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# Merxillay ree Mola — Gown = 6.5 rm Root = Ul mm MD = BS em/6.S mm BL = fom /3.5 mm — Well developed ~mesiolingue! cusp foeming emost of linqual povtion. = Very small os no DL cusp. 4 Supplimental guooves 6 Several Small Jubevcle giving Favequkr cxoen shape. Side: Root bend towaeds distal disc 4 Tlandibylas 1°7 Pokies 4 Crown = 15 mr Root = 4 om > md = 1 9m (9 BL = 10.5 -m/ gem | +5 cusp 6 2eel! ome ool. J Side: Dishal cusp fs smallest —> Root shecos cislal cursveriwe, [ = csp 4 2 tools Lowest tooth | of rordibulaw | aech | 3 coown = 4am ere | Root = 13 mm Wed 4 MD = 10:5 r91/% on BL = tomm /J rm x Mandibules 24 Tolas + — 4 cusps 6 2 o0hs. — it shape goove pallesn on occlusion. — Root extend perellaly 6close to each other: : Side: ceown aides Mesially them distally. — Rest inclined aishally. & Mondibulas 34 molaw — 3 Coon = Frm Root = Wn, + MD = jormm| 4.5 mm BL = 95 mm / 9 mm — Seales thar aval’ bulaw god moles - — Plove supplimenteil guooves on occlusal suefece. — Rost ave shoot & mone pointed. — Some time yoot ave fused. _» Side: Extseam distal euevatuve of woot. * 4 Laagest tooth Levayest- focth st Bienes co Oe hee azch Smallest tooth, of -mandibulas aech. > Cental incisos GF manitkigy 1 + Moles ech. 4 Smallest tooth of maxillary ach. — Latesal fwefsox 4 Peemenant Mari 1S" Peemolas 235mm 1a eam = tmm/S mm BL = dro / Boe — Too cusp » Lingual is howler = Generally foo vect bul if single soot ewith deep lev. grooves paeseri. —* Dev. depression on mesial susface may extend upto veot — Side: TMargina) dev. gueove on ——~ mesial side — Dev. depaession on wot on mesic! surface Poemolas 4 Moxillesy 24 I+ Cowon = 3.5 mm Root = Ja mm pi = 4 mm/s em BL = 9=m/emm 3 2cusps of some size. + Single voot- |—+ Rounded caown fom occlusal view: — No dev. qBooves. C6053 meginal vidge. > bizinkled orppeazance of occlusal susface due to supplimentay goooves | Side + Dislal slepe of buccal cusp 13 lenges than meal. = Root shoo distal cumverine . _ = Deep developmental ol ic Belinea ee | single soot | 4 Diarnond shape czown SMD Stamm / 5 mm BL. 4.5 mm/G.5 mm > laoge b cusp, Small lingual cusp. air occlusal vies , | — > Side Deepes developmental groove at mesial susfece — Rost apex cusved distally: = Buccal toot have distal trends > Meondibulaw oA Psemolare e oat * Maxillasy 99d Mole | > Cs0an = 4 men Root = Bucce\= thymen Pp. — Crowmn = & mm Root = 4.5 mm SMD = tm /S mm BL = Sm-m/ Frm 5 lobes: C3 buccal, 2 Ningual) only poewolem cith 3 cusp. . — Lingual & buccal cusp ave of Same hei — Thaee cuspot y’shape & 2 cuspof «tw shape: 7 ‘re —Tlesiolingual dev. groove nol pecsent — Single zoot- lingual — (es3 paominent oblique idge. = Roat do not spaeaded ynuch. = Crown wides mesially — Distolingual cusp synall os.absent. > Foot inclined olistally. sp type voot ‘mesiolingual gests them distolinguel-

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