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Student Assessment Task

Subject Science - Physics Subject Teacher

Year Level 10 Due Date

Task Name Self-driving Cars Argumentative Piece

Background Information
The earliest advancements in automobile automation date back to the 1920s and 1930s. Cruise control, which allows an automobile to
maintain a set speed without human input, has been around since the 1940s. Completely self-driving (or driverless or uncrewed or
autonomous) cars, however, had to wait until technology caught up to the dreams of early automobile scientists. The first such cars
appeared as early as the 1980s thanks to the work of scientists at Carnegie Mellon University. With modern technology capable of
quickly processing radar and lidar signals, self-driving cars are now closer than they've ever been. But are self-driving cars really a
good idea for the future?

Statement of Inquiry
Should self-driving cars be introduced into society?

Learning Intentions
 Advances in science and technology can significantly affect people’s lives.
 The values and needs of society can influence the focus of scientific research.

Task Description
Conduct research to identify potential advantages and disadvantages associated with implementing self-driving cars into everday
1. Introduction which includes a brief background of self-driving cars and the points you will be discussing
2. Discuss TWO arguments FOR introducing self-driving cars
3. Discuss TWO arguments AGAINST introducing self-driving cars
4. Give you personal opinion on this issue and justify your position.
5. Conclusion where you will summarise your points and give your final opinion

Note: Suggested word count: 100 for introduction, 300 per argument for/against, 200 for own opinion and 100 for conclusion
(total 1000 words).

Success Criteria
 I have used sentence structure and language skills that enable a coherent discussion of the issues.
 My assessment structure is satisfactory, with a brief introduction, series of logically sequenced paragraphs and a brief
conclusion which follow the PEEL structure.
 I have used style and language appropriate for a science task.
 I have included Bibliography, with at least 4 resources, correctly formatted.

See rubric.

Differentiation Strategies
Scaffolding for students as required.
Guided instruction for those that require.
Review length of assignment as required.
Tiering and broken up tasks.
Student check-lists to keep on track.

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