Foodservice employees will

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Foodservice employees will:

1. During all hours of operation, visually and physically inspect food contact surfaces of
equipment and utensils to ensure that the surfaces are clean.
2. In a dishmachine, on a daily basis:
 Visually monitor that the water and the interior parts of the machine are clean and
free of debris.
 Continually monitor the temperature and pressure gauges, if applicable, to ensure
that the machine is operating according to the data plate.
 For hot water sanitizing dishmachine, ensure that food contact surfaces are
reaching the appropriate temperature by placing a piece of heat sensitive tape on a
smallware item or a maximum registering thermometer on a rack and running the
item or rack through the dishmachine.
 For chemical sanitizing dishmachine, check the sanitizer concentration on a
recently washed food-contact surface using an appropriate test kit.

3. wash, rinse, and sanitize food contact surfaces of sinks, tables, equipment, utensils,
thermometers, carts, and equipment:
 Before each use
 Between uses when preparing different types of raw animal foods, such as eggs,
fish, meat, and poultry
 Between uses when preparing ready-to-eat foods and raw animal foods, such as
eggs, fish, meat, and poultry
 Any time contamination occurs or is suspected

4. wash, rinse, and sanitize food contact surfaces of sinks, tables, equipment, utensils,
thermometers, carts, and equipment:
 Before each use
 Between uses when preparing different types of raw animal foods, such as eggs,
fish, meat, and poultry
 Between uses when preparing ready-to-eat foods and raw animal foods, such as
eggs, fish, meat, and poultry
 Any time contamination occurs or is suspected
Serving Food
(Sample SOP)

PURPOSE: To prevent foodborne illness by ensuring that all foods are served in a
sanitary manner.

SCOPE: This procedure applies to foodservice employees who serve food.

KEY WORDS: Cross-Contamination, Service

1. Train foodservice employees on using the procedures in this SOP. Refer to the Using
and Calibrating Thermometers SOP.
2. Follow State or local health department requirements.
3. Follow the employee health policy. (Employee health policy is not included in this
4. Wash hands before putting on gloves, each time the gloves are changed, when
changing tasks, and before serving food with utensils. Refer to the Washing Hands
5. Avoid touching ready-to-eat foods with bare hands. Refer to the Using Suitable
Utensils when Handling Ready-To-Eat Foods SOP.
6. Handle plates by the edge or bottom; cups by the handle or bottom; and utensils by
the handles.
7. Store utensils with the handles up or by other means to prevent contamination.
8. Hold potentially hazardous food at the proper temperature. Refer to the Holding Hot
and Cold Potentially Hazardous Foods SOP.
9. Serve food with clean and sanitized utensils.
10. Store in-use utensils properly. Refer to the Storing In-Use Utensils SOP.
11. Date mark and cool potentially hazardous foods or discard leftovers. Refer to the
Date Marking Ready-to-Eat, Potentially Hazardous Foods, and Cooling Potentially
Hazardous Foods SOPs.

A designated foodservice employee will visually observe that food is being served in a
manner that prevents contamination during all hours of service.

Our Standard is:

To prepare all mise en place consistently and in a timely manner, in order to facilitate an
efficient service delivery.
How to achieve our Standard: How we will know it is done correctly:
1) Ensure that kitchen employees
arrive on duty at appointed time

 All kitchen personnel meet the expected requirements of

personal hygiene and wear the correct uniform and safety

2) Explain menu items on a daily basis

prior to service

 Chefs are familiar with the preparation for the different

 Chefs are familiar with all the equipment needed in

3) Allocate sections prior to service  All chefs are briefed prior to each shift and are clear on

their duties and responsibilities for service.

 Special requirements for each section are highlighted.

4) Ensure that food production

personnel work in a professional and
efficient manner at all times

 Food production personnel are fully competent in the

preparation of the required dishes.
 They adhere to all hygiene and safety procedures at all
 Their work area is clean and tidy at all times.
 They assemble all appropriate ingredients in advance to
ensure efficiency and work productivity.
 Initial preparations are completed efficiently and items
are stored correctly until required.

5) Assemble dishes in a timey and

appealing manner

 Crockery is correct, clean, polished and not damaged.

 Crockery is placed in hot box one hour prior to service.
Dishes are prepared in accordance with standard recipes.
 Senior chef leads kitchen service from the pass.
 All orders are dictated to by the chef
 Every dish is checked by senior chef before leaving the
pass for presentation, quality and portion accuracy.

6) Ensure that the wash up area and

equipment are clean and tidy

 Equipment is kept in a clean and safe state at all times.

 Dish washing machines are checked for cleanliness before
use and maintained.
 Water is changed at least twice a day and is at the correct
temperature at all times.
 Correct quantities of detergent and rinse aid are safely
 Waste disposal facilities are effectively used.
 Waiting staff correctly and safely clear, stack and sort
crockery, cutlery and glasses.
 Breakages are recorded and careless breakages are noted
and action taken.

Our Standard is:

To maintain a safe, hygienic environment at all times in accordance with all relevant
legislation and regulations.
How to achieve our Standard: How we will know it is done correctly:
1) Ensure that food production
personnel consistently adhere to
regulations and maintain good
personal presentation

 Food production personnel:

o adhere to all relevant hygiene regulations at all times,
wear a full, clean uniform and have a fresh, well
groomed personal appearance,
o do not wear nail varnish or jewellery in the kitchen,
o ensure that their hands are kept clean and nails well
o treat and cover all cuts,
o wash and sterilize their hands, as often as is required.

2) Clean and maintain all food

preparation and storage areas

 Daily, weekly and deep cleaning schedules for all kitchen

areas are displayed and adhered to.
 Designated personnel are allocated to monitor cleaning
standards on a daily basis.

3) Ensure that food storage and

preparation is conducted in
accordance with all relevant

 Food storage regimes are adhered to.

 Regulatory checks, controls, and records are
 All refrigeration, cooking and holding temperatures are
monitored as required.
 All food is prepared and served in line with defined

4) Handle and store all equipment

 Only designated cleaning cloths and materials are used.
 All equipment is handled and stored in line with defined

5) Create a proactive hygienic working

environment in the kitchen on a
daily basis

 Any illnesses or infections are reported immediately to

 Food production personnel do not engage in any
unhygienic work practices.
 The correct method is followed for waste storage and

Our Standard is:

To store all goods in the appropriate hygienic and secured area, with all stock securely
issued and regularly checked.
How to achieve our Standard: How we will know it is done correctly:
1) Ensure that storerooms provide a
hygienic storage environment

 Storerooms and equipment are kept clean on an on-

going basis; regular deep cleaning is implemented.

 Storage area is kept dry, cool and well-ventilated.

 Cardboard boxes/packaging are disposed of correctly.
 Correct temperatures are maintained at all times.
 Adequate pest control measures are in place.
 Dry goods are stored at least 0.20 meters above the
floor on pallets and shelving.
 Fats and oils are stored away from strong smelling
 Goods are properly arranged and displayed.

2) Adhere to safe storage conditions  Storerooms have sufficient space and storage shelving

for the quantities of stock held.

 Storerooms have adequate lighting for safe access/use.
 Cleaning agents are stored in a safe, cool and dry place
away from heat sources.

 Separate storage areas are allocated for toxic and non-

toxic items.

 Cases are not stacked too high and are easily

 Storerooms are locked when not in use.

3) Ensure efficient and effective

storage of stock

 All items are stored by product.

 Stock rotation is strictly adhered to.
 All perishable goods are kept in a cool, dry place.

4) Ensure that deep freeze storage is

safe and hygienic

 Deep freezers are maintained at or below -18°C, (ice

cream at -12°C for up to one week).
 Deep freezes are regularly defrosted and cleaned.
 Raw and cooked foods are stored in separate freezers
to prevent cross-contamination.
 All frozen food is wrapped with foil or plastic wrap, to
prevent freezer burn.
 Temperature checks are taken regularly and
thermometers are checked for accuracy.
 Freezers are not overloaded and door is not kept open
any longer than is absolutely necessary.

5) Store refrigerated items safely and


 Refrigerated stores are maintained between -1°C and

5°C (ideally less than 3°C).
 Fridges are deep cleaned regularly and tidied daily.
 Fridges are free from bad odours at all times.
 Fans are clean, free from ice and working correctly.
 Food is placed on labelled trays and properly stored.
 Fridge gas is checked every 3 months.
 Cooked or ready to eat foods are not stored in the same
refrigerator as raw foods, unless covered and
 Raw food is not stored above cooked or ready to eat
 High risk foods and prepared vegetables are stored in
refrigerated storage or in a deep freezer.

Ensure that all kitchen areas are

fully cleaned prior to closing

 All fridges and storage areas are left in a clean, tidy

 Floors are thoroughly cleaned and mopped.
 All sinks are empty and cleaned and the wash-up area is
 All food preparation and production areas are cleaned.
 All rubbish is removed and disposed of correctly.

2) Clean and store all kitchen utensils

and equipment correctly

 Only the correct cloths and cleaning materials are used

for cleaning.
 All chopping boards are cleaned and sterilized.
 All kitchen equipment is safely and correctly cleaned and
stored in the correct place.
 All used cloths are removed to the laundry and cleaning
agents stored correctly.

3) Store all food items correctly  All food items are correctly covered, labelled and placed in

the appropriate fridge/storage areas.

 All fridges are working and operating at the correct
 All fridges and storage areas are locked.

4) Ensure that all appropriate kitchen

equipment is switched off

 All gas equipment is switched off.

 Hot plates and salamanders are turned off.
 Fat fryers are turned off and covered.
 Power points are disconnected, where necessary.
 Extraction fan is switched off.

5) Conduct final checks to ensure all

closing duties are completed

 Designated personnel ensure that all closing duties are

 Any deviations are identified and rectified.
 Heating, lighting and ventilation is attended to as
 Final security check of doors and windows is carried out
and alarms are set, as required.
 All appropriate access doors are locked and the keys are
deposited at reception.
2.1. Food Preparation And Handling
Your kitchen operations, including food preparation and handling, are one of the
cores of your restaurant. Ensuring that everything goes well in the kitchen
would have a direct impact on the working of your restaurant. Let’s see how a
restaurant SOP helps you to achieve the same.

i) Standard Recipes And Food Preparation Methods

This section of your restaurant SOP would contain the basic guidelines and
protocol to prevent your customers from getting a food-borne disease or any
other illness due to spoilt food. The preparation protocol indicates the rules for
particular dishes as well. Let’s take soup, for example.

Some restaurants have a strict policy of cooling a soup down to around 135
degrees F before serving it. The SOPs for a bartender will vary from what a
restaurant would have for the head chef.

ii) Food Presentation

The service standards of casual dining, a retro bar, and a fine dining restaurant
will all be different. A restaurant needs to be able to define these standards to
work the most efficiently. A restaurant SOP should contain all the how-to’s and
whys of the first-line staff of the restaurant.

iii) Food Storage

A restaurant needs to be able to store its food and maintain a proper inventory.
This would require adequate training for your staff to minimize wastage. A
detailed set of instructions could help massively with how you want to store
your food. You could also add the minute details about the quality and quantity
of the food that you save.

2.2. Customer Service Standards

Having restaurant SOPs for customer service is essential as it would help you
set a guideline to exactly how the customers need to be served. Along with
that, handling your customers in a particular way would help you retain your
customers and thus increase sales.
i) Greeting And Seating
A restaurant needs to set a specific time within which the customer is well
seated and greeted from the minute he/she enters your restaurant.

ii) Order Taking, Serving, And Delivery Standards

The restaurant’s SOP must contain a set of rules related to the order delivery
service. This set of rules include the estimated average time within which an
order should be received by the customer and the formalities that need to be
fulfilled by the delivery boy after delivering the food.

iii) Billing And Final Settlement

Whether or not a company uses a POS to manage its sales, billing, and other
operations decide where the restaurants need to lay some basic rules related to
the usage of POS.

iv) Customer Complaint Management

A fond farewell is a primary need to grow your customer base. There are some
gestures that you could work on to give your customers a little extra special
touch while they are leaving. Opening doors, asking for their feedback and
suggestions, and taking care of their departure would be a great way to have an
excellent brand reputation.

2.3. Equipment Handling – How To Use Microwave, Oven, etc.

The restaurant SOP must contain a separate instruction module on how to use
kitchen equipment. You can have separate procedures on how to use personal
equipment of your kitchen, i.e. a microwave, oven, and so on.

2.4. Health & Hygiene Regulations

Another essential factor to take care of is the maintenance of clean staff
uniforms while on the premises of the restaurant. You must keep a separate
budget for your staff uniforms, as they directly reflect on your brand.

2.5. Safety
The most important part of your restaurant’s SOP is the safety measures that
you need to take while preparing and delivering your food. It is statistically
proven that 15% of the accidents that occur at a restaurant happen due
to mismanagement and lack of care. Employees must wear oven mitts while
working in the kitchen and have in-depth knowledge of how to handle fire or

Restaurant Standard Operating Procedures Examples

Greeting Guests

1. Smile and make eye contact with the guests as they enter
2. Greet them promptly with a warm welcome
3. Offer to seat them and ask how many are in their party
4. Guide them to their table and present them with a menu
5. Inform them of any specials or restaurant promotions

Taking Orders

1. Introduce yourself and thank the guests for dining with us

2. Take their order accurately and repeat it back to ensure accuracy
3. Answer any questions they may have about the menu or specials
4. Offer suggestions if requested or if the guests appear unsure of what to order
5. Confirm any special requests or dietary restrictions

Boh Food Preparation

1. Ensure that all food is prepared in accordance with the recipe and portioning instructions
2. Keep the kitchen area clean and free of clutter
3. Use proper food handling techniques and follow food safety guidelines
4. Ensure that all dishes are cooked to the appropriate temperature and presented attractively
5. Communicate effectively with other kitchen staff to ensure that orders are completed on

Serving Food

1. Present each dish attractively and confirm that it is what the guest ordered
2. Check-in with the guests after a few bites to ensure that everything is satisfactory
3. Offer additional drinks or condiments as needed
4. Clear empty plates and dishes in a timely manner
5. Refill drinks promptly and offer dessert or coffee options
Payment and Departure

1. Thank the guests for dining with us and offer a sincere farewell
2. Provide the bill and explain any charges or discounts
3. Process payment quickly and accurately, including any special requests (e.g., separate
4. Ensure that the guests have everything they need before departing
5. Wish them a good day/evening and invite them to return in the future

These are just a few examples of the many SOPs that could be implemented in a restaurant. Each
restaurant may have unique procedures based on its size, cuisine, and customer base. The key is
establishing clear and consistent procedures that promote efficiency, quality, and guest

Here's an example of an SOP for a restaurant:

Title: Preparing and Serving Beverages
Objectives: To ensure that all beverages are prepared and served consistently and safely.
Equipment and Materials Needed:

 Glasses or cups
 Ice
 Beverages (e.g., soda, water, coffee, tea, juice)
 Straws, stirrers, napkins


1. Wash hands thoroughly before handling any food or drink items.

2. Retrieve the appropriate glasses or cups for the beverage ordered.
3. Fill the glass or cup with ice, if necessary.
4. Pour the beverage into the glass or cup, taking care not to spill or overfill.
5. If requested, add any additional items, such as sugar, cream, or lemon.
6. If requested, place a straw, stirrer, or napkin next to the glass or cup.
7. Deliver the beverage to the customer in a timely and courteous manner.
8. Check back with the customer to ensure that the beverage meets their expectations.
9. Clear empty glasses or cups from the table promptly.

By following this SOP, the restaurant can ensure that all beverages are prepared and served
consistently and that customers receive the same level of service every time.
Prepare checklist daily, weekly, monthly

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