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Studying this chapter should As the summer heat rises, hill

enable you to: stations, are crowded with more and
• understand the meaning of the
term correlation; more visitors. Ice-cream sales become
• u n d e r s t a n d t h e n a t u re of more brisk. Thus, the temperature is
r elationship between two related to number of visitors and sale
variables; of ice-creams. Similarly, as the supply
• calculate the different measures
of tomatoes increases in your local
of correlation;
• analyse the degree and direction mandi, its price drops. When the local
of the relationships. harvest starts reaching the market,
the price of tomatoes drops from Rs 40
per kg to Rs 4 per kg or even less. Thus
supply is related to price. Correlation
In previous chapters you have learnt analysis is a means for examining such
how to construct summary measures
relationships systematically. It deals
out of a mass of data and changes
with questions such as:
among similar variables. Now you will
learn how to examine the relationship • Is there any relationship between
between two variables. two variables?


given a cause and effect interpretation.

Others may be just coincidence. The
relation between the arrival of
migratory birds in a sanctuary and the
birth rates in the locality cannot be
given any cause and effect
interpretation. The relationships are
• It the value of one variable changes,
simple coincidence. The relationship
does the value of the other also
between size of the shoes and money
in your pocket is another such
example. Even if relationships exist,
they are difficult to explain it.
In another instance a third
variable’s impact on two variables
may give rise to a relation between the
two variables. Brisk sale of ice-creams
may be related to higher number of
deaths due to drowning. The victims
are not drowned due to eating of ice-
• Do both the variables move in the creams. Rising temperature leads to
same direction? brisk sale of ice-creams. Moreover, large
number of people start going to
swimming pools to beat the heat. This
might have raised the number of deaths
by drowning. Thus, temperature is
behind the high correlation between
the sale of ice-creams and deaths due
to drowning.

What Does Correlation Measure?

• How strong is the relationship?
Correlation studies and measures
t h e direction and intensity of
2. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIP relationship among variables.
Let us look at various types of Correlation measures covariation, not
relationship. The relation between causation. Correlation should never be
movements in quantity demanded and interpreted as implying cause and
the price of a commodity is an integral effect relation. The presence of
part of the theory of demand, which you correlation between two variables X
will study in Class XII. Low agricultural and Y simply means that when the
productivity is related to low rainfall. value of one variable is found to change
Such examples of relationship may be in one direction, the value of the other


variable is found to change either in the A scatter diagram visually presents

same direction (i.e. positive change) or the nature of association without giving
in the opposite direction (i.e. negative any specific numerical value. A
change), but in a definite way. For numerical measure of linear
simplicity we assume here that the relationship between two variables is
correlation, if it exists, is linear, i.e. the given by Karl Pearson’s coefficient of
relative movement of the two variables correlation. A relationship is said to
can be represented by drawing a be linear if it can be represented
straight line on graph paper. by a straight line. Spearman’s
coefficient of correlation measures the
Types of Correlation linear association between ranks
Correlation is commonly classified assigned to indiviual items according
into negative and positive to their attributes. Attributes are those
correlation. The correlation is said to variables which cannot be numerically
be positive when the variables move measured such as intelligence of
together in the same direction. When people, physical appearance, honesty,
the income rises, consumption also etc.
rises. When income falls,
consumption also falls. Sale of ice- Scatter Diagram
cream and temperature move in the
same direction. The correlation is A scatter diagram is a useful
negative when they move in opposite technique for visually examining the
directions. When the price of apples form of relationship, without
falls its demand increases. When the calculating any numerical value. In
prices rise its demand decreases. this technique, the values of the two
When you spend more time in variables are plotted as points on a
studying, chances of your failing graph paper. From a scatter diagram,
decline. When you spend less hours one can get a fairly good idea of the
in your studies, chances of scoring nature of relationship. In a scatter
low marks/grades increase. These diagram the degree of closeness of the
are instances of negative correlation. scatter points and their overall direction
The variables move in opposite enable us to examine the relation-
direction. ship. If all the points lie on a line, the
correlation is perfect and is said to be
3. T E C H N I Q U E S FOR MEASURING in unity. If the scatter points are widely
C ORRELATION dispersed around the line, the
correlation is low. The correlation is
Three important tools used to study said to be linear if the scatter points lie
correlation are scatter diagrams, Karl near a line or on a line.
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and Scatter diagrams spanning over
Spearman’s rank correlation. Fig. 6.1 to Fig. 6.5 give us an idea of


the relationship between two variables. correlation coefficient. It gives a precise

Fig. 6.1 shows a scatter around an numerical value of the degree of linear
upward rising line indicating the relationship between two variables X
movement of the variables in the same and Y.
direction. When X rises Y will also rise. It is important to note that Karl
This is positive correlation. In Fig. 6.2 Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
the points are found to be scattered should be used only when there is a
around a downward sloping line. This linear relation between the variables.
time the variables move in opposite When there is a non-linear relation
directions. When X rises Y falls and vice between X and Y, then calculating the
versa. This is negative correlation. In Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
Fig.6.3 there is no upward rising or can be misleading. Thus, if the true
downward sloping line around which relation is of the linear type as shown
the points are scattered. This is an by the scatter diagrams in figures 6.1,
example of no correlation. In Fig. 6.4 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5, then the Karl
and Fig. 6.5, the points are no longer Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
scattered around an upward rising or should be calculated and it will tell us
downward falling line. The points the direction and intensity of the
themselves are on the lines. This is relation between the variables. But if
referred to as perfect positive correlation the true relation is of the type shown in
and perfect negative correlation the scatter diagrams in Figures 6.6 or
respectively. 6.7, then it means there is a non-linear
relation between X and Y and we should
Activity not try to use the Karl Pearson’s
• Collect data on height, weight coefficient of correlation.
and marks scored by students It is, therefore, advisable to first
in your class in any two subjects examine the scatter diagram of the
in class X. Draw the scatter
relation between the variables before
diagram of these variables taking
two at a time. What type of
calculating the Karl Pearson’s
relationship do you find? correlation coefficient.
Let X1, X2, ..., XN be N values of X
A careful observation of the scatter and Y1, Y2 ,..., YN be the corresponding
diagram gives an idea of the nature values of Y. In the subsequent
and intensity of the relationship. presentations, the subscripts indicating
the unit are dropped for the sake of
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of simplicity. The arithmetic means of X
Correlation and Y are defined as
This is also known as product moment ÂX ÂY
X = ; Y =
correlation coefficient or simple N N


Fig. 6.1: Positive Correlation Fig. 6.2: Negative Correlation

Fig. 6.3: No Correlation Fig. 6.4: Perfect Positive Correlation

Fig. 6.5: Perfect Negative Correlation Fig. 6.6: Positive non-linear relation

Fig. 6.7: Negative non-linear relation


and their variances are as follows

 XY - (  X )(  Y)
2 2
2 Â (X - X) ÂX 2
r = N
s x= = -X 2 2
N N 2 (Â X ) 2 ( Â Y) ...(3)
ÂX - ÂY -
2 2
2 Â ( Y - Y) ÂY 2
and s y= = -Y or
NΣXY – (∑ X)( ∑ Y)
The standard deviations of X and r= ...(4)
Y, respectively, are the positive square NΣX – (ΣX) 2 • NΣY 2 – (ΣY)2

roots of their variances. Covariance of

X and Y is defined as Properties of Correlation Coefficient

 (X - X )( Y - Y)  xy Let us now discuss the properties of the

Cov(X,Y) = = correlation coefficient
N N • r has no unit. It is a pure number.
Where x = X - X and y = Y - Y are the It means units of measurement are
not part of r. r between height in feet
deviations of the i th value of X and Y and weight in kilograms, for
from their mean values respectively. instance, could be say 0.7.
The sign of covariance between X • A negative value of r indicates an
and Y determines the sign of the inverse relation. A change in one
correlation coefficient. The standard variable is associated with change
deviations are always positive. If the in the other variable in the
covariance is zero, the correlation opposite direction. When price of
coefficient is always zero. The product a commodity rises, its demand
moment correlation or the Karl falls. When the rate of interest
Pearson’s measure of correlation is rises the demand for funds also
given by falls. It is because now funds have
 xy become costlier.
r= / Ns x s y
• If r is positive the two variables
...(1) move in the same direction. When
or the price of coffee, a substitute of
tea, rises the demand for tea also
 (X - X)(Y - Y) rises. Improvement in irrigation
2 2 ...(2) facilities is associated with higher
 (X - X) Â(Y - Y)
yield. When temperature rises the
or sale of ice-creams becomes brisk.


• If r = 1 or r = –1 the correlation is
perfect and there is exact linear
• A high value of r indicates strong
linear relationship. Its value is said
to be high when it is close to
+1 or –1.
• A low value of r (close to zero)
indicates a weak linear relation. But
there may be a non-linear relation.
As you have read in Chapter 1, the
statistical methods are no substitute for
common sense. Here, is another
example, which highlights the need for
• The value of t he correlation understanding the data properly before
coefficient lies between minus one correlation is calculated and
and plus one, –1 ≤ r ≤ 1. If, in any interpreted. An epidemic spreads in
exercise, the value of r is outside some villages and the government
this range it indicates error in sends a team of doctors to the affected
calculation. villages. The correlation between the
• The magnitude of r is unaffected by number of deaths and the number of
the change of origin and change of doctors sent to the villages is found to
scale. Given two variables X and Y be positive. Normally, the healthcare
let us define two new variables. facilities provided by the doctors are
expected to reduce the number of
X–A Y–C deaths showing a negative correlation.
U= ;V =
B D This happened due to other reasons.
where A and C are assumed means The data relate to a specific time period.
of X and Y respectively. B and D are Many of the reported deaths could be
common factors and of same sign. terminal cases where the doctors could
Then do little. Moreover, the benefit of the
rxy = ruv presence of doctors becomes visible
only after some time. It is also possible
This. property is used to calculate
that the reported deaths are not due to
correlation coefficient in a highly
the epidemic. A tsunami suddenly hits
simplified manner, as in the step
the state and death toll rises.
deviation method.
Let us illustrate the calculation of r
• If r = 0 the two variables are
uncorrelated. There is no linear by examining the relationship between
relation between them. However years of schooling of farmers and the
other types of relation may be there. annual yield per acre.


Example 1 Substituting these values in

formula (1)
No. of years Annual yield per
of schooling acre in ’000 (Rs) 42
of farmers r= = 0.644
112 38
0 4 7
2 4 7 7
4 6
The same value can be obtained
6 10
8 10 from formula (2) also.
10 8
12 7 Â (X - X) (Y - Y)
r= ...(2)
2 2
Formula 1 needs the value of  (X - X)  (Y - Y)
∑ Xy, σ x , σ y
r = = 0.644
From Table 6.1 we get, 112 38
Thus, years of education of farmers
∑ xy = 42,
and annual yield per acre are
∑ (X − X)
112 positively correlated. The value of r is
σx = = , also large. It implies that more the
N 7
number of years farmers invest in
education, higher will be the yield per
 (Y - Y) 38 acre. It underlines the importance of
sy = = farmers’ education.
N 7
To use formula (3)

Calculation of r between years of schooling of farmers and annual yield
Years of (X– X ) (X– X ) 2 Annual yield (Y– Y ) (Y– Y )2 (X– X )(Y– Y )
Education per acre in ’000 Rs
(X) (Y)
0 –6 36 4 –3 9 18
2 –4 16 4 –3 9 12
4 –2 4 6 –1 1 2
6 0 0 10 3 9 0
8 2 4 10 3 9 6
10 4 16 8 1 1 4
12 6 36 7 0 0 0

Σ X=42 Σ (X– X )2=112 Σ Y=49 Σ (Y– Y )2=38 Σ (X– X )(Y– Y )=42


taken care of by a good transport

( Â X )( Â Y)
 XY - network transferring it to other markets.
r= N
2 (Â X ) 2 ( Â Y)2 ...(3) Activity
ÂX - ÂY -
N N • Look at the following table.
Calculate r between annual
the value of the following expressions growth of national income at
have to be calculated i.e. current price and the Gross
2 2
 XY,  X ,  Y . Domestic Saving as percentage
of GDP.
Now apply formula (3) to get the value
of r.
Let us know the interpretation of Step deviation method to calculate
different values of r. The correlation correlation coefficient.
coefficient between marks secured in
When the values of the variables
English and Statistics is, say, 0.1. It
are large, the burden of calculation
means that though the marks secured
in the two subjects are positively can be considerably reduced by
correlated, the strength of the using a property of r. It is that r is
relationship is weak. Students with high independent of change in origin and
marks in English may be getting scale. It is also known as step deviation
relatively low marks in statistics. Had the method. It involves the transformation
value of r been, say, 0.9, students with of the variables X and Y as follows:
high marks in English will invariably get
high marks in Statistics. TABLE 6.2
An example of negative correlation Year Annual growth Gross Domestic
is the relation between arrival of of National Saving as
vegetables in the local mandi and Income percentage of GDP
price of vegetables. If r is –0.9, 1992–93 14 24
vegetable supply in the local mandi 1993–94 17 23
will be accompanied by lower price of 1994–95 18 26
vegetables. Had it been –0.1, large 1995–96 17 27
vegetable supply will be accompanied
1996–97 16 25
by lower price, not as low as the price,
1997–98 12 25
when r is –0.9. The extent of price fall
1998–99 16 23
depends on the absolute value of r.
1999–00 11 25
Had it been zero, there would have
been no fall in price, even after large 2000–01 8 24
supplies in the market. This is also a 2001–02 10 23
possibility if the increase in supply is Source: Economic Survey, (2004–05) Pg. 8,9


SV2 = 343; SUV = 378

X-A Y -C Substituting these values in formula (3)
U= ;V =
( ΣU )( ΣU )
where A and B are assumed means, h
and k are common factors and have r= N
2 2 (3)
same signs.
ΣU 2

( ΣU ) ΣV 2

( ΣV )
Then rUV = rXY
This can be illustrated with the
exercise of analysing the correlation
41 × 35
between price index and money 378 −
supply. = 5
(41) 2 (35) 2
Example 2 423 − 343 −
5 5
Price 120 150 190 220 230
index (X)
Money 1800 2000 2500 2700 3000 = 0.98
in Rs crores (Y) The strong positive correlation
The simplification, using step between price index and money
deviation method is illustrated below. supply is an important premise of
Let A = 100; h = 10; B = 1700 and monetary policy. When the money
k = 100 supply grows the price index also rises.
The table of transformed variables
is as follows: Activity
Calculation of r between price index • Using data related to India’s
and money supply using step deviation population and national income,
method calculate the correlation
between them using step
TABLE 6.3 deviation method.

Spearman’s rank correlation
ÊX - 100 ˆ ÊY - 1700 ˆ
ÁË ˜¯ ÁË ˜¯ U2 V2 UV Spearman’s rank correlation was
10 100
developed by the British psychologist
2 1 4 1 2
C.E. Spearman. It is used in the
5 3 25 9 15 following situations:
9 8 81 64 72 1. Suppose we are trying to estimate
12 10 144 100 120 the correlation between the heights
13 13 169 169 169 and weights of students in a remote
village where neither measuring
SU = 41; SU = 35; SU2 = 423;
rods nor weighing machines are


available. In such a situation, we coefficient where individual values have

cannot measure height or weight, been replaced by ranks. These ranks
but we can certainly rank the are used for the calculation of
students according to weight and correlation. This coefficient provides a
height. These ranks can then be measure of linear association between
used to calculate Spearman’s rank ranks assigned to these units, not their
correlation coefficient. values. The Spearman’s rank
2. Suppose we are dealing with things correlation formula is
such as fairness, honesty or beauty. 2
These cannot be measured in the 6Â D
ra = 1 - 3 ...(4)
same way as we measure income, n -n
weight or height. At most, these
things can be measured relatively, where n is the number of observations
for example, we may be able to rank and D the deviation of ranks assigned
people according to beauty (some to a variable from those assigned to
people would argue that even this the other variable.
is not possible because standards All the properties of the simple
and criteria of beauty may differ correlation coefficient are applicable
from person to person and culture here. Like the Pearsonian Coefficient of
to culture). If we wish to find the correlation it lies between 1 and
relation between variables, at least –1. However, generally it is not as
one of which is of this type, then accurate as the ordinary method. This
Spearman’s rank correlation is due the fact that all the information
coefficient is to be used. concerning the data is not utilised.
3. Spearman’s rank correlation The first difference is the difference
coefficient can be used in some cases of consecutive values. The first
where there is a relation whose differences of the values of items in the
direction is clear but which is non- series, arranged in order of magnitude,
linear as shown when the scatter are almost never constant. Usually the
diagrams are of the type shown in data cluster around the central values
Figures 6.6 and 6.7. with smaller differences in the middle
4. Spearman’s correlation coefficient is of the array.
not affected by extreme values. In this If the first differences were constant,
respect, it is better than Karl Pearson’s then r and r k would give identical
correlation coefficient. Thus if the data results. In general r k is less than or
contains some extreme values, equal to r.
Spearman’s correlation coefficient can
be very useful. Calculation of Rank Correlation
Rank correlation coefficient and Coefficient
simple correlation coefficient have the
same interpretation. Its formula has The calculation of rank correlation will
been derived from simple correlation be illustrated under three situations.


1. The ranks are given. 6 × 14 84

2. The ranks are not given. They have =1− =1− = 1 − 0.7 = 0.3
5 −5
to be worked out from the data.
3. Ranks are repeated. The rank correlation between A and
C is calculated as follows:
Case 1: When the ranks are given
A C D D2
Example 3 1 1 0 0
Five persons are assessed by three 2 3 –1 1
3 5 –2 4
judges in a beauty contest. We have
4 2 2 4
to find out which pair of judges has 5 4 1 1
the nearest approach to common
Total 10
perception of beauty.
Competitors Substituting these values in
Judge 1 2 3 4 5 formula (4) the rank correlation is 0.5.
A 1 2 3 4 5 Similarly, the rank correlation between
B 2 4 1 5 3 the rankings of judges B and C is 0.9.
C 1 3 5 2 4 Thus, the perceptions of judges A and
There are 3 pairs of judges C are the closest. Judges B and C have
necessitating calculation of rank very different tastes.
correlation thrice. Formula (4) will be
used. Case 2: When the ranks are not given
6Σ D2 Example 4
rs = 1 − ...(4)
n3 − n
We are given the percentage of marks,
The rank correlation between A and
secured by 5 students in Economics
B is calculated as follows:
and Statistics. Then the ranking has
A B D D2 to be worked out and the rank
1 2 –1 1 correlation is to be calculated.
2 4 –2 4
3 1 2 4 Student Marks in Marks in
4 5 –1 1 Statistics Economics
5 3 2 4 (X) (Y)

Total 14 A 85 60
B 60 48
Substituting these values in C 55 49
formula (4) D 65 50
E 75 55
6Σ D2
rs = 1 − ...(4)
n3 − n


Student Ranking in Ranking in Rank of X Rank of Y Deviation D2

Statistics Economics in Ranks
(Rx) (RY)
1 5.5 –4.5 20.25
A 1 1 2 7 –5 25.00
B 4 5 3 10 –7 49.00
C 5 4 4 1 3 9.00
D 3 3 5 2.5 2.5 6.25
E 2 2
6 4 2 4.00
7 2.5 4.5 20.25
Once the ranking is complete 8 12 –4 16.00
formula (4) is used to calculate rank 9 10 –1 1.00
correlation. 10 8 2 4.00
11 10 1 1.00
Case 3: When the ranks are repeated 12 5.5 6.5 42.25
and ranks of not given 198.00

Example 5 The formula of Spearman’s rank

correlation coefficient when the ranks
The values X and Y are given as follows
are repeated is as follows
rs = 1 −
1200 75
1150 65  ( m13 − m1 ) ( m 32 − m 2 ) 
6 Σ D2 + + + ...
1000 50  12 12 
990 100
800 90 n( n − 1)

780 85 where m1, m2, ..., are the number of

760 90
750 40 m 31 − m1
730 50 repetitions of ranks and ...,
700 60 12
620 50 their corresponding correction factors.
600 75 The necessary correction for this data
In order to work out the rank thus is
correlation, the ranks of the values are 3 3
3 -3 2 -2 30
worked out. Common ranks are given + = 2.5 =
to the repeated items. The common 12 12 12
rank is the mean of the ranks which Substituting the values of these
those items would have assumed if they expressions
were slightly different from each other.
6 (198 + 2.5)
The next item will be assigned the rank rs =1- = (1-0.70)= 0.30
next to the rank already assumed. 12 -12
Here Y has the value 50 at the 9th, Thus, there is positive rank correlation
10th and 11th rank. Hence all three are between X and Y. Both X and Y move
given the average rank i.e.10, in the same direction. However, the


relationship cannot be described as 4. CONCLUSION

We have discussed some techniques
for studying the relationship between
two variables, particularly the linear
• Collect data on marks scored by relationship. The scatter diagram gives
10 of your classmates in class IX a visual presentation of the relationship
and X examinations. Calculate the and is not confined to linear relations.
rank correlation coefficient
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
between them. If your data do not
and Spearman’s rank correlation
have any repetition, repeat the
measure linear relationship among
exercise by taking a data set
having repeated ranks. What are variables. When the variables cannot
the circumstances in which rank be measured precisely, rank
correlation coefficient is preferred correlation can be used. These
to simple correlation coefficient? If measures however do not imply
data are precisely measured will causation. The knowledge of
you still prefer rank correlation correlation gives us an idea of the
coefficient to simple correlation? direction and intensity of change in a
When can you be indifferent to the variable when the correlated variable
choice? Discuss in class. changes.

• Correlation analysis studies the relation between two variables.
• Scatter diagrams give a visual presentation of the nature of
relationship between two variables.
• Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation r measures numerically only
linear relationship between two variables. r lies between –1 and 1.
• When the variables cannot be measured precisely Spearman’s rank
correlation can be used to measure the linear relationship
• Repeated ranks need correction factors.
• Correlation does not mean causation. It only means



1. The unit of correlation coefficient between height in feet and weight in

kgs is
(i) kg/feet
(ii) percentage
(iii) non-existent
2. The range of simple correlation coefficient is
(i) 0 to infinity
(ii) minus one to plus one
(iii) minus infinity to infinity
3. If rxy is positive the relation between X and Y is of the type
(i) When Y increases X increases
(ii) When Y decreases X increases
(iii) When Y increases X does not change
4. If rxy = 0 the variable X and Y are
(i) linearly related
(ii) not linearly related
(iii) independent
5. Of the following three measures which can measure any type of relationship
(i) Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
(ii) Spearman’s rank correlation
(iii) Scatter diagram
6. If precisely measured data are available the simple correlation coefficient is
(i) more accurate than rank correlation coefficient
(ii) less accurate than rank correlation coefficient
(iii) as accurate as the rank correlation coefficient
7. Why is r preferred to covariance as a measure of association?
8. Can r lie outside the –1 and 1 range depending on the type of data?
9. Does correlation imply causation?
10. When is rank correlation more precise than simple correlation
11. Does zero correlation mean independence?
12. Can simple correlation coefficient measure any type of relationship?
13. Collect the price of five vegetables from your local market every day for
a week. Calculate their correlation coefficients. Interpret the result.
14. Measure the height of your classmates. Ask them the height of their


benchmate. Calculate the correlation coefficient of these two variables.

Interpret the result.
15. List some variables where accurate measurement is difficult.
16. Interpret the values of r as 1, –1 and 0.
17. Why does rank correlation coefficient differ from Pearsonian correlation
18. Calculate the correlation coefficient between the heights of fathers in
inches (X) and their sons (Y)
X 65 66 57 67 68 69 70 72
Y 67 56 65 68 72 72 69 71
(Ans. r = 0.603)
19. Calculate the correlation coefficient between X and Y and comment on
their relationship:
X –3 –2 –1 1 2 3
Y 9 4 1 1 4 9
(Ans. r = 0)
20. Calculate the correlation coefficient between X and Y and comment on
their relationship
X 1 3 4 5 7 8
Y 2 6 8 10 14 16
(Ans. r = 1)

• Use all the formulae discussed here to calculate r between
India’s national income and exports taking at least ten


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