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Tech Training
SamCart – Lesson 1
Courses That Convert
How to Setup and Integrate SamCart

Welcome to tech training. This is Scott Moran from SamCart. In this video we are going
to show you guys How to Setup and Integrate SamCart into your business.

What You Will Discover

! How to sell more products than ever without…

! Getting any more traffic
! Hiring a team of tech guys to make it happen and shelling out tons of
money every single month
! Ever building a sales funnel

SamCart is a very simple tool that, at it’s heart, allows you to collect and make more
sales while winning back more of your time. Without any ado whatsoever, let’s go
ahead and jump right into the SamCart dashboard and we’ll show you guys exactly
what we have for you.

[Please see slide deck throughout the training]

Here we are inside the SamCart dashboard. Everything starts and ends right here inside
this account. Inside the dashboard you will get all of the important stats you need in
order to run your business. You will see daily reporting on your total sales and how
many of those sales are coming from one time or from recurring income.

As you scroll down the page you will get all of the crazy stats we all know we need but
are such a trouble and headache to find inside other tools. Stats like Customer Lifetime
Value and your monthly recurring revenue are at your fingertips anytime you need

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Inside of SamCart, everything starts and ends with products. We will go ahead and do a
quick demo. We will show you how easy it is to set up your very first product. Click on
the Products tab and come up and hit Add New Product. We will call the product Amy
Porterfield’s Super Awesome SamCart Product. It’s as easy as that.

You can enter a quick product description and this dropdown allows you to charge
either a one-time fee or any sort of recurring fees you would like. Whether you are
charging monthly fees, yearly fees, free trials, paid trials, any of those options, payment
plans, anything like that, you can create it inside of SamCart.

For the ease of this demonstration we will just have a one-time fee. We will charge $10
for it. If you are selling physical products and would like to add in things like customers
being able to select their own quantity or being able to charge variable shipping costs,
you can toggle this on and there will be a whole host of other options available to you
as well.

We will stick with a digital product for this nice easy demonstration. In the next couple
of seconds SamCart is going to spit out a checkout page that’s going to look one heck
of a lot better than most people’s standard PayPal checkout pages or Infusionsoft or
anything like that.

You can see before we have done a single thing to the checkout page it is already
beautifully designed. We have trust seals, we have certain things that are already
designed to convert, short-form fields. It is ready to accept credit card and/or PayPal as
well. You can charge your customers however you would like. All of this has been done
without a single ounce of extra customization.

Let’s take a look at what else we can do inside of SamCart and show you exactly how
easy it is to use. If I come back over to the product I can add an extra description. I
can upload a product image right from my computer. I can come down, click on update,
and when I go back to refresh the page on our checkout page you can already see this
page is starting to come together.

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Let’s keep going. I go back over to the product details and switch over to Product
Customization and you will be able to start seeing all of the different templates that
SamCart has to offer. You can pick the template you would like. You can change colors
so it matches the branding on your website. You can even add and remove certain

If you are shipping something you are definitely going to want shipping address form
fields on your checkout page. Maybe you would like to add a quick guarantee. I will add
a 60-day guarantee. I would like a spot for coupons so that I can have customers have
special coupons for promotions and things like that.

Once I do the changes I will come down and click Update. You can see that things are
already starting to come together. Here’s my money-back guarantee. Here are my
shipping address fields and my discount coupon field. Of course, we’re not going to
stop there, let’s keep going.

Inside of SamCart we also make it super easy for you to add things like bullet points.
How about if you want to recap the offer you are giving. I’ve cheated just a little bit so
I’m going to add in some bullet points that I already have custom written. But adding
bullet points is a really great way to make sure you are reminding your customers of
what it is they are buying.

Maybe it’s a great place to list some extra bonuses they get if they buy today. But it’s
all of these marketing ideas. They are very simple marketing principles we all know and
love and use on all of the other pages of our site but always kind of forget to add to our
checkout pages.

Just like that, I have typed in some bullet points that are going to quickly recap my
offer and remind my customers why they are buying. Here they are perfectly formatted
right there in the side bar. This is just another way that SamCart is going to help you
decrease your cart abandonment rate by making checkout pages super simple to setup
and customize.

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Again, let’s not stop there. How about testimonials? Everyone knows that social proof is
such a great way to make sure everyone knows you are a legitimate business and that
you have actual customers. So, if I go ahead and start adding testimonials, again I am
cheating just a little bit with some I have already prewritten from some of our favorite
friends, you can see exactly how easy SamCart makes this. It is literally just copy and
pasting with a couple of clicks of the mouse, a couple of keystrokes, and it’s all set up
for you.

SamCart hosts everything 100% securely so you never have to worry about things like
security certificates. Every image you host, every product image or testimonial,
everything is securely added right to your checkout page.

Now you can see I have some testimonials down the side of the page. They were done
in just a heartbeat, just a couple of clicks. You guys can see I’ve done zero to what you
are looking at right now in maybe 90 seconds. Was that pretty cool? Was that pretty
easy? I’ll bet you definitely think that is something you could go ahead and do on your
own. That’s exactly why we have built SamCart.

We have made SamCart super simple so that absolutely anyone can get it done and can
create this wonderful hub of their business where all of their tools work together to
create these really nice checkout pages, make you more sales, capture more customers,
and remove all of the crazy tech headaches that so many of us are just used to dealing

Let’s go back and look at one more quick thing. How about integrating with all of the
other tools that you already use? For those of you who are integrated with email
marketing tools like AWeber or Infusionsoft or ActiveCampaign, any of the big huge
ones that we integrate with, and we integrate with all the best ones. This is the coolest
feature that I love about SamCart.

How about adding people to email lists or removing them from email lists when
someone buys? We all know you need to keep your email lists perfectly clean so that

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your customers are in one list and your leads are on other lists. With SamCart we make
that whole process unbelievably easy.

The account you are looking at right now is currently integrated with AWeber. If I come
to SamCart and click on the integrations tab all I need to do is select Add Customer to
Email List. Once I have set up the integration with AWeber I just click and here are all
of my different AWeber lists in an easy, super, super easy dropdown menu.

All I have to do is pick one list, click on update, and now whenever someone buys the
product on this checkout page the integration says that SamCart is automatically going
to add them to that list inside of AWeber. Was that pretty cool? It’s really simple, it’s
like the really simple stuff that used to take so long without tools like SamCart that are
built for people like you and me who are not techies.

Setting up integrations is a huge headache but we didn’t stop there. There is also a set
of rules that allows you to Remove Customer from an Email List. It’s not enough just to
add them to a list in AWeber or to add tags in Infusionsoft. A lot of times you want to

Maybe I want to remove someone from my leads list. So, when someone buys the
product, not only do I want to add them to my customer list but I would like to remove
them from my leads list. With SamCart you just saw me do it. You pick from a
dropdown menu, click update, and now anytime someone buys this product they will be
automatically added to the list I want and removed from a list I want them removed

Again, we don’t just stop there even. If you switch to On Refund, if someone chooses
to refund this product you can do the whole thing over again. If I want to add them to
a list of people who have refunded this product all I have to do is click and say I would
like to add them to a list if they refund or you would like to remove them (if you would
like to remove them from the customer list you added them to) if they refund.

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You can select from a dropdown menu, click on update, and you are all set. How cool is
that? It is just another way SamCart is making things extremely easy and extremely
simple for people like you and me. We hire great tech guys to make a tool like SamCart
so that all of us non-techie people can do this stuff without shelling out a ton of money
and having a ton of headaches and just basically sitting there praying that nothing

How about membership sites? For those of you who are using tools like WishList
Member or Optimize Press Member, Member Mouse and all of the others that we
integrate with, how much of a pain is it to say that when someone buys a product of
yours to add them to a membership level and make sure they get access to everything
they need? With SamCart, once you have set up an integration (the example is showing
a WishList Member integration) all I have to do is say when someone buys this product,
I select what membership level I would like to add them to inside of our membership
site, and click update.

After someone buys this product they will be automatically added to my membership
site and their username and password will be sent to their email address with my hands
completely off of the whole process. Is that pretty cool? Awesome. It’s one of these
things we have so much headache over and it is just made extremely simple with

How about this little checkbox? This little checkbox says, “Remove on Refund.” Not only
is it great to add someone to your membership site, but now SamCart, if you click the
little box and click update, SamCart will automatically remove their access to this
WishList level or this Member Mouse bundle or whatever it is you are using should they
choose to refund their order.

With SamCart, integrating with all of your other tools, making sure your email lists are
clean, making sure your membership site is perfectly taken care of and that your
customers get exactly what they need right when they need it is this simple, simply
selecting things from dropdown menus.

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SamCart is a simple tool designed to do complex things and make the whole process
that much more simple. Let’s show off a couple of more of the advanced things that
SamCart can do for you.

If any of you guys out there are using order bumps or multiple payment options inside
your checkout pages, SamCart is the tool for you. Here is another quick checkout page
we have made. I want to show you how quick and easy it is to offer payment plans and
two payment options on the same checkout page.

For any of you guys out there who have a product with a one-time price, or if you
would like to pay in three payments of X, and you want to let your customers have the
choice between them, inside of SamCart is a second payment option. Here I want to go
to the product. If I would like to add a second payment option all I need to do is click
on the dropdown menu and simply select which product I would like to offer.

You can change the wording if you would like but this product is basically a $10 fee and
the second payment option I want is two payments of $5. If I want to offer someone
the chance to break up the payments I would click Update and refresh the page. You
will see that SamCart takes care of the rest. Right here, they have a radio selection box
where customers are choosing to buy one payment or five payments.

Maybe you are selling monthly subscription and you want the option to update to
yearly. You just have a radio check box and it is done. SamCart takes care of all of that
stuff for you.

How about order bumps? You guys see this blue box? An order bump allows someone
to add something to a purchase before checking out. An order bump is super easy. It is
actually already done on this page but I will show you guys exactly how it’s done. You
come into Product Settings. You look at Order Bump, select which product you would
like to offer as an order bump.

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I will bump it up and have a really crazy expensive one. Facebook Ads Academy is not
$2, I think the product is $997. You can change the description text to whatever you
would like. I am going to click the update button and when I come back to update the
page it will be a little bit different.

I still have the two payment option buttons that we set up but now I can add a really
nice big high-ticket product. It is not quite as expensive as I thought, but you can add
Facebook Ads Academy to this order. Order bumps are converting for SamCart across
the board about 25%. That means one out of every four customers that you select is
likely to add the order bump before checking out. It is basically another way SamCart
makes it very easy to convert more customers and to make more of your customers
more valuable.

If one out of every four customers is taking an order bump and spending more money
with you, think about what that does for your bottom line.

We showed you guys products and integrating how creating products is super easy
whether you are selling one time or recurring subscriptions. We have also shown you
guys exactly how SamCart helps you connect with your email marketing tools so that
your lists are clean and so is your membership site so your customers get exactly what
they need every time.

Now, let’s look at upsells. If you guys don’t know what a one-click upsell is, I will go
ahead and preview a one-click upsell here. A one-click upsell is shown to your
customers immediately after buying. You will see a page that looks like this where you
can add your own text, your own videos, whatever you would like. Basically, right after
someone checks out of a SamCart checkout page like this one you can show them one-
click upsells where buying additional products is as easy as clicking one single button.

I am sure Amy has probably already talked to you plenty about one-click upsells and
what they can do for your business and how they can absolutely, 100% double or even
triple your profits with a single upsell. The big benefit is that buying something with a
single click of the button is extremely easy and makes sure that customers who are

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ready to spend more money with you can. We are going to show you exactly how easy
it is to implement upsells inside of SamCart.

This is a big, big focus of what we do and making this process extremely easy is
something that is a pretty big deal, really. Any of you guys who have used other tools
know exactly how complex this is, but I’ll show you just how easy it is to implement.

I’m going to create a new funnel. An upsell funnel is basically a series of upsells. It can
be one or up to five. This is as simple as it gets. All I have to do is click on a dropdown
and select the upsells I would like to show and in what order I would like to show them.
I am going to make a two-upsell upsell funnel. People will see Upsell A and whether
they say yes or no will determine if I show them Upsell B.

You can do down sells as well. It is not really that complicated but if you cant to do that
kind of stuff it is certainly pretty advanced if any of you guys are advanced and would
like to do down sells. If I click update the upsell funnel is done. It is pretty sweet.
Again, SamCart is a very, very simple tool designed to do pretty complex stuff.

Now if I go back to Products, let me call up Amy Porterfield’s Super Awesome Product
and we will jump right back into Settings and I will show you guys exactly how easy it is
to take upsell Funnel A and click on Advanced to attach upsell Funnel A to the product
and click Update and it is done.

Let me demo exactly what your customers are going to see now that this is done. One
other cool feature we have in SamCart, if you want to do a test mode (sandbox) if I
click Yes onto Sandbox mode and click Update then go back and refresh my checkout
page for Amy Porterfield’s Super Awesome Product I can now basically put in dummy
information (the yellow sandbox mode banner is displayed). Any credit card number will
be fine. I am going to put in some test dummy credit card information and you will be
able to see exactly what your customers will see, all of your different integrations will
be fired so that I am added to WishList Member (or whatever membership site you
use), I will have tags added inside Infusionsoft and any rules you have set up will be

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tested completely without having your credit card charged. Sandbox is another way we
are trying to make things pretty simple for you.

Here’s what happens when your customers click Processing. Now I am taken inside
upsell Funnel A where we have a quick video that will talk about a second product we
have. If you would like to buy it your customers can have the card run that they have
just used, or even their PayPal account. If they click on the Add to My Order button
they will be taken to upsell Funnel B which, again, I just showed you how to make the
funnel. It is very simple, just select what order you would like to show your upsells in.

I then get taken to my second one-click upsell. Let’s say I say, “No” to this one. I have
now completed my order and everything is set. SamCart has an order summary page
that is automatically generated. Or you can send people to your own thank-you pages.
You will see Amy Porterfield’s Super Awesome Product and the 01-New PayPal Product
(dummy products we have created). But your customers can see exactly what they
have just bought.

What will be waiting for me in my inbox will be my username and password to login to
my membership account with WishList Member. I will have access to both of these
products automatically headed to my account. There are no support headaches on that
side. It is super, super easy.

That is SamCart in a nutshell. Do you guys want to see some of the more advanced
stuff that SamCart can do? We will go ahead and dive in.

If I want to split test my upsell funnels it is as easy as clicking split test, selecting a
different upsell funnel, and clicking update. Now when someone buys this product they
will either be dropped in to Funnel A or Funnel B and the Reports tab on the left will
show you how everything is doing. It is super simple.

If I want to split test my checkout pages all I have to do is hit Add Variation and title it
Variation A, click OK, and SamCart will automatically start split testing my checkout
pages. You guys can always know you have all of these tools at your hands to make

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sure you understand when people get all the way to your checkout page you know
exactly what’s happening and you are not dropping the ball on the one-yard line and
getting people all the way to a SamCart checkout page and then having them leave
forever without every buying anything.

That’s the nightmare and SamCart is designed to make sure you are capturing bits and
pieces and chunks of those people who are hitting your pages and never buying. Just
like that, I can edit. I can change templates. You can change prices and split test and
all of that stuff.

Now, let’s check out the reports tab. If I want to have a pulse on my business, any of
you guys out there who understand the benefits of having the pulse on your business
understand what’s going on. Click on the reports tab. You will be able to see all of your
sales. You can flip them out in sales by product and see what is being refunded. If I
want to click over to my upsell funnels (I am going to throw the date back a bunch). If
you want to see how your upsells are converting, just like this, click on Run Report and
you can click inside of any of the reports and see exactly how each upsell funnel is

Let’s take a look at one that is doing really well. It is converting at 53%. I can see all of
the upsells I have setup and in what order. As I scroll over them I can see all of the
different stats and everything that goes along with them (how many conversions, how
many people have seen it, average customer value, etc.). Having these stats at your
fingertips is just such a pain in other tools and we never understood why so we just
built SamCart. I figured it is the easier thing to do.

Let’s take a look at one more quick report. This is our Dunning report. When someone
has a subscription that get declined or their payment is declined for a monthly
subscription (or anything) SamCart is automatically trying to save all of those for you.
So every time you have someone who has a monthly recurring subscription or payment
plan, if their card declines, SamCart sends them an email. That email contains a link
where they can click and update their credit card info and you can save that
subscription from right inside their inbox.

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As you can see, in the past 30 days SamCart has saved us over $800. You can see
exactly how many subscriptions we have active, how many are in recovery (people we
are currently contacting in order to try to save a subscription on your behalf), and how
many have gone delinquent. You can see a live stream of the emails that have been
sent out.

I can see today we saved a $97 payment. So SamCart is working behind the scenes for
you to make sure you are capturing as many sales as possible. That’s not bad. Are you
starting to see how everything comes together with SamCart? It’s all basically just in
one spot. It is a very simple tool. Do you think you could do everything I’m showing
you here on screen?

I bet you could. I bet you could probably toss your grandmother in here and tell her to
have at it and she could be making products and upsells in no time.

Let’s take a look at one more quick thing. That is the Affiliate Center. For any of you
guys who want to have affiliate sales and tracking, the Affiliate Center is as easy as it
gets. On the right you can see all of your top affiliates. You can see, over time, how
many clicks they have sent and how many sales you are getting from those clicks.

You can see how many commissions are currently payable and what is to be paid out.
You can also come up and click on Settings and you will be able to see all of the
different links you can give to your affiliates. You can create media links and pre-written
email swipe copies so that they login to their Affiliate Center and grab the different
media and things you have created for them for promoting.

You can come down and change your commission structure so that you are paying a
percentage commission or a flat dollar amount. You can see all of your previous
payouts and everything. When you are ready to payout, if you come back to the
dashboard and click on Pay Now it will generate a CSV download right to the desktop
that you can either upload to PayPal and pay everyone through PayPal or do whatever

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you would like. But this is another way SamCart has made affiliate tracking super easy
to manage.

This is something you can go ahead and get rid of the team that has been building
things or get rid of the tools that are causing so many headaches. It is all in one place
in SamCart.

That is our awesome demo of walking through the tool. That is how SamCart is going
to save you so much time. It is going to fight and win back more of your sales and it is
going to let you free up your time and get rid of any overpriced, outsourced tech people
you are hiring. I know, we used to just shell out thousands and tens of thousands of
dollars every time we wanted to do a promotion to try to get a checkout page that still
looked way worse than this.

The checkout page didn’t have multiple payments. We certainly couldn’t do order
bumps or any of the things that are so easy to do inside of SamCart. If you are dealing
with a tool that can’t do these things you are leaving money on the table. If you are
dealing with a tool where you have to hire people to do this stuff for you then just ditch
the thousands of dollars a month and get SamCart for just $99 a month.

That concludes the demo. We are going to hop back into the slides and I hope you
guys enjoyed that.

Here’s Where You Might Get Stuck

You might get stuck getting setup. Creating your first few products and integrations
might seem like a tall task, but I promise you, you will be a pro in no time. Once you go
in and create a couple of products and get a feel of how SamCart goes you will see that
absolutely anyone can use this tool.

We like to think we’ve created a tool that is built for marketers by marketers, for
business owners by business owners. We hired some really techie guys to build this tool
but we like to think our fingerprints are all over it. Brian (our co-founder) and myself

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basically like to think SamCart is a tool built for people like you and me, people who
need to win back their time but need to get better results. We like to think that is
exactly what SamCart has done.

For those of your guys watching this video, here’s one thing we would like to do super
special for you guys just for Amy’s people in Courses That Convert. We would like to
give you guys a free 30-day trial to SamCart. Just head over to
and you will have a full month to check out SamCart, discover if it’s right for you, mess
around and get your first funnel setup, maybe run a promotion through it.

We want you guys to experience exactly what SamCart has to offer for you. We know
you will absolutely love it so please feel free to head to and
signup for your 30-day free trial today. That’s pretty much it.

Courses That Convert with Amy Porterfield, thanks for hosting us here. We are going to
have a couple of more videos for you guys so you can see exactly how SamCart
interacts specifically with some of the other tools you might be using in your business.
Thanks for watching!

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