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Iloilo Science and Technology University offered vantage points from which the Sumerians could observe the

GE 7 SCI: Science, Technology, and Society movements of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.
Lesson 3: The Ancient Summer
Intellectual Property of Dr. Jasper L. Pastrano
The Sumerian Civilization: Unveiling the Cradle of Human Advancement Mathematics:
The Sumerian civilization, emerging like a beacon of innovation in the heart of 1. Sexagesimal Numerical System: The Sumerians developed a sophisticated
Mesopotamia around 4500 BCE, stands as a testament to human ingenuity and numerical system based on the number 60, known as the sexagesimal
adaptability. This remarkable society flourished in the fertile lands between the system. This system laid the foundation for modern timekeeping (60
Tigris and Euphrates rivers, birthing an array of scientific, technological, and seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour) and angular measurements (360
societal achievements that laid the foundation for subsequent civilizations. degrees in a circle), demonstrating their deep mathematical understanding
Delving into the multifaceted tapestry of Sumerian civilization reveals a rich and influence on later mathematical concepts.
mosaic of culture, intellect, and progress. 2. Cuneiform Tablets for Mathematical Calculations: Sumerian scribes used
Urban Marvels and Architectural Splendors: One cannot fathom the Sumerian cuneiform writing to record mathematical calculations, ranging from simple
legacy without marveling at their architectural prowess. The ziggurats, awe- arithmetic to more complex geometry and algebra. These clay tablets
inspiring stepped temples that reached towards the heavens, epitomize their contain tables of multiplication, division, and calculations related to trade,
spiritual connection and architectural excellence. These monuments, with their land measurement, and construction projects.
intricate designs and practical functions, served as religious centers, 3. Geometry and Land Measurement: Sumerians applied geometry for practical
administrative hubs, and symbols of communal identity. The innovative use of purposes, particularly in land measurement. They surveyed and partitioned
mud bricks, arches, and domes in construction showcased the Sumerians' land for agricultural and administrative purposes, showcasing their ability to
engineering dexterity. use mathematical concepts in real-world applications.
The Quill's Dance: Cuneiform Writing: Perhaps the most enduring legacy of the 4. Systematic Approach to Mathematics: The Sumerians established a
Sumerians lies etched in the clay tablets of their cuneiform script. With stylus in systematic approach to mathematics, with scribes passing down
hand, they inscribed wedge-shaped symbols that spanned from administrative mathematical knowledge through education. Schools were established to
records to epics like the "Epic of Gilgamesh," a testament to their literary train scribes in numerical calculations and mathematical techniques,
sophistication. Cuneiform's evolution from mundane record-keeping to contributing to the spread of mathematical understanding throughout the
encompassing profound human expressions showcases the Sumerians' profound society.
understanding of the power of language.
Numerical Marvels and Cosmic Pursuits: Sumerians gazed skyward, not just for The Sumerian civilization's architectural and engineering
inspiration, but with a scientific curiosity. Their lunar calendar, a masterful Ziggurats:
creation interwoven with observations of celestial bodies, reflects their 1. Monumental Religious Structures: The ziggurats were awe-inspiring step-like
understanding of time's cyclical nature. Their numerical system, base-60, gave temples that reached towards the heavens. They were constructed using
birth to the modern division of hours, minutes, and seconds. The Sumerians' mud bricks and showcased the Sumerians' architectural ingenuity. These
astronomical pursuits were more than timekeeping; they were a testament to towering structures were dedicated to specific deities and were not only
their desire to comprehend the cosmos. places of worship but also administrative centers and symbols of societal
Metallurgy's Alchemy and the Wheels of Change: In the crucible of Sumerian cohesion.
forges, metallurgy birthed a revolution. From humble ores, they forged intricate 2. Functionality and Symbolism: Ziggurats were not merely architectural feats;
jewelry, potent weapons, and pragmatic tools. Their mastery of metals laid the they held cultural and religious significance. Each tier was dedicated to a
groundwork for trade, technological advancement, and societal growth. The different deity, and the pinnacle represented the realm of the gods. The
Sumerians didn't stop at alchemy but extended their brilliance to engineering the ziggurats demonstrated the Sumerians' desire to bridge the gap between
wheel. This invention, small yet monumental, changed the course of the earthly and the divine, underscoring the interplay between architecture,
transportation, trade, and human progress. spirituality, and culture.
Feeding the Fields and Fostering the Urban: A society's strength lies not only in its
achievements but in its ability to sustain itself. Sumerians faced the challenge of
nurturing their fertile crescent under the scorching sun. Their intricate irrigation Architectural Techniques:
systems, comprising canals and dikes, turned barren landscapes into flourishing 1. Innovative Use of Mud Bricks: The Sumerians lacked access to large stone
fields. Surplus food allowed for urbanization, specialization, and the flourishing of quarries, so they turned to locally available resources. They developed
a multifaceted society. advanced techniques for creating and firing mud bricks, which were used in
Legacy and Reverberations: The Sumerian civilization might have waned, but its constructing ziggurats, homes, and city walls. This mastery of mud brick
reverberations are undeniably profound. Their innovations seeped through time, construction facilitated the growth of urban centers.
laying the groundwork for subsequent civilizations' growth. Concepts like writing, 2. Advancement in Building Materials: Sumerian architecture involved using
mathematics, architecture, and governance became the bedrock of various materials, such as clay, reeds, and wood. They combined these
Mesopotamian and world history. The echoes of Sumer's legacy can be heard in materials to create stable structures that could withstand the challenges
the annals of Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece, and beyond. posed by the region's climate, including extreme heat and occasional
The scientific achievements of the Sumerians in astronomy and mathematics: 3. Introduction of Arch and Dome: The Sumerians introduced rudimentary
Astronomy: arches and domes into their architecture. These innovations allowed for
1. Lunar Calendar and Timekeeping: The Sumerians were astute observers of larger and more stable structures, contributing to the construction of
the celestial bodies, particularly the moon. They developed a lunar calendar impressive buildings like the ziggurats.
based on the moon's phases, which served as a practical way to track time,
agricultural seasons, and religious festivals. This calendar, composed of Engineering and Urban Planning:
alternating 29 and 30-day months, highlighted their understanding of the
moon's orbital cycle. 1. Irrigation Systems and Canals: In a region prone to arid conditions, the
2. Astrological Interpretations: The Sumerians associated celestial phenomena Sumerians ingeniously developed complex irrigation systems. They
with events on Earth. They believed that the positions of celestial bodies constructed canals, dikes, and levees to manage water from the Tigris and
could influence human affairs, leading to the foundation of astrological Euphrates rivers, facilitating agricultural productivity and supporting urban
practices that persisted through later civilizations. Sumerian clay tablets centers with a consistent food supply.
contain records of celestial omens that were interpreted to predict future 2. Walled Cities: Sumerian cities were fortified with protective walls made of
events. mud bricks. These walls not only served as defenses against external threats
3. Ziggurats as Astronomical Observatories: The ziggurats, monumental step- but also defined the city's boundaries and provided a sense of security to its
like temples constructed by the Sumerians, were not only religious centers inhabitants.
but also served as astronomical observatories. These towering structures 3. Urban Infrastructure: Urban planning was evident in Sumerian cities, with
organized streets, residential areas, and marketplaces. The city of Ur, for
example, showcased their understanding of urban design with its complex civilizations, and how does it continue to influence modern mathematics and
layout and architectural structures. measurements?
4. Wheel and Transportation: Among their groundbreaking inventions, the 4. Irrigation systems were critical to the Sumerians' agricultural success. How
Sumerians developed the wheel. This invention revolutionized did their mastery of irrigation shape the development of their cities,
transportation and trade, leading to the creation of wheeled carts that economy, and overall societal organization?
facilitated the movement of goods across distances. The wheel's impact on 5. Explore the relationship between Sumerian advancements in astronomy and
society cannot be overstated, as it laid the foundation for modern their religious beliefs. How did their observations of celestial bodies
transportation systems. influence their understanding of the divine and their place in the cosmos?
6. The Sumerians' invention of the wheel had profound implications for
transportation and trade. How does this innovation parallel the
Societal impact of Sumerian science and technology: transformative impact of modern transportation technologies on our global
1. Economic Transformation: The Sumerians' advancements in technology, economy?
such as the invention of the wheel and efficient agricultural practices, led to 7. Consider the ways in which Sumerian urbanization and social hierarchy were
a surplus of resources. This surplus supported the growth of urban centers interconnected. How did the growth of cities lead to the emergence of
and trade networks, as excess food and goods could be exchanged for other specialized professions and social classes?
necessities. The wheel, in particular, revolutionized transportation, 8. Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the Sumerian practice of
facilitating the movement of goods across long distances and boosting trade, astrology. How might the belief in celestial omens have influenced decision-
which in turn stimulated economic growth. making in their society, and how does this compare to modern belief
2. Urbanization and Social Hierarchy: The increased agricultural productivity systems?
resulting from Sumerian irrigation systems allowed for the development of 9. Sumerian metallurgy and craftsmanship were instrumental in their economic
urban centers. As more people moved to cities, societal structures became and cultural growth. How did their ability to work with metals shape their
more complex. Specialization of labor emerged, with individuals focusing on society's artistic expressions and technological advancements?
professions like priests, scribes, artisans, and traders. This specialization 10. Reflect on the enduring legacy of the Sumerian civilization. In what ways
gave rise to social classes and hierarchies within society, with a clear have their scientific, technological, and societal achievements left an imprint
distinction between ruling elites and commoners. on subsequent civilizations, and how can we see echoes of their innovations
3. Administrative and Bureaucratic Systems: The Sumerians' mastery of writing in the modern world?
and cuneiform enabled the creation of intricate administrative and
bureaucratic systems. Record-keeping became essential for managing
resources, taxes, trade, and legal matters. This facilitated efficient
governance, ensuring the smooth operation of society and enabling the
emergence of centralized authority.
4. Cultural Identity and Literature: Cuneiform writing not only served practical
purposes but also became a vessel for cultural preservation. Literature,
myths, legends, and historical accounts were documented in written form,
preserving the Sumerian cultural identity for future generations. This
marked the earliest instances of written storytelling, artistry, and religious
texts that shaped the foundation of Mesopotamian and subsequent
5. Religious and Spiritual Practices: Sumerian technology and science played a
significant role in religious practices. The construction of ziggurats, the lunar
calendar, and other astronomical observations were closely tied to religious
beliefs. Ziggurats, with their grandeur and symbolism, were the epicenter of
spiritual life and served as a focal point for communal rituals, reinforcing the
connection between the divine and earthly matters.
6. Cultural Exchange and Legacy: The Sumerians were a hub of cultural
exchange due to their technological achievements. As they engaged in trade
and communication with neighboring civilizations, their advancements
spread far and wide. The cuneiform script, numerical system, and
architectural techniques influenced subsequent cultures, including the
Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians.
7. Educational Advancement: The development of writing and formalized
systems of education allowed for the transmission of knowledge from one
generation to the next. Schools were established to teach reading, writing,
mathematics, and other practical skills, cultivating a literate and educated
class of scribes and scholars who played pivotal roles in society.
8. Long-Lasting Influence: The Sumerians' contributions endured beyond their
time. Many of their inventions and innovations, such as the cuneiform script
and mathematical system, laid the foundation for future civilizations.
Elements of their societal structures, administrative practices, and cultural
expressions were adopted and adapted by subsequent cultures in the

Discussion questions related to the Sumerian civilization and its scientific,

technological, and societal achievements:

1. How did the Sumerians' development of cuneiform writing impact the way
knowledge was preserved and shared in their society? How does this
compare to modern information-sharing methods?
2. Discuss the significance of the ziggurats in Sumerian society. What role did
these monumental structures play in both religious and civic life? Can you
draw any parallels to architectural symbols in contemporary society?
3. The Sumerians' sexagesimal numerical system had a lasting impact on
mathematics and timekeeping. How did this system influence subsequent

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