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CHƯƠNG 1: The Business Enviromment


Ex 3 – P4. Read the texts below about Chloe and Markus, and answer the questionnaire
for them. Put a question mark (?) when there isn’t enough information.

Question Markus Chloe

Does M/C enjoy teamwwork? No, he doesn’t Yes, she does

Does M/C good at problem – (?) probably Yes, she does


Does M/C like using technology? ? ?

Does M/C like being Yes, he does ?


Does M/C good at research? ? ?

Does M/C like dealing with Yes, he does Yes, she does

Does M/C like working under ? No, she doesn’t


Does M/C like travelling and Yes, he does (?) probably

meeting new people?

Does M/C good at dealing with ? No, she doesn’t


Does M/C very good at ? ?

organizing information?

Does M/C like being creative? ? ?

Does M/C mind doing routine No, he doesn’t No, she doesn’t

Ex 1 – P7. With your partner, write five questions about a well – know company.


1. What type of company is it ?

2. What year was the company founded?

3. Who is the director of VUS company?

4. What awards has VUS company won?

5. How many branches does the company have nationwide?

Ex 2 – P7. Go online and research the answers to your questions.

1. It’s the leading English system in Viet Nam.

2. The company was established in 1997.

3. Mr. Pham Tan Nghia director of VUS company.

4. VUS was honored as the only educational unit to win the "Best Place to Work in Asia
2021" award and also received a medal from the Central Communist Youth Union for
contributions to orientation and education. training the young generation of Vietnam.

5. VUS company has 52 centers spread across the country.

Chương 2: The company


Ex 1 – P10. Work in pairs. Discuss what you think these people and departments do.

A. I think the Facilities department ensures that all facilities are well prepared.
B. I think the human resources will ensure the company's continued development.
C. I think the information technology will help companies search faster.
D. I think the finance will help the company ensure investment expansion.
E. I think the purchasing department buys things the company needs.
F. I think production will help the company increase profits.
G. I think sales and marketing will help the company attract customers and generate

Ex 2 – P10. Match the departments (A-G) and descriptions (1-7).

Languages Spot:

Complete the Email – P11

Complete the letter Sean is writing to his friend about his new job. Use the appropriate
form of the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

Ex 1 – P12. Read the introduction to the article. Then with your partner, discuss how we
use the Internet business.

➔ Buying products and services, finding information, booking hotels, sending

documents, sharing data, placing orders, making payments, doing market
research, keeping in contact with clients.

Ex 2 – P12. Read the article and match the difintions to the terms.
Ex 3 – P12. Read the article again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. Electronic commerce uses phones and faxes to do business. – F

2. B2C is when a consumer and a company do business together – T
3. B2B is when private individuals sell or buy things on the Internet – F
4. Ford used B2B in the past but didn’t get good results – F
5. When a company uses B2B they save money and time – T
6. A quarter of all European business is done online – F

Ex 4 – P12. Complete the sentencess with the words form 2.

1. David, the budget is only €12,000 for this project. Please be careful with the
2. I’d like to order fifteen office desks and chairs from the New Dawn range.
3. AGD Construction put in a bid of €120 million to build the stadium.
4. We have found an excellent supplier in Spain for our engine parts.
5. Beamish Electronics have appointed a new buyer to their purchasing

Ex 5 – P12. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of e – commerce.

- A small business can reach as many clients as a large one, It saves money, It’s more
effcient, companies can respond immediately to customer enquiries, customers can visit
a website at any time of the day.
- It can need a lot of staff to manage it, it can cause time – wasting enquiries, consumers
may worry about sending credit card details, customers may not know whether the
company is reliable.
Chương 3: Travel
Ex: 1 – P16. Read the article and decide on a title for each one.
1. Passport control C
2. No credit D
3. Tunnel trouble A
4. Motorway madness B
Ex: 2 – P16. Work in pairs. Read the article again and decide which one was.

The worst journey C

The funniest experience B

The most stressful journey A

The most embarrassing experience D

Ex: 1 – P19. Read the adverts and answer the questions.

Which hotel…

1. Has an excellent restaurant? A

2. Has gardens? C
3. Has a swimming pool? B
4. Is best for someone arriving by train? B
5. Is best for a conference? C

Ex: 2 – P19. Complete an internet review of each hotel. Tick ( ) the things the
hotels have and cross ( ) the things they don’t have.
Ex: 3 – P19. Work in pairs. What are the five most important qualities for a business
hotel? Write them in order of importance.

A: I think a business hotel should have a free carparking.

B: I agree. But the free carparking lot must be large.

A: I think the hotel needs to have direct-dial phones.

B: I agree. This will help customers have entertainment on their phones.

A: I think the hotel should have en suite rooms.

B: I agree. This puts customers at ease.

A: I think the hotel should have a restaurant to prepare food for the customers.

B: I agree. But it must have a variety of dishes so customers can easily choose.

A: I think business hotels shoul have minibar.

B: I agree. But it must have its own private and quiet space.

Ex: 1 – P17. What happens in each part of the airport? Match 1-7 with the explanations








Writing: P21. Your colleague needs you to book a hotel for him. Read his email them
complete the hotel booking form below.

Ex: 2 – P18. Look at picture 1 and listen. Number the events in Lisa’s story.

Caught a bus 4

Ran to the office 6

Missed a train 2

Went to bed late 1

Waited in a traffic jam 5

Tried to get a taxi 3

Ex: 3 - P18. Look at picture 2 and listen. Tick the expressions that Lisa and Richard use.
Chương 4: Sport
Ex 3 - P23. Read the article again and match the headings with the paragraphs.
Sponsorship 5
The media 6
Event organization and tickets 3
Location 2
Clothing and equipment 4
Education and training 1
Ex 4 – P23. The article contains expressions about size and quantity. Find what is being
A growing market
A wide range of careers
A major leisure industry
Substantial investment
Significant business
Enormous profits
Ex 1 - P27. Read the job ad, then put the expressions in the correct places in the letter.
Ex 2 – P27. All Prasad, the leisure centre Assitant Manager in It’s my job, has put an ad
on the leisure centre noticeboard for a part-time receptionist and office assistant. Write
to him to apply for the job.

Dear Mr Ali Prasad

I am writing to apply for the job advertised in the leisure centre noticeboard a part-time
receptionist and office assistant of 10 June. I’m 19 years old. I also have relevant work
experience. I used to work as a receptionist at a restaurant. Last year I worked part- time
at a coffe shop and I had contact with many customers so I was very confident in

I have never worked in a stadium before, but I believe that I have the necessary skills
and qualifications. I am interested in working for your company because it would give
me valuble experience in the leisure centre.

I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you. My phone number 0855565789. I

enclose a copy of my CV.

Yours sincerely
Tra My

Chương 5: Sales
Ex 2 - P28. Read the article and decide if these sales pitches are effective (E) or not
effective (NE). Explain why.
2 This machine is going to help you organize your life.
E – Sell benefits not features
3 This product is smaller, cheaper to run, and has a longer battery life than our major
E – Differentiate your product
4 Right, let me tell you all about our products.
NE – Learn to listen
5 I see. Can you give me an example of what you mean?
E – Learn to listen
6 Tell me about the product you are using at the moment.
E – Sell to people who buy
Ex 3 - P29. Find words and expressions that mean the following.

1 distinctive parts or aspects of something (paragrap A) features

2 to make something different from other things (B) differentiate

3 sending adverts through the post ( C) direct mailing

4 to decide too soon that something is true ( E) jump to cunclusions

5 better than (F) superior to

6 being told about something, rather than reading about it (G) word of mouth

Ex 4 – P29. Work in pairs. Invent a product. Chosse from

. a mobile phone

Mobile microscope

Most microscopes are already a separate device, but here, the invention of a mobile
microscope that operates based on smartphones will help users feel more convenient.
The cost will be cheap and the convenience will be very high

Attach to mobile phone to magnify small objects.

Used for purposes such as scientific research, electronics repair,...

Startup: P28

Better sales? B, F, G, H

Worse sales? A, C, D, E

P31. 1 Look at Juan’s diary and complete the dialogue.

2. Work in pairs. Talk about things you have arranged to do in the future. Ask and answer

A: Are you doing anything this weekend?

B: I solve the exercises assigned in class

A: What kind of career do you want to have?

B: I want to become a successful businesssman

3 Write sentences about Holly’s business trip next month.

I’m meeting a lof key customers.

I’m eating in some good restaurants.

I’m not visiting factories.

I’m not negotiating some new contracts.

I’m calling the office every day.

I’m not checking emails every morning.

Company Profile:

Ex: 1 - P32. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

Have you ever sold anything in person?

➔ No, I haven’t ever sold anything in person.

Have you ever been to an auction?

→ No, I haven’t ever been to an auction.

Have you ever bought or sold anything online?

→ Yes, I have ever bought anything online.

Ex: 2 – P32. Read the company profile of QXL Match the questions and answers.

Chương 6: Cultural awareness

Ex 1- P34. Do you understand other cultur? Work in pairs. Complete each rule with
must or mustn’t.
Ex 2 - P34. Work in pairs. Think about your own culture. Discuss the ideas in exercise
The host normally starts a business discussion in my country, too.
Unlike Germany, you don’t have to use titles.
We have a rule, but it’s different from China.
In my country smoking is not allowed.
Unlike America, you must have permission to smoke.

Ex 1 - P36. Can you think of the stereotypes used about your culture? Use the words
below to help.

The culture in my country is very effective. For example, when participating in traffic,
motorcyclists must carry helmets, so people always comply with the law, their
consciousness is good.
Ex 2 – P36. Read the article and decide if the statement are true (T) or false (F).
1 You can stand close to an American when you speak to him or her. F
2 It is normal to shake hands briefly when you meet for the first time. T
3 Most Americans smile and look at each other when they greet. T
4 It is offensive to wink in America. F
5 It is not unusual for an American to ask a stranger about their job. T
Ex 3 – P36. Work in pairs. Compare the information above with your own culture.
A: Unlike America, in VietNam you can stand near the Vietnamese when talking.
B: I agree. Vietnam people are very friendly.
A: Like in the US, in Vietnam it is normal to shake hands briefly when you meet for
the first time.
B: I agree.
A: Like in the US, in Vietnam, most Vietnamese smlie and look at each other when they
B: I agree.
A: Unlike American, in Vietnam you can blink to everyone.
B: I agree. The culture of Vietnamese people is different from American.
A: Like in the US, it is not unusual for an Vietnam to ask a stranger about their job.
B: I agree. It is called steet interview in Vietnam.
Ex 2 - P38. Read the article and answer the questions.
1. What did McDonald’s do in France to improve its image?
➔ McDonald’s adopted a French mascot, Asterix, and serves French style coffe.
2. How do McDonald’s products in Hindu and Muslim countries differ from their
global products?
➔ They do not serve beef of pork, they serve a vegetarian burger.
3. What does Coca-Cola do to its product at a local level?
➔ Coca-Cola makes local versions of the drink.
4. What does yahoo do locally?
➔ Yahoo uses local teams to analyse its international sites.
5. Why did Revlon lose sales to L’Oreal in Asia?

→ Revlon used Cindy Crawford instead of a local star.

6. What positive results can come from glocalization?

➔ Charities can create local solutions and fight poverty around the world.

Ex 3 - P38. Complete the paragrap with the following words.


Ex: 1 - P39. Before you read the job description below, discuss these questions.
. What does a call centre operator do?

➔ Call centre operator must answers calls, helps callers with problems, provides
information, deals with customer complaints.

. What skills and qualities are needed?

➔ Call center operators need qualities speak clearly, have a good telephone manner,
understand different accents.

. What qualifications are needed?

➔ Call center operators needs a university degree and basic keyboard skills.

Ex: 2 - P39. Write a job description for your job or for a job you would like to do.


Receptionists ( In hotel)

A receptionists:

- Answers customer booking calls

- Do check in procedures for guests
- Helps customer with problems
- Deals with customer complanints
A receptionists must:

- Take care of the appearance, make an impression from the first meeting
- Positive working attitude
- Flowing foreign language communication skills


- There are universities in disciplines such as human resource management,

tourism - hotel, restaurant management ...
- Foreign languages like TOEIC, IELTS.
- Proficient in office computer skills and hotel management software

Chương 7: Trade fairs

Ex 1 - P41. Read the article and answer the questions.
1. Why are trade fairs useful for businesses?
➔ To make face to face contact, demonstrate and launch products, test new markets,
find out what customers want, find out about new developments, check out the
competition, get new ideas.
2. Why do you think planning is important?
➔ So that you go to the right trade fair, get a good stand position, have promotional
materials and stand funiture ready, can book accommodation and tranport.
3. What tasks do staff do when they are on a stand?
➔ Ask questions, show samples, give demonstrations, take records of visitors, give
out leaflets and business cards.
4. What actions are important after a trade fair?
➔ Have a meeting to discuss how it went, follow up contacts with phone calls,
letters or emails.
Ex 2 - P41. Read the article again and list three reasoms for attending a trade fair.

- Trade fairs are an effective way for businesses to make face-to-face contacts with
potential and customers.
- They provide a chance to demonstrate and launch products, test new markets, and
find out what customers want.
- You can also find out about new competition, and get new ideas.
Ex 3 - P41. According to the article, what should/ shouldn’t you of staff do at trade
fairs? Write sentences to your notebook.
. Should
+ You should look at a trade fair’s statistics.
+ You should book well in advance.
+ You should order promotional materials and stand furniture.
+ You should book accommodation and transport.
+ Staff should be well prepared and they should ask appropriate questions.
+ They should give out leaflets and business cards.
. Shouldn’t
+ You shouldn’t neglect the contacts you made.
Answering enquiries:
Ex 2 - P61. Put the sentences in the correct order in each email.
Ex 3 - P61. You work for PromoPerfect. Answer the follwing enquiries. Use the
information in the table.
. I would like to know what colours the Hand Track Mouse comes in. Also, can it be
used by left-handed people? (Kristin Archer)
➔ Hand Track Mouse comes in green and sliver. Left-handed people can still use

. Could you give me more details ablout the USB Pendrive? (Martin Vidmar)

➔ USB allows you to carry a lot of data. Great for PowerPoint presentations and
there is size 90mm x 30mm x 14mm.
Ex 2- P63. Read the emails and answer the questions.
1 What problem does Megan Byrne have?
→ The packaging was damaged, and the cameras are not of saleable quality.

2 What does she want to happen?

→ She wants them to collect them and send us a replacernent consignment as soon as

3 Who does Derek Adams think is reponsible for the prolem?

→ Derek Adams thinks the person responsible for this problem is the service provider.

4 What is he going to do?

→ He will send replacement cameras and will collect damaged items free of charge.

5 Do you think that Megan Byrne will be happy with the solution?

➔ Definitely!
Ex 3 - P63. Read the following problem. Write an emails of complaint. Then write the
reply from the company.
Email of complaint

Dear company DVD

I am writing to complain about the purchase of 2 DVDs, order no. 92670 BF, which we
received today.

I am sorry to say that I ordered 2 DVDs from the company DVD Direct – The Last
Samurai and Spiderman, Deluxe Edition. But I received them The Lost Princess and
Lord of the Rings Part 1.

Please arrange to have them collected, and send us a replacement consignment as soon
as possible.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Your sincerely

Tra My

Company DVD Direct

Reply from the company

Dear Ms Tra My
Thank you for your email concerning your order no.92670 BF. We are very sorry to hear
about the problem with the delivery of this order. Our carrier is investigating the matter.
We will send your 2 CDs correctly and collect the wrong order.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. We look forward to doing business
again with you in the future.
Yours sincerely
Company DVD Direct

Read CVs (Ex 1, 2) (P59) then write your own CV

Chương 8: Advertising
+ Advertising space
Ex 1 - P47. Complete the text using these words and phrases. Add the if necessary.
Ex 2 - P47. Work in group. Discuss products you know using the adjectives.

I think Dalat cabbage is one of the delicious and fresh vegetables.

I think a large sofa will help us feel more comfortable.
I think a LV hat will make me more stylish.
+ The Persuaders
Ex 1 - P48. Work in groups. What kinds of products do the following groups of people
usually advertise?

Young men Beer, moblie phones, cars, snacks, razors,

clothes, holidays

Young women Beauty product, perfume, clothes, drinks,

cars, holidays

Children Sweets, food, toys

Housewises Food, beauty products, claning products,

air fesheners,

Business people Computers, airlines, cars, mobile phones,


Teenagers Computers, drinks, snacks, beauty


Families Food, drinks, holidays, baby food and

products, cars

Secretaries Dieting products, soft drinks, office


Old people Insurance, vitamins, holidays

Ex 2 - P48. Read the article and match the headings to the paragraphs.
Scietific authrority D

Negative feelings C

Association of ideas F

Repetition A

Hype B

Emotional appeal E

Ex 3 - P48. Read the article again and answer the questions.

Which technique….
1 uses a lot of superlatives? B
2 uses images of family life to attract us? E
3 links products to pleasant ideas? F
4 uses a famous person or an expert? D

+ Who's who in advertising?

Ex 2 - P49. Read Who’s who in advertising and decide if the sentences are true (T) or
false (F).

1 Account managers are only responsible for the budget F

2 Art directors are responsible for creating the basic idea for the advert T
3 Copywriters work on the visual side of the advertising campaign F
4 People in the Media department have to negotiate to boy advertising space T
5 The print production manager is the person who records commercials F
6 Art directors are responsible gor fliming TV commercials F

Writing: Read the Report on P62, then write a product description or report.


Water environment pollution.

The purpose of this research is to understand the water pollution. Reasons for pollution
and actual status.

Causes of water pollution:

Pollution of water sources due to population growth. karma, industry. Water pollution
due to waste in daily life. Pollution of water from medical waste. Water pollution due to
agricultural production. The cause of the first water pollution stems from agricultural
production activities such as cultivation and husbandry. Accordingly, the leftovers that
are not treated, feces and urine of the pet discharged directly out are the most noticeable
factors. In Vietnam, the current statistical figures show multiple The number of hospitals
and medical facilities across the country has not yet been required to treat wastewater.
Water pollution is the left side of the industrial production process. Wastewater and
waste from industrial production activities are largely discharged directly into ponds,
lakes and rivers but have not been treated. Therefore, this is also one of the most typical
causes of water pollution. The water pollution in Vietnam also does not only occur in
rural areas, but also contaminated with water environment in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
City, neighboring provinces are also very serious. In Hanoi City: about 350 - 400
thousand m3 of wastewater and more than 1,000m3 of waste discharged every day, but
only 10% is treated, the rest discharged directly into the river, causing water pollution,
causing fish to die in goods. Series in West Lake, the level of pollution across 6 districts.

To conclude, we realize that the current environmental pollution is quite serious. Most
of the pollution is due to human impacts, they are not aware of environmental protection.
Based on our prediction, if people still do not have the initiative in environmental
protection, the current pollution will cause a great impact on the globe.

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