric flux passing through this small surface will be,
E = E A+ E B d" E E. dS EdS cos
A B 1 But = 00 (as surface is perpendicular to the intensity )
E A B ........(3)
2 0 2 0 2 0 d" E EdS cos00 EdS
Case 1 : If A = B = Than from equation 1st, 2nd Now total electric flux passing through whole curved
and 3rd surface can be calculated by surface integration of above

z z z
Intensity in I region will be- equation
1 2 d" E E . dS E dS
E ........(4)
2 0
Intensity in II region,
2 0 0
But z dS 4 r 2

E 0 ........( 5) So "E E.4 r2

2 0 q
Intensity in III region will be, but "E
1 2 0
E ........(6 ) q
2 0 2 0 0
So E .4 r 2
Case 2 :
if A = & B = - Than from eq. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Or E ...............(2)
4 0 r2
Intensity in I region,will be,
1 It is obivious from eq'n (2) that the intensity of electric
E 0 ........( 7 )
2 0 field due to uniformly charge sphere is same as intensity
Intensity in II region will be, due to point charge at same distance.
On putting value of q from equation 1st in equation 2nd
1 2
E ( ) ........(8) we get,
2 0 2 4
0 0
% R3
E 3
Intensity in III region will be,
4 0r 2
E 0 ........ ( 9 ) %R 3
2 0 Or E ...............(3)
3 0 r2
Q - Give a derivation for intensity of electric field due to
uniformly charged non-conducting sphere, by using Gauss law. This is intensity of electric field due to non conducting
Ans- Let us consider a non conducting solid sphere of solid sphere at outside to the sphere.
radius R is uniformly charged with charge q . It is obivious Case 2:- When point P lies on the surface of sphere
that its charge density will be- (i.e. r = R) In this condition r = R, i.e. the surface of
ch arg e q 4 3 sphere can be treated as gaussian surface can be treated
% or q %. R .........(1)
volume 4 3 3 as gaussian surface and the intensity can be obtained same
3 as above. But in this case : r = R
Physics for you
Than from equation 3rd charge density ( ) instead of volumetric charge 19
%R 3 R density (%).
3 0R2 Note :- The intensity of electric field due to non
O r conducting hollow cylinder will be same at outside and
%R on the sphere is same as the previous case but zero inside
E ...............(4)
3 0 the sphere because there is no charge inside the sphere
This is intensity of electric field on surface of sphere. and we should use surface charge density ( ) instead of
volumetric charge density (%).
Case 3: When point P lies inside the surface of sphere
Q- Establish the coulomb inverse squarelaw on the basis
(r < R)
R of Gauss law.
In this condition point P lies inside P
Ans - Let a point charge +q is kept on a point O. Now
the sphere at a distance r from O r
consider a point P kept at a distance r from O than it is
the centre. So it is obvious that
obvious that the gaussian surface will be an imaginary
Gaussian surface will be, the sphere
sphere of radius r. Now consider a small surface ds
of radius r. Let us consider charge enclosed by gaussian
around point P.
surface be q'. P
Since, (4/3) R3 will have the charge is q; so the charge O r E
on the volume (4/3) r will be
4 3
q' %. r The electric flux passing through this small surface ds will
be, d" E E. dS EdS cos
So by equation 2nd we get,
Here = 00 (Because surface is perpendicular to intensity )
4 so d" = E.ds cos 00
%. r3
3 % r ............(5)
E or d" = E ds (because cos 00 = 1)
4 0r 2 3 0 Now the total electric flux passing through whole
It is obvious from eq. 3rd, 4th & 5th that the intensity of surface of the sphere will be the surface integration of
electric field at the centre of sphere will be zero. Which is the above equation
rapidly increased upto surface and decrease gradually upto z
d" E z
E . dS Or d" E E . dS z z
infinite at outside the sphere and becomes zero at infinite . But
If we plot a graph between intensity and distance, following
z dS 2
4 r
So " E E .4 r 2 But " E
graph will be obtained : q
So E .4 r

R q
Or E ...............(2)
4 0 r2
Now consider a charge q0 is kept at point P. So,force due
to this point will be,
F = q0 .E
R On putting the value of E from equation 1st we get.
q 1 q0. q
F q0 .
Note :- The intensity of electric field due to conducting 4 0r 2 Or F 4 2 ........(2)
0 r
solid sphere will be same at outside and on the cylinder is
same as the previous case but zero inside the sphere and we This is coulombinverse square law.
should use surface charge density ( ) instead of Electrostatic shielding :- To protect an area from any
volumetric charge density (%). electric effect is called electrostatic shielding.
Note :- The intensity of electric field due to conducting e.g.- The cavity inside a conductor is electrostaically
hollow sphere will be same at outside and on the sphere is shielded.
same as the previous case but zero inside the sphere because
there is no charge inside the sphere and we should use surface
Physics for you

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