CHEMISTRY (EM) Question Paper Kerala Class 9 Second Term Christmas Exam Dec 2019

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SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, KERALA SECOND TERMINAL EVALUATION 2019-20 Std: 1X CHEMISTRY Seore : dl Time : 1 4Hours Instructions «First 13 minutes ts given as cool off time. ‘This tim reading and understanding the questions. wer the questions based on instructions. - wer the questions according ww score and time. is to be spent for Answerany 4 questions from | te 3. Buch carries 1 Score. ide 1=4) (ui a known es “the father of Periodic table" 2. The catalyst used in the industrial preparation of ammonia is (Manganese diow:de, Iron, a adium pentoxide, Phosphoric a ced Thal the same nepative particles ere fried. when electric discharge gas inva discharge tube? ty ¢ Bohr. James Chadwick, 01. Thomson. Ruthertord) 4, Which among the AH, HBr, N,.CL) wing isa molecule showing polar mature? ty 5, Which of the following is a compound showing basic natun iy (80,,C0., MgO.NG,) Answer any 4 questions from 6 to U0, Each earries 2 Scares, (4x 2=8) 6, Magnesiumion(Mg') and Phosphate fon (PO,” | combine so form magnesium phosphate ay kdentily the cation in mugmesium phosphate, (ly hy Write the chemical formula of magnesiun phosphate uy 7. al Heav many H!' ions are libereted wien one molecule of H,PO, is completely ionised? (ay bi Which isthe ton (ormed wheo Hien combines with water molecule’? hy 8 An incomplete portion of periodic table is given. Symbols ere not real) AEM Ch fd a) Which among the given elements hus the highest non-metalic character? = (1) by Why are the non-metals called electro negative elements? ly 9, Analyse the following figure and answer the questions. ae “Ee Fy a) In.which test tobe is the rate of reaction faster” a) ‘by Which is the factor that influenced the rate of chemical reaction here? th) 10) ‘The equation ofa chemical reaction is given. Mat T, > Mal, (Hint: Electronic eonfigueation af Mg =2.8.2 F=2,7) al Which atom loses electron in this reaction? i) by Which aio ects us oxidising agent bere’? lt Answer any 4 questions fram 11 i015. Fach carries 3 Scores. (4x 312) U1. The pH value of seme selutionsare given in the box below. [solution [pH value A ? 8 | 10 c | $4 D | 1 a] Which solution among these has basic nature ai ‘by Addition of which substance will increase the pH valucof solution A? ely (Acid, Base, Wally ¢) What is the use of determining the pH value of soil before farming? aly AEWS Ch a mh Match the following suitably. ayy A T B c | Tobie gasen _) Elements of groups $10 12 ‘Kenouvti as rare earths ~~ Tanhimoits | Blernenisof 18° g -escolcuradeomprunds | "Tromitonclemans | Replas seperate rw below | Dopet lake part sa [ON the period tle remical ewcticas | Zing pieees, zine powder, dilute FECL and test tubesare given. 21 Write the procedure ofan experiment to prowe that the ratcof a chemical reactions irereases, if solid substances are used ia powdered form. i2) b) Whar is the reason for the inezeuse in the rate ofa reaction ifthe solid substances anc used in powered toon’? mm The electronic configuration of oxygen is 2. 6. a) Osygen usually shows thevelency 2, Whats the reason? uly bi Illustrate the formation of sodium oxide using electron-dot dhagram, (2) (lint: Elevtronic sunfiguretiun of Na = 2.8.11 Agidrain causes many ervironmental problems. a) Explain how acid rain is formed mi by Write anyone enviconmental issue camsed by acid rain ily ‘Answer any 4 questions from 160020. Fach carries 4Seores. (4 4=18) 20 ml of NaCH is taken ina conical flask and two drops of phenwinhthalein are séded, Theaudilure HC] is added drop by drop, contiauously shaking the beaker 2) NaOH solution is tumned inte pink colour when phoenoiphthalein is indded, nature of the solution is indicated here? bh) AS HCL is added, the intensity uf pink color of solution decreases and finally disappeares, Why? Explain. « ¢} Write the chetnical qquation ef the reection thal has oxcured here? uy Bohr atom models of same elements belonging te same {OUP are illustrated here. We see thal the size of atom increases on moving from wpte bottom in the group. 1) How doesthe ionisation energy vary When we Mowe down ina group? Give reason, fea] bh) NaF) (Lare the three elements belonging tp same period, Which of thtese has the highest innisation energy? Give ecason. AEG Ch a4 18, Equal amount of se

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