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Centro Básico Bilingüe e Instituto Electromecánico El Cajón

Grammar Quiz No. 2 2nd PERIOD 7th grade

Name _________________________________________ Date ______________

Directions: Write F for false and T for true

1- In the Holi Festival the people celebrate birthdays ------------------------------------------ ( )
2- Use this, that, these, and those to identify adverbs and adjectives. --------------------- ( )
3- Use these and those with singular nouns. ----------------------------------------------------- ( )
4- Use where to ask questions about things. ------------------------------------------------------ ( )
5- Do not put -s- in front of another verb in past perfect. -------------------------------------- ( )

Complete the statements with the correct word:

1- Add _______ to verbs ending in sh, ch, s, x, and z.
2- This, that, these, and those can be ____________________or ___________________.
3- Use that and those for people or things that are _________________.
4- For Yes/No questions with these and those, use in the_____________________.

Complete each sentence with this, that, these, and those. Look at the information in parentheses
(near/not near)
1- _________________________ are Greg”s parents parents. (not near)
2- _________________________ books are heavy. (near)
3- _________________________ is a beautiful building. (not near)
4- _________________________ are photos of the festival. (near)
5- _________________________ students are in our class. (not near)

Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1- You walk/ walks to work every day.
2- We write / writes Science books.
3- Our office close/ closes at 7:00 p.m.
4- He study/ studies Math.
5- A salesperson sell/ sells product for a company.

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