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17/06/2024, 20:53 (13) Quora

Why are Brahmins so cool?

The way they use their little resources.
Recently someone I knew suffered speech issues because of the age and Parkinson. Mid 60’s.
Doctors told he has to undergo some speech therapy, treatment, medication etc. Advised him to take
Some professional help from a trained person to help him move his mouth and tongue. So, there will be
clarity in his talk. Otherwise day by day it will become difficult for him to speak properly. He is losing
clarity of speech.
They are very poor, can't afford all this treatment. They live in a small village. He definitely can't afford
all this. He resigned to his fate. It's not a life threatening disease but gradually his quality of life will be
Few days he tried for seeking help. Who will do life long help?
He bought some sanskrit stotras book. Started reading loud. He is a retired English teacher in a small
primary school. He has a small music player. His son recorded those sanskrit stotras and gave it in a
pen drive. He practices along with it. Taking only medicines.
That sanskrit words loud pronounciation, reading news paper loud, helping him improve his speech.
Though remaining body condition is not improving that much, atleast not deteriorated.
Forget about their meaning, whether God really accepts these stotras, prayers or not, puja, punyam, all
these issues.
Just a simple thing helped him without any further expenditure on his head.
His doctor appreciated and started recommending this simple thing to his patients who has similar
issues but can't afford these therapists, I heard.
When I said this to my doctor friend in Bangalore, he said, ‘not bad. He chose his own speech therapy.
It does help but he should take medicines also.
Brahmins are never rulers. except a very few.
They never inherit huge money from ancestors. Never had huge chunk of land.
Minority community. Criticised by all. Never get any benefits equal to other communities in govt
policies or schemes. Always have to put two hundred percent to survive.
Still, somehow they are surviving just by their hard work and education.
The coolest part is they believe in Karma, God for failure or success wholeheartedly. Few exceptions
may be there.
Most mocked and heckled community for their orthodox style of living. Still, they never lose their calm
and composure. Great believers in God and karma. 1/1

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