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1. Write definition and two examples for each of the following:
a) Rectilinear motion b) Periodic motion c) random motion motion d)
Rotational motion e)Curvilinear motion f)translatory motion g)circular
motion h) vibratory motion i) combined motion
2. Numericals:
a) Your school admits children who live within 6 km from the school. Your
friend Ayush lives 3000m from the school wants to go to the same school. Do
you think he will get admission in your school?
b) Convert the following:
i) The distance between Delhi and Chennai is 2100 km . Convert the distance in
iii) Time you spend in school is 6 hours. Convert it into seconds.
iii) The thickness of your science book is 13mm. Convert it into metre.
3. Fill in the blanks:
i) Invention of ----------------------was a revolutionary step in the history of
ii)----------------------------involves the comparison of an unknown quantity.
iii) ---------------- is ancient means of transport
iv) The rotation of earth on its axis is------------------------motion
v)A type of motion that repeats itself after equal intervals of time is called-------
vi) full form of SI unit-------------
vii) every measurement consist of a -------and---------
viii) early people used to domesticate--------to help them move from one place
to another.
ix) length more than 1 m are measured by--------------
4 Correct the following statements:
i) The Cubit is an example of a standard unit of length.
ii) The commonly used unit for large distance is centimetre.
iii) The SI unit of time is hour.
iv) One millimetre is larger than one centimetre.
v) Odometer is a device used for indicating the speed of an automobile.
5. Answer the following questions:
i)Why do we need standard unit of measurement?
ii)what do you mean by SI unit? What is the SI unit of length, mass, time,
iii) what are the rules to write symbol of unit.
iv) what do you mean by measurement? explain with the help of example.
v)why would you not use an elastic measuring tape to measure distance? What
would be some of the problems you would meet in telling someone about a
distance you measured with an elastic tape?
vi) define cubit and yard as a unit of length.
While measuring the length of pencil, the reading of scale at one end is 4.1 cm
and the other end is 34.2 cm what is the length of pencil?
viii) give two points difference between circular motion and rotational motion.
ix) explain combined motion with the help of an example.
x) Convert the following
a) 43 km = _______m b) 78 m = _______ cm c) 159 cm = _______ mm
xi) The height of a person is 1.72m. Express it in cm and mm.
xii) The distance between Kaizad’s house and school is 3591m. Express it in
xiii) While measuring the length of a knitting needle, the reading of the scale at
one end is 4.0 cm and at the other end is 43.2 cm. What is the length of the
xiv)The distance between two stations of Mumbai metro is 6.28 km. Express
this distance in i) metre ii) centimetre
xv) Raghav has a piece of cloth that measures 3.5 metres. How many smaller
pieces can he make of each measuring 50 cm in length?


1. Which invention led to a great change in modes of transport?
2. Which invention as new source of power led to development of railroads.
3. A carpenter is fixing a curtain rod on the wall by tightening a screw. How
many different kinds of motion is the screw undergoing?
4. Are senses reliable for accurate measurement?
5. What is the need for measurement?
6. Is the hour hand of a wall clock at rest or in motion?
7. Name the unit of length, which should be used to express the thickness of a
8. when you spin a top, it spins and may also move around. Identify the types
of motion in this case.
9. when do you say that an object is undergoing translational motion? Explain
with example?
7 name the following
a) The state of a body when it does not change its position with time and with
respect to the surroundings
b) Motion of a body along a curved path with all its parts exhibiting similar
motion and having similar and equal displacements.
c)The motion body on a fixed axis without of a For example: Potter's wheel, a
moving fan. changing its place
d) Motion of earth round the sun,
e) The type of 'to and for motion of a body about its position of red 13. Motion
of a body in a straight line with all its parts having similar and equal
f)) The standard unit of length
g). A motion which repeats itself after regular Intervals of time
h) The comparison of an unknown quantity with some fixed quantity of the
same kind
i) A fast 'to and fro' motion of some parts of a body about its position of rest
j) A simple device used to measure length and distances
k)Motion of a body where all its parts have similar and equal displacement
l) The state of a body when it changes its position with time and with respect to
the surroundings.

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