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AMT: Tecknocrats Academy of Automation And Control Technoloay Otis (Somorteece-Mathh Branches: Than Auancabad Pas) Maxlmum Marka: 100, ‘Tome: 25 br. Note: 1) Al questions are Compuhory 2) There ano nagatve Maring ‘A The Bea! 1. There is no need 1 open the cult while moasuring current with digital mutimetr. a, Tr 2. "Single Pole Double Throw’ means. changeover. a, Single ». Double . Triple 3. Which contact can be used in OC as well AC circuit? ‘a. PNP.NO| b. NPNNO ©. PNP-NG 4. 2oray Selector Switch 4, To make the load ON ater activation contact is used. 2.NO b.NC. 5, In India, Typical Value of Single-Phase Voltage is 1. 230V Average . 230V Peak . 230V RMS 4. 230 Mean 6. NPN proximity switch isa 2.00 b.o1 cA 4. A0 type of control signal. 7. In MCB, electronnagnetic colis used for protection, ‘a. Overload bb. Shon Circuit , Both aand b J. Overcurrent 8. MCCB cannot be reset fr reuse after removal of fault a. Tue b. False 9, The auxiliary contact of contactors can be 2. NO NC Both . None 10.Sensor with 4 -20 mA output is used to measure pressure from 0 bar to 40 bar. When contraler at the ‘eceWving end reads 0 mA controller will interpret this a5, - '. Obar pressure b. 40 bar pressure ©. Fault indicating sensor wire break 4, None of the above & eo oe 11, Overoad | Relay must bo connected to: Contactors ___ contacts, Seman eur a cess 12 Forware-Reverse DOL. Staner fr 3-phaye Induction malar needs contactors and ‘Delta Starter is used to Of 3-phase induction motor. improve starting torque b. minimise losses © improve power factor 4. decrease starting current Sf >. Blectro-Magnetie field ©. Rays ©. Laser beam 18. Dark ebjects/ Targets cannot 8. Diffused scan optical p b. Revo-ratcetive optical . Through-beam optical 1. None af above be detected by roximity sensor proximity censor Proximity sensor 9. Any Relay with AC Col 17.Relay's Contact is used for latching the circuit. NC b.NO ©. Both NO and NC . None. 18 There ate 2 inputs: SW (NO) and SW2(NO), AGU Lt and AC cooling fan Ft get on simutancously (only when one of the selector switches is activated. Draw control clreuit, \Use Ins symbol to show both the loads in conta cru, —— ee” 419, When an AG Motor is running using a Cont a ern Res Lame ord Used Contactor, _ addon contact can be use ta make Green a. NO, NO. b NC, NO NO, NC , NC, NC 20. After activation of switch, to make an oul ‘= Ondelay b. OFF delay Interval 4 Cyclic On first iput ON for 25 seconds, we used. function on the timer. 21. An encoder can be used with dovice. = AC Contactor » Timer © Counter ¢. PIO Controller 22. Single Push button can activate maximum, Nos, ef NO/ NC contacts. b “ 23.NO contact of Pressure switch set @ 60 bar shall ba at 61 bars, ‘Open Close 24, Output of 3-wire proximity sensor is connected to ‘a. Brown wire i. Black wire . Blue wire 1.5102.5 tmes © 5107 times 4 Bto times imber of poles is halved, then its s 30, he frequency ofa three-phase induction motor is doubled and numberof po Smchronous speedis givenby Remains same speed 2 Becomes double of he onginal synchronous spe S ecames four times of the original synchronous speed * Becomes hat ofthe original synchronous speed ‘1. Motoring principle is gwen by Fleming's Rute. 4. Left hand rule ®. Right hand rule 52 Duty Geto of suttching IGBTs dotermines OUIPUE ese OFAC deve, 8. Vohage Value y . Frequency value © None of the above 35. Analog sensor is used with device, = Timer % Counter © Process controle Allof the above 37-An RTD (PT-100) analog sense, gives output as. 2. Voltage b. Current ©. Ohms dmv. 38.1n cold-drink manutacturing plant, for cour of filed bottle we need ® Inductive Sensor & Counter mine & Rood Sutena Cauca e ive Sensor & Counter @ Allofthe above 8:Motor cables ara connected to 2 RYB &. DC bus © WWW © RIR2 40.ACO Contra! signats ae a . Digital ©. Bath 4. None 41.1 Cycle On-First Timer, on time can be equal to off ime, = True b False 42.10 3 Phas a ea «13 en? 4 Wire System, Pak Line Vokage is ___timins Pank Phase Voliage, 43, Over run feature of a Counter does not allow updating the Counter value, after the avaiatitty of ts output ‘a Tue b False 44. thermal overload relay has . ‘a. Power contact b Power Links, © BohASE 1. None of the above 45, Potential Free Contacts can be used either in Positive or Negative Swaiching made. a True > False AB The output of ACD is always. 2. Single- Phase b. Three- Phase uv 0. Both a and b 47. Sinamics V20 dave has ‘a. 4 Analog Inputs and 2 Digital Inputs 1b. 1 Analog Inputs and 5 Digital inputs & 2 Analog Inputs and 4 Digital Inputs 14. 3 Analog Inputs and 4 Digital inputs, 48,ACD cannot have analog output. a. True b. False 49. For Iphase AC Motor, speed controls accomplished by changing Its " a. Votage 1b. Frequency © BohA&B 4. Armature voltage 50, Retro reflective sensor does not sense = Mild Steel & Ceramic © Card board Transparent Giass 51. The Ramp down tima is satin the AC drive 9s 50 sec. Motor nominal Hz Is §0 Hz. Drive Max Hz is 100 He. Al the instant of Coast Stop instruction Qip Hz was 25 Hz. Olp voliage will reach zero after sec from the instant of instruction 8.25 bo ©. 100 125 '52. The acronym PLC stands for Pressure Load Control Programmable Log'e Controller ‘. PID Loop Controller rf: ‘53. Ladder logic programming consis pomanly of ® rat y cong end '. Logic gate symbols with connecting ines Function blocks wih connecting ines 4. Text-based code S4:Ima PLC. the scan time refers tothe amount of ime in which. ‘The technician enters the program bt Timers and counters are indexed by 5, One ‘rung’ of ladder logic takes to complete & The entire program takes to execute 8. In modular programmable logic controer 8. Inputs fue. ». Outputs fixed, © Both a and b 4. None ofthe above '5.Detect emor inthe program, 00 wer $s © Power Suy . Alo the above 59. The advantages of PLC are ‘8. Easy mainienance i. Reliability is high © Smallin size ©. Allof the above 60. Sink/source concept of YO relates with, 2. VO Module b. DIDO Module © DC type DIDO Module 4. Special Interface Module b ‘Unit © puss 1 OutpuNoie 62:11 we have NC input (physically) to PLC to tum ON ovtbut oad then what wal be contacto use in ladder logic’ 2. NO DNC ©. Col 4, None of the above 63.RSLinx's a sofwara, a, Simulition SAV . Communication SAW ©. Programming SW 4. Data logging SAW 64.Micro PLC with 8 Dl and 4DOis a___ configuration ‘8. Modular b Fixed 65.1 we have to tum ON/OFF output load after user specific ime delay then in Plc which function block is 10 be used ‘8. Comparator b. Counter ©. Scale d. Timer 66. What is the maximum preset value could be set for Alen Bradley Timer? 2, 999 b, 32787 ©. 32768 d, 32768 67. Processor of PLC scans the user program in order. 3. Scan whole program at ane time . From lef to right & top to bottom of rung . Fromleft to right of rung <6. From top to bottom & lef to right of rung 68.Is it possible to take multiple contacts (NOINC) in ladder for ane PLC input? a. No b. Yes © Only once 4. Depend of ype of contact (68. What is the addressing syntax for Digital VOs In AB PLC? a. Bit no/ word no. fle type b- File type. Slot No. word nofbit no . File type. Slot No. word nofbit no 4d. Word no. Slot NovBi No 70. Which are the instructions to be used in pair? ‘a. NO, NC b. Latch, Untatch ©. OSR, OSF d. Allof the above 71.Download means . Transfer af user program from PC to PLC bb, Transfer of user program fam PLC ta PC , Creating of editing the user program 4. Tesi the program "2 ie To eran hog aaa ar nacre 5 hag ieee sass Sees Sees Eco Rigs ovis AS EET r 73.In RSLogix 500, RTO timer holds its count of time even ifthe rung goes false. 3. TRUE . FALSE T4.Generafty, Relay contacts fallow. philosophy. 2, Break & make simultaneously ’, First break then make ©. First make then break 4. None 75. On Delay Timer function provides Oip ‘. Instantly / delayed b. Instantly J instantly ©. Delayed / instantly and withdraws Olp 78.____ Memory in PLC held ladder program in executable form / binary ferm. jystem b. Executive ©. Data 4. User TLRTDisa a, Digiar b. Analog type of PLC input. 78. Typical valve of PLC sean ime isin a. Sec b. mSec ©. nano See 79.PLC ouputis ype. 2. Only Analog 2. Only digit ©. Analog oF Digital 80, Source B of GRT (Greater than Comparator) m. "8. Ga sisece eater tien }rustbe__tor Microtogix 1400 PLo, . Word address © Constant, 48ec 81. In S7-1200 CPU 1215.C, C stands for? ‘2. Communication . Connection ©. Compact 3. Common 82. While downloading @ program to CPU 1215C, user should 2. Stat b. Stop ©. Review — all modutes, '83. The cycle time of the CPU depends on 8. No. OF instructions . Type of instructions © Botha&b 84.$7-1200 CPU 1215-C comprises of, Profinet ports, 2.0 bat 22 a3 85, For Step 7 programming in TIA portal, the default /0 addresses can be changed in_. 2. Security settings b. Cross References c. Device Configuration <. Hardware Configuration 186, Tho scan cycle is executed repeatedly in mode. a. RUN b. STARTUP. , STOP d. Any of the above 87. What is FBD in case of PLC programming sofware? First Block Diagram 3. Flowchart Block Diagram ‘c, Function Block Diagram d. Fundamental Block Diagram 88.The__timer resets oulpul Q to OFF after a preset time delay. a. TP (Gonerate pulse) b, TON (Generate ON-delay) ¢. TOF (Generate OFF-delay) 1d. TONR (Time accumulator) 89. The SCADA systems used to, 3 Monitor . Both J. None 90. The SCADA system performs _- ‘3, Data Presentation , Data Acquisition ¢, Networked Data Communication 4. Allof the above 91, HMI ean operate ‘a. Locally b. Locally as well a8 remotely cc. Remotely d. Any of the above 192. The tags created In SCADA link with DDO af the PLC is called as, . ‘a, Internat tag . Extemal tag '83.For Siemens PLC, the data type for address 10.0 willbe defined a: ‘a. Bool b Byte . Word d. Real { TIA programming, the data type REAL has. of Bytes. b © aa 95.In SCADA, alarms are used to splay . ‘8. Report generation bi. Retipe for machine ©. Trends for analog value 4d. Abnormal eoneition ofthe process 86.In SCADA system, trends are used for @. Only real ume value . Only histoncal valve © Bothe real time & historical value 4. None of the above S7-HM has more property and function than SCADA, 2. True b False 98.In HMI KTP400, T stands for 8. Trends ‘contact © Bom AaB. 4. None of the above 100. In industries, to change a Setpoint for healing process, we can use a. HM b. SCADA, © Both aand b d. Plc. device,

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