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Chapter III



◼ The right triangle is a triangle with a 90o (right) angle. It has six (6) principal
parts – three angles (α or A, β or B, and γ or C) and their opposite sides (a, b and
c), respectively. The angle “γ or C” is usually the right angle and, hence, its
opposite side “c” is the longest side, technically termed as hypotenuse. On the
other hand, the angles “α or A” and “β or B” are acute angles whose sum is
always 180o and their opposite sides “a” and “b”, respectively, are technically
termed as legs of the right triangle.



◼ If any two sides of the triangle are given, the third side can be found by the
Pythagorean Theorem as follows:

a2 + b2 = c2

To find the hypotenuse (side c), use the formula :

c = √ a2 + b 2

and to find the two legs, sides b and a, use the formula :

b = √ c2 – a2 a = √ c2 – b 2

◼ If one of the two acute angles of the right triangle is given, the other acute angle
can be found since the two acute angles are complementary angles, which
means that:

α + β = 90o or A + B = 90o

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◼ The trigonometric functions of any acute angle, θ, are defined as follows:

Opposite Side of θ
sin θ =

Adjacent Side of θ
cos θ =

a = opposite side

Opposite Side of θ
tan θ =
Adjacent Side of θ
Adjacent Side of θ
cot θ =
Opposite Side of θ θ
b = adjacent side
sec θ =
Adjacent Side of θ

csc θ =
Opposite Side of θ

◼ These definitions are not general because they apply only to an acute angle of a
right triangle. But it is rather very important to internalize them because of the
many applications of the right triangle in trigonometry.

◼ Applying the definitions to angle “α” whose opposite side is “a”, adjacent side is
“b” and the hypotenuse is “c”, the trigonometric functions of “α” are as follows:
sin α = a / c cos α = b / c tan α = a / b

cot α = b / a sec α = c / b csc α = c / a

◼ Applying the same definitions to angle “β” whose opposite side is “b”, adjacent
side is “a”, and the hypotenuse “c”, the trigonometric functions of angle “β” are
as follows:

sin β = b / c cos β = a / c tan β = b / a

cot β = a / b sec β = c / a csc β = c / b

◼ A closer look into the trigonometric functions of the two (complementary) acute
angles (α and β) of the right triangle would reveal the following relationships:

sin α = a / c = cos β cot α = b / a = tan β

cos α = b / c = sin β sec α = c / b = csc β

tan α = a / b = cot β csc α = c / a = sec β

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◼ Since α and β are complementary angles (α + β = 90o), then β = 90o – α.
Substituting this expression in the relationships presented above, then:

sin α = cos (90o – α) cot α = tan (90o – α)

cos α = sin (90o – α) sec α = csc (90o – α)

tan α = cot (90o – α) csc α = sec (90o – α)

◼ On the other hand,  = 90o – β. Substituting this expression in the relationships

presented above, then:

sin β = cos (90o – β) cot β = tan (90o – β)

cos β = sin (90o – β) sec β = csc (90o – β)

tan β = cot (90o – β) csc β = sec (90o – β)

◼ These relations express the co-functions of the trigonometric functions of the

acute angles. Two trigonometric functions are said to be co-functions when the
value of the trigonometric function of an acute angle is equal to the value of
another trigonometric function of the complement of the given acute angle. From
the above relationships, it can be deduced that sine and cosine, tangent and
cotangent, and secant and cosecant are co-functions. This means further that
either function of each pair is called the co-function of the other.


◼ The measure of the acute angle/s of a right triangle can be found by applying the
inverse trigonometric functions as follows:

 = Arcsin (a / c) = sin-1 (a / c) β = Arcsin (b / c) = sin-1 (b / c)

 = Arccos (b / c) = cos-1 (b / c) β = Arccos (a / c) = cos-1 (a / c)

 = Arctan (a / b) = tan-1 (a / b) β = Arctan (b / a) = tan-1 (b / a)

◼ If two sides of the right triangle are given, then use the above inverse
trigonometric functions to solve for either angle “” or “β”, as follows:
 When sides “a” and “c” are given, use:

 = Arcsin (a / c) = sin-1 (a / c)
β = Arccos (a / c) = cos-1 (a / c)

 When sides “b” and “c’ are given, use:

 = Arccos (b / c) = cos-1 (b / c)
β = Arcsin (b / c) = sin-1 (b / c)

 When sides “a” and “b” are given, use:

 = Arctan (a / b) = tan-1 (a / b)
β = Arctan (b / a) = tan-1 (b / a)

31 | P a g e

A. By the Pythagorean Theorem, find the value of the unknown side of the right
triangle and then write all the trigonometric functions of angles  or A and β or B.

1. a = 5, b = 12 2. a = 0.257, c = 0.856
β β

a = 0.257
Solution: c Solution:

c = √52 + 122 = 13 α
b = √(0.856)2 − (0.257)2
= 0.817 α
b = 12 b

sin α = a/c = 5/13 sin β = b/c = 12/13 sin α = a/c = 0.300 sin β = b/c = 0.954
cos α = b/c = 12/13 cos β= a/c = 5/13 cos α = b/c = 0.954 cos β= a/c = 0.300
tan α = a/b = 5/12 tan β = b/a = 12/5 tan α = a/b = 0.315 tan β = b/a = 3.179
cot α = b/a = 12/5 cot β = a/b = 5/12 cot α = b/a = 3.179 cot β = a/b = 0.315
sec α = c/b = 13/12 sec β = c/a = 13/5 sec α = c/b = 1.048 sec β = c/a = 3.331
csc α = c/a = 13/5 csc β = c/b = 13/12 csc α = c/a = 3.331 csc β = c/b = 1.048

3. b = 2, c = √𝟏𝟑 4. a = 1/3, c = 5/7

β a = 1/3 β

Solution: Solution

α α
a = √13 − 22 = 3 b = √(5/7)2 − (1/3)2
b =2 = 4√𝟏𝟏 /21 b

sin α = a/c = 3/√𝟏𝟑 sin β = b/c = 2/√𝟏𝟑 sin α = a/c = 7/15 sin β = b/c = 4√𝟏𝟏/15
cos α = b/c = 2/√𝟏𝟑 cos β= a/c = 3/√𝟏𝟑 cos α= b/c = 4√𝟏𝟏/15 cos β= a/c = 7/15
tan α = a/b = 3/2 tan β = b/a = 2/3 tan α = a/b = 7√𝟏𝟏/44 tan β = b/a = 4√𝟏𝟏/7
cot α = b/a = 2/3 cot β = a/b = 3/2 cot α = b/a = 4√𝟏𝟏/7 cot β = a/b = 7√𝟏𝟏/44
sec α = c/b =√𝟏𝟑/2 sec β = c/a = √𝟏𝟑/3 sec α = c/b = 15√𝟏𝟏/44 sec β = c/a = 15/7
csc α = c/a = √𝟏𝟑/3 csc β = c/b = √𝟏𝟑/2 csc α = c/a = 15/7 csc β = c/b = 15√𝟏𝟏/44

5. a = 18.5, b = 37.2
sin α = a/c = 0.446 sin β = b/c = 0.896
Solution: β cos α = b/c = 0.896 cos β= a/c = 0.446
a = 18.5

tan α = a/b = 0.497 tan β = b/a = 2.011

c = √(18.5)2 + (37.2)2 cot α = b/a = 2.011 cot β = a/b = 0.497
= 41.5 sec α = c/b = 1.116 sec β = c/a = 2.243
α csc α = c/a = 2.243 csc β = c/b = 1.116
b =37.2

B. Express each function as the trigonometric function of the complementary angle

(co-function) and find the value of the function:

1. sin 38o 2. sin 69o59’59”

Solution: Solution:
sin 38° = cos (90° - 38°) sin 69°59’59” = cos (90°-69°59’59”)
= cos 52° = 0.616 = cos (20° 00’ 1”)
= 0.940

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3. cos 85o 4. cos 66o55’44”
Solution: Solution:
cos 85°= sin (90° - 85°) cos 66°55’44” = sin (90°-66°55’44”)
= sin 5° = 0.087 = sin (23° 04’ 16”)
= 0.392

5. tan 72° 6. tan 12°32’56”

Solution: Solution:
tan 72°= cot (90° - 72°) tan 12°32’56” = cot (90°-12°32’56”)
= cot 18° = 3.078 = cot (77° 27’ 4”)
= 0.223
7. cot 64°42’ 8. cot /4

Solution: Solution:
cot 64°42’= tan (90° - 64°42’) cot (/4 x 𝜋 )
= tan 25°18’ = 0.473 = cot (45°) = tan (90° - 45°)
= tan 45° = 1

9. sec 84°58’ 10. sec 4/9

Solution: Solution:
sec 84°58’= csc (90° - 84°58’) sec (4/9 x )
= csc 5°02’ = 11.398 = sec (80°) = csc (90° - 80°)
= csc 10° = 5.759

11. csc 53°48’ 12. csc 11/36

Solution: Solution:
csc 53°48’= sec (90° - 53°48’) csc (11/36 x )
= sec 36°12’ = 1.239 = csc (55°) = sec (90° - 55°)
= sec 35° = 1.221
C. Find the measure of the acute angles (α and β) of the right triangle given the
following sides:

1. a = 5, b = 12

tan α = a / b = 5 / 12
α = Arc tan (5/12) = 22° 37’ 12” α
b = 12
β = 180° - 90° - 22°37’12” = 67° 22’ 48”

2. a = 0.257, c = 0.85

Solution: β
a = 0.257

sin α = a / c = 0.257 / 0.85

α = Arc sin (0.257 / 0.85) = 17° 35’ 56”
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β = 180° - 90° - 17°35’56” = 72° 24’ 4”

3. b = 2, c = √𝟏𝟑

Solution: β

cos α = b / c = 2 / √13
α = Arc cos (2/√13) = 56° 18’ 36” α
β = 180° - 90° - 56° 18’ 36” = 33° 41’ 24”

4. a = 1/3, c = 5/7
Solution: β
a = 1/3
sin α = a / c = 7 / 15
α = Arc sin (7/15) = 27° 49’ 5” α
β = 180° - 90° - 27°49’5” = 62° 10’ 55” b

5. a = 18.5, b = 37.2

Solution: β
a = 18.5

tan α = a / b = 18.5 / 37.2

α = Arc tan (18.5 / 37.2) = 26° 26’ 30” α
β = 180° - 90° - 26°26’30” = 63° 33’ 30” b = 37.2

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NAME : ___________________________________


A. By the Pythagorean Theorem, find the value of the unknown side of the right triangle
and then write ALL the trigonometric functions of angles  and β.

1. a = 23, b = 17 6. b = 4, c = 7

2. a = 6.84, c = 20 7. a = 0.916, b = 0.241

8. a = √7, c = √30
3. b = 3, c = √15

4. a = ¼, c = 5/6 9. b = 130, c = 437

5. a = 0.345, b = 0.567 10. a = 9, b = 3

B. Express each function as the trigonometric function of the complementary angle (co-
function) and find the value of the trigonometric function:

1. cos 38° 6. cos 69°59’59”

2. sin 85° 7. sin 4/9

3. cot 72° 8. cot 3/7

4. tan 64°42’ 9. tan /5

5. csc 84°58’ 10. csc 2/9

C. Find the measure of the acute angles of the right triangle given the following sides:

1. a = 25, b = 24

2. a = 8.64, c = 12

3. b = 4, c = 2√5

4. a = 1/3, c = 3/4

5. a = 0.123, b = 0.987

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◼ When a function of an acute angle of the right triangle is given, it is possible to

find the other five functions because the given function is a ratio of two sides of
a right triangle.


sin α a, c b
cos α b, c a
tan α a, b c
cot α b, a c
sec α b, c a
csc α a, c b
sin β b, c a
cos β a, c b
tan β a, b c
cot β a, b c
sec β a, c b
csc β b, c a

◼ The third side is found by the Pythagorean Theorem.

c = √𝒂𝟐 + 𝒃𝟐 b = √𝒄𝟐 − 𝒂𝟐 a = √𝒄𝟐 − 𝒃𝟐

◼ The other five functions can be obtained by using the definitions of the
trigonometric functions.


A. Find the functions of the acute angles of the right triangle given that:

1. tan α = 3/4

Solution: β

tan α = a / b = 3 / 4
α = Arc tan (3/4) = 36° 52’ 11.63” α
c = √(3)2 + (4)2 = 5 b=4

tan 36° 52’ 11.63” = a/b = ¾ sin 36° 52’ 11.63” = a/c = 3/5
cos 36° 52’ 11.63” = b/c = 4/5 cot 36° 52’ 11.63” = b/a = 4/3
sec 36° 52’ 11.63” = c/b = 5/4 csc 36° 52’ 11.63” = c/a = 5/3

2. tan β = 1.25

Solution: β

tan β = b / a = 1.25
β = Arc tan (1.25) = 51° 20’ 24.69” α
c = √(1.25)2 + (1)2 = 1.6 b = 1.25

tan 51° 20’ 24.69” = b/a = 1.25 sin 51° 20’ 24.69” = b/c = 0.781
cos 51° 20’ 24.69” = a/c = 0.625 cot 51° 20’ 24.69” = a/b = 0.8
sec 51° 20’ 24.69” = c/a = 1.600 csc 51° 20’ 24.69” = c/b = 1.28

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3. cos α = 5/√𝟑𝟒

cos α = b / c = 5/√34
α = Arc cos (5/√34) = 30° 57’ 49.52”

a = √34 − (5)2 =3 b=5

cos 30° 57’ 49.52” = b/c = 5/√34 sin 30° 57’ 49.52” = a/c = 3/√𝟑𝟒
tan 30° 57’ 49.52” = a/b = 3/5 cot 30° 57’ 49.52” = b/a = 5/3
sec 30° 57’ 49.52” = c/b = √𝟑𝟒/5 csc 30° 57’ 49.52” = c/a = √𝟑𝟒/3

4. sec β = 3√𝟓

Solution: β

sec β = c / a = 3√5
β = Arc sec (3√5) = 81° 25’ 36.82” α
b = √9(5) − (1)2 = √44 b

sec 81° 25’ 36.82” = c/a = 3√5 sin 81° 25’ 36.82” = b/c = 0.989
cos 81° 25’ 36.82” = a/c = 0.149 tan 81° 25’ 36.82” = b/a = √𝟒𝟒
cot 81° 25’ 36.82” = a/b = 1/√𝟒𝟒 csc 81° 25’ 36.82” = c/b = 1.011

5. sin α = 0.75

sin α = a / c = 0.75 = 3/4

α = Arc sin (3/4) = 48° 35’ 25.36”

b = √(4)2 − (3)2 = √𝟕 b

sin 48° 35’ 25.36” = a/c = 3/4 cos 48° 35’ 25.36” = b/c = √𝟕/4
tan 48° 35’ 25.36” = a/b = 3/√𝟕 cot 48° 35’ 25.36” = b/a = √𝟕/3
sec 48° 35’ 25.36” = c/b = 𝟒/√𝟕 csc 48° 35’ 25.36” = c/a = 4/3

6. csc β = (x + 1)/x

a = √(𝑥 + 1)2 − (𝑥)2 = √𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 1 − 𝑥 2 α

= √𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏 b=x

csc β = c/b = 𝑥 + 1⁄𝑥 sin β = b/c = 𝒙⁄𝒙 + 𝟏

cos β = a/c = √𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏⁄𝒙 + 𝟏 tan β = b/a = 𝒙⁄
√𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏
cot β = a/b = √𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏⁄𝒙 sec β = c/a = 𝒙 + 𝟏⁄
√𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏

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NAME : ___________________________________


Direction : Find the functions of the acute angles of the right triangle given that:

1. tan α = √2 / 15

2. cos α = 3 / 11

3. sin α = 0.375

4. cot β = 5 / 2√3

5. sec β = x + 1

6. csc β = 2.5

7. tan α = 5/√6

8. cos α = 0.794

9. sin α = 4 / 9

10. cot β = √3 / 5

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◼ To solve a right triangle is to find the measure of the unknown parts using those
that are known or given. There are two cases in which a right triangle can be

 Case 1 Two sides are given

 Case 2: One side and one acute angle are given

◼ In both cases, the right triangle can be solved by using the trigonometric

sin α = a/c cos α = b/c tan α = a/b

sin β = b/c cos β = a/c tan β = b/a

and the relations:

a2 + b2 = c2
α + β = 90o

◼ The suggested steps in solving a right triangle are:

 Make a reasonably accurate sketch of the triangle. Label it properly, and

indicate the known and the unknown parts.

 Choose one of the trigonometric functions that involves two of the known parts
and one unknown part.

 Solve for the other unknown parts using the given data. Avoid the use of
previously computed values to prevent the occurrence of continuing error.

 Check the answers by using one of the trigonometric functions not used in the
computation. Substitute the given and the computed values in the formula,
evaluate each side independently, and compare the results. If they are
identical, the answers are correct.


Solve the right triangle whose given parts are:

1. c = 8, α = 38o10’

sin α = a / c β
sin 38°10’ = a / 8

a = 8 sin 38°10’ = 4.94

α = 38°10’
b = √82 − 4.942 = 6.29 b

β = 180° - 90° - 38°10’ = 51° 50’

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2. b = 10, β = 54o17’

Solution: β = 54°17’
sin β = b / c
sin 54°17’ = 10 / c

c = 10 / sin 54°17’ = 12.32
a = √12.322 − 102 = 7.20 b = 10

α = 180° - 90° - 54°17’ = 35° 43’

3. a = 7, c = 25.8

Solution: β
b = √25.82 − 72 = 24.83

cos α = a / c
cos α = 7 / 25.8 = 0.271 α
α = arc cos (0.271) = 74° 15’ 26” b

β = 180° - 90° - 74°15’26” = 15° 44’ 34”

4. a = 8.2, b = 6.7

c = √8.22 + 6.72 = 10.59 β
a = 8.2

tan α = a / b
tan α = 8.2 / 6.7 = 1.224
α = arc tan (1.224) = 50° 44’ 55” α
b = 6.7
β = 180° - 90° - 50°44’55” = 39° 15’ 5”

5. b = 9.5, c = 15.3

Solution: β
a = √15.32 − 9.52 = 11.99

cos α = b / c

cos α = 9.5 / 15.3 = 0.621 α

α = arc cos (0.621) = 51° 37’ 1” b = 9.5

β = 180° - 90° - 51°37’1” = 38° 22’ 59”

40 | P a g e
NAME : ___________________________________


Direction : Solve the right triangle whose given parts are:

1. a = 24.2, b = 7.8

2. b = 12.3, c = 42.6

3. a = 12.9, c = 35.2

4. a = 15.8, β = 51°44’

5. b = 35.5, α = 44°18’

6. a = 13.5, b = 17.6

7. b = 0.888, c = 1

8. a = 9, c = 12

9. a = 18.7, β = 35°15’

10. b = 15.6, α = 67°8’

11. b = 10, α = 45°

12. a = √35, b = √13

13. b = 17, c = 25

14. a = 0.569, c = 2.155

15. a = 20, β = 39°14’

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◼ Many engineering problems concerning heights and distances can be solved

using the right triangle. These problems usually involve the angle of elevation,
angle of depression and the subtended angle.

 The angle of elevation of an object (above the eye level of an observer) is

the angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to
that object on a higher elevation than the observer.

α = angle of elevation

 The angle of depression of an object (below the eye level of an observer) is

the angle formed by the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to an object
located below the observer.

angle of depression = β

 The subtended angle by an object is the angle formed by two rays from the
eye of the observer to the topmost and bottom ends of the object.

θ = subtended angle
Commented [LP1]:

42 | P a g e
◼ Another important application of the right triangle is in the solution of isosceles
triangles and regular polygons.

 An isosceles triangle can be divided into two (2) congruent right triangles by
drawing a straight line from the vertex perpendicular to the base of the

 A regular polygon of n sides can be solved by dividing the polygon into n

congruent isosceles triangles and then solving the isosceles triangle as
suggested above.


Solve the given problems using your knowledge on the solution to right

1. A cadet standing 120 meters from the base of the Independence Flagpole at the Luneta observes
that the angle of elevation of the top of the pole is 15 °23’. Find the height (meters) of the flagpole.


The cadet is represented as a particle which means that

his eye level height is disregarded.

tan 15°23’ = h / 120 m

h = 120 (tan 15°23’)
h = 33.016 m h=?

α = 15°23’
d = 120 m
43 | P a g e
2. From the top of the church tower 90 ft above the ground, the angle of depression of a car is 20°40’.
How far is the car from the base of the tower (ft)?
β = 20°40’

The car is represented as a particle which h = 90 ft

means that the car height is disregarded.

tan 20°40’ = 90 ft / d
d = 90 / tan 20°40’ β
d = 238.598 ft

3. A statue of President Quezon stands on a pedestal 3.6 meters high. One Hundred thirty-two (132)
meters away from the pedestal, the statue subtends an angle of 3 °5’. Find the height (m) of the

tan β = y / d = 3.6 m / 132 m
β = Arctan (3.6 / 132) α
β = 1° 33’ 44.01” β θ = 3°5’

= 3°5’ – 1°33’44.01” y = 3.6 m
α = 1° 31’ 15.99”

tan α = h / d
tan 1° 31’ 15.99” = h / 132 m
h = 132 (tan 1° 31’ 15.99”) d = 132 m
h = 3.505 m

4. The Quezon Memorial tower casts a shadow 25 meters long when the angle of elevation of the
sun is 69°15’. What is the height (meters) of the tower ?


tan α = h / L
tan 69°15’ = h / 25 m
h = 25 (tan 69°15’)
h = 65.986 m


α = 69°15’

L = 25 m
44 | P a g e
5. The fisherman on a wharf 14 feet above the sea level is pulling a rope tied to a banca. How long
(ft) is the rope if it makes an angle of 18 °36’ with the water ?


sin α = h / s
sin 18°36’ = 14 ft / s s=?
s = 14/ sin 18°36’ h = 14 ft
s = 43.893 ft
α = 18°36’

6. A plane takes off from the Catarman Domestic Airport at an angle of 10°40’. How high (meters)
will it be after it has flown a horizontal distance of 1.8 km?


tan α = h / d
tan 10°40’ = h / 1800 m
h = 1800 (tan 10°40’) h=?
h = 339.029 m
α = 10°40’

d = 1.8 km

7. The Bonifacio Monument in Caloocan City is 110 ft tall. Find the length of shadow (ft) when the
angle of elevation of the sun is 52 °25’.


tan α = h / L
tan 52°25’ = 110 ft / L
L = 110 / (tan 52°25’)
h = 84.660 m
h = 110 ft

α = 52°25’

8. A ladder 36 ft long rests against a wall, its foot being at a horizontal distance of 25 ft from the base
of the wall. What angle (degrees) does the ladder make with the ground?


cos α = d / L L = 36 ft
cos α = 25 ft / 36 ft
α = Arc cos (25 / 36)
α = 46° 1’ 1.33”

d = 25 ft
45 | P a g e
9. An electric post 18.3 meters high stands vertically on a hillside. At a point, 54.8 meters away up
the hillside, a man observes that he is horizontally in line with the top of the post. What is the angle
of inclination (degrees) of the hillside with the horizontal ?


tan α = h / d
tan α = 18.3 m / 54.8 m h = 18.3 m
α = Arc tan (18.3 / 54.8)
α = 18° 27’ 58.71”


d = 54.8 m
10. A bamboo pole is broken at a point 2.3 meters above the ground, and the end of the pole touches
the ground at an angle of 32°23’. What is the length (meters) of the pole before it broke?


sin α = L1 / L2 L2
sin 32°23’ = 2.3 m / L2
L2 = 2.3 / sin 32°23’ L1 = 2.3 m
L2 = 4.29 m

Total Length = L = L1 + L2 α = 32°23’

= 2.3 m + 4.294 m
L = 6.594 m

11. The distance between the longer sides of a parallelogram is 18.6 cm, and one of the angles is
34°47’. Find the length (cm) of its shorter sides? θ = 34°47’
sin θ = d / S d = 18.6 cm
sin 34°47’ = 18.6 cm / S
S = 18.6 / sin 34°47’
S = 32.604 m

12. The parallel sides of an isosceles trapezoid are 20 and 12 cm, respectively. If one of its acute
angles is 38°10’, find the length (cm) of its non-parallel sides.
L1 = 12 cm
Solution: x x
x = (L2 – L1) / 2 = (20 cm – 12 cm) / 2 θ = 38°10’
x = 4 cm
cos θ = x / S S S
cos 38°10’ = 4 cm / S
S = 4 / cos 38°10’ θ = 38°10’
S = 5.088 cm
L2 = 20 cm

46 | P a g e
13. Each of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle is 40 °15’ and the base is 37.5 cm. Find the
remaining parts and the area.

x = 37.5 cm / 2 = 18.75
a=? a=?
cos θ = x / a
cos 40°15’ = 18.75 cm / a
a = 18.75 / cos 40°15’
a = 24.567 cm θ = 40°15’ = θ
Area = A = ½ ab sin θ
b = 37.5
= ½ (24.567) x (37.5) x (sin 40°15’)
A = 297.6

14. The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle measure 25 cm while the vertex angle measures 5/9
rad. What is the perimeter (cm) and area (sq. cm.) of the triangle ?

𝜃 𝑏/2
Sin(2 ) =
𝑏 a = 25 cm θ = 5π/9 a
) = 2 (25) rad
b = 50 Sin( ) θ/2
b = 38.302 cm
Perimeter = P = a + a + b = 2a + b b=?
= 2 (25 cm) + 38.302 cm
P = 88.30 cm

Area = A = ½ (a) (a) sinθ = ½ (25)2 sin(5π/9)

A = 307.8 cm2

15. Find the radius and the apothem (perpendicular distance from the center of the polygon to a side)
of the regular decagon whose side is 10 cm. s = 10 cm s = 10 cm

Solution: a
θ = 360° / no. of sides of polygon θ
= 360° / 10 = 36°

𝜃 𝑠/2 𝜃 𝑠/2
sin(2 ) = 𝑟
tan (2 ) = 𝑎
36° 10/2 36° 10/2
sin( ) = tan ( )= 𝑎
2 𝑟 2
r = 5 / sin 18° a = 5 / tan 18°
r = 16.18 cm a = 15.388 cm

47 | P a g e
s = 8 in.
16. Find the area of a hexagon whose side is 8 inches.

Solution: r r
θ = 360° / no. of sides of polygon
= 360° / 6 = 60° Area = ?

𝜃 𝑠/2
sin( ) = Area(1 Triangle) = A = ½ (r)(r) sinθ
2 𝑟
60° 8/2
sin( )= = ½ (8)2 (sin 60°)
2 𝑟
r = 4 / sin 30° A = 16√3
r = 8 in Area(Hexagon) = ATotal = 6A = 6 x 16√3
ATotal = 96√𝟑 or 166.3

17. The radius of a circle is 10 meters. Find the perimeter and area of a regular pentagon inscribed in
this circle.
r = 10 m
θ = 360° / no. of sides of polygon
= 360° / 5 = 72° Area = ?
𝜃 𝑠/2
sin( ) = Area(1 Triangle) = A = ½ (r)(r) sinθ
2 𝑟
72° 𝑠/2
sin( ) = = ½ (10)2 (sin 72°)
2 10
s = 20 sin 36° A = 47.6 sq.m.
s = 11.756 m Area(Pentagon) = ATotal = 5A = 5 x 47.6
ATotal = 237.8 sq.m.
Perimeter = P = 5s
P = 5 (11.756 m)
P = 58.78 m

18. A regular octagon circumscribed a circle of radius 5 ft. What is its perimeter and area.
r = 5 ft
θ = 360° / no. of sides of polygon θ
= 360° / 8 = 45°

𝜃 𝑠/2
tan( ) = Area(1 Triangle) = A = ½ (s)(r)
2 𝑟
45° 𝑠/2
tan( ) = = ½ (4.142) (5)
2 5
s = 10 tan 22.5 A = 10.355 sq.ft.
s = 4.142 ft Area(octagon) = ATotal = 8A = 8 x 10.355
ATotal = 82.84 sq.ft.
Perimeter = P = 8s
P = 8 (4.142 ft)
P = 33.136 ft

48 | P a g e
19. From two points each on the opposite sides of a river, the angles of elevation of the top of an 80 ft
tree are 60o and 30o. The points and the tree are in the same straight line, which is perpendicular
to the river. How wide (ft) is the river?

tan β = h / x
tan 60°= 80 / x
x = 46.188 ft

tan α = h / (w + x) h = 80 ft
tan 30°= 80 / (w + 46.188)
w + 46.188 = 80 / tan 30°
w = 80√3 – 46.188
w = 92.376 ft α = 30° β = 60°

w x

20. At a considerable distance away from the base of a cliff, a surveyor found the angle of elevation to
the top of a cliff to be 70 °. After moving a distance of 100 meters further away from the cliff, the
angle became 50°. How high (meters) is the cliff?

tan α = h / x
tan 70°= h / x h

x= eq. (1)
𝑡𝑎𝑛 70°
β = 50° α = 70°
tan β = h / (w + x) x
tan 50°= h / (100 + x) B A
w = 100 m
100 + x = h / tan 50°

x= – 100 eq. (2)
𝑡𝑎𝑛 50°

equating (1) and (2)

ℎ ℎ
= – 100
𝑡𝑎𝑛 70° 𝑡𝑎𝑛 50°
ℎ ℎ
𝑡𝑎𝑛 50°
– 𝑡𝑎𝑛 70° = 100
0.475 h = 100
h = 100 / 0.457
h = 210.469 ft. (In this problem, the height of the surveyor was disregarded
because it was not indicated in the problem. The result gives
the height of the cliff from the observer’s eye level. To get
the total height of the cliff, you just add the eye level height of
the observer.)

49 | P a g e
NAME : ___________________________________


Direction : Solve the following problems applying your knowledge on the solution of
right triangles :

1. A tourist sitting on top of a rock observes that the angle of elevation of the top of the
Pagsanjan Falls is 51o40’ and the angle of depression of its bottom is 2o27’. What is
the height (meters) of the waterfall if he is 69.7 meters from the falls ?

2. Two guy wires run from the top of the telephone post to the ground on opposite
directions. One wire is 26 ft long. The other wire, 32 ft long, forms an end angle of
42o24’ with the horizontal. What is the distance (ft) on the ground between the two
wires ?

3. An antenna is on top of a TV transmission tower. At a point 236.7 meters from the

base of the tower, the angles of elevation of the top of the tower and the tip of the
antenna are 42o31’ and 45o23’, respectively. Find the height (meters) of the tower and
the length of the antenna.

4. From the window of his house, Mr. Bueno notes that the angle of elevation of the top
of a skyscraper is 29o38’. At a point on the ground 4.3 meters directly below thye
window, he finds that the angle of elevation of the skyscraper’s top is 30 o40’. What is
the height (meters) of the skyscraper ?

5. A Norsamelco post 25 meters high casts a shadow of 48 meters long. What is the
angle of elevation (degrees) of the sun ?

6. A wire is stretched from the top of a vertical pole standing on level ground. The wiree
reaches to a point on the ground 10 ft from the foot of the pole and makes an angle of
75o with the horizontal ground. Find the pole’s height and the wire’s length (meters).

7. The Bonifacio Monument in Caloocan City is 35 meters high. Find the length of its
shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun is 52 o25’.

8. A ladder 6.4 meters long leans against the wall of an apartment house forming an
angle of 53o35’ with the ground. How high (meters) up the wall does it reach ?

9. Two sides of a parallelogram, 12 cm and 21 cm long, intersect at 53o8’. What is the

length (cm) of its shorter diagonal ?

10. What is the area (sq. meters) of a regular hexagon whose side measures 2 meters ?

11. A rectangle is 87 inches by 136 inches. Find the length (inches) of the diagonal and
the angles (degrees) it makes with the sides.

12. From the top of a vertical cliff, 250 ft high, a man observes a boat on the sea. If the
boat is approximately 110 ft from the foot of the cliff, what is the angle (degrees) of
depression of the boat ?

50 | P a g e
13. From a window, 10 meters above the level ground, a building 30 meters high, and at
a distance of 75 meters, is observed. Find the angle of elevation of the top of the
building and the angle of depression of the base of the building (degrees).

14. The radius of a circle is 5 ft. Find the perimeter of a regular octagon circumscribed by
the circle.

15. The area of a regular hexagon is 360 sq. cm. Find the radius (cm) of the circle
inscribed in the hexagon.

17. A tall TV Antenna is kept erect by a guy wire which is attached to it 10 ft below its top.
The wire is 200 ft long and forms an angle of 71°49’ with the ground. Find the height
(ft) of the antenna.

18. A tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the top
and foot of the monument as viewed from the top of the tower are 13° and 31°,
respectively. If the height of the tower is 145 feet, find the height (feet) of the

19. From a second storey window directly across the street, the angle of elevation of the
top of an office building in Allen is 57°20’ and the angle of depression of the base is
18°10’. If the buildings are 38 meters apart, what is the height (meters) of the building?

20. At a considerable distance away from the base of a cliff, a surveyor with eye level
height of 1.45 m, found the angle of elevation to the top of a cliff to be 85°. After
moving a distance of 140 meters further away from the cliff, the angle became 45°.
How high (meters) is the cliff?

51 | P a g e

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