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The day it starts we are going to face a Sevier problem.

What’s that dad? See son it is seen that India has an
almost 2 billion, and now it is rising every day.
Oh my god.
The story starts form a man named Davidson, full name
Hardik Davidson explaining her daughter about over
population in India.
His daughter was nearly 20 years old, her name was
Mansi Davidson. And his wife Mayura Davidson. He
was working under Raw agency. They lived in New
Delhi, near to raw headquarters.
He was working under information department. The
agency he was working in was all over India was all
over India. This agency worked to stop terrorism and
keeping an eye on all the major events happening in
India. He was very happy with his job and family but he
didn’t knew that One day his office will get attacked by
a terrorist . There were many skilled soldiers in raw and
Hardik was one of them. Hamid ravari was leading this
terrorist attack, all his men were having guns. They
didn’t even see who was in front they just shot
everyone. Hardik and Akash were left alive rest every
one was killed. Both were hiding behind a trunk.
Terrorist didn’t know that hardik and Akash were alive.
Hardik slowly took a pistol from his pocket and
grabbed, he kept pistol on his head. He said Akash to
come out and asked every terrorist to give guns to
Akash. One of the terrorists took a gun and shot Akash.
Hardik shouted in a loud voice Akash! In angriness he
shot every terrorist with his gun except the Hamid. All
the raw and police forces reached there. They saw
hardik crying while hugging dead body of Akash.
Immediately they arrested the Hamid.
Major Sunil handled hardik and said don’t be sad my
child. The people who died today had given there share
of sacrifice for stopping terrorism in this country.
All the reporters were asking why did this happen?
Hamid started laughing. He replied for promoting
terrorism. Now no more questions get lost! While
getting in to the police jeep, suddenly he was shot by a
This attack was known to be as ‘The guerrilla report’
and all media talked on this attack. Hardik was
awarded with vir chakra for his bravery. But he was
broken from inside by seeing his friend’s death. He was
been promoted from assistant general to senior
general and got transferred to Pondicherry. He was
shocked why Pondicherry and quickly talked to major
about this. Major said see hardik you have done a great
job which may be a big problem for lives of you and
your family. Sir but my first priority is my country India.
Don’t worry my boy, it is not permanent you can be
called anytime here. Ok sir.
Hardik got shifted to Pondicherry with his family.
Nearly a month passed there, he again started his life
with new mates. One day he saw some people near the
headquarter his office. The way they talk and there
looking style was strange he followed them and found
that these were members of a terrorist organization.
They were just four members so it was easy for him to
kill them. He left one person and asked him where is
your main base. He replied get away I will not tell!
Then hardik shoots the bullet on his leg. The person
shouted with pain, he said ok listen our base is near to
seashore under the tower, what were your plans? The
person was replying but in that time another person
shoots him and killed him, hardik shoots that person
too. He checked the pockets and found a map. He
reported to his officers and shows the map. An island
was marked on the map. one of the members in the
committee said that this island doesn’t exist. What! But
how says hardik. I think we need to send a squad on
that island said major. Very soon a squad of four
members including major went to see that the island
exists or not. But no returned. This made a fear on
everyone’s heart. Then hardik says this time I will go
there alone. everyone was a bit worried about this but
they saw dedication of hardik and gave permission for
this mission. Hardik came back home to meet his
family once. Dad where are you going asked Mansi.
Hardik said on a tour my child. Can I too come asked
Mansi? You will not like it mansi said hardik. Ok then
dad I will take care of mom said mansi. Hardik and
mayura were smiling. I will also join raw dad. Yes, you
can. Ok I think I need to leave now. Mayura said bye to
hardik but she didn’t know what was going to happen
next. Hardik sat in a mortar boat. Every one gave a last
salute to him. He started his journey from Bay of
Bengal and travelled few miles. He stopped a kilometer
far from the island. He took his binoculars and
concentrated on the seashore of the island. He saw a
sign board. Something like marutani was written on it.
He understood the meaning of it. death
He slowly moved his boat towards the island, suddenly
a spear comes towards his boat he caches it. He
thought it was not for killing me. It is a warning, but I
have to uncover the Mistry for my friends. He came till
the sea shore and stopped his boat. Again, a spear was
thrown towards him but this time he was fainted.
When he gets up he was somewhere on the island on a
tree. He said where the hell am I? he did not
understand anything.

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