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Titanium Pressure Transducer

High Resistance to Corrosion: All
metal parts, including the diaphragm,
are made from titanium.
High Resistance to Noise: The
piezometer’s electronics are highly
resistant to electrical noise and
mechanical vibration, such as that
generated by pumps.
4-20mA Compatibility: The tita-
nium pressure transducer incorpo-
rates a 4-20mA transmitter to provide
compatibility with standard industrial
data acquisition systems.
Suitable for Dynamic Monitoring:
Applications Operation The titanium pressure transducer can
Designed for compatibility with The pressure transducer is typically be read continuously.
industrial data loggers, the titanium suspended in a well. Signal cable
pressure transducer is used to moni- from the transducer is terminated at a
tor pore-water pressure and water readout station, where it can be con-
levels. nected to a data logger or readout
Typical applications include: device.
• Monitoring pore-water pressures in Water pressure acts on diaphragm of
corrosive environments such as the transducer. Semiconductor strain
salt water and landfills. gauges bonded to the inside of the
diaphragm sense the pressure and
• Monitoring rapid changes in pore-
output a signal that is proportional to
water pressure such as those pro-
the pressure on the diaphragm.
duced by earthquakes.
• Monitoring water levels in pumping The signal is transmitted to the data
tests. logger or readout device via a 4-
20mA loop circuit.

G E O T E C H N I C A L & S T R U C T U R A L I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N 27
W W W . S L O P E I N D I C A T O R . C O M


20 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56410020 Polyvinyl Chloride Jacket . . . . . . . 50613824 Industrial data loggers and readouts capable of
50 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56410050 Shielded cable with four 22-gauge tinned-copper supplying 12-24 volts to the transducer.
conductors and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket. For easiest connection to Campbell Scientific
100 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56410100
Two wires are used for the 4-20mA loop circuit. CR800, CR1000 or CR6 loggers, order a Current
250 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56410250 The other two wires are used for the thermistor. Shunt Terminal Input Module, part number
Sensor Type: Diaphram pressure transducer 56701940.
incorporating Micron Technology semi-conductor
strain gauges with a 4-20mA output. The built-
in temperature device is a 3K ohm thermistor.
Range: 20, 50, 100, 250 psi.
Resolution: 0.02% FS with a Campbell CR1000
and a 120 ohm resistor.
Linearity: ± 0.5 % FS BFSL.
Compensated Temp Range: 30 to 130°F.
Over-Range: 2 x rated range.
Long Term Stability: ± 2% FS/year or better.
Supply Voltage: 12-24 V nominal supply, 8 V
min at the transducer.
Materials: Wetted metal parts are made from
titanium. The filter is polyethylene.
Dimensions: 0.625" diameter x 5.75" long. Slope Indicator East 2175 West Park Court, Stone Mountain, GA USA 30087 Tel: +1-770-465-7557
28 Slope Indicator West 12123 Harbour Reach Drive, Mukilteo, WA, USA 98275 Tel: +1-425-493-6200
Made in USA. Copyright 1/2017 by Durham Geo-Enterprises. Products and specifications are subject to review and change without notice.

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