Implication of Banning Extracurricular Activities to the Holistic Development of the Students

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A Qualitative Research Presented to The

Faculty of Taguig National High School
Senior High School Department
Taguig City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 1

Submitted by:

Murad Kana

Submitted to:


June 2023
Chapter 1



Background of the Study

Extracurricular Activities (ECA) are the activities performed by students outside the

four corners of a classroom. It involves different activities which can be done by using

an individual's physical body, cognitive skill, emotional capacity, or skill related abilities.

Just like any other activities, ECA has its advantages for every individual who performs

it. Participation in school-based extracurricular activities (ECA) have long been a

fundamental part of adolescence (Larson & Verma, 1999, as cited in Eccles, Barber, &

Hunt, 2003). These activities play an important role in shaping and directing the passion

and interest of the students, apart from the academic degree courses. As an

adolescent, being able to participate and perform Extracurricular Activities will be

beneficial for your holistic development. First, it can boost your overall physical health

and assist in maintaining a good physique. Doing sports and athletics regularly can

improve a person's cardiovascular health and endurance, reduces the risk of heart

diseases, manages weight, strengthens the immune system, and contributes to a

prolonged life. It can also help in reducing stress and releasing happy hormones.

Meanwhile, other Extracurricular Activities such as music and singing, dancing,

gymnastics, and art may improve a person's creativity which can lead to releasing of his

or her potential in art-related skills and expressing oneself. On the other hand, ECA may

be unfavorable for some. It can cause more stress and pressure to a student, which
may lead to an improper use of time management and loss of interest. It would also be

hard for those who have no people to support them along their journey. In this study, we

will explore and investigate the Implications of Banning Extracurricular Activities to the

Holistic Development of the Students, and the possible solutions that we can contribute

for the betterment of everyone.

The Department of Education released a memorandum on September 1, 2022,

stating that Extracurricular Activities for the School Year 2022-2023 will be banned.

According to the Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines and the current

DepEd Secretary, Sara Duterte, everyone must focus on academics to catch up on the

learning losses during the two years of absence of in-person or face to face classes. As

part of the DepEd's recovery plan, these ECA will be banned in order for the students

and teachers to focus on Academics after years of learning gap due to the COVID-19

pandemic and ineffectiveness of online classes for some. DepEd reiterated that all

school days shall be solely dedicated to academics and co-curricular activities only. To

address pandemic learning losses, DepEd spokesperson, Michael Poa, also stated the

need to focus on the subjects that “we really need to concentrate on in terms of bridging

that learning gap.”

The researchers chose this topic as it is a timely and relevant issue regarding the

education in our country, especially now during the implementation of face to face

classes after two years of online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This topic will

help us identify and know the effects of banning extracurricular activities to the students
who are passionate about their talents and skills, at the same time doing their best on

academics. The purpose of this study is to investigate and conclude whether the

banning of ECA will be beneficial to the holistic development of the student , or may

result in negative outcomes.

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by the theory of "Skills for Holistic Development," a

framework formulated by the LEGO Foundation through their research report in 2022.

The framework, as illustrated in Figure 1 below, shows the skills that are considered

essential for a child's positive holistic development and can be promoted further through

playful physical learning experiences. It emphasizes five broad and interconnected

skills, such as emotional skills, cognitive skills, physical skills, social skills, and creative

skills, that enable children to learn beyond academic means and empower creative,

engaging, and lifelong learning. A child's cognitive skills go beyond traditional academic

learning, as they include their ability to sustain attention, think critically, solve problems,

make decisions, reason using evidence, and promote metacognition (Zosh et al., 2022).

In terms of social skills, children are able to collaborate, communicate, and understand

other people's perspectives through sharing ideas and building empathy. Meanwhile, a

child's emotional skills include understanding, effective emotional intelligence, and

resilience towards difficulties. On the other hand, physical skills are more than being

physically active; they also include practicing motor skills, spatial understanding, and

being physically confident with one's own body while nurturing it to remain active and

healthy. Lastly, creative skills include coming up with new ideas and being able to
transform those ideas into reality.

Previous studies and research show that children learn in diverse ways. This

framework emphasizes that as a child participates in one physical activity, he draws on

a whole range of skills that are not taught, but have been learned and can be enhanced

through experience (Zosh et al., 2022). The theory of "Skills for Holistic Development"

by the LEGO Foundation (2022) is used to support this study in order to assist the

researchers in identifying the implications of banning extracurricular activities and their

relationship to the holistic development of students.

Conceptual Framework

The first box that is input contains the Implications of temporarily Banning

Extracurricular Activities to the Holistic Development of the Students; this is the

researcher's topic, and the researchers want to know the effect of banning ECA on their


In the second box, which is a process, the researchers use the survey questionnaire.

The observations were made, along with the data collection method and the statistical
analysis of the data.

In the third box, which is an output, the result or outcome that the researchers want to

know in this research is to determine the factors to be considered in banning extra-

curricular activities for the students and identify the influence of extra-curricular activities

on the holistic development of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study is focused on the implication of temporarily banning extracurricular

activities to the holistics development of the students.

Specifically, this study will answer the following research questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. section; and

1.4. general weighted average

2. What is the implication of banning extracurricular activities to the holistics

development of the students in terms of:

2.1. emotional skills,

2.2. cognitive skills,

2.3. physical skills,

2.4. social skills, and

2.5. creative skills?

3. Is there a significant relationship between banning extracurricular activities and the

holistics development of the student?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan may be proposed?


Extracurricular activities may play a significant role in the total high school

experience. Millions of students participate in sports, band, chorus, orchestra, and

student clubs. This study investigated the relationship between the implication of

banning extra-curricular activities to the holistic development of the students. The

following hypotheses were used guide this study:

1. There is no significant relationship between banning extracurricular activities and the

holistics development of the student.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the implications of temporarily banning extracurricular

activities to the holistic development of the students for the S.Y. 2022 - 2023 ,

particularly those in senior high school at Taguig National High School. The data

collection will be conducted to 60 randomly selected Grade 12 students who are

currently enrolled in academic track; HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), ABM

(Accountancy, Business, and Management), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics), and GAS (General Academic Strand). The respondents will be

selected randomly from each section through the use of a purposive sampling method.

This study does not cover other topics that are not related to the implications of

temporarily banning extracurricular activities and the holistic development of the

students. The study utilizes a quantitative research design; therefore, the collection of

data would be done through the distribution of questionnaires that are made by the

researchers to the selected participants. The results of this study will only be applicable

to the participants and will not be used as a measure for those who do not belong to the

population of the study.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will give advantage to the following:

Researchers - The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Implication of

temporarily banning extracurricular activities will have any positive or negative effects

on students' holistic development. The researchers will gain from this study because

they chose it to answer that question.

Students - Since students are the one who partakes in Extracurricular activities and

experiences the benefits of Extracurricular activities, the result of this study will benefit

the students in a way of determining the effects of the Implication of temporarily banning

extracurricular activities for holistic development of the students

Teacher - This study gives teachers information concerning the question of whether the

implication of temporarily banning extracurricular activities affects the student's holistic


School - Since the school is the one that provides students with opportunities to develop

new abilities, make friends, and have fun, This study will inform a school as to whether

the Implication of temporarily banning extracurricular activities affects the student's

holistic development
Department of Education - DEPED will benefit from this research since it will provide an

answer to the question of whether the Implication of temporary banning of

extracurricular activities will have any positive or negative effects on the student's

holistic development

Definition of Terms

For the purposes of clarification, the following terms are conceptually and operationally

defined in the context of this research.

Adaptability. Adaptability is a skill that allows you to be flexible and accept change

easily. (Indeed, Editorial Team, 2021)

Cash. Cash is legal tender, currency or coins that can be used to exchange goods, debt, or

services. (Investopedia, 2021)

Cashless Payment. This pertains to the exchange of value that does not use actual,

physical money.

Cashless Society. It is defined as an economic concept or state where all the financial

transactions take place through transfer of digital information instead of physical banknotes or

coins. (, 2022)

Cost Efficiency. It is the act of saving money by changing a product or process to work

in a better way. (Miller Carly, Jan. 2022)

Diffusion of Innovation. It refers to a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate
new ideas and technology spread.

Chapter 2


This chapter provides an overview of the literature that informs the research and that

has implications for the findings, and also this chapter proffers the related literature and

studies after the thorough and in- depth forage done by the researchers. The literature

and studies adduced in this chapter addresses the different ideas, concepts,

generalization, conclusions and also the different development related to the study

starting from the past up to the present. This will serve as a guide for the researchers in

developing the project. Moreover, the information included in this chapter, helps in

familiarizing details that are opposite and similar to the present study.

Local Literature

This school year 2022-2023 is a school year wherein face-to-face classes and with

that even the extra-curricular activities in face-to-face learning. The Department of

Education (DepEd) intends to ban extra-curricular activities in the school instead the

Department of Education (DepEd) wants this school year to focus on academics.

According to Department of Education (DepEd) secretary Sara Duterte, only co-

curricular activities and academic activities will be allowed in this school year 2022-2023

and the extra-curricular activities will be banned. However, extra-curricular activities

give an impact on holistic development of the students in terms of new experiences and
learning gain, develop skills, extra-curricular activities give freedom to students to

express themselves and so on (Rappler, 2022).

Foreign Literature

According to Yildiz (2019) extracurricular activities are to be done in class or out of

college based on the demands and convenience of extracurricular activities. Meanwhile,

according to Simoncini and Caltabiono (2019), extracurricular activities are unique from

unorganized and unsupervised public activities such as interacting or enjoying activities

with friends. Instead, they are structured structurally and contain supervision by

teachers and under careful supervision, extracurricular activities could focus on group,

interaction, management, and other public skill-building and beneficial growth for the


The supervision of extra-curricular activities enforces positive development for

adolescents because it provides guidance for the students (Leung, 2020; Holt, Sehn,

Spence, Newton & Ball, 2021). Additionally, according to Holt, Sehn, Spence, Newton &

Ball (2021), with supervised extracurricular activities, students are guided towards

appropriate behaviors and activities while being challenged to help develop

competencies and confidence. Human beings learn many things by doing or

experiencing. Students who excel in extracurricular activities may improve themselves

for real situations. Students sometimes cannot find opportunities to be open with

teachers at college. And, language teachers know that participation in lessons is the key

factor for better learning. Thus, students get disciplined and act well in real situations by
joining extracurricular activities Yildiz (2021).

According to Guilmette (2019), participating in Extracurricular Activities is greatly

related to the growth of self-regulatory mechanisms within the students, as it is said to

have a connection with their academic success and emotional well-being. Through

active participation in ECA, an individual will be able to develop adaptive self-regulation

among their goals across their lifespan, which helps them to manage their emotions and

observe behavior. This is supported by an article published by Ettya Fremont in 2021.

Participation in extracurricular activities has also been found to cultivate character

development and develop one's personal growth. As stated by Fremont (2021) in her

online magazine, research found that when adolescents indulge themselves in

extracurricular activities, it makes them feel more empowered and increases their self

esteem. ECA not only allows them to connect with others, but it is also a tool for them to

experience social acceptance and body satisfaction. The combination of these benefits

from playing sports in high school at a young age may reduce risk for depression and

boost mental health in early adulthood (Fremont, 2021).

As explained by Fremont (2021), another benefit of participation in extracurricular

activities involves the improvement of an individual's academic abilities. Teenagers who

engage in school-based activities such as athletics, academic organizations, or theater,

are more likely to attend and participate actively in class and to graduate from high

school. It helps them receive high standardized scores and better attendance. For

example, participating in speech and debate teams helps teens develop research,
communication and critical thinking skills (Fremont, 2021). These types of activities help

them improve their focus, a trait that will help them throughout their adulthood. In

addition, Fremont (2021) stated that participating in theatre arts can improve one's

reading comprehension, even those youth who have learning disabilities. On the other

hand, those individuals who are involved in music are likely to improve their skills in

mathematics, as well.

As stated by (Anglia, 2022), extracurricular activities like sports, encourages a

healthy lifestyle and helps develop physical attributes. It controls weight gain and burns

more calories, as it helps control cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation (Digit,

2023). In addition, extracurricular activities increase the quantity of white blood cells,

which are the body's main disease-fighting agents. According to (Digit, 2023),

participating in sports enhances the body's immune system. Aside from the following

benefits, extracurricular activities are also beneficial for the body's physique. It can help

maintain and improve muscle mass and strength. The longer an individual participates,

their muscles will get stronger (Digit, 2023).

Local Studies

In an effort to bridge the "learning gaps'' brought on by the pandemic, vice president

and education secretary Sara Duterte has announced that the Department of Education

(DepEd) plans to outlaw extracurricular activities during the academic year 2022–2023.

President Rodrigo Duterte stated during a visit to a public school in Jordan, Guimaras,

he wanted the school year to concentrate on the academics of the students to make up
for the learning losses sustained during the two years they were unable to attend in-

person classes. So, he will issue a department order outlining what co-curricular and

academic activities are permitted to be conducted this year 2022-2023; in fact, students

are already participating in their activities. As a result, they may feel more confident in

themselves. Extracurricular activities give opportunities to students to apply their

academic skills. It boosts their confidence and it engages them to socialize with others.

It develops their personality, problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and sense

of purpose. It develops the students leadership skills, and critical thinking. Therefore,

banning extra-curricular activities impacts the student in their participation not only in

the classroom but their participation in activities that help them develop their skills

(Inquirer.Net, 2022).

Co-curricular and academic activities are only allowed in this school year (2022-

2023), forbidding extracurricular activities. The co-curricular activities are meant to help

students enhance their holistic development and are seen as a tool for students to enjoy

themselves in academics. According to DepEd Order No. 34, Series of 2022, issued in

July, "extracurricular activities are strictly prohibited" during the current academic year

and "only cocurricular activities are allowed." According to ACT, the Duterte

administration's DepEd is concentrating on completing the K–12 curriculum's too

complex competency list and its limiting assumption that learning losses may be made

up for by putting in more intensive and extended study time. With that, according to the

Department of Education, extracurricular activities are "engagements that are not

anchored on the content and performance standards in the curriculum and are offered
or coordinated by the school to promote the learner's holistic development."

(Inquirer.Net, 2022)

Foreign Studies

The study by (Armando P. Delfino 2019) about Student engagement and academic

performance of Partido State University students looked into the relationship between

student engagement and academic performance, assessed the level of engagement at

Partido State University, and examined the factors influencing engagement. According

to the researcher, the study revealed that the level of student engagement along

behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement was high.

According to a study by ( Azar Abizada, Gurbanova, et al. 2020 ) extracurricular

activities are crucial to students' success in Azerbaijani public schools. They undertook

a study to look at the three categories of extracurricular activities sports, the fine arts,

and student clubs and their effects on academic performance. This study's findings

demonstrate that some extracurricular activities can improve student academic

achievement. The relationship between academic engagement, psychological capital

(PsyCap) resources, and academic success is examined by Isabel M. Martnez et al. in

their (2019) study. Their information was gathered from two distinct universities, one in

Portugal and the other in Spain. Academic performance in both populations was

positively correlated with academic engagement, PsyCap, and results. Therefore,

students who were intellectually involved were more likely to have higher levels of

psychological resources, which in turn improved their academic performance.

The current study examined prior studies which investigated the impact of ECA

participation on an individual's holistic well-being, in terms of; students’ academic

performance, overall health, learning ability, and career. ECA participation has a

positive effect on academic performance up till a certain point beyond which

participation leads to negative academic outcomes. While much has been done in

understanding the impact of ECA participation in the school activities, there were limited

studies involving the holistic development of the students. By examining the impact of

ECA participation, the current study aims to inform the effects that may occur on

banning ECA as a potential determinant of students’ academic performance in a new

normal curriculum . This will extend the commonly examined determinants beyond prior

academic achievement, critical thinking, age, gender. We urge researchers to conduct

future research on the impact of ECA participation so as to extend the stream of

research in the Holistic Development of the Students.



would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility to

complete this report. Special thanks is due to my girlfriend Ms. liezel P. Cruz whose help,

stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all time of fabrication process and in

writing this report.

and also to my classmates' that gave me an idea and suggestions and to my subject teacher

Ms. Hannah Lovelle P. Padernal



I dedicate my dissertation work to my classmate and many friends. A special feeling of

gratitude to peoples that help me accomplish this thesis, whose words of encouragement and

push for tenacity ring in my ears. My girlfriend Liezel, that helped me a lot i express my

appreciation. They provide you a chance to show off your leadership abilities and commitment

in the community while showcasing who you are outside of the classroom. However,developing

a genuine extracurricular profile that strategically improves your prospects takes year.

Title Page………………………………….……………………………………………................i

Acknowledgement…………………….……………………………………………….…........… ii


Table of Contents………….……………………………………….....................……..........……iv


1.1 Background of the Study……………………….....………..........….……...….….1

1.2 Theoretical Framework…………...…………………...………………….……....3

1.3 Conceptual Framework…….……………....………………….………...………..4

1.4 Statement of the Problem…………………………………….……...……....…....5

1.5 Hyphothesis.............................................................................................................6

1.5 Scope and Limitations…………………………………………......…....……......7

1.6.Significance of the Study……………………………….……………..............…..8

1.7 Definition of Terms……………………………………….…………………….….9


2.1.Related Literature and Studies……………………….……………….……

2.1.1. Local Literature.........………...................................................................

2.1.2. Foreign Literature.....................................................................................

2.1.3 Local Studies............................................................................................

2.1.4. Foreign Studies...............................................................................................

2.1.5 Synthesis………………………………………………………...…..………


Abizada, A., Gurbanova, U., Iskandarova, A., & Nadirzada, N. (2020). The effect of

extracurricular activities on academic performance in secondary school: The case of Azerbaijan.

International Review of Education, 66(4), 487–507.

Delfino, A. P. (n.d.). Student Engagement and Academic Performance of Students of Partido

State University.

Martínez, I. C., Youssef-Morgan, C. M., Chambel, M. J., & Pinto, A. M. (2019). Antecedents of

academic performance of university students: academic engagement and psychological capital

resources. Educational Psychology, 39(8), 1047–1067.

Norman, Z. D., PhD. (2023). Understanding the Effect of Multicultural School Clubs’

Extracurricular Activities Participation and Servant Leading Experiences on Students’ Servant

Leadership and Cultural Competency & Sensitivity. Social Science Research Network.

Fremont, E. (2021). Extracurricular Activities: Benefits and Balance. Center for Parent and Teen


Kosteas, V. (2022). Youth extracurricular activities and the importance of social skills for

supervisors. IZA World of Labor.

Escudero, C. (2022, September 4). DepEd wants to ban extracurricular activities, so netizens

push back. RAPPLER.

Inquirer, P. D. (2022, September 9). Why ban extracurricular? | Inquirer Opinion.

Bautista, J. (2022, September 1). This ‘ban’ can lead to burnout, teachers warn. Inquirer News.

Kosteas, V. (2022b). Youth extracurricular activities and the importance of social skills for

supervisors. IZA World of Labor.

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