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-fox nakinghe aafect.

The manks lloted fo ASL Project

Chpse amy beloL givem -toica
The tosaalio oject shoubd nalude all the toit
gven Pach fsrajecd
Fo The toject AL size coloune d|designen 4papen
Shee ta anel ten om þiling eveHyhina it Shad
be Aub mitted in sisal binding Psioject eile
þaojec Should be hamd wsttemn
Cover fage, w h i+le oject, Schoot dtetatst oetaits
o St denta.
2> ndex
3 Acknawle dqennemt
Cetiticate o comletiGn undy the gui clamce
he teche
5 otjective
List o TEsaHCes bibiagakhy

Child anbauaih Jncia CLagt Ssuing)

Child laboun witk Sefeence to
2 Lives Chiloen lihe Saheb anl sfsing CSummox
Descsibe Seemapui Coit ictwe)
dnitiaive againat child labou ay
- Sncian gavennmem
’ NGO's

The Child Labausi P4ohibitin And Re qtatin Acd,1986.
6 Waya to eliminae Child labouh
Troject 2! INDI G0 - The Encncifat0n cj Shareciopþes by
Mabatma Gramdh
L- AtrOLt ke authos
2- what is Indbigo Shane cMopping 9 CBouef hiztouy)
3- Ntwral Incigo Havestimg amel its UBeS. CPicdres)
Summay o Jncligo
5 wht wes Re impoxtance a champasam movement
6- Role o Raikuma Shukle
1- Cam chi i s am eecHve leac.
roject 3 A Thing c Beauty cnl ids Role jm human Siye.
1- About authat John Keats. CPictueS)
2- Ditestent ch aHacteis ties nectwe ite ita eenal
Source o tue habiners.e tc. (use ictwres o
chamgeles, natucie

3- Beca uwty mighty dleacl i stoies o Saint8 and

Sages, thei wosk and deeds. Cu8e tictwes)
4- cemtal Jolea oy - thiny oy Beaty.
n the Realm o
The This cl Level- escapis
About +he atho Jack Finey'
2 A Voyage tRough The -thiel devel (Summay)
3 How ar to lay's e is imsecwre 7 wy do
modem men wnt to escoe 7
Jeu had am obotunity to o t amother
time amel ace here
5 lwsute abouttRe chaactes anel their Ye anh

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