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the effects on the behavior of being alcoholism on Taguig national highschool students

A Qualitative Research Presented to The

Faculty of Taguig National High School

Senior High School Department

Taguig City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 1

Submitted by:

Jhon Lorenz paradero

Submitted to:


June 2023


Title Page………………………………….………………………………………………….i

Acknowledgement…………………….……………………………………………….…… ii


Table of Contents………….……………………………………….....................…………iv


1.1. Background of the Study………………………………..........….……...….….1

1.2. Theoretical Framework…………...…………………………………….……....2

1.3. Conceptual Framework…….……………………………….………...………..3

1.4. Statement of the Problem…………………………………….……...………...4

1.5. Scope and Limitations…………………………………………......…………...6

1.6. Significance of the Study……………………………….…………….........…..7

1.. Definition of Terms……………………………………….……………………….8


2.1.Related Literature and Studies……………………….……………….……9

2.1.1. Local Literature

2.1.2. Foreign Literature

2.1.3. Local Studies

2.1.4. Foreign Studies


Chapter 1



Background of the study

.Alcohol use among teenagers has been a major concern for many parents, teachers, and communities.

Consumption of alcohol, for those under the legal drinking age, can lead to a host of negative

consequences, such as impaired judgment, physical injury, legal issues, and academic decline. The National

Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reported that more than 7.7 million teenagers aged

12-20 years old reported consuming alcohol in the past month (2019). In the Philippines, alcohol

consumption among teenagers has increased in recent years, resulting in higher alcohol-related injuries

and accidents.
Taguig National High School is no exception to this challenge. Despite having alcohol-free policies and

campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles, students have been observed engaging in alcohol consumption

behavior. Regrettably, the harmful effects of alcoholism on their academic performance and mental health

have not been fully evaluated. Therefore, it is important to conduct this study to understand the effects of

alcoholism behavior on Taguig National High School students and draw attention to the issue.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework provides a set of concepts, theories, and models that will guide your research

and help you understand the effects of alcoholism on Taguig National Highschool students. For this study,

you can use the social learning theory and the health belief model.

The social learning theory (SLT) suggests that individuals learn by observing and imitating the behavior of

others. According to SLT, alcoholism can be learned through the observation of peers, family members,

and media. The theory also suggests that reinforcement and punishment play a role in shaping individuals'

behavior towards alcohol.

The health belief model (HBM) is a theoretical framework that explains how individual beliefs and

attitudes towards health behaviors influence their actions. For this study, HBM can explain how students'

perception of the severity of the effects of alcoholism on their health and well-being can influence their


Conceptual framework
Figure 1

Conceptual framework of the study

The conceptual framework outlines the variables, relationships, and assumptions of your study. For

this study, the conceptual framework includes the following:

Independent variable: Alcoholism

Dependent variable: Effects on Taguig National Highschool students

Mediating variable: Peer influence, family influence, media influence, and perceived severity of alcoholism

Moderating variable: Age, gender, and socio-economic status


1. Alcoholism is prevalent among Taguig National Highschool students.

2. Peer influence, family influence, and media influence significantly contribute to students' attitudes and

behaviors towards alcoholism.

3. Students' perception of the severity of the effects of alcoholism on their health and well-being is a significant

predictor of their behavior towards alcoholism.

4. Age, gender, and socio-economic status can moderate the relationship between alcoholism and its effects on


The study will examine the direct and indirect effects of alcoholism on Taguig National Highschool students.

The mediating variables (peer influence, family influence, media influence, and perceived severity of alcoholism)

may moderate the relationship between alcoholism and its effects on students. The moderating variables (age,

gender, and socio-economic status) may also influence the relationship between alcoholism and its effects on


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of alcoholism behavior on the academic performance and
mental health of Taguig National High School students. The following research questions were

formulated to guide the study:

1. What are the demographic characteristics of the students in TNHS who engage in alcohol
consumption behavior?

2. To what extent does alcoholism behavior affect academic performance among students in TNHS?

3. How does alcohol consumption behavior affect the mental health of students in TNHS?

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To investigate the demographic characteristics of Taguig National High School students who
engage in alcohol consumption behavior.
2. To determine the extent to which alcoholism behavior affects academic performance among

students in TNHS.

3. To examine the impact of alcohol consumption behavior on the mental health of students in TNHS.

Scope and Limitations

This study is limited to Taguig National High School students who engage in alcoholism behavior. The

research data will be gathered through interviews, questionnaires, and focus group discussions with
randomly selected students from the junior and senior high school levels. The study aims to provide

an understanding of the effects of alcoholism behavior on the academic performance and mental

health of students attending TNUHS. The study does not aim to generalize the findings to all high
school students in the Philippines

Significance of the Study

This study is significant since it aims to provide empirical data on the effects of alcoholism behavior

on the academic performance and mental health of Taguig National High School students. The

outcome of the study can be used to develop policies and strategies to combat alcohol consumption
behavior among teenagers and improve their academic and mental well-being. The study's findings

can also be used by parents, teachers, and school administrators to educate students about the

harmful effects of alcoholism behavior.

Definition of terms

Alcoholism behavior - This refers to the consumption of alcohol among students aged below the legal

drinking age.

Academic performance - This refers to the student's grade point average (GPA) and academic


Mental health - This refers to the student's emotional, psychological, and social well-being concerning

their ability to cope with the demands of life.

Chapter 2


This chapter intends to present the related literature that is related to the research study on the

effects of being alcoholism on Taguig National High School students. This chapter will focus on the
harmful effects of alcoholism on the health, academic performance, and psychological well-being of a

school's student population.

Harmful Effects of Alcoholism on Physical Health:

Alcohol consumption can have various negative impacts on physical health, including increased risk for

various cancers, liver damage, and an increase in blood pressure. Research has suggested that excessive

alcohol consumption is also strongly associated with increased rates of injury, motor vehicle accidents,

suicide, unplanned pregnancy, and other forms of self-harm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

2011). In particular, adolescents who consume large amounts of alcohol are more likely to develop alcohol

dependence and addiction in later years (Morton, 2014).

Harmful Effects of Alcoholism on Academic Performance:

Studies have found that students who consume alcohol regularly often suffer academically, with poorer

grades, more absences, and higher dropout rates compared to those who do not drink (Cunningham,

2011). This is especially true

Related Literature

Local Literature

payments beyond person-to-person transfers, such as person-to-business and business-to-business

transfers. Movii's mobile payment system is the first fintech firm to operate under a financial non-banking

license for electronic deposits and payments in Colombia.

According to the survey by Hammond (2022) of 1,020 respondents, COVID-19 has resulted in more

Australian consumers accepting the idea of a cashless future. However, a person's gender, income, and age

all play important roles in their willingness to accept cashless payment methods. From April to May,

Capterra's website saw a 37% increase in visitors looking for payment processing software—a technology
that allows businesses to accept digital payments. However, according to a survey conducted by Global

Web Index, 77% of South Koreans and 70% of people living in the UK prefer cashless payments, whereas

33% of Filipinos would like to carry cash in their wallets. One of the main reasons individuals prefer cash

is that they do not have a bank account and consequently no bank card. People all across the world differ

over which payment method is the best. (Buchholz, 2022).

Japan has been slow to adapt to a cashless society in comparison to other Asian countries, which is why

the Japanese government is planning to implement a system for companies to pay their employees digitally

to expand the financial services market and promote growth by utilizing this economic opportunity. Even

so, according to the Works Human Intelligence survey of 247 businesses, less than 30% are considering

implementing digital salary payments. (Kutty, 2022). On the contrary, based on The Korea Herald/Asia

News Network (2020), before the pandemic spread through South Korea's retail markets, cashless

retailers, and digital payment existed. The difference is that digital payment services have surpassed cash as

a payment method, accelerating the country's transition to a cashless society. Consumers are increasingly

using mobile applications to order food and other needs online as they are concerned about the

coronavirus. According to some statistics, during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, people in their 40s and

50s who were not previously thought to be common mobile users began to become a critical client base in

the online-based sector.

Related Studies

Local Studies

1. A study by the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) revealed that alcohol consumption

among students in Metro Manila is a serious cause for concern as it significantly affects their academic


2. A study conducted by the University of the nightPhilippines (UP) showed that alcohol consumption is

a significant risk factor for poor academic achievement among high school students in Taguig, Metro

3. A 2017 survey conducted among high school students in Taguig revealed that those who drink alcohol

are more prone to risky behaviors such as skipping classes, fighting, and having unprotected sex.

Foreign Studies

1. A 2018 study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse investigated the
subjects of binge drinking among high school students in the United States.

2. A 2019 study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy studied the relationship between
alcohol consumption and negative life outcomes among high school students in Spain.

3. A 2020 study published in the Canadian Journal of Addiction examined the prevalence of alcohol
consumption among high school students in Canada


Alcohol is a type of substance that is commonly consumed among teenagers and young adults;

however, excessive alcohol consumption among students can lead to harmful consequences such as

poor academic performance, physical health problems, and risky behavior. This synthesis research

aims to

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