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Research Project Assignment: Tesla’s Approach to

electric vehicles impact new business

Table of Contents
Analysis of the Literature...........................................................................................................2

Conceptual Framework..............................................................................................................3


Conceptual Framework for the Present Research..................................................................4


Justification of the Research Paradigm......................................................................................4


Analysis of the Literature

1. Ali, S., 2021. An overview of why electric cars are the future of transportation: When
it comes to fossil fuel use, the automotive sector is at the top of the list, which has hurt the
environment. Scholarly journals, eBooks, case studies, Science Direct, Research Gate,
Google Books, and Google Scholar were among the secondary materials used for this study.
According to the results, electric cars have come a long way since their inception, with
notable achievements including shorter charging times, improved electromotive force, and
the advent of supercapacitors to guarantee better charge storage. To further assist electric
vehicle manufacturers and buyers in meeting their carbon dioxide emission reduction targets,
lowering production costs, and increasing the affordability of electric cars, several developed-
world governments do provide subsidies. Another conclusion is that, due to the high use of
fossil fuels in their production, many people believe that electric cars are worse for the
environment than regular automobiles.
2. Tendon, S., Rastogi, M. and Verma, T., 2020. CHANGING PARADIGM OF E-
International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(04): Regarding environmental
friendliness and technical progress, electric vehicles are being considered; in this regard,
Tesla is leading the pack. This research, using Tesla as an example, demonstrates the
potential for electric vehicles to be successful in India. The many potential benefits of electric
vehicles over the long run have already captured the interest of the Indian government. These
vehicles will lessen India's reliance on foreign fuel suppliers, are easy to maintain, and pose
no safety risks to drivers or passengers. The import of electric vehicles, as opposed to
gasoline ones, will have an impact on BOP. It takes time for good things to maximize
themselves, and here they are competing with gasoline automobiles that are 150 years old.
The report also covers the problems that would arise if Tesla automobiles were sold in India.
These vehicles are dependable and cost-effective, but because of research and development,
their battery charge time is becoming shorter by the day. India will soon see the introduction
of electric vehicles.
3. Barkenbus, J.N., 2020. Prospects for electric vehicles. Sustainability, 12(14), p.5813:
Even though we don't yet know when it will happen, the shift from gas-powered to electric
cars is already in motion. The crucial background is the war against climate change, which is
why governments are encouraging this transition by regulating the production of electric cars
and offering incentives to consumers to buy them. This nudging is based on a set of basic
factors that the literature outlines, and these forces may either stimulate or discourage
customer interest. Thankfully, there is a lot of work going into battery R&D, which should
change market dynamics and make electric cars more appealing to those who aren't now
interested in buying one. Therefore, the change should happen over time, thanks to ongoing
government assistance and upstart manufacturers like Tesla, even if the timescale for battery
development cannot be forecast with precision.
4. Qiu, W., Hao, Q., Annamareddy, S.H.K., Xu, B., Guo, Z. and Jiang, Q., 2022. Electric
vehicle revolution and implications: ion battery and energy. Engineered Science, 20,
pp.100-109: The non-renewable petrochemical energy and fuel vehicles are under scrutiny as
record-high heat waves sweep the world, focusing on global warming caused by pollution
and greenhouse gas emissions. The United States, the European Union, and China are at the
forefront of developing new energy electric cars (EVs), which can reach zero emissions. The
relevant rechargeable ion battery's innovative technologies are crucial. So, EVs change the
game when it comes to conventional energy, the car industry, and everyday life.

5. Muratori, M., Alexander, M., Arent, D., Bazilian, M., Cazzola, P., Dede, E.M.,
Farrell, J., Gearhart, C., Greene, D., Jenn, A. and Keyser, M., 2021. The rise of electric
vehicles—2020 status and future expectations. Progress in Energy, 3(2), p.022002: The
development of better technology, falling prices, and improved availability of charging
stations have all contributed to electric vehicles (EVs) meteoric climb in popularity in recent
years. There is a mountain of material on electric vehicles (EVs) and all they bring to the
table in terms of mobility and energy. This paper offers a thorough and up-to-date overview
of scientific studies that have examined electric vehicles (EVs) from different angles. It
covers (a) the current state of the market for light-duty EVs and predictions for their future
adoption, (b) potential opportunities in the market outside of light-duty EVs, (c) the evolution
of the cost and performance of electric machines, power electronics, and batteries—essential
components of EV success—and (d) the current state of charging infrastructure, with an
emphasis on studies and models that project the need for and economics of public charging;
(e) the effects of electric vehicle charging on power systems at various scales, from
distribution networks to bulk power systems, (f) insights into life-cycle cost and emissions
studies This study aims to provide readers with a sense of where things stand by analyzing
research thoroughly and critically and synthesising broad findings to assist them to navigate
the extensive literature. This comprehensive analysis presents an optimistic view of EVs for
on-road transportation in the future, and the authors maintain their optimism that the
remaining technological, regulatory, social, behavioural, and business-model obstacles can be
overcome in due course to facilitate a shift toward cleaner, more efficient, and more
reasonably priced transportation options for everyone.

Conceptual Framework


The conceptual framework is thus like a structured plan or some principles that drive the
development and organisation of a research study or theoretical model. It provides the basis
for understanding how elements in a study will interact, provide clarity, and guide the
research process. Therefore, this framework allows one to identify variables, relationships,
and possible outcomes within the study, thus keeping it focused and coherent. A conceptual
framework gives guidelines and boundaries regarding a research study by helping formulate
hypotheses, data collection, and analysis, which eventually elevates the validity and
reliability of the findings.

Conceptual Framework for the Present Research


 Tesla's Approach to EV: It is the central node, incorporating the overall strategy that
Tesla had chalked out.
 Innovation in Vehicle Design: How Tesla's designs uniquely affect the market.
 BatteryTech Advancements by Tesla: Impact on Performance and Cost.
 Autonomous Driving Capabilities: The Self-Driving Technology by Tesla.
 Environmental Impact: Reduction in emissions and related environmental benefits.
 Market Disruption: It is the role of Tesla that has disrupted the traditional market for
 New Business Models: The new businesses and opportunities that would be born out
of the innovations which Tesla brought into existence.
 Consumer Preference Changes: Many consumers are shifting towards electric and
autonomous vehicles. Policy and Regulatory Influence: Government policies and
regulations can either weigh Tesla down or benefit the larger market.

Justification of the Research Paradigm

The present research will use interpretivism research philosophy to be conducted. With the
help of this, the present research can explore the various domains of Tesla’s business
approach, innovation and attitude towards electric vehicles. The mentioned philosophy has
the potential to understand and analyse the factors of any social topic. Therefore, it can be
said that using interpretivism research philosophy is the best option for the present research.
Along with the philosophy, the research will use an inductive research approach, secondary
data collection method and qualitative analysis. Hence, it can be said that the research will be
based on non-numeric data and information. Additionally, the present research will use
databases such as Google Scholar and IEEE to collect data.


Ali, S., 2021. An overview of why electric cars are the future of transportation
Barkenbus, J.N., 2020. Prospects for electric vehicles. Sustainability, 12(14), p.5813
Muratori, M., Alexander, M., Arent, D., Bazilian, M., Cazzola, P., Dede, E.M., Farrell, J.,
Gearhart, C., Greene, D., Jenn, A. and Keyser, M., 2021. The rise of electric vehicles—2020
status and future expectations. Progress in Energy, 3(2), p.022002
Qiu, W., Hao, Q., Annamareddy, S.H.K., Xu, B., Guo, Z. and Jiang, Q., 2022. Electric
vehicle revolution and implications: ion battery and energy. Engineered Science, 20, pp.100-
Tendon, S., Rastogi, M. and Verma, T., 2020. CHANGING PARADIGM OF E-
Journal of Management (IJM), 11(04)

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