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Customs and traditions of


Name : Gabriela junieth Balmaceda Gómez

1. The Screaming
La Gritería is a celebration that takes place throughout Nicaragua
on December 7 in honor of the Immaculate Conception. During
this celebration, people go from house to house, singing and
shouting “Who causes so much joy?” and people respond “The
Conception of Mary!” The hosts offer food and drinks to visitors.
2. Folk dances
Folk dances are an important part of Nicaraguan culture. Each
region has its own traditional dances and costumes
3. Traditional food
Traditional Nicaraguan food is delicious and varied. Some of the
most popular dishes include gallo pinto (rice and beans), vigorón
(yuca, chicharrones, and cabbage salad), nacatamales (meat and
vegetable tamales wrapped in banana leaves), and quesillos
(tortillas with cheese, onion and cream).

4. The patron saint festivities

Each city and town in Nicaragua celebrates its annual festival in
honor of its patron saint. These celebrations typically include
parades, live music, food and drink, and carnival rides
5. Holy Week
Holy Week is a very important religious celebration in Nicaragua.
During this week, cities and towns celebrate religious processions
and representations of the Via Crucis.
6. Traditional music
Traditional Nicaraguan music is a mix of indigenous, African and
Spanish influences. Some of the traditional instruments include
the marimba, violin and güiro.

7. Craftsmanship
Nicaraguan craftsmanship is unique and beautiful. Some of the
most popular products include hand-woven hammocks, musical
instruments, ceramics, and wood-carved masks.

8. The dance of the giantess and the big-headed dwarf

The gigantona dance is a traditional dance that takes place in
León during the patron saint festivities. The gigantona is a giant
doll that represents an African woman and is carried by a man
dressed in traditional costumes.

9. The Bluefields Carnival

The Bluefields Carnival is one of the most colorful and exciting
celebrations in Nicaragua. It takes place during the last week of
February and is a mix of African
10. Traditional medicine
Traditional Nicaraguan medicine is based on the use of medicinal
plants and herbs to cure diseases and disorders.

Holy Week carpets : during Holy Week, the inhabitants of several
cities in the country create beautiful carpets of flowers and other
materials on the streets through which the procession passes

The Festival of San Jerónimo : this celebration takes place in

Masaya every year and is one of the oldest in the country. It
includes traditional dances, live music and processions through
the streets.

Molas embroidery : the women of the indigenous communities of

Nicaragua are famous for their beautiful embroidery work on
fabrics called “molas”.

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