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Action Plan (set out) 400 words max!

Task: (Copy from task sheet)


Issues and strategies: this means criteria and considerations: Criteria that the assignment gives you and
considerations are what you must ‘consider’ or think about to meet criteria.

Things you must consider are coming from your task

so look for key words in your task

Sentence 1 states the issue (criteria). Sentence2 state the strategy (consideration)
(New line for each new issue)
1.Example) The dish chosen must be suitable an authentic street food from a different culture. Professional
presentation techniques and high quality ingredients will need to be considered.

3.In our task it’s a multicultural street food which must have 2-3 different cooking techniques.

The decision: (what recipe have you chosen)

 State recipe in ’menu’ terms or glamorous terms

 Example)’ Three cheeses risotto topped with baby rocket and pine nuts’

Reason for decision:

1Example) the risotto chosen meets the criteria of the task as it’s an Italian cuisine and has more than 2
cooking techniques and it contains three locally produced cheeses and is topped with pine nuts which are
reasonable to buy. The risotto can also be presented in a professional manner and be garnished with fresh
baby rocket.
Explain how your recipe choice fits with each of
2 In this task first issue could be selecting the wright recipe the criteria that you identified (issue section)
Issue 1. Links with reason 1
Which fits in the criteria.

Implementation plan: (how you can make it successful)

1Example) For the dish to be good enough for a multicultural cuisine and the recipe will be trailed at home
and any flavour adjustments be made. An image will be used to guide professional presentation and a large
round white plate will be sourced from the Home Ec kitchen.
Explain actions that you will take or
2 things that you will do to make sure
your practical is successful and
3 meets the criteria that you have
identified. Issue 1 links with
implementation 1.

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