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(Macro Economics)
1. (c) Both Statements 1 and 2 are true coincidence of wants’, found in the barter
Explanation: Mostly income-consumption system. The buyer can now pay money to the
curve slopes upward to the right because seller and the seller, in turn, can buy whatever
demand for normal goods increases as the he wants to buy. Thus, money facilitates the
income of the consumer rises. There is a direct transactions of goods and services.
relationship between income of the consumer
6. (a) 320, 10000, 2000, 8000
and consumption of that normal good
whereas AD, which includes both investment Explanation: Let’s assume that the bank
and consumption, is parallel to and above the requires to maintain a CRR of 20 percent.
consumption curve. (1) If a person (person A) deposits ` 2,000 with
the bank, then the bank keeps only ` 400
2. (b) Income
in cash reserve and lends the remaining
Explanation: Flow variable refers to the ` 1600 to another person (person B).
quantity of a variable that can be measured
(2) Similarly, the bank keeps 20 percent
over a period of time. For example, income,
of ` 1600 (i.e. ` 320) and advances the
expenditure of money, interest on capital etc.
remaining ` 1280
3. (a) Investment multiplier This process continues until the initial
Explanation: Investment multiplier is defined primary deposit of ` 2,000 and the initial
as the ratio of change in income to change in additional reserves of ` 1600 lead to
investment. Symbolically, additional or derivative deposits of ` 8,000
∆Y (1600+1280+….). Adding the initial deposits,
Multiplier (k) = .
∆I we get total deposits of ` 10,000. In this
case, the credit multiplier is 5 (reciprocal
Related Theory of the CRR) and the credit creation is five
times the initial excess reserves of ` 1600.
 Marginal Propensity to Consume is the ratio of
change in consumption to change in income. 7. (d) equal; zero
4. (a) debit; capital Explanation: MPS represents the ratio between
change in savings to change in income. Its
Explanation: Capital account of Balance of
value ranges between 0 and 1. If the whole of
Payment records receipts and payments of
the income is spend on consumption or change
foreign exchange which impact the asset-
in income is equal to change in consumption,
liability status of a country in relation to rest
then MPS is zero.
of the world. It will be recorded on the debit
side because there is outward flow of capital 8. (c) (I) and (III)
from India to Britain. Explanation:
Related Theory (1) Supply of foreign exchange comes through
exports of goods and services.
 Balance of Payment is a statement of account
(2) Foreign Investment in rest of the world is
showing all monetary transactions (or economic
transactions) of a country with rest of the world an important business activity. We need
during a given period of time. foreign exchange in which investment is to
be made.
5. (c) Medium of exchange (3) Supply of foreign exchange increases in the
Explanation: Medium of exchange function form of gifts and other remittances from
of money has solved the problem of ‘double abroad.

Sample Paper 12 1

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(4) We need foreign exchange because 13. Given, MPC = 0.75, ΔY = ₹ 2,000 Crore
payments for import are made in foreign 1
exchange only. k=
1 − MPC
9. (a) 1120 1
Explanation: Given that,
1 − 0.75
C= 80 + 0.75Y and I = ` 200 crores
We know that, 1
Y =C+I 0 .25
Y = 80 + 0.75 Y + 200 According to the question,
Y – 0.75 Y = 80 + 200 ∆Y
0.25 2000
\ 4=
= ` 1120 crores
10. (c) A – Export of goods, B – Net non-factor Or, ΔI =
= ₹ 500 crore
income, C – Gifts, remittances and grants
Related Theory Therefore, to achieve the targeted increase in
income, the increase in investment (ΔI) required
 Current account of balance of payments account will be ₹ 500 Crore
records receipts and payment of foreign exchange
which do no impact the asset-liability status of a 14. (A) Open Market Operations: These deal with
country in relation to rest of the world. The principal the Central Bank's (RBI) open market sales
components of current account are import and and purchases of government securities.
export of goods and services and current transfers.
The Central Bank absorbs liquidity from the
11. (A) Change in Stock = NVAFC + Intermediate economy when it sells these securities, and
Consumption + Depreciation it releases liquidity when it buys government
– Subsidies – Sales securities. This is a crucial strategy for
= 200 + 100 + 40 – 10 – 400 controlling the market's liquidity (money
= (–) ` 70 crores
(B) Margin Requirement: The difference
between the current value of the security
(B) (i) Real GDP is the market value of the final given and the loan amount is referred to
goods and services produced within the as the margin requirement of the loan.
domestic territory of a country, during Borrowers can obtain higher sums of
an accounting year, as estimated at the money from the banks when the Central
base year prices. Bank lowers the margin requirement,
(ii) Intermediate consumption refers to the which will boost the quantity of money
expenditure incurred by a production available in the economy. A rise in margin
unit on purchasing those goods and requirements, on the other hand, will
services from other production units reduce the amount of credit available in
which are meant for resale or for using the economy.
up completely during the same year.
(iii) When a good is purchased for resale or 15. (A) In the economy, if AD is less than AS,
for using it completely in the production it implies that the buyers are planning
during the year, it is classified as to purchase less than what sellers are
intermediate good, such as raw material planning to produce. As a result, inventories
purchased for producing a good. start piling up and rise above the desired
level. Thus, the producers reduce production
12. The given statement is refuted as the Current and workers are thrown out of jobs. This
Account Deficit (CAD) is a broader concept. leads to a fall in the income level, i.e., AS.
CAD occurs when the foreign exchange This downward trend continues till AD
payments on account of visibles, invisibles and once again becomes equal to A.S., i.e., the
current transfers are in excess over the receipts economy reaches the stage of equilibrium,
of visibles, invisibles and current transfers. A i.e., AD = AS.
country may face a situation of CAD, even if
the country has trade surplus, with greater
negative balances on account of services and (B) The steps taken by the Central Bank to
unilateral transfers. boost the falling demand in the economy

2 Economics Class XII

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are justified as the reduction in the repo (ii) Fiscal Deficit = Total budget Expenditure
rate and reverse repo rate will increase the – Total budget Non-Debt Receipts
availability of funds in the market through = (RE + CE) – (CR + RR)
the commercial banks.
= (200 + 220) – (190 + 160)
Rationale: A decrease in Repo/Reverse
= ` 70 crore
Repo Rate will push the commercial
banks to reduce the lending rate and will (B) Capital receipts are the government’s
eventually make the borrowings cheaper receipts which either create liabilities
for the general public. As a result, the or lead to reduction in assets, whereas
consumption demand in the economy may revenue receipts are the government’s
increase. receipts which neither create liabilities nor
lead to reduction in assets.
16. (A) (i) Fees paid to a mechanic by a firm will OR
not be included in the estimation of
(A) Government seeks to allocate resources
Gross Domestic Product at market price
with a view to balance the goals of all
because it is an intermediate expenditure
sections of the society. Production of
of the firm, which is not included, to
goods and services which are injurious
avoid the problem of double-counting
to health may be discouraged through
of the expenditure.
taxation policy. Similarly, production of
(ii) Interest paid by an individual on a car goods of socially beneficial nature may
loan taken by a bank is not included, be encouraged through subsidies. If the
because the loan is taken to meet private sector does not take initiative
the consumption expenditure of the in certain activities (Public Goods), the
individual and thus, the interest paid on government may directly control them like
such a loan is not treated as a factor water supply and sanitation etc.
(B) The government is attempting to
(B) No, we do not agree with the given achieve the financial goal of "reducing
statement as intermediate goods are inequality in incomes" by distributing
generally non-durable in nature. They are basic foodgrains nearly free to families
the goods used as raw material and they living below the poverty line. By
lose their identity in the production process offering the aforementioned benefit to
for the creation of a new commodity, the underprivileged, the government
during an accounting year. is maximising welfare spending. The
17. (A) (i) Revenue Deficit = Revenue Expenditure government can attempt to reduce the
– Revenue Receipts wealth gap between the rich and the poor
in this way.
= 200 – 160 = ` 40 crore

(Indian Economic Development)
18. (b) Change in composition of India’s foreign trade develop agriculture, cottage industries, small-scale
industries, village industries, handicrafts, and more.
Explanation: India’s foreign trade was largely
Its role includes the funding of any agricultural
determined by the strategic needs of the British activities with respect to rural development in India,
colonial powers prior to its independence in as the institution's primary goal is the nationwide
1947. It was only after independence that growth of India's rural community. There are three
India’s trade patterns began to change in view sectors around which schemes of NABARD work’s:
of its developmental needs. development, supervision, and finance.

19. (a) NABARD 20. (a) (I) and (II)

Explanation: NABARD stands for National Explanation: Lack of political stability and
Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. increasing dependence on foreign loans were
It was established in 1982 to foster rural the main reasons for the slowdown of the
prosperity and acts as the apex bank for rural Pakistan’s economy since independence.
financing. 21. (a) Inflationary pressure
Related Theory Explanation: The 1991 Indian economic crisis
was an economic crisis in India resulting from
 NABARD has been authorised to provide credit
the balance of payments deficit due to excess
and other financial facilities to promote and
reliance on imports and other external factors.

Sample Paper 12 3

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Related Theory marginal productivity of labour is zero. In India,
this situation is often witnessed, as farming is
 India's economic problems started worsening in more of a family affair in rural areas and most
1985 as imports swelled, leaving the country in a
of the members are generally engaged on
twin deficit: the Indian trade balance was in deficit at
a time when the government was running on a huge the farms without any direct contribution to
fiscal deficit. the production process. This problem persists
in rural India due to lesser availability of jobs
22. (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true opportunities.
Explanation: In China, annual growth rates
varied dramatically fallling from 3.3% in 1963 29. (A) The agricultural sector was adversely
to 1.2% in 1979 and registered a population affected by the reform process in the
decline of 13.5 million in the famine years following ways:
1960/61, whereas due to stringent family (1) Public investment in agriculture sector
planning programmes, China has witnessed especially in infrastructure like irrigation,
an increase in the proportion of elderly people. power etc. had been reduced in the
reform period.
23. (c) Great Leap Forward
(2) Reduction of fertiliser subsidy had
Explanation: In China, Great Leap Forward
increased the cost of production
(GLF) campaign initiated in 1958 aimed at
affecting thereby the small and
industrialising the country on a massive scale.
marginal farmers.
People were encouraged to set up industries in
their backyards. (3) Increased international competitiveness
due to liberalisation and reduction of
24. (d) Only (IV) import duties.
Explanation: Thermal power plants emit large (4) Shift from food crops to cash crops due
quantities of carbon dioxide which may cause to export-oriented policy in agriculture
land and water pollution. Hence, it is not a led to a rise in prices of food-grains.
strategy for sustainable development. (Any three)
25. (c) G-7 OR
Explanation: The Group of Seven (G7) is an (B) The given statement is correct. In the
inter-governmental political forum consisting early years after independence, the
of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, government's official goal was to lessen
the United Kingdom and the United States; its reliance on foreign nations for cash,
additionally, the European Union (EU) is a technology, goods, and services. As it was
“non-enumerated member”. anticipated that our reliance on imported
food supplies, foreign technology, and
Caution foreign finance might enhance foreign
 Students must know that Formerly, G-7 was known involvement in our country's politics,
as G-8 before 2014. Russia was expelled from it it placed emphasis on using home
in 2014 due annexation of crimea, since then the resources to prevent it. The major goal
political forum have changed to G-7.
of "Atmanirbhar Bharat" is to create an
26. (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true economy in India that is independent and
Explanation: On-the-job training enhances self-sufficient.
the skills of the employees and also helps 30. (A) The given statement is not true to
in bridging the gap between theoretical and perfection. These two may sound similar
practical experiences. but are not exactly same. Human capital
27. (a) (A) – (I) considers education and health as a means
to increase labour productivity, wheres
human development is based on the idea
(1) RBI is the central bank of India. that education and health are integral to
(2) IMF facilitates lending for reconstruction human well-being.
and development.
Related Theory
(2) IBRD provides short-term loans to Balance
of Payments problems.  Human development is a broader term as compared
to human capital because human capital is a means
28. The given statement is true. Disguised to an end whereas human development is an end in
unemployment is a situation where the itself.

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(B) The given statement is not true. India has by the government. The remaining items
a rich stock of scientific and technical were bought and sold at market rates.
manpower in the world. Also, India has
taken a number of steps to improve it
32. The given image indicates towards the
environmental challenge of ‘global warming’.
qualitatively and ensure that they are
Global warming is a gradual increase in the
optimally utilised.
average temperature of the earth’s lower
31. (A) Pakistan also follows the mixed economy atmosphere as a result in the increase in
model like India. greenhouse gases.
(1) In the late 1950s and 1960s Pakistan The statement given, ‘we are running out of
introduced a variety of regulated policy time, act now before it’s too late’ represents
framework (for import substitution the urgency of actions to be taken to control
based industrialisation). the situation. Various studies have shown that
(2) The policy framed combined tariff global warming is causing rise in sea level, loss
of coastal land, increase risks of floods etc.
protection for manufacturing of
consumer goods along with direct 33. (A) As long as the demand for environment’s
import controls. functions is contained within the
(3) The introduction of Green Revolution environment's carrying capacity, the
led to mechanisation. environment is able to carry out its tasks
(4) Increase in public investment in without interruption. This indicates that
infrastructure in selected areas, ultimately resources are not depleted faster than
resulted in a rise in the production they can be replenished. When there is
of food grains. This brought about a an imbalance (demand exceeds supply),
change in the agrarian structure. the environment is unable to replenish
itself, which causes an environmental
(5) In the late 1970s and 1980s Pakistan
crisis. Therefore, the carrying capacity of
shifted its policy orientation, when the
the environment must be recognised and
major thrust were denationalisation
respected in order to preserve a healthy
and encouragment to private sector.
(6) Financial support was also received
(B) Yes, more jobs must be created in the
by Pakistan from western nations and
formal sector since individuals employed in
remittances from increasing outflow
the informal sector are not paid regularly
of emigrants to the Middle-East. This
and do not have government protection.
helped the country to promote its
Employees are let go without being paid.
economic growth. They also do not keep any accounts, and
(7) Government also offered incentives to the technology they utilise is old. Many
the private sector. workers live in substandard housing or
(8) A conducive climate was thereby slums. On the other hand, people who work
created for new investments in the in the formal sector make more money and
country. gain access to social benefits than those
OR who work in the informal sector. Therefore,
in order to increase job security in the
(B) (i) In 1958, the Great Leap Forward (GLF) formal sector, more employment must be
movement was launched. People were created there.
encouraged to establish businesses in OR
their backyards as part of its primary
(A) The given statement is appropriate. Over
goal to industrialise the nation on a
the years, India has not been able to raise
huge scale. In the rural areas, communes
the educational standards to the desired
were established, where people worked level. Education Commission of 1964-66
together to cultivate land. had recommended that at least 6% of
(ii) The Chinese reform approach included GDP should be spent on education so as
the Dual Pricing System as well. This to make a noticeable rate of growth in
suggests that the price was fixed in two educational achievements. However, the
ways. First, industrial units and farmers current expenditure level has been quite
were forced to buy and sell a set amount inadequate. Thus, necessary steps must be
of inputs and output based on prices set taken by the government in this direction.

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(B) The given statement is refuted. In rural agriculture sector which was otherwise
areas, non-farm job opportunities are very low. It helped in improving the income
limited. People generally do not show of the farmers by creating marketable
preference to acquire skill and training surplus, increased employment and output.
for non-farm occupation. They prefer to (B) The given statement is appropriate as the
stay on family farms and fields as self- Green Revolution helped government to
employed. procure and preserve more food grains
through agencies like Food Corporation
34. (A) Green revolution was implemented in of India. Increase in food grain production
India to overcome the shortage of food has been so substantial that India not only
grain availability in the post-independence started maintaining buffer stocks of food
period. Green revolution has increased grains but also became a dominant player
the production and productivity in the in food grain exports market.

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(Macro Economics)
1. (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false. (1) If a person deposits ` 5,000 with the
Explanation: Average Propensity to Consume, bank, then the bank keeps only ` 1,000 in
is a fundamental economic concept that the cash reserve and lends the remaining
refers to the ratio of aggregate consumption ` 4,000 to another person (Loans). They
expenditure (C) to aggregate income (Y) at a open a credit account in the borrower’s
particular level of income. In simpler terms, name for the same.
APC indicates the proportion of total income (2) Similarly, the bank keeps 20% of ` 4,000
that is spent on consumption. The formula to (i.e. 800) and advances the remaining
calculate APC is: ` 3,200 to another person (Loans).
APC = C / Y This process continues until the initial
Hence, APC represents the fraction of total primary deposit of ` 5,000 and the
income which is consumed. initial additional reserves of ` 4,000 lead
to additional or derivative deposits of
1 ` 20,000 (4,000+3,200+2,560…….).
2. (a) Money Multiplier =
LRR Adding the initial deposits, we get total
Explanation: The money multiplier is indeed deposits of 25,000. In this case, the credit
a process through which money is effectively multiplier is 5 (reciprocal of the CRR).
'Created' within an economy, and it resolves 7. (b) aggregate supply, produce.
around the fractional reserve banking system.
Explanation: In the context of the "Theory
1 of Income and Employment," the aggregate
Money multiplier =
LRR supply curve represents the relationship
Where, LRR is Legal Reserve Ratio. between the total output (or supply) that firms
are willing to produce at different levels of
3. (b) inverse aggregate output. This curve is often upward-
Explanation: There is an inverse relationship sloping, indicating that as the overall level of
between investment multiplier and marginal output increases, firms are more inclined to
propensity to save which means if marginal produce more goods and services.
propensity to save increases, investment 8. (a) (I) and (II)
multiplier decreases and vice-versa.
4. (a) credit, current (1) The balance of payments is a
Explanation: This transaction would be comprehensive record of a country's
recorded on the credit side of the current economic interactions, including trade,
account because the rent received by an Indian investments, and transfers, with other
company from Google which is in New York is nations within a specific timeframe.
an income received from abroad
(2) A current account surplus means that
5. (a) The total value of all goods and services a country's total earnings from exports
produced within a country's borders. of goods, services, and transfers exceed
Explanation: National income refers to the its total expenditures on imports and
total monetary value of all goods and services payments to foreign entities.
produced within a country's geographic borders
during a specific time period. It encompasses Related Theory
various sectors of the economy, including  A capital account deficit relates to the transfer of
agriculture, manufacturing, services, and more. financial assets between a country and the rest of
the world, while a trade surplus is about the balance
6. (d) 3,200, 25,000, 20,000, 5,000 between exports and imports of goods and services.
Explanation: Let’s assume that the bank These are distinct components of the balance of
requires to maintain a CRR of 20%. payments.

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The balance of payments includes both trade-related NDPFC = Compensation of Employees
transactions (current account) and financial flows + Operating Surplus + Mixed income of self
(capital and financial accounts). It's a comprehensive – employed
measure of a country's economic relationships with
19,800 = 4,600 + Operating Surplus + 2,800
other nations, not limited to trade alone.
19,800 = 7,400 + Operating Surplus
9. (a) 5 19,800 – 7,400 = Operating Surplus
Explanation: Investment Multiplier (K) = 1/1 − Operating Surplus = 12,400 crores
Here, MPC is given = 0.8 (B) (i) Externalities: Externalities are the
Now, unintended consequences, either
positive or negative, of an economic
Investment Multiplier (K) = 1/1 − 0.8 activity that affect others who are
Investment Multiplier (K) = 1/0.2 not directly involved in that activity.
Investment Multiplier (K) = 5 People or businesses often don't pay
for these impacts, and they can include
10. (b) Unilateral Transfers things like environmental pollution
Explanation: Unilateral transfers, in the or increased property values due to
context of the Balance of Payments (BOP), nearby developments, as in the case of
represent transactions where one party the Gurugram Metro project.
provides economic value to another party (ii) Domestic Income: Domestic income,
without receiving anything in return. symbolized as NDPFC (Net Domestic
Product at Factor Cost), represents the
11. Yes, I agree with the statement that borrowings total factor income earned by both
from abroad should be categorized under the normal residents and non-residents
capital and financial account in the Balance within the domestic boundaries of a
of Payments Accounts. This categorization is country during a specific accounting
appropriate for several reasons: year. This income includes various
Financial Nature: Borrowings from abroad sources like wages, profits, rents, and
involve the movement of financial resources interest.
across borders. Placing them in the capital and (iii) Capital Formation: It is also known as
financial account aligns with the purpose of this investment, is the process of adding
account, which is to track capital transactions, capital goods, such as machinery and
investments, and changes in financial assets equipment, to an economy. It represents
and liabilities. a flow of resources directed towards
External Liabilities: Borrowings from abroad increasing a country's capacity to
represent external liabilities for a country. produce goods and services. Capital
These liabilities arise from funds borrowed formation is crucial for economic growth
from foreign lenders, which need to be repaid and development.
in the future. The capital and financial account 13. Given,
focuses on capturing these external financial
National income (Y) = ` 2,000
Investment expenditure (I) = ` 400
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) = 0.40
Related Theory
First we have to calculate,
 Impact on Balance of Payments: Borrowings from
abroad directly influence a country's balance of Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC):
payments. Inflows of funds through borrowings MPC = 1 – Marginal Propensity to Save(MPS)
contribute to a surplus in the capital and financial = 1 – 0.40 = 0.60
account, while outflows due to repayments result
in a deficit. This impact on the overall balance of Also, Y = C + bY + I ……..(i)
payments highlights the significance of placing such where, b = Marginal Properity to Consume (MPC)
transactions in this specific account.
On substituting the given variables in equation
12. (A) (i), we get
National Income = NNPFC = 20,000 crores 2,000 = C + (0.60 × 2,000) + 400
NDPFC = NNPFC – Net factor Income from abroad 2,000 = C + 1,200 + 400
= 20,000 – 200 = ` 19,800 crores
2,000 = C + 1,600
Compensation of Employees
= Wages and salaries + Retirement pension C or Autonomous expenditure = 2,000 – 1,600
= 4,000 + 600 = ` 4,600 crores = ` 400

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14. (A) The arguments for Fixed Exchange Rate are Bank's Credit Control Policy. The term
as follows: "money" encompasses currency notes
(1) Encouragement to international and coins, while "credit" generally
trade: Under, fixed exchange rate denotes loans extended to others at
both importer and exporter know an interest rate. Through monetary
about the amount they will have tools (instruments), this policy affects
to pay and how much they will the cost of credit (i.e., interest rate) and
receive. Thus, in fixed exchange rate the availability of credit. It acts as a
international trade develops in a means to counter excessive demand
balanced way. Here, there is a less by constricting credit availability and
risk. increasing credit costs
(2) Encouragement to foreign capital: 15. The Central Bank is also known as banker's
If the exchange rate is stable, bank and also plays a supervisory role in an
foreign exchange can easily flow economy. It has almost the same relation with
into the country because investor is other bank in the country as a commercial
not scared of getting less amount bank has with its customers. It accepts
than what is fixed. There is no fear deposits from the commercial bank and offer
of risk of loss if the rate of exchange them loans. In other words, in its role as the
declines. “banker’s bank” the Central Bank assumes the
(3) Capital formation: If the foreign responsibility of being a last resort. This role
exchange rate is fixed there is become particularly significant during the time
a favourable effect on internal of financial liquidity crises when commercial
condition of the country. There banks encounter difficulties in meeting their
is no fear of inflation. In industry, immediate obligation. The Central bank is
demand of capital is increased, authorised statutorily to required scheduled
savings is also increased. Thus, rate commercial bank to deposit with it a stipulated
of capital formation increases. It ratio of their total liabilities. According to
gives rise to the development of the Banking Regulation act 1949, all banking
country. companies having paidup capital of the RBI or
(4) Exchange system: If the exchange Central Bank does serve as the common fund
rate is fixed, it does not give out of which the Central bank can and does
encouragement to the tendency of make advance to banks in temporary need
gambling. Thus, government can of funds. As a supervisor the Central bank is
control the exchange system in responsible for establishing and enforcing
proper way. regulations, a guidelines and standards that
(B) An inflationary gap in an economy emerges govern the activities of financial institution
when the actual gross domestic product operating within its jurisdiction.
surpasses the potential GDP achievable 16. (A) (i) Revenue Deficit = Revenue Expenditure
at full employment. It represents one – Revenue Receipts
category of the output gap, contrasting
80 = Revenue Exp. – (Tax receipts
with the recessionary gap.
+ Non-tax receipts)
Two strategies aimed at diminishing this
80 = Revenue Exp. – ( 60 + 90)
gap include:
80 = Revenue Exp. – 150
(1) Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy pertains
to a government's management of Revenue Expenditure = 150 +80
expenditures and revenue (taxation) Revenue Expenditure = ` 230 crores
with specific objectives in mind. When (ii) Interest Payments = 10% of Capital Exp.
there is an excessive demand—where = 10% x 240 = ` 24 crores
the current demand outpaces the Fiscal Deficit = (Capital Expenditure
aggregate supply at full employment— + Revenue Expenditure)
the fiscal policy's objective is to curtail – (Non debt capital Receipts
aggregate demand. + Revenue Receipts)
(2) Monetary Policy (Elevating Bank Rate = (240 + 190)
and CRR): The central bank implements – (220 + 150)
monetary policy to regulate the money
= 430 – 370
supply and credit in the economy. This
policy is also referred to as the Central = ` 60 crores

Sample Paper 13 9

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Primary Deficit = Fiscal Deficit (3) Increased foreign dependence: The
– Interest Payments government also borrows from foreign
= 60 –24 = ` 36 crores countries. This increases dependence
on foreign countries which often lead to
(B) Capital expenditure refers to the funds of
economic interference.
a company or organisation allocates for
investments in long-term assets or projects (4) Retards future growth: The entire
that are expected to provide benefits over amount of fiscal deficit i.e., whole
an extended period of time, typically beyond borrowed amount is not available for
one fiscal year. These expenditures are not growth and development of economy
meant for day-to-day operational expenses because a part of it is used for interest
but rather for acquiring, upgrading, or payment.
maintaining assets that can enhance the 17. (A) (i) The services of chartered accountant
company's overall productivity, efficiency, hired by the firm should not be included
or revenue generation. in the estimation of national income. This
OR is because it forms a part of the firm’s
(A) The government plays a very important intermediate consumption.
role in increasing the welfare of the (ii) Payment of corporate tax is not included in
people. In under to do that the government the national income as it is a mere transfer
intervenes in the economy in the following payment from the firm to the government.
ways: It is a part of corporate profits which
(1) Government uses fiscal instruments of already form part of national income,
taxation and subsidies. therefore, it should not be separately
(2) Government redistributes income in included in national income (in addition to
favour of poor sections of the society corporate profits).
by imposing taxes on rich and giving (B) The statement claiming that a "Higher
subsidies to the poor. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) means
(3) Government distribute food grain greater per capita availability of goods
through fair-price to BPL (Below Poverty in the economy" is not entirely accurate.
Line) population. Several factors come into play that make
(B) Fiscal deficit is the difference between the this correlation more complex than implied.
total income of the government and its (1) Population Factor: The relationship
total expenditure. A recurring high fiscal between GDP and per capita availability
deficit means that the government has of goods hinges on the country's
been spending beyond its means. The population. Even with a higher GDP, if
implications of higher fiscal deficit are as the population is equally substantial,
follows: the per capita allocation of goods
(1) Higher inflation: An important and services could remain low. This is
component of government borrowings because the resources would need to be
includes borrowings from the Reserve distributed among a larger number of
Bank of India (RBI). This invariably leads people.
to increase the money supply in the
(2) Income Distribution: The assertion also
economy resulting in higher inflation.
hinges on the distribution of income.
(2) Increased debt for future generations: If income is distributed equally, each
Recurring borrowing leads to the individual would have a fair share of
accumulated debt for the future goods and services. However, if income
generations. Future generations inherit distribution is skewed, with a larger
a laggard economy where GDP growth proportion held by the affluent, they
remains persistently low. This is because would command a disproportionate
the repayment of loans consumes the
share of the goods and services
bulk of surplus and investment remains
compared to those with lower income.
at the bottom.

(Indian Economic Development)
18. (c) (III), (II), (I), (IV) MNREGA – 2005
Explanation : Make in india – 2014
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna – 2000 Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojna - 2015

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19. (a) Deng Xiaoping to other allied activities. Diversification relates
Explanation: One-child policy was introduced to a shift of workforce from agriculture to other
by Deng Xiaoping. It was an off icial allied activities.
programme initiated in the late 1970s and
early ’80s by the central government of China,
27. (b) B– (II)
the purpose of which was to limit the great Explanation: Land reforms is a purposive
majority of family units in the country to one change in the way in which agricultural land is
child each. held or owned, the methods of cultivation that
are employed, or the relation of agriculture to
the rest of the economy.
Related Theory

There are some other programmes introduced in (1) Marketed surplus is the portion of a harvest
China: that a farmer can sell in the market to earn
(1) Great Leap Forward (1958-1962)
a profit.
(2) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
(2) Land ceiling is the maximum amount of
(3) SEZs established (1980-1984)
agriculture land that a family can keep in
its name.
20. (a) (I) and (II) (3) Pradhanmantri Jan Dhan Yojan (PMJDY)
Explanation: Indian agriculture exhibits a envisages universal access to banking
considerable amount of under employment facilities with at least one basic banking
and disguised unemployment. account for every household, financial
literacy, access to credit, insurance and
21. (c) Micro Credit Programme
Explanation: It is a micro credit programme
through Self- Help Groups (SHGs) in which 28. (A) Labour force:
people mobilises their small savings and gives (1) It refers to the number of persons
loans to their members. It is a kind of self- actually working or willing to work.
employment programme.
(2) Represents a broader concept
22. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true applicable to a population or region.
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of (3) Because it is measured in terms of
Assertion (A) the number of persons (not in terms
Explanation: One of the major aims of financial of person-days), size of labour force
sector reforms of Economic Policy is to reduce increases or decreases only when the
the role of RBI from regulator to facilitator of number of persons actually working or
financial sector. willing to work increases or decreases.
Work force:
23. (d) China
(1) It refers to the number of persons
Explanation: China is moving ahead of both actually working and does not account
India and Pakistan in terms of indicators of for those who are willing to work.
human Development
(2) Typically applies within the context of
24. (d) 1st–China, 2nd–India, 3rd–Pakistan. a particular organisation, industry or
Explanation: The rankings are presented to the setting.
countries as per their HDI. China ranked 8th. (3) The difference between work force and
India 128th and Pakistan 136th labour force is called unemployment.
Numerically, it is expressed as:
25. (c) Great Leap Forward
Explanation: The Great Leap Forward (GLF) Unemployment = Work force
was a campaign initiated in 1958 in China – Labour force.
by Mao's, which was aimed to modernise the OR
China's economy. The campaign was initiated (2) Regular salaried employees are those
towards the large scale industrialisation in the hired workers who are on the permanent
country not concentrated only in the urban payrolls of their employers. They are
areas. usually skilled workers and are entitled to
all types of social security benefits.
26. (d) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is
true. The concentration of these workers is
Explanation: Monocropping refers to the higher in the urban areas as compared
practice of growing a single crop on a large to the rural areas because such jobs
scale a significant area. it does not necessarily require skilled and specialised workers
relaease to a shift of workforce from agriculture and these skills are acquired through the

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process of training and education that by local collectives, were allowed to
cannot be accessed in the rural areas due setup manufacturing units to produce
to the lack of investment, infrastructure goods. At this stage, enterprises owned
and low literacy level of rural people. The by the Government (known as state
opportunities to acquire and enhance such owned enterprises), were made to face
skills are available more in the urban areas. competition.
Further, large MNC’s are concentrated only (3) This reform process also brings dual
in the urban areas due to the presence pricing. This means fixing the prices in two
of infrastructure and availability of ways, farmers and industrial units were
modern facilities like banks, transport and required to buy and sell fixed quantities of
communication, etc. Therefore, the bulk of inputs and outputs on the basis of prices
the jobs for the regular salaried employees fixed by the Government and the rest were
are concentrated more in the urban areas purchased and sold at market prices.
resulting in the increase in number of (4) Over the years, as production increased,
regular salaried employees. the material transacted through the open
market was also increased. In order to
29. Non-farm activities can lead to rise in income attract foreign investors, Special Economic
of people in rural sector in the following ways. Zones were setup.
(1) Animal husbandry: It is that branch of
agriculture which is concerned with the 31. (i) Statement 1: "Economic reforms in India
breeding, rearing and caring for farm led to increased foreign investment."
animals. Sheep rearing is an important True: Economic reforms in India, especially
income augmenting activity in rural areas. the liberalization policies of the early
Livestock production provides increased 1990s, opened up various sectors to foreign
stability in income, food security, transport, investment. The introduction of foreign
fuel and nutrition. A significant number direct investment (FDI) and the removal of
of women’s also find employment in the many restrictions on foreign capital inflows
livestock sector. attracted increased foreign investment
(2) Horticulture: It refers to the science or art into the country. This trend has continued
of cultivation of fruits, vegetables, tuber over the years, contributing significantly to
crops, flowers, medicinal and aromatic India's economic growth and development.
plants and plantation crops. India has (ii) Statement 2: "Privatisation aimed
adopted horticulture as it is blessed with to reduce government control over
a varying climate and soil conditions. industries."
It is an important sector for potential True: Privatisation was a key component
diversification and value addition in of India's economic reforms. It aimed to
agriculture. reduce government control and ownership
(3) Fisheries: It refers to the occupation of industries and encourage private sector
devoted to the catching, processing or participation. By selling or disinvesting in
selling of fish and other aquatic animals. state-owned enterprises, the government
Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy intended to improve efficiency, increase
In India, after progressive increase in competition, and enhance the overall
budgetary allocations and introduction performance of industries. This transition
of new technologies in fisheries and from public to private ownership was part
aquaculture. In India: West Bengal, Andhra of the broader strategy to liberalise and
Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra and revitalise the Indian economy.
Tamil Nadu are major fish producing states. OR
In order to improve efficiency, infuse
30. (1) In the initial phase in China, several reforms professionalism and enable them to
were introduced in agriculture, investment compete more effectively in the liberalised
sectors and foreign trade. In agriculture, world, the government identified PSEs and
communal lands were divided into small declared them as maharatnas, navratnas
plots, which were allotted to individual and miniratnas. They were given greater
households for cultivation. managerial and operational autonomy, in
(2) In the later phase, reforms were initiated taking various decisions to run the company
and expanded to industrial sector. effiiciently and thus increase their profits.
Private firms in general township and There are some designated companies which
village enterprises i.e., those enterprises are classified as maharatnas, navratnas and
which were owned and operated miniratnas like,

12 Economics Class XII

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Indian Oil Corporation Limited and fragmented land holdings into larger,
Steel Authority of India Limited are more contiguous plots. This reform
maharatnas. aimed to reduce the inefficiencies
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is caused by having scattered land
classified as navratnas. parcels. Consolidation not only
(3) Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and increased the ease of cultivation but
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism also helped in the efficient use of
Corporation Limited are miniratnas. resources and reduced the cost of
These companies were set up with the production.
intention of providing infrastructure and (3) Ceiling on Land Holdings: The
direct employment to the public so that imposition of a maximum limit on land
quality end-product reaches the masses holdings was a land reform measure,
at a nominal cost and the companies aimed at addressing land inequality.
themselves were made accountable to all
Large landowners were limited in the
amount of land they could own, and
Thus, the granting of status resulted in surplus land was redistributed among
better performance of these companies.
small and landless farmers. This
32. The depicted situation in the given image policy was designed to promote more
highlights the critical issue of child labour in equitable land distribution and provide
the Indian economy. Child labour refers to opportunities for landless farmers to
the employment of children in work that is become landowners.
harmful to their physical, mental, or emotional (B) Pre-reforms period is also known as
well-being, depriving them of their right to License-Permit–Quota Raj because of
education and a childhood. following reasons:
The slogan mentioned in the image, "A child (1) Industries in the private sector could
is meant to learn, not to earn," underscores
be set up only after taking license from
the importance of providing children with
access to education and nurturing their overall
development rather than exploiting them for (2) License was not only necessary for
economic gains. Child labour is a grave concern setting up a new enterprise, but also for
in India, with a significant number of children expanding the production capacity of
engaged in hazardous and exploitative work, the existing firm.
such as in factories, agriculture, domestic work, (3) It gave rise to red tapism and corruption
and informal sectors. in the Public sector undertakings. Big
The prevalence of child labour indicates industrial houses could easily take
underlying challenges such as poverty, lack license but it was not so easy for small
of social protections, inadequate enforcement enterprises.
of labour laws, and limited access to quality (4) Secondary sector needs industrial
education. Addressing the problem requires
goods which could be imported from
comprehensive efforts, including strengthening
other countries. And quotas were
child labour laws, promoting education for
fixed by the government for import of
all children, poverty alleviation measures,
and raising awareness about the detrimental different goods from abroad.
consequences of child labour. (5) License and Quota system jeopardised
the growth of Private sector and
33. (A) (1) Abolition of Zamindari System: The process of Industrialisation in the
government's decision to abolish the country.
Zamindari system was a significant OR
reform. Under this system, large
(A) Trade and Investment Reform under NEP
landowners (zamindars) collected rent
from tenant farmers, often leading to
exploitation and inefficiencies. The (1) Abolition of Import Licensing:
abolition of this system transferred One of the key reforms was the
ownership rights to the actual tillers removal of import licensing, except
of the land, allowing them to have for certain categories like chemicals
direct ownership and pay land revenue and hazardous products. This change
to the government, eliminating simplified and expedited the process
intermediaries. of importing goods, particularly capital
goods required for industrial production.
(2) Consolidation of Land Holdings: Land
It eliminated the need for businesses to
consolidation involves rearranging

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obtain licenses for most imports, saving (5) Growth in IT sector also enabled the
both time and money. youth to outsource their services.
(2) Reduction in Tariffs: Tariffs, which 34. (A) Diversification can be regarded as
are taxes on imports, were reduced. the reallocation of some of the farm’s
Lowering tariffs had the effect of
productive resources, such as land, capital,
reducing the prices of imported
farm equipment and labour to other
goods, especially capital goods
used in industries. This reduction products. Diversification in agriculture
in import duties benefitedimport- includes two aspects one relates to change
dependent industries by making their in cropping pattern to shift from subsistence
raw materials and machinery more farming commercial farming (by shifting
affordable. from single cropping system to multi-
(3) Abolition of Export Duty: The shift cropping system) and the other relates to a
from import substitution to export shift of workforce from agriculture to other
promotion led to the removal of allied activities (livestock, poultry, fisheries,
export duties. This move aimed to etc.)
enhance the competitiveness of Indian (B) The need and importance of diversification
products in international markets by
of such activities in rural sector are:
eliminating export taxes. Consequently,
it encouraged Indian businesses (1) There is a greater risk in depending
to explore international trade exclusively on farming for livelihood.
opportunities and boosted exports from (2) It is essential and useful to provide
India to other countries. productive sustainable livelihood
(B) Outsourcing is an outcome of options to rural people in India.
Globalisation. (3) In India, much of agricultural
Following are the reasons: employment activities are concentrated
(1) It refers to hiring services from rest of in the Kharif season, whereas, in Rabi
the world. For. E.g. consultancy, BPO, season it becomes quite difficult to find
call centers, Software, coaching etc. gainful employment.
(2) Globalisation means to integrate Diversification of agricultural activities
the economy with rest of world. It
is important because it helps to
encourages using the world resources
generate supple-mentary and gainful
rather than the country’s resources.
(3) Indian Economy opened the doors for
rest of the world in 1991. And India (1) It reduces the risk of agriculture
became an outsourcing hub for other sector.
countries. (2) It helps to provide ecological
(4) Now, Developed countries like UK, balance.
USA hire services from India because (3) It provides sustainable livelihood
of cheap labour as compared to other options to farmer.

14 Economics Class XII

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(Macro Economics)
1. (c) Both the statements 1 and 2 are true 7. (a) Flexible, free
Explanation: M1 and M2 are the narrow Explanation: The exchange rate that is
concepts of money as they include only liquid determined by supply and demand forces in
assets. This is so because money is a highly the foreign exchange market and can fluctuate
liquid asset which can be accepted as medium freely is known as a flexible or free exchange
of exchange very easily. rate. This type of exchange rate is not pegged
2. (a) M2 = M1 + Post Office Saving Deposits to a fixed value and can change based on
market conditions.
Explanation: M2 is a broader measure of
money supply that includes savings deposits 8. (c) (II) and (III)
with the post office savings along with M1. It Explanation: When exports increases, there is a
is expressed as follows. inflow of foreign currency which increases the
M2 = M1 + Post Office Saving Deposits. foreign exchange reserves of a country. When
a country's imports remain at the same level, it
3. (c) AD < AS
does not directly impact the foreign exchange
Explanation: Deficient demand arises when resources in the same way as exports do.
AD is short of AS corresponding to full
employment in the economy. 9. (b) – 800
4. (c) national income, propensity to consume Explanation: In the given equation, 800 is
the autonomous consumption. Autonomous
Explanation: The consumption demand
consumption is required at the zero level
depends on the two factors national income
of income and saving at that point will be
and the propensity to consume. negative. Hence, autonomous saving will be
Thus, C = a + bY – 800.
5. (b) Balance of payments
10. (b) Household
Explanation: Balance of payments is a
statement which records all monetary Explanation: Households holds a pivot rate
transactions made between residents of a as the owners of factors of production. These
country and rest of the world. It includes all fators in compass all the factors of production
external visible and invisible transactions of a which are fundamental for the production of
country. goods and services.

11. Trade surplus refers to excess of value of export

Related Theory of visible items over value of import of visible
 Balance of trade is the difference of exports and items in the balance of payment account of a
imports of a country with the rest of the world. It
country while current account surplus refers
includes only visible items.
to excess of receipts from value of exports of
 Government budget is the statement of government
visible items and invisible items. Trade account
expenditures and income during a year.
surplus is different from current account
6. (c) 60; (-) 30; (-)3 surplus in following manners:
Explanation: (1) Trade surplus is a narrow concept as it
(i) Y = C +S includes only a part of the current account.
0 = C + (–) 60 The current account balance is a wider
0 = C – 60 concept, and it includes trade surplus.
60 = C (2) Trade surplus includes a favorable balance
(ii) Y = C + S of only visible items. Current account
10 = 40 + S surplus includes the favorable balance of
10 – 40 = S both visible and invisible items.
(–) 30 = S Effects of Current account surplus: There
(iii) APS = S/ Y = (–) 30 / 10 = (–) 3 are no definiteness about the effects of a

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current account surplus on the economy. It Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) = 1 – MPC
depends on the size of the current account = 1 – 0.6
and the reasons for the current account \ MPS = 0.4.
(1) High exports (X) leads to increased 14. (A) "I concur with the provided statement for
employment in the export sector. a the following reasons:
current account surplus (X-M) to boost (1) The Investment multiplier's effectiveness
employment because it is indicative of is closely tied to the Marginal Propensity
higher domestic demand. to Consume (MPC), where a higher MPC
(2) Lower import spending may mean leads to a larger multiplier effect.
people are spending more on domestic (2) The multiplier effect hinges on a chain
goods rather than buying foreign goods. reaction: a change in investment
Greater demand for domestic goods results in a change in income, which
helps domestic employment. subsequently triggers changes in
consumption. Each individual's spending
12. (A) By Income method: becomes another individual's income,
NDPFC = Compensation of employees + perpetuating the cycle.
Operating surplus + Mixed income (3) This process persists until the
= Wages and salaries + Employer’s contri- additional consumption smaller to
bution to social security + Profit + Rent + zero. Consequently, when the MPC
Interest + Mixed income reaches zero, this cascading process
= 1400 + 200 + 200 + 100 + 100 + 200 ceases to function, supporting the
= ` 2,200 crores. assertion made in the statement."
GDPFC = NDPFC + Depreciation (B) Yes, I agree with the statement. Average
= 2,200 + 40 propensity to consume (APC) indicates
= ` 2,240 crores. the portion of income that is used for
(B) (i) Construction of a residential building consumption expenditure. Marginal
will be included in national income propensity to consume (MPC) is the
as it is a part of investment by the proportion of change in consumption
household. expenditure due to change in income.
(ii) Vegetables grown in kitchen garden will Average propensity to consume can be
not be included in national income as it more than one at zero level of income
is grown for self use and in leisure time. because at even at zero level of income
there is minimum consumption required
(iii) Stock of raw material left last year will
for survival. Hence, Average propensity to
be included in national income as it is
consume can never be zero.
expected to be used into final good in a
span of one year. Marginal propensity to consume can never
be more than one as change in consumption
(iv) Seeds purchased by farmer will not be
expenditure cannot exceed change in
included in national income as it is used
income under normal circumstances. It can
as a intermediate good by the farmer
be zero if there is no change in consumption
and will not be considered as final good.
expenditure even with change in income.
13. C = C + bY 15. (1) It means that if a commercial bank
Where, C is Consumption expenditure becomes insolvent and fails to get any
financial help from anywhere, it finally
C is Autonomous consumption approaches RBI and RBI acts a last hope for
b is Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) commercial bank.
Y is Income (2) Central bank provides loan to commercial
Substituting the variables in the equation, we get bank against approved securities.
14,000 = 2,000 + (b × 20,000) (3) While doing so, RBI takes care of all the
– 20,000b = 2000 – 14,000 stakeholders of bank, for e.g., depositors of
20,000b = 12,000 the bank.
It also ensures that it does not create panic
12, 000
b = = 0.6 among depositors of other commercial banks
20, 000 and tries to maintain trust of people in the
\ MPC = 0.6 banking system.

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16. (A) (a) Fiscal Deficit = Borrowings Interest Payments = 25% of Revenue Deficit
= 15,000 crores = 25 /100 × 20,000
(b) Revenue Deficit = Revenue Expenditure = 5,000 crores
– Revenue Receipts Primary Deficit = Fiscal Deficit
– Interest Payments
= 70,000 – 50,000
= 15,000 – 5,000
= 20,000 crores = 10,000 crores
(B) Following are the differences between Private Goods and Public Goods:

Basis of Difference Private Goods Public Goods

Meaning These goods are meant for These goods are meant for
Individual use having rivalry and collective use having Non-rivalry
Excludability feature. and non-Excludability feature.

Example Bread, Clothes, Mobile Street lights, Defense, Law and


(A) (i) Capital Receipt of the Government: (2) Income distribution is another critical
This refers to a type of loan acquired factor. Even if a country has a high
by the government from the general GDP, if income is unequally distributed,
public, wherein individuals deposit their a significant portion of the population
funds. The government is obligated to may not have access to an adequate
repay this loan in the future, thereby share of goods and services, while a
creating a liability. wealthy minority may have access to a
(ii) Revenue Receipt of the Government: disproportionately large share.
This constitutes a tax revenue source (B) (i) The payment of interest by a firm
for the government. As such, it doesn't to a bank is considered as part of
generate any government liability nor the national income. This inclusion
diminish its assets. is justified because the firm likely
(B) It is the tax slab of Income tax, which is borrowed funds from the bank for
progressive tax in nature. productive purposes, such as financing
Implication: business operations, investments etc.

Rich people will pay high tax and people (ii) The payment of interest by a bank to
having less income will pay less tax and an individual is included in the National
poor people who do not come under tax Income. This is because, the bank would
net are exempted from tax. Tax collections have used the savings of individuals
are spent on welfare projects especially for various productive purposes,
meant for poor. It will reduce the income including lending to other individuals
equalities between rich and poor. or businesses, which generates interest
17. (A) I disagree with the given statement because (iii) Conversely, the payment of interest
the per capita availability of goods and by an individual to the bank is not
services is influenced by several factors, and considered in the estimation of national
GDP alone does not necessarily guarantee income. This omission is based on the
greater availability on a per capita basis. assumption that the individual likely
(1) The population of the country plays a borrowed the money for consumption
crucial role. If a country has a high GDP purposes rather than for productive
but also a large population, the per purposes like investing in business
capita availability of goods and services activities or assets. Therefore, it is
may still be relatively low because the not counted as a contribution to the
resources must be distributed among a national income.
larger number of people.

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(Indian Economic Development)
18. (c) Cycle-rickshaw puller. improve the balanced of elderly and young
Explanation: The Cycle Rickshaw puller is the population."
odd one among the options because he is
25. (b) Pakistan
working in an unorganised sector.
Explanation: Pakistan adopted economic
19. (c) Population is quiet small stabilization and structural reforms policy in
Explanation: China is the largest populated 1988 in an effort to reduce domestic financial
country in the world followed by India. Hence, imbalances and external deficits.
the statement.
26. (c) Both the statement 1 and 2 are true.
China’s population is quite small is incorrect.
Explanation: Both economic and social
20. (c) (D) and (C) infrastructures are interdependent and
Explanation: Organic Farming discards the use complementary to each other. While economic
of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is eco- infrastructure fosters economic growth, social
friendly farming and high nutritional value. But infrastructure enhances the quality of standard
shorter shelf-life and High cost are constraints of living and thereby leads to the welfare of
in organic farming. the economy as a whole.
21. (c) Contract Farming 27. (a) (A)-(I)
Explanation: Contract farming refers to that Explanation: On July, 2017 GST laws were
channel in which farmers enter in to contract implemented, replacing a complex web of
with companies. Companies advance them Central and state taxes.
cash and technical support to produce a
particular Crop(s) and later on, purchase these 28. (A) Two major environmental issues faced by
crops from farmers at a pre determined price. the world today are global warming and
It reduces the market risk of price fluctuations ozone depletion.
and enhances the size of market. (1) Global warming: Global warming
refers to the phenomenon of sustained
22. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true increase in global temperature due
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
to environmental pollution and
Assertion (A).
deforestation. It is a gradual increase
Explanation: Roads were developed to in the average temperature of Earth’s
mobilise the British Army within India. Roads lower atmosphere as a result of the
were developed to facilitate the transportation increase in green house gases since
of raw materials from different parts of the the industrial revolution. The increase
country to the nearest railway station or to in the temperature of the earth
the port to send it to Britain. Today, roads are surface acclerates the melting of polar
develop according to high infrastructure for ice leading to rise in sea level. Thus, the
vehicles. disturbed ecological balance leads to
23. (b) The green revolution was the main reason increasing natural calamities posing a
for the rise in food grain production in threat to human survival.
Pakistan (2) Ozone depletion: Ozone depletion
Explanation: The green revolution, refers to the phenomenon of
implemented in the 1960s and 1970s, aimed reductions in the amount of ozone in
to boost agriculture productivity and ensure the stratosphere. The problem of ozone
food security. The introduction of high-yielding depletion is caused by high levels
varieties of crops, as wheat and rice, doubled of chlorine and bromine products in
with the adoption of modern agricultural the stratosphere. The origins of these
techniques, resulted in substantial increase in compounds are chlorofluorocarbons
agricultural output and productivity in Pakistan. (CFC), used as a cooling substance in
air conditioners and refrigerators. As a
24. (a) Only (i) result of depletion of ozone layer, more
Explanation: In October 2015, the Chinese Ultraviolet (UV) radiations comes to
news agency Xinhua announced plans of the earth and causes damage to living
government to abolish the one-child policy, organisms.
allowing all families to have two children, "to

18 Economics Class XII

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(B) Self Help Groups (SHGS) are small groups (3) Fuel wood
of people, especially from rural areas, who (4) Petroleum.
pool their resources and individual savings (ii) True
together. It is from this pool that loans are
In 1952, we were spending meager
given to those members who are in urgent
0.6% of India’s GDP on education that
need of money. The loans provided by self
rose to only 4% in 2014. This has fallen
help groups are at very nominal rates. The
well short of 6% target as proposed
well functioning SHGs are also eligible
by the Education Commission in 1964.
for loans from banks, which are used for
Moreover throughout this period the
creating self employment opportunities
increase in education expenditure has
for the poor, thereby increasing their
not been uniform and there has been
standard of living. Self help groups have
irregular rise and fall.
greatly helped in taking out poor farmers
from debt traps and helping them lead This shows the apathy of government
a life of diginity. Thus, with the help of towards investment in the education
SHGs, the rural poor become economically system. If the recommended 6% p.a.
upgraded, and need not to be dependent of the GDP would have been spent
on moneylenders anymore. properly the present education system
would have reached unforseen heights
29. 'Brain-Drain' is one of the main issues India is (B) Before the New Economic Policy, 1991
having with the formation of human capital. regulatory mechanisms were enforced in Indian
Brain drain refers to the exodus of educated, industries in various ways:
skilled, and trained individuals from India (1) Industrial licensing under which every
to other nations around the world in quest entrepreneur had to get permission from
of better education, better employment government offiicials to start or close to
prospects, and a high standard of living that firm.
they cannot find in India. (2) Private sector was not allowed in many
(i) These skilled workers help other nations industries; and
grow and prosper, just as they could in
(3) Some goods could be produced only in
small scale industries.
(ii) It hinders India's growth and the
(4) Industries were required to obtain
development of its human capital.
government licenses for establishment,
30. China is moving ahead of India .and Pakistan. expansion, on diversification, limited the
This is true for many indicators—income number of firms in various sectors.
indicator such as GDP per capita, or proportion
32. The picture shows the situation "Unemployment
of population below poverty line or health
growth". And I agree with that.
indicators such as mortality rates, access
to sanitation, literacy, life expectancy or An increase in the number of unemployed
malnourishment. China and Pakistan are means an increase in the country's GDP
ahead of India in reducing proportion of without creating many job opportunities.
people below the poverty line and also their This leads to unemployment situation in the
performance in sanitation. country.
But India and Pakistan have not been able Reason:
to save women from maternal mortality. In (1) After the economic reforms implemented
China, for one lakh births, only 29 women in 1991, foreign investments lead to
die whereas in India and Pakistan, about 133 the large-scale establishment of many
and 140 women die respectively. Surprisingly international companies in our country.
all the three countries report providing (2) These companies are mainly from
improved drinking water sources for most of developed countries and are very
its population. China has the smallest share of technologically efficient
poor among the three countries. (3) It reduces production cost. But India is a
31. (A) (i) True densely populated country and they find
The three fuels being targeted under no interest in using labour that increases
the Ujjawala Yojna which are proved to the cost of production.
be a game changer for rural India are as (4) Indian companies follow suit for fear of
follows: competition and backwardness. That is
(1) Coal, why India's economy is growing without
(2) Oil resources creating jobs.

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33. (A) Technical Reforms introduced during (3) Global brands were now available in
Green Revolution: the country and people choose them
(1) Introduction of HYV Technology: High over indigenous products.
yielding variety seeds were used rather (4) Not only products, western culture like
than traditional seeds for food crops clothing styles, food products, language
like wheat and rice. It gave rise to their and even festivals attracted the Indian
productivity and led to a substantial rise youth. It badly impacted the Indian
in production of these crops. culture.
(2) Use of pesticides and insecticides: (5) Saving was a common practice among
Pesticides and Insecticides were used Indians. And now, people spend beyond
on very large scale to kill pests and their pockets and even borrow to look
insects. It was done to protect the crops rich and modern.
from various diseases. (B) Features of Mixed Economic System:
(3) Irrigation Facility: Irrigational facilities (1) An Economic System in which both
like canals and well were expanded private and public sector exists.
which led to increase in area under (2) Private sector produces those goods
cultivation. Without irrigational facilities, and services which it finds profitable
there was no use of HYV seeds and and uses such technology which it cost
chemical fertilizers. effective as objective of private sector is
(B) Gains of Privatisation: profit maximisation.
(1) Many domestic private companies came (3) Public sector produces those goods and
into existence in different sectors of the services which it finds socially desirable
economy. For e.g. telecom, insurance, like schools, hospitals and uses such
consumer goods and capital goods. It technology which benefits the society
gave rise to GDP and employment to a as objective of public sector is social
large extent in the country. welfare.
(2) It increased the competition among (4) Government also performs traditional
public sector and private sector functions like law and order, defence
which is good for improving quality of etc., pensions, subsidies etc.
products and make prices competitive. (5) Price in private sector is left to the free
Ultimately, consumer is benefitted from play of market forces like demand and
competition. supply while prices in public sector is
(3) Consumers enjoyed sovereignty i.e. they fixed by Government considering the
could choose the goods and services social needs.
as per likes and prices among a wide (6) Government performs the function
variety of choices available in the of regulator for private sector. For e.g.
market. TRAI for telecom sector, SEBI for capital
(4) Objective of private sector is profit market, RBI for money market so
maximisation. So they worked with full that private sector doesn’t exploit the
dedication and enthusiasm. It led to interest of consumers.
increase in efficiency and productivity
of private enterprises which made them 34. (A) He will be considered as marginal worker.
competitive with MNCs in the country Those who did not work for atleast 183
and at international level as well. days in the preceding 12 months to the
census taking are considered marginal
(A) Arguments in favor of given statement:
(B) The nature of employment in India is multi-
(1) As the country opened doors for rest
faceted. Some get employment throughout
of the world, many multinational
the year; some other get employed for
companies were set up. It contributed
only a few months in a year. Many workers
to economic growth and employment
do not get fair wages for their work. While
in the country.
estimating the number of workers all these
(2) Greater job opportunities led to increase who are engaged in economic activities are
in income of people and hence, increase included as employed.
in demand is quite obvious.

20 Economics Class XII

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(Macro Economics)
1. (b) (I) and (III) 4. (b) surplus of ₹ 150 crore
Explanation: Balance of Payment Account of a Explanation:
country comprises of two accounts, i.e., current Balance of Trade = Export of Goods – Import
account, and capital account. of Good
Related Theory = 600 – 450
 Current Account records transactions related to = 150 crores
export and import of goods and services, unilateral 5. (b) 1200
transfers received and paid to and from rest of the
world, whereas Capital Account records transactions Explanation: Given,
related to borrowings and loans given, investment C = 200 + 0.50Y and
made to and from rest of the world, and change in I = ` 400 crores
foreign exchange reserves.
At equilibrium level,
2. (a) 320, 10000, 2000, 8000 AD = AS
Explanation: Let’s assume that the bank or, Y=C+I
requires to maintain a CRR of 20 percent. Thus, Y = 200 + 0.50 Y + 400
(1) If a person (person A) deposits ` 2,000 Y – 0.50 Y = 200 + 400
rupees with the bank, then the bank keeps
only ` 400 rupees in the cash reserve and 600
lends the remaining ` 1600 to another 0.50
person (person B). = ` 1200 crore
(2) Similarly, the bank keeps 20 percent of
6. (c) Output, Disposition
` 1600 (i.e. ` 320) and advances the
remaining ` 1280 Explanation: Production (Output) of goods
and services causes generation of income;
This process continues until the initial
income causes expenditure (or disposition); by
primary deposit of ` 2,000 and the
generating demand, expenditure once again
initial additional reserves of ` 1600 lead
causes production.
to additional or derivative deposits of
` 8,000 (1600+1280+….). Adding the Related Theory
initial deposits, we get total deposits of
 The circular flow means the unending flow of
` 10,000. In this case, the credit multiplier production of goods and services, income, and
is 5 (reciprocal of the CRR) and the credit expenditure in an economy. It shows the redistribution
creation is five times the initial excess of income in a circular manner between the
reserves of ` 1600. production unit and households.

Caution 7. (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is

 Students must know that the value of money
Explanation: Tax is a sum of money that a
multiplier is inversely related to Legal Reserve Ratio
(LRR). government makes people to pay based on
their income, the value of their property, and
3. (a) Goods and Services tax so on, and which is used to pay for government
Explanation: Non-tax revenue receipts are services.
revenue receipts that are not generated by Related Theory
public taxation. This is the money earned by
the government as profits and dividends from  Revenue receipts are defined as those receipts
profiting through state enterprises. The interest that neither generate a liability nor reduce the
government's assets. For example, service tax, excise
earned by the government on funds borrowed
duty, sales tax, goods and services tax, entertainment
from internal or foreign borrowers.
tax etc.

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Caution (2) Imputed value of goods for self-
consumption should be taken into
 Students should know that Indirect taxes are levied consideration while estimating National
on the purchase of goods and services. It is not levied Income, as it adds to the current flow of
directly on a person's income. Instead, he or she must
goods and services.
pay the tax in addition to the price of the products or
services purchased by the seller. (3) Sale and purchase of financial assets
should not be included in the estimation
8. (d) Standard of deferred payment of National Income, as such transactions
Explanation: Deferred payments refer to those are mere paper claims and do not lead to
payments which are to be made at some time value addition. (Or any other valid point)
in the future.
12. (A) When Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)
Related Theory remained net seller in the Indian capital
market, it will lead to an outflow of the
 Money as a standard of deferred payment signifies
that the payment is scheduled to be made at a foreign currency in the country leading
later period. This is achievable because the value of to a fall in the supply of foreign exchange
money remains relatively stable and has the reserve in the economy. Not only this, since
advantage of being widely accepted. This money they are selling the securities, that means
function has facilitated borrowing and lending. the demand for the foreign currency is
increasing and leading to the creation
9. (b) Managed floating of excess demand of foreign currency at
Explanation: The floating rate influenced by the prevailing exchange rate. The new
buying and selling of foreign exchange by the equilibrium will be determined at the
central bank in the foreign exchange market is point where the new demand and supply
known as “Managed Floating Exchange Rate”. coincide raising the exchange rate and
Related Theory leading to the depreciation of domestic
 Managed Floating Exchange Rate is called ‘managed’ OR
because the central bank tries to influence the rate
by entering the market as a bulk buyer or seller. (B) The given condition indicates to the
situation of depreciation of home currency
10. (a) Deflationary gap (₹) vis-a-vis foreign currency (US $). This
Explanation: Deflationary gap is the amount implies that more units of Indian currency
by which actual aggregate demand falls short (₹) is to be paid to buy one unit of foreign
of aggregate supply at full employment level currency (US $). This may lead to sorrows
of income. It is called deflationary because it for importers, as they have to pay higher
causes the price level to fall. The deflationary amount for their imports. Also, this may
gap generates deflation and lowers the bring smiles for exporters, as they would
economy's wage and price levels. be getting higher earnings for their exports.
Related Theory 13. Revenue Deficit = (v) – [(i) + (iii)]
 Inflationary gap, also known as excess demand, is = 160 – (94 + 20)
the amount of excess of aggregate demand above = ₹ 46 crore
the level required to maintain full employment in the Primary Deficit = (iv) – (vi)
= 64 – 40
Caution = ₹ 24 crore
 Students must understand that Inflation is caused 14. (A) When at the level of full employment,
by an inflationary gap, which raises wages and aggregate demand exceeds aggregate
prices in the economy, whereas the deflationary gap supply, it leads to “excess demand” in
generates deflation and lowers the economy's wage
the economy. Excess demand leads to
and price levels.
inflation in the economy which culminates
11. The three precautions that should be taken in an ‘inflationary gap’ at the level of full
while estimating national income by production employment.
method are: The ‘open market operation’ instrument
(1) Value of intermediate goods should not can be used efficiently to correct excess
be included in the estimation of National demand in the economy. The Central Bank
Income, to avoid the problem of double sells securities to the public, and the public
counting (as their value has already been withdraws funds from its commercial bank
included in the value of final goods) deposits to pay the Central Bank for the

22 Economics Class XII

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securities purchased. Money transfers from Now the banks will again keep 10% of ₹900
commercial banks to the Central Bank in i.e. ₹ 90 as reserve and lend out ₹810. This
this manner. This reduces people’s deposits process continues till total reserves become
with commercial banks and has a negative equal to initial reserves.
impact on their lending capacity for 1
consumption and investment, ultimately Total money creation = Initial deposit ×
correcting excess demand.
OR 1
= 1000× = ₹10,000
(B) When Aggregate Demand (AD) and 10%
Aggregate Supply (AS) are equal at less Hence, the initial deposit of ₹ 1000 has led to
than full employment level of income, the total money supply of ₹ 10,000.
then it is a situation of underemployment
equilibrium. 16. (A) Compensation of Employees (CoE)
The measures to reach full-employment = (ii) + (iii) + (iv)
equilibrium are: = 60,000 + 30,000 + 7,500
(1) Increase in government expenditure = ₹ 97,500 crores
(Fiscal measure): The government
(B) A stock is any economic variable that is
incurs expenditure on administrative
measured at a specific point of time. It
and welfare activities. This increase
does not require a time dimension. Flow,
in expenditure will directly increase
on the other hand, refers to any economic
Aggregate Demand (AD).
variable that is measured across time. It
(2) Lowering the Bank Rate (Monetary always necessitates a time dimension.
measure): If the Central Bank reduces Capital, for example, is a stock variable,
the bank rate, commercial banks are whereas capital formation/investment is a
compelled to reduce their lending rates flow variable.
to producers. As borrowing becomes
more affordable, demand for loans for
investment and consumption will rise. (A) (i) Goods purchased by a Japanese tourist
in India were produced in the domestic
(3) Buying of Securities from the market
territory so it will be a part of domestic
by the Central Bank (Monetary
income of India.
measure): When the Central Bank buys
securities from the public, it pays out (ii) Broker’s commission on the sale of
money to the public. Money flows out second hand goods will be included
of the Central Bank and into commercial in domestic income because it is the
banks via buyers of these securities who remuneration earned by the broker for
have accounts in these banks. Deposits rendering productive service.
at commercial banks rise as a result, (B) GDP cannot be used to measure welfare
increasing their lending ability. As a if income distribution becomes unequal. In
result, borrowing for consumption and this instance, even if GDP increases, welfare
investment will rise, and the AD will rise may not be revised equitably because GDP
as well. (Any two) may benefit the affluent class more by
making them richer and the poor poorer.
15. Credit multiplier measures the amount of As a result, increased inequality in GDP
money that the banks are able to create in distribution will not be followed by an
the form of deposits with every initial deposit. increase in welfare.
The credit creation is inversely related to LRR.
Higher the credit multiplier, higher will be the 17. Given that, ∆I = ₹ 900 crores and MPC = 0.6,
total credit created and vice-versa. increase in income takes place in the following
The credit creation by commercial banks sequence:
is determined by the amount of the initial (1) Increase in investment raises the income
deposit and Legal Reserve Ratio (LRR). Suppose of those who supply investment goods by
the initial deposits are ₹ 1000 and LRR is 10%, ` 900 crores, in the first round.
the banks will keep 10% of the deposits i.e. (2) Since MPC is given as 0.6, income earners
₹ 100 as reserves and will lend the remaining spent ` 540 crores on consumption. This
amount of ₹ 900. Those who borrow will spend raises income by ` 540 crores = 900 × 0.6
the money for making payments. in the second round.
It is assumed that the entire ₹ 900 comes back (3) In the similar way, third round increase in
as secondary deposits to the banking system. income is ` 324 crores = 540 × 0.6.

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(4) In this way, income goes on increasing 1
round by round with each round increase in = 900 ×
1 − 0.6
income equal to 60% of the previous round
increase. 1
= 900 ×
(5) The total increase in income is: 0.4
1 = ` 2,250 crores
ΔY = ΔI ×
1 − MPC

(Indian Economic Development)
18. (c) SAARC multilateral trade negotiating body; Reserve
Explanation: The given logo is related to South Bank of India is the Central Bank of India;
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation International Monetary Fund provides short-
(SAARC) regional and economic group. term loans to Balance of Payments problems
Related Theory and International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development facilitates lending for
 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation reconstruction and development.
(SAARC) is the regional association of South-East
Asian countries consisting of eight member countries. 23. (c) Greater possibilities for import
 India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Explanation: ‘Greater possibilities for import’ is
Nepal, Maldives and Afghanistan are the members not an advantage of organic farming.
Related Theory
19. (b) Net exporter of raw materials
 Organic farming contributes to environmental health
Explanation: The colonial government's
by lowering pollutant levels. It decreases human and
restrictive policies on commodity production, animal health risks by lowering the residual level in
trade, and tariffs had a negative impact on the the product. It contributes to the sustainability of
structure, composition, and volume of India's agricultural output. It lowers agricultural production
foreign trade. As a result, India became a net costs while simultaneously improving soil health.
exporter of raw materials.
24. (b) Industrial
Related Theory
Explanation:In the late 1980s and early
 India became an importer of finished consumer 1990s, the second stage of reform involved
produced in the factories of Britain. Britain maintained the privatisation and contracting out of much
a monopoly control over India’s exports and imports.
As a result, more than half of India’s foreign trade state-owned industries in China.
was restricted to Britain. Related Theory
20. (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true  The Chinese Communist Party's (CCPCC) reform
Explanation: A SHG is a financial intermediary and open-door policy began in late 1978, with
group made up of 10 to 25 local women aged the approval of a new economic development
18 to 40. strategy at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th
Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
Related Theory
 SHGs play an important role in providing credit to
the poor, which is critical for poverty alleviation. 25. (d) (I),(II) and (III)
They also play an important role in women's Explanation: Diversification has two
empowerment since SHGs help women from components: changing cropping patterns and
economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
a shift in labour from agriculture to other allied
21. (c) (II), (I), (III),(IV) sectors and the non-agricultural sector.
Explanation: Pakistan created in 1947; Related Theory
People’s Republic of China was established in
1949; First FiveYear Plan of India was started  The necessity for diversification stems from the fact
that relying solely on farming for a living poses a
in 1951 and First Five Year Plan of China was
larger risk.
started in 1953.
22. (d) A – (II), B – (IV), C – (I), D – (III)
Explanation: World Trade Organisation is a  Students must understand that Diversification into
new areas is required not only to minimise risk in the

24 Economics Class XII

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agriculture industry, but also to provide productive (4) Shift from food crops to cash crops due
and sustainable living options to rural people. to export-oriented policy in agriculture
led to a rise in prices of food-grains.
26. (d) India and Britain
(Any three)
Explanation: The Suez Canal is a man-made
waterway that runs from north to south. It
(B) The given statement is defended. Foreign
provided a direct passage for ships travelling
Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign
between India and Britain. The Suez Canal's
Institutional Investment (FII) have Increased
opening increased British control over India's
from around $100 million in 1990-91 to
overseas trade. $74 billion recently. This has transformed
Related Theory India's status from a "begging bowl"
economy in the 1990s to a "self-sufficient"
 The Suez Canal connects Port Said on the economy today. Because of the opening
Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Suez, which is up of the Indian economy, it has become
an arm of the Red Sea. By eliminating the need one of the world's greatest holders of
for ships to go through Africa, the canal provides a
foreign exchange reserves. India's foreign
direct commercial route for ships operating between
exchange reserves increased from
European or American ports and ports in South Asia,
East Africa, and Oceania.
approximately US $ 6 billion in 1990-91 to
approximately US $321 billion in 2014-15.
 Suez Canal is one of the most significant waterways
in the world, both strategically and commercially. 30. The given image indicates towards the
Its establishment in 1869 decreased transportation environmental challenge of ‘deforestation’.
costs and facilitated access to the Indian market. Deforestation involves the removal of a
27. (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true large number of trees and the clearance of
forest regions. It has had numerous negative
Explanation: A country's demographic
repercussions on the environment. Climate
characteristics provide an overview of its change, soil erosion, global warming, species
population size, composition, territorial extinction, and subsurface water depletion are
distribution, trends, and components of change all significant consequences of deforestation.
such as life expectancy, mortality, and social In addition, there will be flooding, diminishing
mobility. wildlife habitats, and decreased water quality.
28. Expenditure to acquire information relating 31. (A) The Great Leap Forward (GLF), Campaign
to labour and other markets is necessary which began in 1958 in China, aimed to
to make decisions regarding investment in massively industrialise the country. People
human capital. Information relating to job were encouraged to start businesses in
opportunities enables people to increase their their own backyards. In rural areas, the
earning potential. Thus, it is a major factor that commune system was established, under
influences human capital formation. which people cultivated land cooperatively.
The GLF initiative encountered numerous
Expenditure on migration is another important
challenges, including a devastating drought
source of human capital formation. People
in China that killed around 30 million
migrate in search of better employment people. When Russia had disagreements
opportunities that may fetch them higher with China, it withdrew its personnel who
income. Technically qualified workforce had been brought to China to assist with
migrate to other areas because of higher the industrialisation process.
income and better opportunities. OR
29. (A) The given statement is defended as (B) China used the market system without
agricultural sector was adversely affected sacrificing political commitment and
succeeded in increasing growth while
by the reform process in the following
alleviating poverty. It made use of the
market process to “generate additional
(1) Public investment in agriculture social and economic opportunities”. Not
sector especially in infrastructure like only that, but by keeping collective land
irrigation, power etc. has been reduced ownership and enabling individuals to
in the reform period. develop land, China has secured rural
(2) Reduction of fertiliser subsidy increased social stability. Even prior to reforms,
the cost of production affecting thereby public participation in building social
the small and marginal farmers. infrastructure resulted in positive effects
in human development metrics in China.
(3) Increased international competitiveness
These advancements were credited
due to liberalisation and reduction of to the correct policies that China had
import duties. implemented prior to reform.

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32. (A) The given statement is true. Crop traditional varieties, resulting in an
diversification involves shifting from a increase in agricultural productivity.
single-cropping to a multi-cropping system. (2) Use of chemical fertilisers: Chemical
It requires altering planting patterns from fertilisers have also resulted in a
food grains to cash crops. Subsistence significant increase in agricultural
farming remains dominant in India, with productivity.
farmers prioritising cereals in the cropping (3) Use of insecticides and pesticides for
system. Farmers' dependency on one or crop protection: This has protected
two crops is lessened since they raise a crops from pests and illnesses, resulting
diverse range of crops. Crop diversity is in less yield loss.
necessary to enhance farmers' income and
(4) Expansion of irrigation facilities:
avoid risks. Several major and local irrigation
(B) The given statement is true. Casual projects have been expanded around
employees are the most vulnerable the country. This has increased
segment of the workforce. They are not productivity and efficiency. (Any three)
normally protected by official rules. As a (B) The importance of large-scale industries in
result, such workers confront a continuing the growth process of the Indian economy
danger to their job security. They may are as follow:
also be denied regular income and social
(1) These generate infrastructural base in
security benefits. the economy.
33. (A) The characteristics of Small Scale Industries (2) These induce the growth of small-scale
(SSI) are as follow: industry.
(1) These are labour intensive and (3) These promote high-end technology
therefore, employment friendly. which raises efficiency.
(2) These show locational flexibility and is (4) The regenerate economies of scale.
therefore, equality-oriented. (Any three)
(3) These need small investment and is 34. (A) The Chipko campaign was a non-violent,
therefore, equity-oriented. social, and ecological campaign in India
(B) The three main components of institutional in the 1970s led by rural villagers, mainly
reforms in Indian agriculture are as under: women, to safeguard trees and forests
(1) Abolition of intermediaries: threatened by government-backed logging.
Intermediaries, often known as The inhabitants relied largely on the trees
zamindars, have been abolished. The for subsistence—directly for food and
soil's tillers now have ownership rights. firewood, and indirectly for services like as
As a result, self-interest has increased water purification and soil stabilisation.
in the farming activity. (B) Through a stealthy revolution, the people
(2) Ceiling on land holdings: A holding- attempted to resist indiscriminate tree
cutting. Chipko and Appiko are two
size limit has been implemented in
examples of such movements. Chipko—
order to promote equity (equality) in
sometimes known as 'tree huggers'—
land allocation.
was first planted in the early 1980s in
(3) Consolidation of holdings: northern India and the Himalayan woods.
Consolidation of holdings has The locals embraced the trees, shielding
been prioritised in order to reduce them from the contractors' axes with their
fragmentation. This has made farm- bodies. The Chipko movement in India,
size economically viable. which has been active since 1973, is one
(4) Regulation of rent: Rents have been of the most effective examples of people-
regulated to put an end to exorbitant oriented environmental rehabilitation in
and illegal extortion from cultivators. the Himalayan region. The primary goal
(Any three) of this campaign, in which women play
an important part, is tree protection and
planting. The Appiko movement, like the
(A) The three main components of technical Chipko movement, was founded to save
reforms carried out after independence the ‘Western Ghats' tropical forests. This
are: basic non’ violent deed gained popularity,
(1) Use of HYV seeds: High Yielding and individuals spontaneously joined this
Variety seeds have mostly replaced movement.

26 Economics Class XII

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(Macro Economics)
1. (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is Caution
Explanation: Money multiplier or credit  Students must know that Stock variable does not
call for a time dimension, whereas flow variable
multiplier indicates the maximum amount of
always calls for a time dimension.
additional money that the commercial bank
scan legally create. It is inversely related to the 6. (c) 22,000
legal reserve ratio.
Explanation: Given that,
2. (c) Managed Floating Exchange Rate C = 500 + 0.75Y and
Explanation: The floating rate influenced by I = ` 5000 crores
buying and selling of foreign exchange by the
At equilibrium level,
central bank in the foreign exchange market is
known as “Managed Floating Exchange Rate”. AD = AS
or, Y=C+I
Thus, Y = 500 + 0.75 Y + 5000
 Students get confuse between Managed Floating
Exchange Rate and Dirty Floating Rate. Y – 0.75 Y = 500 + 5000
3. (b) (I) and (III) Y=
Explanation: For reducing inequalities in
income and wealth, a government should = ` 22,000 crore
generate employment opportunities in the
country for the unemployed youth and should 7. (b) positive, current
change the income tax rate as well as far as Explanation: Current account of balance of
possible for it. payments records all the transactions related
to export and imports of goods and services
4. (c) Rise in prices, No change in output and and unilateral transfers. Those items that result
in inflow of foreign exchange are recorded as
Explanation: Inflationary gap refers to the gap positive item in the current account of balance
by which actual aggregate demand exceeds of payments. Sale of machinery to abroad
the aggregate demand that is required to is an export and as such results in inflow of
establish full employment equilibrium. Thus, foreign currency. Thus, it will be recorded as
when there will be inflationary gap persists in positive item in the current account of balance
the economy, prices of commodities will fall of payments.
and no change in output and employment
level in the economy. Related Theory

5. (a) stock; flow  Capital account of Balance of Payment records

receipts and payments of foreign exchange which
Explanation: Inventory is a stock concept as it impact the asset-liability status of a country in
can be measured at a point of time, whereas relation to rest of the world.
change in inventory is a flow concept as it can
be measured over a period of time. 8. (c) A – Revenue Receipts, B – Tax Revenue,
Related Theory C – Recovery from loans
Explanation: Revenue receipts are those
 ‘Stock’ refers to any economic variable which is receipts that neither reduce the assets of
measured at a point of time, whereas ‘Flow’ refers to the government nor create any liability for
any economic variable which is measured during a the government, whereas the receipts which
period of time. For example capital is a stock variable
either create liabilities or reduce assets of the
and capital formation/investment is a flow variable.
government are known as capital receipts.

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Related Theory an increase in demand for Indian rupee,
resulting in its appreciation in relation to
 Budget receipts are the total amount expected to
foreign currencies.
accrue to the government from different sources
during a fiscal year. OR
(B) It is only in the accounting sense that
9. (b) Demand deposits balance of payment always balances.
Explanation: A demand deposit is the money From the practical point of view, it should
that is deposited into a bank account and can not be interpreted as a situation of zero
be taken whenever it is needed. net financial obligation for a country. A
Related Theory negative balance on the current account is
equated with positive balance in the capital
 A time deposit, like a Certificate of Deposit (CD), is an
account. But the positive balance in capital
interest-bearing bank account with a maturity date.
To get the full interest on a time deposit, the funds account may have been achieved through
must be kept for the specified amount of time. loans from rest of the world. All loans are
financial obligations to rest of the world.
13. Given, Consumption function, C = 80 + 0.6Y
 Students must understand that in demand deposits,
there is no fixed time period, whereas time deposits (A) False,
are deposited in the banks for a fixed period of time. At equilibrium level, AD = AS
10. (c) ` 400 crores \ C+I=Y
Explanation: Trade balance Given, C = 80 + 0.6Y and I = ` 800 crores
= Exports – Imports Substituting the values in the equation,
= 250 – 300 crores We get
= (–) `50 crores (80 + 0.6Y) + 800 = Y
Invisible Balances = Balance on non-factor 80 + 0.6Y + 800 = Y
services + Balance on income 800 + 80 = Y – 0.6Y
+ Balance on unilateral transfers
880 = 0.4Y
= 200 crores + 100 crores
+ 150 crores 880
Y = = ` 2,200 crores
= 450 crores 0.4
Current Account Balance 
Therefore, equilibrium level of income
= Trade balance would be ` 2,200 crores.
+ Invisibles balance (B) False
= (–) 50 crores + 450 crores Given, Change in investment, ∆I = ` 150
= 400 crores crores

11. (a) Fees paid to a mechanic by a firm will Investment multiplier, k =

not be included in the estimation of Gross 1 − MPC
Domestic Product at market price because
MPC is given as 0.6
it is an intermediate expenditure of the firm,
which is not included, to avoid the problem 1 1
So, k = = = 2.5
of double-counting of the expenditure. 1 − 0.6 0.4
(b) Interest paid by an individual on a car loan
taken by a bank is not included, because Alternatively, k = ∆ I
the loan is taken to meet the consumption
expenditure of the individual and thus, the
Substituting the values in the equation, we
interest paid on such a loan is not treated
as a factor payment.
12. (A) The given statement is true as if the domestic 2.5 =
interest rate rises and becomes higher
than the global interest rate, foreigners ∆ Y = 150 x 2.5 = 375
will be enticed to relocate their funds to
Therefore, if investment rises by ` 150
the domestic economy. An increase in the
crores, the change in income would be
flow of capital from overseas will increase
` 375 crores.
demand for Indian currency, indicating

28 Economics Class XII

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14. Recently, Yes Bank, an Indian private sector (B) National Income by Expenditure Method:
bank, had undergone severe finance crisis due GDPMP = Final consumption expenditure
to lack of liquidity. Reserve Bank of India, as a of private non-profit institutions
“lender of last resort” came forward to rescue serving households + Households
the bank by providing liquidity to ailing bank. final consumption expenditure +
As a banker’s bank, the Reserve Bank of India Government final consumption
performs the function of lender of last resort to expenditure + Net domestic fixed
commercial banks. It comes up with granting capital formation + Depreciation +
credit to the banks that are facing temporary Change in stock + Net exports
liquidity problems by supplying much needed = 300 + 26,000 + 11,200 + 600 + 0
liquidity to them. This role of Reserve Bank  + 100 + (-200)
of India saves the commercial banks from
= ` 38,000 crores
NNPFC = GDPMP – Depreciation + NFIA
 – NIT
The function of the central bank which is
indicated in the given statement is Banker to = 38,000 – 0 + 50 – (1000 – 300)
the government. = ` 37,350 crores
The Central bank acts as a banker to both
17. (A) The relationship between the consumption
Central and State governments. It provides
expenditure and the income is known as
them the short-term-loans whenever necessary
consumption function. The consumption
and also manages the public debt of the
country. It transacts all banking business function can be expressed, mathematically

of the government which involves receipts as C = C + bY

and payments of money on behalf of the Where C is consumption expenditure, C is
government and carrying on other banking autonomous consumption i.e., consumption
transactions. It is also responsible for advising at zero level of income, b is marginal
the government on banking and financial propensity to consume and Y is income.
A consumption
– function curve indicating
15. Government budget refers to a statement of C = C + bY is drawn in the figure.
planned receipts and planned expenditure of
the government during a fiscal year. The major C = C + bY
Consumption (C)

components of a government budget are:

(1) Revenue Receipts: These are receipts C
which neither create a liability nor lead to C
a reduction in assets of the government. Y b = MPC =
(2) Capital Receipts: These are the receipts
which either create a liability or lead to C = OR
reduction in assets of the government. O Income (Y)
(3) Revenue Expenditure: It is the expenditure
(1) The consumption curve starts from a
which does not lead to any creation of
positive point R which indicates that
assets or reduction in liabilities of the
even when income is zero, consumption
expenditure equal to OR is incurred
(4) Capital Expenditure: It is the expenditure from past savings. Thus, OR represents
which leads to creation of assets or –
autonomous consumptiion (C).
reduction in liabilities of the government.
(2) Consumption curve slope upwards
16. (A) National Income by Income Method: which shows direct relationship i.e.,
NDPFC = Wages and salaries + Royalty when income increases, consumption
 + Interest + Corporate tax expenditure also increases but in lesser
 + Profit after tax + Rent proportion.
= 25,000 + 200 + 6,400 + 200 (3) The rising slope of consumption curve
 + 4,000 + 1,500 is b (i.e. MPC = DC/DY)
= ` 37,300 crores (4) Since slope of curve is constant, we get
NNPFC = NDPFC + NFIA a straight line consumption curve.
= 37,300 + 50 (B) (i) True as Investment multiplier refers
= ` 37,350 crores to the number of times by which the

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increase in output or income exceeds remains constant. It would mean that
the increase in investment. aggregate consumption in the economy
(ii) True as the given statement is Marginal would increase by 0.5 × 50,000 25,000
Propensity to Save (MPS) cannot be less per taxpayer. Accordingly, deficiency of
than zero because it is the percentage demand would be corrected. Thus, we
change in saving when there is some conclude that an increase in exemption
change in the level of income which limit relating to income tax would help
cannot be less than the change in correct deficiency of demand even when
savings. An individual may at the most MPC remains constant.
spend the entire change in income so (B) It is true that saving causes a leakage from
that change in saving can be zero but the circular flow of income. As a result,
not less than that. Therefore, it cannot GDP tends to shrink. People, on the other
be negative. hand, save to further their own interests.
OR Individuals and households value savings
because it generates interest income. As a
(A) A rise in exemption limit from 2 lakh to
result, what is true at the micro-level may
2.5 lakh would lead to a rise in disposable
income of a taxpayer by ` 50,000. not be true at the macro-level. This is just a
Let us assume that MPC = 0.5, and it micro-macro contradiction.

(Indian Economic Development)
18. (b) Pakistan 22. (a) United States of America (USA)
Explanation: In 1970s, the nationalisation of Explanation: Before the advent of Green
capital goods industries took place in Pakistan. Revolution in 1960s, India was primarily
dependent on United States of America (USA)
19. (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true for the supply of food grains.
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A). Related Theory
Explanation: Land reforms refer to change  Green revolution refers to a rapid increase in
in the ownership by making fillers the owner agricultural productivity through the use of high-
of the land. Land ceiling means fixing the yielding seeds, chemical fertilisers, and new
maximum size of land which could be owned technology.
by an individual. The purpose of land ceiling is
to reduce the concentration of land ownership
23. (b) Cooperative Societies
in few hands. Explanation: A co-operative society is a group
of people who form an organisation with
20. (c) Ensures gender equity the primary goal of promoting the economic
Explanation: The process of human interests of its members.
capital formation adds skills and expertise, Related Theory
improves efficiency and increase the output
productivity of individual labourers.  To exist as a legal body, cooperative societies must
be registered under the Cooperative Societies Act of
Related Theory 1912.

 Human capital formation, in other words, is the 24. (d) Myanmar

process of obtaining and increasing the quantity
Explanation: Myanmar is not a member
of competent, educated, and experienced people
who are critical to the country's economic, social, of South Asian Association for Regional
and political progress. As a result, human capital Cooperation (SAARC).
generation is linked to an investment in people Related Theory
and their development as creative and productive
 India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
21. (b) (IV), (III), (II), (I) Nepal, Maldives and Afghanistan are the members
Explanation: The People’s Republic of China
was established in 1949; the commune system Caution
was formed in 1958; the Great Proletarian
Cultural Revolution was started in 1966 and  Students should not get confused that South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is the
the first ever special economic zones were set regional association of South-East Asian countries
up in 1980 in China. consisting of eight member countries.

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25. (C) Both the statements 1 and 2 are true. the people to undertake long distance
Explanation: The problems faced by human travel thereby breaking geographical and
capital formation are brain drain and high cultural barriers. Railways were developed
growth of population. to move finished goods imported from
Britain to different interior parts of colonial
26. (d) (III), (IV), (II), (I) India. Britishers wanted to widen the size
Explanation: The Britishers introduced the of the market for their own goods. It also
railways in 1850 in India; the Suez Canal was led to commercialisation of agriculture,
opened in 1869; Tata Iron and Steel Company the profits from which never reached the
(TISCO) established in 1907 and the year Indian people.
regarded as the year of great divide is 1921. OR
27. (b) B–(II) (B) Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956 was the
basis of Second Five Year Plan and tried to
develop socialist pattern of society. This
Childhood stunting: Impaired growth and resolution classified industries into three
development in children due to poor nutrition. categories; first category was absolutely
Human development index: Composite index owned by the state comprising of 17
of life expectancy, education and per capita industries such as railways, air transport,
income reflecting standard of living. arms and ammunition, iron and steel and
Life expectancy rate: Average life expectancy atomic energy.
at the time of birth. In the second category, private sector could
Infant mortality rate: Number of deaths per supplement the efforts of state, with state
1,000 live births of children under one year of taking the sole responsibility of starting
age. new units and it comprised of 12 industries.
The third category consisted of remaining
28. Agricultural marketing is a process that industries which were to be in the private
involves the assembling, storage, processing,
sector. No new industry was allowed
transportation, packaging, grading and
without obtaining license from the
distribution of different agricultural
commodities across the country.
This policy was used for promoting industry
Prior to independence, farmers while selling in backward regions and obtaining a license
their produce to traders suffered from faulty for establishing unit in economically
weighing, low prices and manipulation of backward area was very easy. These units
accounts. They also did not have proper were also given concessions such as tax
storage facilities to keep back their produce for benefits and electricity at low tariffs. The
selling later at a better price. Therefore, state government tried to promote regional
intervention became necessary to regulate the equality through this policy.
activities of the private traders.
The first step was regulation of markets to
30. (A) Human capital building is a key tool for
lowering economic inequality. The higher
create orderly and transparent marketing
the rate of human capital formation,
conditions. Second is provision of physical
the higher the rate of participation (the
infrastructure facilities like roads, railways,
proportion of the population engaged in
warehouses, godowns, cold storages, and
productive activity). Increased participation
processing units. Cooperative marketing, in
would result in an increase in the share
realising fair prices for farmers’ products, is
of wages in national income. As a result,
the third aspect of government initiative. The
inequality would decrease.
success of milk cooperatives in transforming
the social and economic conditions of Gujarat (B) The given statement is false since there
and some other parts of country is testimony is a difference between production and
to the role of cooperatives. The fourth element economic activity. The economic activity
is the policy instruments like assurance of appears to be related to the usage
minimum support prices (MSP) for agricultural of scarce resources. It encompasses
products, maintenance of buffer stocks, production activity, consumption activity,
distribution of food grains through PDS. investment activity, and exchange activity.
Thus, production is merely one aspect of
29. (A) The British introduced railways in India economic activity. In other words, while
in 1850 and it is considered as one of all economic activities are production
their most important contribution to activities, not all production activities are
Indian economy. The railways enabled economic activities.

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31. (A) India, Pakistan and China started their employment and socio-economic
developmental planning almost at political growth.
the same time. India and Pakistan got (2) Majority of the population continues to
independence in 1947 and People’s be employed in the agricultural sector
Republic of China was established in 1949. despite lower incomes earned from
While India announced its First Five Year for
this sector. To compensate for lower
1951-56, Pakistan announced its First Five
incomes most population became
year plan in 1956 and China announced its
engaged in tertiary sector.
first Five Year plan in 1953.
Since 2013, Pakistan is working on the (3)
Lack of skills and education, gender
basis of 11th Five year development plan discrimination, income disparities,
(2013-18) whereas China is now working lack of social security and lack of easy
on 13th Five Year plan (2016-20). Until access to health and safety (especially
2017, India has also been following Five for women) also discouraged relevant
Year plan based development model. equal employment opportunities
OR despite economic growth.
(B) The various indicators of human OR
development are: (A) Horticulture is vital in providing crops for
(1) Life expectancy—Higher the better nutrition and food, as well as addressing
(2) Adult literacy rate—Higher the better job issues. It employs approximately 19%
(3) Percentage of population below of the total labour force. It has been a
poverty line—Lower the better source of income for many women and
members of the impoverished strata.
(4) Infant mortality rate—Lower the
better Flower harvesting, nursery care, hybrid
seed generation, tissue culture, fruit and
(5) Maternal mortality rate—Lower the
flower propagation, and food processing
provide employment and remuneration
(6) Percentage of population having
opportunities for rural women.
access to improved water sources—
Higher the better (B) The major challenges facing the Indian
education system are:
(7) Percentage of undernourished
population—Lower the better (1) The biggest educational challenge is
(Any four) to bring all Indian children aged 6 to
14 years under the purview of school
32. (A) The two principal causes behind education.
environmental degradation are: (2) The per capita education expenditure
(1) Population rise: Rising population is varies by state. This, in turn, causes
one of the key causes of environmental disparities in educational opportunity
degradation since it increases the strain and achievement across states.
on natural resources, resulting in an Furthermore, this contradicts the goal of
environmental catastrophe. equity (regional equality).
(2) Consumption levels: It has been
(3) 'Education for All' is a faraway dream.
noticed that in the past, both developing
This is due to the fact that, while literacy
and developed countries experienced
rates have increased substantially, the
affluent consumption levels, causing an
absolute number of illiterates in India is
imbalance in the demand and supply of
equal to India's population at the time
natural resources, driving the globe to
the brink of an environmental crisis. of independence.
(Or any other relevant point) 33. (A) It is true that the British Raj's colonial
(B) No, employment generated in the country exploitation programme had some good
does not commensurate with the growth of benefits on the Indian economy. The
GDP in India because India has experienced establishment of railways, expansion of
jobless growth in the last 50-60 years. ports, strengthening of communication
Jobless growth means that the GDP of methods, and a good administrative system
the country is rising but without general were all key components of the colonial
employment. Causes of jobless growth are: exploitation agenda. All of this, however,
(1) Stagnancy of the industrial sector which signalled a growth-oriented shift in the
did create the necessary prosperity, Indian economy.

32 Economics Class XII

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(B) The observations which explain the reversal like 'Deccai Muslin'. It was destroyed as
of growth process under the British Raj in a result of discriminatory tariff policy.
India are: (3) Foreign Trade: Prior to the British Raj,
(1) Agriculture: Prior to the British Raj, exports were mostly finished goods,
cultivators had ownership rights and while imports were mostly bullion (gold
were required to pay a suitable amount and silver). India became a net exporter
of land tax to the king directly. The of raw materials and an importer of
introduction of British Raj reversed finished goods during the British Raj.
this process. This resulted in farmer Thus, the British government's colonial
exploitation and slowed the agricultural policy nearly reversed the composition
expansion process. or structure of output, as well as the mix
(2) Industry: Industry was dominated by of exports and imports. This caused the
handicrafts, and it gained worldwide growing process to reverse. As a result, the
reputation of creating quality products rate of expansion had slowed significantly.

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