06 - Electrical Transients

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Electrical Transients “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN EE REVIEW” LEGIT MULTIVECTOR Review and Training Center Ground Floor, Cuevasville Tower F. Cayco corner Earnshaw St. Sampaloc, Manila Tel, No, (02) 8731-7423 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. ELECTRICAL TRANSIENT ~ Electrical transient is the response (voltage, current, charge, power, energy, etc) of the capacitors and inductors to sudden changes in DC or AC supply when connected to a resistor. Classification of Disturbances 41. Initiation Transient ~ these are produced when an initially unenergized circuit is suddenly connected to a supply. 2. Subsidence Transient — these are produced when an intially energized circutt is suddenly disconnected from the supply causing the circuit to discharge the energy stored. 3. Transition Transient — these are produced when a there is a sudden change of supply in a circuit, 4. Complex Transient ~ these are produced when a circutts simultaneously subjected to two different disturbances, 5, Relaxation Transient — these are produced when states transition cyclically, which may become unstable ifit continues. DC TRANSIENT Series RL Circuit Case I: Ini yn Transient toot K Rv) —e ic) L L wo, Using Kirchof's Voltage Law (KVL), Note E= vq +V0 E=Ri+ LS Variable Separabl = Ri+ LE Variable Separable The current in an inductor cannot change ‘1 instantaneously, Thats (0°) 2 i(0-) OA since Then we can divide the current into two components E the circuits initially open tu =E-+ steady-state component tcl em | ae E Lew Ii Fert transient component 1, nati B TRIME- Rill =F Io where the steady-state components the one that inj — Ril ne = —"e—0) stays in the circuit after a long time and the transient Eg component is the component that decays to zero x over time, » 1) ae EQ -e%) =oa EQ pete as t+ +00, 1(400) Electrical Transients Page| LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. For the resistor voltage, For the inductor voltage, ry ob va = Rig = RIEL] fro=eG-w va(®) ' va(t) = E— Bet Vass =E, Var = Be" Et Vows = 0, Var = Beet att=0, val) =0V att=0, v0) =E a5 t+ $00,vq(+20) = EVR, ast ton,viC+ee) = 0 Note: For DC transient, the inductor acts as a short circuit at steady state, For the power across the resistor, ph power ecroae te niductor, nO =nG0i00 =[B(1-e°) ]ff(2-eF)] A) = wit = [Ber RO- “| Ei mo =FO-et) no E(B at=0, RO =O" mb BO ast to, (ba) =e a5 400,FaC tee For the energy stored in the inductor, dW, = Pat = vidi am, = [ua Note: The energy will be maximum when i = Impax = igs, then Time Constant (1) — a measure of delay before an electrical circuit achieves the steady state condition For first-order circuits (RL or RC), this is the amount of time it takes a quantity (voltage, current, etc) to increase by 63.2% ofits final value or decrease by 63.2% of its inital value For RL creuts [r= p} Then W=E(i-eb) vat) =# (1-8) vt) = Ee 1 =1,(1-¢ ) val = Vass ( nee v0 Sve ate= % atts, att=17, i= (1-6) = 0.632i., M(t =VYaw (1-8) = 0632, vue) = ve F = 0.368%, Increased by 63.2% of final value Increased by 63.2% of final value Decreased by 63.2% of initial value Electrical Transients Page |2 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS at=5t, ates St, att=5n, G0) = 1s (1-0) VSO) = Vans (Ie v0 (Sr) = 0.9931, val) = 0993V 05 vGr) = 0.00745 Almost steady state Almost steady state Almost zero Therefore, after 5 time constants, the circuit is almost at steady state, Case Il: Subsidence Transient to. toy Yaad R R i fio won|} fr@ f \ att O,using KVL att=0, (0) BOER 0 ast toni) 0+ Variable Separable Since the time constant,t = iO =he In summary, for DC transient of series RL circuit, ir ( (1-6-8) cument growth + ntaon anit [yet > current decay + subsidence transient Electrical Transients Page |3 o Case: Initiation Transient 050, LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. & R vq) © TY © vel) Using KVL, E=va® t¥e(0 eaRitd = ry tay, E=Roi +2 + Variable Separable Assume that the capacitor is initially charged to Qu, 4 dq ta J.,CE—q~ Jy RC ~InloE~al 18, = get 1 InCE ~ gl = InlCE ~ Qal = =e Ct 0) keeael =a te ad att = 0,100) = e™ For the resistor voltage, va(t) = RIC) = Rige™ Fe att=0, va(0) =Rhe ast +0, va(-+e0) = Ripe" isthe initial current in the circuit, then Note a(t) = CB— (CE-Q,)eR We can divide the charge equation into two components, Gus = CE ~ steady-state component gr = (CE~ Qu)eFe transient component atts (0) = CE (CE=Q,)e"H¢ = Q ast 40, C400) = CE — (CE Que “R= CE 1G) = tye" Re a los at > $00,1(400) = eRe =O. For the power across the resistor, PACD = vaCOi@D = (Rye F2) (Ie PaCt) = (Rly2)e~ Rel att= Px(0) = (Rly?)em Re ie) as t+ 402, P4( 4) = (Rhye RE = OW Electrical Transients Page| 4 = Rl? LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS For the capacitor voltage, For the power across the capacitor, a= w®. CE (CE-Qy)e7Re RO = ve00 = (Ene) (ner) el =e-(e Wer a Pe(0) = Elye™ RC — Rl,?e | att=0, where E——* is the initial voltage drop across the x10) c Q F:(0) = Ele” — Rigte RE resistor, which means E — - Rig. Then, P,(0) = Ely — Rly? - IFE = Rl (initially uncharged capacitor), P:(0) = OW Wve(t) = E— Rlge™ Fe ast-+ 40 -@ Q =) 242) att = O,ve(0) = B= Rye” = B= RI, = 2 nisin nig SS eri ow Ga) Rem E as t+ +00,vo(40) Note: For DC transient, the capacitor acts as an open circuit at steady state If the capacitor is initially uncharged, Qy = 0 a(t = ce(1-e"®) i = Note: For RC circuits, the time constant, t= RC then I the capacitor is initially uncharged, ifthe capacitors initially charged, a = a4(1-2°4) 4-45 — Gos — Qode? 1O=het 1 = bert va = vyoe™t vaCt) = vaue"t vel = vers (1-2) velt) = Voss — Vane” t ro For the energy stored inthe capacitor, ave aWe = Rade = vel dt = ve( CGE) at = Gve de Assuming that the capacitor is initially uncharged — att = and at t= tq = ve = VWe = We, O,We = dWe= [ Ove dug Note: The energy will be maximum when q = Qinax = dss: then’ 1. Electrical Transients Page | LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. Case ll : Subsidence Transient AWN to rey 1 | since the voltage in the capacitor cannot change instantaneously, which means the charge won't change instantaneously as well eo, + att < 0,ifthe circult achieved steady state at t= 0-,then q(0") = CE Qo = Q(0") = gO~ att > O,using KVL vel) = vA aq RG = Variable Separable att=0,q(0) = Qo 4 i = an In summary, for DC transient of series RC circuit Gus ~ (Qu. ~Qu)e"* > charge growth with an offset - initiation transient (initially charged) a(t) aa (1 e°*) = charge growth without an offset - initiation transient (initially uncharged) Qce°t + charge decay -» subsidence transient Electrical Transients Page | LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. Series RLC Circuit By KVL, E=va) +¥L00 tel) Therefore, the characteristic equation is. 2+ eme tao Tay Using the quadratic formula, oF Ral second-order . eo et ta differential equation BY aay (hs ; HNO 0G 20) Ry 1 ct |G) ~iz Case |: Overdamped Case Case Il: Critically Damped Case C28 lil: Underdamped Case (Oscillatory Case) iG) oe Sisrame XG) [alae * __1 then the roots will 1 then the roots willbe TE" complex conjugates m= mana \(a) ~ie=#-F ‘The solution for currentwillbe The solution for current willbe The solution for current will be i(®) = Ae™ + Bem i(Q = Act + Brot i) = kye™* + ke IC) = Ael=tBt 4 Belen IO = e480 10) = kyoto + KyeleFOt i = e%(Aet* + Be“F*) i(t) = e*(k,e! + ke") 1(Q Se Acoswt + Bsin at) where A,B, Ky, lk > arbitrary constants frequency of oscillation Electrical Transients Page |7 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. Note: For parallel RLC circuit, the conditions for damping are Case Ill : Underdamped Case (Oscillatory Case) (Ge) Pie Ge) ic (ae) angular frequency . at, nonsvarisbis separitie @y phase angle at the instant of switching Em SIM + By) = eee eae near DE. Particular Solution (Steady State Component) Homogeneous Solution (Transient Component) Eng . . = pa Lill Similar to series RL Fyebe = Baty, = R+Jol= 1.20, O=RI+LEE subsidence transient where, Then, ip = Ae - will decay to O over time where A+ constant Therefore, (0 sities i) = Aert + E®sinfut + 8) —6,) Note : To solve for the constant, A, use the initial condition -> att = 0,1 = Electrical Transients Page | LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. Series RC tn0-5y o> 8 a) “) io oi “© i T Ty? Easinfat +4) Using KVL, were wo =n’ fq—*maximumemf —_w—rangular frequency, sinfat +-0,) = R24 4 4 non-varlale separable @y > phase angle atthe instant of switching Particular Solution (Steady State Component) 1 oy= Baty, 1¢=R-j(L)= tect in(wt + 8y +8,) @&t °C first-order linear DE Homogeneous Solution (Transient Component) = pid 4 similar to series RL or Rat ee subsidence transient Then, qd) = kere ip = Ae"RE + will decay to 0 over time where ky.,A > constant Therefore, iC = ip + igs «iE IG) = Ac RE + FPsin(wt + By + Hz) Note : To solve for the constant, A, use the initial condition -» at t = 0,i = ly > initial current Electrical Transients Page | 10. LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. REE - April 2019 Transient current in a circuit results from A. voltage applied to the circuit B. impedance of the circuit C. changes in the stored energy in inductors and capacitors D. resistance of the circuit REE — Sept. 2012 What is the time constant of a series RL circuit? ARIL B. UR c.RL DRL REE - Sept. 2003 In an RL circuit having a source voltage of 100 V, the resistance is 400 Q and the inductance is 20 H. What is the time constant? A20 B. 0.05 c.0.2 0.025 A series RL circuit with R = 50 ohms and L = 10 H has a constant voltage E = 100 v applied at t= 0 by the closing of a switch, Find the time at which vr =v. A, 0.6931 sec B. 0.1386 sec C. 2.3026 sec D. 0.2773 sec The field winding of a separately-excited de generator has an inductance of 60 H and a resistance of 30 ohms. The discharge resistance of 50 ohms is permanently connected in parallel with the winding which is excited from a 200 V supply. Find the value of the decay current 0.6 sec after the supply has been switched off. Aaa B.A C.2A DIA REE - Sept. 2019 A certain capacitor, in series with a resistor, is being charged. At the end of 10 ms its charge is half the final value. What is the time constant on this process in ms? A23 B.10 c.69 B14 REE - April 2006 A capacitor of 8 pF is to be charged by a voltage of 400 v through a resistor of 100 Kohms How long will it take for the voltage across the capacitor from its initial zero value to reach 300 v? A105 B.1.10 C.0.99 D. 1.00 REE — April 2004 A series circuit with 10-ohm resistor and 50 uF capacitor is suddenly connected to a de source of 120 volts. What is the current at one time constant? A2A B.244A C.7.6A D44a ‘A charged capacitor is being discharged through a resistor. At the end of one time constant the charge has been reduced by (1=1/) = 63% of its initial value. At the end of two time constants the charge has been reduced by what percent of its initial value? A. 82% C. 100% B, 86% D. Between 90% and 100% REE — Sept. 2019 The energy that is stored in a 25 microF is W(t) = 12 sin* (3771) joule. Determine the current in A in the capacitor. A. 6 cos 377t B.6 sin 37 ©.9.23 sin wt D.9.23 cos wt Electrical Transients Page | 10 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS. REE ~ May 2008 11.A series RLC circuit contains a resistor R of 2 ohms and a capacitor C = 1/2 farad. Determine the value of the inductor so that the circuit is critically damped. A.2H B. 12H C.1H D.3/2H REE — Sept. 2006 112, What is the current through a 0.02 microfarad capacitor at t = 0 if the voltage across it is 2sin2pi x 10 to the 6" x t? A,0.3142 A B.0.2513.A C.0,1885.A D. 0.1256 A REE - Sept. 2008 13, The current to a capacitor is given by i= 2t + 3. The initial charge on the capacitor is 8.13 coulombs. Find the charge when t= 1 second? A. 16 coulombs B. 12.13 coulombs —C. 8.13 coulombs D. 4 coulombs REE - Sept. 2010 14, The voltage across a 25 H inductor is given by v = 8.9 + (3t)*1/2. Find the current in the inductor at 5 seconds if the initial current is 1 A. A.38A B.23A C.33A D.27A Electrical Transients Page | 11

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