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SCHOOL YEAR 2024/2025

Date Activities
July 2024 16 1-12 School Break Holidays
S M T W Th F Sa 7 1 Muharram
1 2 3 4 5 5 12 Parent's Meeting 1-6 grades
6 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 First day of school. Opening Year Ceremony 2024/2025.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16-19 TM Gearing Up
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30

August 2024 22 16 Flag Ceremony & Pesta Rakyat

S M T W Th F Sa 16 Indonesia Independence Day
1 2 3 23 Open House TM
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 Distribute July - August monthly report
10 12 12 14 14 16 16
17 19 19 21 21 23 23
24 26 27 28 28 29 30

September 2024 20 3 Trimulia Swimming Race

S M T W Th F Sa 15 Prophet Muhammad
31 2 3 4 5 6 6 17 Mid-Autumn Festival
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 * Distribute September monthly report
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 * Trimulia Exploration and Discovery (TED) & TM GOT Talent
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29

October 2024 23 1-4 * Trimulia Exploration and Discovery (TED) & TM GOT Talent
S M T W Th F Sa * Sex Education (5th & 6th grades)
31 1 2 3 4 7-8 5th Grade Curriculum-based National Assessment (tentative)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (ANBK=Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Kurikulum)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7-18 Field Trip Week (tentative)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22, 24, 25 Student's General Health Check
26 27 28 29 30 31 Distribute October monthly report

November 2024 21 1 Distribute 1st Semester Project study guide to students.

S M T W Th F Sa 11 Hari Pahlawan flag ceremony
1 1 11-15 Project Week
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 Distribute 1st Sem Final Summative Assessment study guide to students.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18-22 Reviewing week
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 Nov-2 Des 1st Semester Final Summative Assessment
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 Bahasa Indonesia
26 English
27 Science
28 Bible

December 2024 10 25 Nov-2 Des 1st Semester Final Summative Assessment

S M T W Th F Sa 2 Maths
31 2 2 4 4 6 6 3-5 Christmas Practise
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 Bazaar & Potluck
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9-10 General Rehearsal for Christmas Celebration (tentative).
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 11 Student's Christmas Celebration (tentative)
28 29 30 13 Distribute 1st Semester Report to parents.
16-31 1st Semester, Christmas, & New Year holiday for students.
25 Christmas
Approved by Bandung, May, 2024
Principal Curriculum Director

Tjiong Siu Tjing, S.S. Nety, S. Pd., M. Th.

NB:The schedule is subject to change.
SCHOOL YEAR 2024/2025
Date Activities
January 2025 16 31 New Year Holiday
S M T W Th F Sa 2-6 Semester & Christmas Holiday
31 1 2 3 7 Students back to school with regular schedules
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Distribute Pre Final Level Summative Assessment 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 study guide to students.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20-24 Pre Final Level Sum Assessment 1 (6th Gr)
25 26 27 28 29 30 20 Bible & B. Indonesia
21 Matematika, Penjas
22 IPA, PLH, English
23 B. Sunda, SBdP
24 IPAS, Pendidikan Pancasila
26 Isra Mi'raj
28 Chinese New Year Joint Holiday
28 Chinese New Year holiday
31 Distribute Pre Final Level Sum Assessment 1 report

February 2025 20 7 Trimulia Chinese Culture Festival (TM CCF)

S M T W Th F Sa 17 Distribute Pre Final Level Summative Assessment 2
study guide to students.
31 24-28 Pre Final Level Sum Assessment 2 (6th Gr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 Bible & B. Indonesia
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 25 Matematika, Penjas
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 IPA, PLH, English
22 23 24 25 26 27 27 B. Sunda, SBdP
28 IPAS, Pendidikan Pancasila
28 Distribute January - February monthly report

March 2025 17 5 Distribute Pre Final Level Sum Assessment 2 report

S M T W Th F Sa 7 Trimulia Home Concert
31 10-21 Field Trip Week (tentative)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13-14 Cambridge (YLE & KET) 2nd, 4th, & 6th grades (tentative)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15/22 YCT (Youth Chinese Test) (tentative)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 17-19 Commitment Fee Payment Period
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 Study Tour 4th Grade (tentative)
29 30 20-21 Blast Camp 5th grade
26-28 Joint Eid Mubarak Holiday
28 Day of Silence (Nyepi holiday)
30-31 Eid Mubarak

April 2025 16 1-4 Joint Eid Mubarak Holiday

S M T W Th F Sa 7 * Students back to school & Practical Assessment Orientation
31 1 2 3 4 * Distribute rubric of Practical Assessment to 6th grade students
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14-16 Holy Friday Week + Pre Passover Service
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 Teachers' Passover Service
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 Good Friday
26 27 28 29 21 Kartini Day
21-25 Practical Assessment (6th grade)
22, 24, 25 Student's General Health Check
30 Distribute March - April monthly report

May 2025 17 1 May Day

S M T W Th F Sa 2-3 * RAKER (School Year Evaluation and Planning)
31 2 2 5 * Distribute project week study guide to students (Gr1-5)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Distribute Final Level Sum Assessment Study Guide
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 to students (Grade 6)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5-8 Reviewing Week of 6th grade students
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 Trimulia Swimming Race
9 Motivation Camp 6th Grade
12 Vesak Holiday
13-16 Project Week (Grade 1-5)

May 2025 17 13-19 Final Level Summative Assessment (US) (Grade 6)

S M T W Th F Sa 13 Bible, B. Indonesia
31 2 2 14 Matematika, Penjas
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 IPA, PLH, English
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 B. Sunda, SBdP
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 IPAS, Pendidikan Pancasila
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15 Distribute 2nd Semester Final Summative Assessment
study guide to students (Grade 1-5)
19-23 Reviewing week of Grades 1-5 (No Test)
26-28 2nd Sem Final Summative Assessment (Grade 1-5)
26 Bahasa Indonesia
27 English
28 Bible
29 Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
30 Joint Holiday

June 2025 20 1 Pancasila Day

S M T W Th F Sa 2-4 2nd Semester Final Summative Assessment (Grade 1-5)
2 Science
31 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 IPAS
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 Math
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 Potluck & Bazaar
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 Student's Closing Ceremony
28 29 7 Eid Al Adha
10 Trimulia Family Fiesta
11 Distribute 2nd Semester Report to parents.
12 6th Grade Graduation Day
13-30 Semester break holiday.
27 1 Muharram

July 2025 23 1-11 Semester break holiday.

S M T W Th F Sa 10-Jan Parent's Meeting Gr 1-6
31 1 2 3 4 14 First day of school. Opening Year Ceremony 2025/2026.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

Approved by Bandung, May, 2024

Principal Curriculum Director

Tjiong Siu Tjing, S.S. Nety, S.Pd. M.Th.

NB: The schedule is subject to change.
T S Date Activities
July 2024 20 16 1-12 School Break Holidays (students)
S M T W Th F Sa 1-3 New Teachers' Training (PIC : Pdt. Candra)
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 * Teachers Back to School
6 8 8 10 10 12 12 * Briefing from Principal.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 * Information and reminder from curriculum.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 * Training for the new teachers from curriculum (administration).
27 28 29 30 * Teachers prepare and make ATP, daily preparation, modul ajar
(22-26 July), WS/HO for July.
* KKG all subjects to discuss how to make and prepare administrations.
5 Opening Ceremony (KATA) + training at STTB (PIC : Mr. Ferven )
6 1 Muharram
8 *Submit ATP, syllabus, and teaching module (1st week) to Curriculum Director.
*Homeroom & assistant prepare classroom.
*Submit WS/ HO July to Coordinator.
10 Subject teachers fill in the summative schedule.
12 Parent's meeting 1-6 grades.
15 -19 First day of school. Opening Year Ceremony 2024/2025 & TM Gearing Up
(PIC : CB-Bible teachers)
19 Homeroom distribute summative schedule to parents.
31 Submit Modul Ajar for 1 semester to Curriculum Director

August 2024 22 22 *MGMP each level discuss about P5, making module and its activities.
S M T W Th F Sa *Subject teachers submit the rest of teacher's administration (kaldik, KKTP, and
1 2 3 evaluation program).
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 Flag Ceremony & Pesta Rakyat (PIC : Ms. Yulian)
10 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 Indonesia Independence Day
17 19 19 21 21 23 23 19-22 Subject teachers fill in the grades to the computer.
24 26 27 28 28 29 30 23 Open House TM (PIC: Ms. Revita
26 Closing all subject grades at 4 p.m. and submit report's description.
29 HR teachers submit ledger monthly report to Curriculum Director at 11:00 a.m.
30 * Distribute July - August monthly report to parents by email at 3 P.M.

September 2024 20 20 2-13 KKG all subjects to evaluate and prepare next lesson material.
S M T W Th F Sa 3 Trimulia Swimming Race (PIC: PE Teachers)
31 2 3 4 5 6 6 15 Prophet Muhammad
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17-23 Subject teachers fill in the grades to the computer.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 Mid-Autumn Festival (PIC: Ls. Marius)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 Closing all subject grades at 4 p.m. and submit report's description.
28 29 27 HR teachers submit ledger monthly report to Curriculum Director at 11:00 a.m.
29 * Trimulia Exploration and Discovery (TED) & TM GOT Talent
(PIC: Ls. Ferris & Ms. Yelline)
* Sex Education (5th & 6th grades)
* Distribute September monthly report to parents by email at 3 P.M.

October 2024 23 23 1-4 * Trimulia Exploration and Discovery (TED) & TM GOT Talent
S M T W Th F Sa (PIC: Ls. Ferris & Ms. Yelline)
31 1 2 3 4 * Sex Education (5th & 6th grades)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1-11 KKG all subjects to discuss how to make TOS & framework.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 Submit TOS (kisi-kisi) of 1st Semester FSA to Subject Coordinators.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Math, Science, English, B. Indonesia, Bible, & IPAS
26 27 28 29 30 3 Subject coordinators submit TOS to Curriculum Director.
7-8 5th Grade Curriculum-based National Assessment (tentative)
(ANBK=Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Kurikulum) (PIC: 5th grade teachers)
7-18 Field Trip Week (tentative)
7-11 MGMP each level to finalize P5 module.
14-24 Subject teachers fill in the grades to the computer and check the formula.
October 2024 23 23 21-23 PIC each level submit Modul P5 to Curriculum Director.
S M T W Th F Sa 21 1st & 2nd grade
31 1 2 3 4 22 3rd & 4th grade
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 23 5th & 6th grade
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22, 24, 25 Student's General Health Check.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 Closing all subject grades at 4 p.m. and submit report's description.
26 27 28 29 30 28-31 * Student's Chapel ( Theme: Reformation) (PIC: Bible Coordinator)
* Submit Framework (butir-butir soal) of Final Summative Assessment
(FSA) to Curriculum Director.
28 Science & English
29 Math & IPAS
30 B. Indonesia
31 Bible
30 HR teachers submit ledger monthly report to Curriculum Director at 11:00 a.m.
31 * Distribute October monthly report to parents by email at 3 P.M.

November 2024 21 21 1 Distribute 1st Semester Project study guide to students.

S M T W Th F Sa 1-6 Submit Question & Answer of 1st Semester FSA to Curriculum Director.
1 1 1 Science & English
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 Math & IPAS
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 B. Indonesia
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6 Bible
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 * Last day of teaching for grade 1-6.
11 * Subject teachers fill in 1st Semester FSA study guide.
* Hari Pahlawan flag ceremony.
11-15 * Project Week grade 1-6.
12 Submit FSA study guide to Curriculum Director.
18 * HRs distribute FSA study guide to students.
* Submit analysis all non summative subjects to Coordinators.
18-22 Reviewing week
22 * Finalize all non summative subjects' grades.
* Computer's teachers help to process the grades of all non summative subjects.
* Teachers submit November report's description to Curriculum Director.
25 Closing Sunday school report.
25 Nov-2 Des 1st Semester Final Summative Assessment
25 Bahasa Indonesia
26 English
27 Science
28 Bible

December 2024 11 10 25 Nov-2 Des 1st Semester Final Summative Assessment

S M T W Th F Sa 2 Maths
31 2 2 4 4 6 6 2 Submit analysis all FSA subjects to Curriculum Director.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3-5 Practise Christmas (Students go home at 12 p.m.)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 * Bazaar & Potluck
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9-10 * General Rehearsal for Christmas Celebration (tentative).
28 29 30 11 Student's Christmas Celebration (PIC :Ms. Sevia)
12 * Report Preparation. Homerooms check the report.
13 * Distribute 1st Semester Report to parents.
* SDK Trimulia HITS Teachers Gathering
14 Teacher Christmas Celebration (SMP BM - Ms. Melisa)
16-31 1st Semester, Christmas, & New Year holiday for students & teachers.
Effective Days for Teacher : 117 ? Titimangsa Rapor Sem 1
Effective Days for Student : 112 25 Christmas
Approved by Bandung, May, 2024
Principal Curriculum Director

Tjiong Siu Tjing, S.S. Nety, S.Pd. M.Th.

NB: The schedule is subject to change.
SCHOOL YEAR 2024/2025

B T S Date Activities
January 2025 17 16 1 New Year Holiday
S M T W Th F Sa 2-3 First Semester & Christmas Holiday (student & teacher)
31 1 2 3 5 Teachers' Back To School
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6-7 * KKG all subjects (discuss about lesson preparation and administration).
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Subject Coordinator reminds about ATP, teaching module, and summative assessment.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * 6th grade subject teachers and HRs discuss about pre-FLSA, written & practical FLSA, 2nd checker.
25 26 27 28 29 30 * 6th grade teachers fill in Pre Final Level Summative Assessment (Pre-FLSA) 1 study guide.
* MGMP each level (Grade I-V) discuss about Modul P5.
7 Students back to school with regular schedules.
8 * 6th grade HRs submit Pre-FLSA 1 study guide to Curriculum Director.
* 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 1 to 2nd Checkers.
(English, Bible, B. Ind., Maths. Penjaskes, SBdP, IPA-PLH, B. Sunda, IPAS-Pendidikan Pancasila)
9 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 1 questions & answer to Coordinators.
10 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 1 questions & answer to Curriculum Director.
13 6th grade HRs distribute Pre-FLSA 1 study guide to students.
13-17 Submit ATP Sem 2, daily preparation, evaluation program, and KKTP to Curriculum Director.
13 Computer, English, and PE
14 IPAS, PLH, and Maths
15 B. Indonesia and B. Sunda
16 CB, Bible, and Science
17 SBdP (Art & Craft - Music), Mandarin, and Pend. Pancasila

20-24 Pre Final Level Summative Assessment 1 (6th Grade)

20 Bible, B. Indonesia
21 Matematika, Penjas
22 IPA-PLH, English
23 B. Sunda, SBdP
24 IPAS-Pendidikan Pancasila
26 Isra Mi'raj
28 Joint Holiday Chinese New Year
28 Chinese New Year holiday
31 6th grade HRs distribute Pre-FLSA 1 report.

February 2025 20 20 3 * 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 2 questions & answer to 2nd Checkers.
S M T W Th F Sa (English, Bible, B. Ind., Maths. Penjaskes, SBdP, IPA-PLH, B. Sunda, IPAS-Pendidikan Pancasila)
31 4 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 2 questions & answer to Coordinators.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6th grade teachers submit all subjects Pre-FLSA 2 questions & answer to Curriculum Directors.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 Trimulia Chinese Culture Festival (TM CCF) (PIC: Mandarin Teachers)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 6th grade teachers fill in Pre-FLSA 2 study guide.
22 23 24 25 26 27 10-14 Submit modul ajar semester 2 to Curriculum Director.
10 English and PE
11 IPAS and Math
12 B.Indonesia and B.Sunda
13 Bible and Science
14 SBdP (A&C - Music) and Pend. Pancasila
10 6th grade Homeroom submit Pre-FLSA 2 study guide to Curriculum Director.
11-21 Subject teachers fill in the grades to the computer & check the formula.
16 6th grade HRs distribute Pre-FLSA 2 study guide to students.
20-21 6th grade HRs and teachers discuss about practical FLSA.
24 Closing all subject grades at 4 p.m. and submit report's description.

February 2025 20 20 24-28 Pre Final Level Summative Assessment 2 (6th Grade)
S M T W Th F Sa 24 Bible, B. Indonesia
31 25 Matematika, Penjas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 26 IPA-PLH, English
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 27 B. Sunda, SBdP
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 IPAS-Pendidikan Pancasila
22 23 24 25 26 27 25 Homeroom teachers fill in Jan-Feb monthly report.
26 HR teachers submit ledger monthly report to Curriculum Director at 11:00 a.m.
28 * Distribute Jan-Feb monthly report to parents by email at 3 P.M.

March 2025 17 17 3 6th grade teachers submit all subjects draft & rubric of Practical FLSA (kisi-kisi)
S M T W Th F Sa to Curriculum Director.
31 4-6 * KKG all subjects. (discuss about the first monthly report and the next due)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MGMP each level about Modul P5.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 * 6th grade teachers submit draft & rubric of practical FLSA to curriculum director.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * 6th grade HRs distribute Pre-FLSA 2 report.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7 Trimulia Home Concert (PIC: MS. Eunike)
29 30 10 6th grade teachers fill in practical FLSA study guide.
10-21 * Field Trip Week (tentative)
11 * 6th grade HRs submit practical FLSA study guide to Curriculum Director.
12 * 6th grade teachers submit framework of FLSA to 2nd Checkers.
(English, Bible, B. Ind., Maths, Penjaskes, SBdP, IPA-PLH, B. Sunda, IPAS-Pendidikan Pancasila)
13 * 6th grade teachers submit framework of FLSA to Coordinators.
13-14 Cambridge (YLE & KET) 2nd, 4th, & 6th grades (tentative) (PIC: English Teachers)
15/22 YCT (Youth Chinese Test) (tentative) (PIC: Mandarin Teachers)
17 * 6th grade teachers submit framework of FLSA to Curriculum Director.
17-19 Commitment Fee Payment Period
20 * Study Tour 4th Grade (tentative) (PIC: Homeroom 4th grade)
20-21 Blast Camp 5th grade (PIC: Homeroom 5th grade)
26-28 Joint Eid Mubarak Holiday
28 Day of Silence (Nyepi holiday)
30-31 Eid Mubarak

April 2025 17 16 1-4 Joint Eid Mubarak Holiday

S M T W Th F Sa 6 * Teachers back to school.
31 1 2 3 4 * Students back to school. Practical Assessment Orientation (Gr. 6)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 6th grade HRs distribute rubric of Practical Assessment.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 6th grade teachers submit question & answer key of FLSA to 2nd checkers.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (English, Bible, B. Ind., Maths, Penjaskes, SBdP, IPA-PLH, B. Sunda, IPAS & Pendidikan Pancasila)
26 27 28 29 9 6th grade teachers submit question & answer key of FLSA to Coordinators.
10 6th grade teachers submit questions & answers key of FLSA to Curriculum Director.
14 6th grade teachers fill in FLSA study guide.
14-16 * Holy Friday Week + Pre Passover Service (PIC: MS. Silvia)
14-16 * Submit Draft & Rubric of 2nd Semester Project (Final Project) to Curriculum Director
14 1st & 2nd grade
15 3rd & 4th grade
16 5th grade
14-25 * Subject teachers fill in the grades to the computer & check the formula.
15 6th grade HRs check and submit FLSA study guide to Curriculum Director.
17 Teachers' Passover Service
18 Good Friday
21 Kartini Day (PIC: Ms. Priska)
21-25 Practical Assessment (6th grade)
21 Subject teachers submit TOS (kisi-kisi) FSA grade 1-5 to Coordinator.
22 Coordinator submit TOS (kisi-kisi) FSA grade 1-5 to Curriculum Director.
22, 24, 25 Student's General Health Check
23 Chapel theme "Passover" (PIC: Bible teachers)
24-30 Coordinator submit Butir-Butir Soal (framework) FSA gr 1- 5 to Curriculum Dir.
24 English & Bible
25 B. Indonesia
28 Math
29 IPAS (Science)
30 IPAS (Social Studies)
25 * Closing all subject grades at 4 p.m. and submit report's description.
* Computer's teachers process and print the grades.
28 * Raker Mandarin teachers
* Homeroom teachers fill in March - April monthly & report.
30 * Distribute March-April monthly report to parents by email at 3 P.M.

May 2025 19 17 1 May Day

S M T W Th F Sa 2-3 * RAKER (School Program Evaluation and Planning)
31 2 2 2 * Students passive learning: do assessments (Grade 1-6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 * Distribute Project Week Study Guide to students (Grade 1-5) + Project Week Orientation
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 * 6th grade HRs distribute FLSA study guide to students.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 * Subject teachers (Grade 1-5) submit question & answer of FSA to Coordinator.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5-8 Reviewing Week of 6th grade students
6 Trimulia Swimming Race (PIC: PE teachers)
7-9 Coordinator submit question answer of FSA Gr. 1-5 to Curriculum Director.
7 Bible, English
8 B. Indonesia, Math
9 IPAS (Science, Social Studies)
8-14 * Administration Staff copy FSA Question & answer sheet.
9 Motivation Camp 6th Grade (PIC: Homeroom grade 6)
12 Vesak Holiday
13 Subject teachers (grade 1-5) fill in FSA study guide.
13-16 * Project Week (Grade 1-5)
13-19 Final Level Summative Assessment (US) (Grade 6)
13 Bible, B. Indonesia
14 Matematika, Penjaskes
15 IPA, PLH, English
16 B. Sunda, SBdP
19 IPAS, Pendidikan Pancasila
13-22 * 6th grade teachers finalize all the FLSA subjects' grades.
* 6th grade teachers submit FLSA analysis to Curriculum Director.
* Computer's teachers help to process the grades.
14 Homerooms grade 1-5 submit FSA Study Guide to Curriculum Director.
15 * Distribute FSA study guide to students (Grade 1-5).
* Closing Sunday school report.
19-23 * Reviewing week (No Test) (Grade 1-5)
* Submit analysis all the Non FSA subjects to Curriculum Director.
* Finalization of all the Non FSA subjects' grades.
* Computer's teachers help to process the grades.
26-28 2nd Semester Final Summative Assessment (Grade 1-5)
26 Bahasa Indonesia
27 English
28 Bible
27 Refreshing Course (PIC: Homeroom grade 6)
29 Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
30 Joint Holiday

June 2025 20 1 Pancasila Day

S M T W Th F Sa 2-4 2nd Semester Final Summative Assessment (Grade 1-5)
2 Science
31 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 IPAS
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 Math
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2-6 * Submit analysis FSA subjects to Curriculum.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Finalize all the FSA subjects' grades (Grade 1-5)
28 29 * Computer's teachers help to process the grades.
5 Potluck & Bazaar
6 Student Closing Ceremony (PIC: Mr. Alde)
6-10 * Final Report Preparation & Pleno meeting (HRs bring ledger 2nd Semester Report).
* HR teachers submit ledger to Curriculum Director and fill in 2nd semester report.
7 Eid Al Adha
9 Report Preparation
10 Family Fiesta (PIC: Ms. Fanny)
12 6th Grade Graduation Day (PIC: Homeroom grade 6)
13 Teacher's Gathering
13-30 Student's semester break holiday.
14 Teacher Closing Ceremony (SD BM- Ms. Julianne)
16-30 Teacher's semester break holiday.
? Titimangsa Rapor Sem 2

July 2025 23 1-11 Semester break holiday.

S M T W Th F Sa 7 Teachers Back to School
31 1 2 3 4 Opening Ceremony (KATA) (PIC: )
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 Parent's Meeting 1st - 6th graders and newcomers students
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 First day of school. Opening Year Ceremony 2025/2026.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

Approved by Bandung, May, 2024

Principal Curriculum Director

Tjiong Siu Tjing, S.S. Nety, S.Pd. M.Th.

NB: The schedule is subject to change.

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