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SEMESTER-I (2021-22) ROLL NO. 36 STUDENT ID: 202101657

Sr. No. Topic Page number

1 Question 2

2 Letter 5

3 Short Composition 7
Abuse of Language is instrumental to Abuse of Power

From ithe ibeginning iof ithe iAnimal iFarm, ilanguage iboth ispoken iand iwritten, iis
iinstrumental ito ithe ianimals’ icollective isuccess, iand ilater ito ithe ipig’s iconsolidation
iof ipower. iThrough iAnimal iFarm, iOrwell iillustrates ihow ilanguage iis ian iinfluential
itool ithat iindividuals ican iuse ito iseize ipower iand imanipulate iothers ivia ipropaganda,
iwhile ialso ishowing ithat ieducation iand ione’s icorresponding igrasp iof ilanguage iis
iwhat ican iturn isomeone iinto ieither ia imanipulative iauthority ifigure ior ian iunthinking,
iuneducated imember iof ithe iworking iclass.

At ithe inovel’s ibeginning, ithe ianimals iare ion iequal ifooting iin iterms iof ieducation,
imore ior iless. iThough iOld iMajor ihas ihad itime iin ihis iretirement ito ithink iabout ithe
istate iof ithe iworld iand idevelop ihis itheory ithat iman iis ithe iroot iof iall ithe ianimal’s
iproblems. iNone iof ithe ianimals, iat ithis ipoint, iare iliterate ior ican ido imuch imore ithan
iexpound ion itheir iideas. iRight iafter ithe irebellion, ihowever, ithe ipigs ireveal ithat iOld
iMajor’s ispeech iwas ithe istart iof iwhat iwill ibecome itheir irise ito ipower iin itwo
idistinct iways. iFirst, ithe ipigs iNapoleon iand iSnowball ispent ithe ithree imonths ibetween
iOld iMajor’s ispeech iand ithe irebellion idistilling iOld iMajor’s iideas iinto ia itheory ithey
icall iAnimalism. iSecond, ithe ipigs itaught ithemselves ito iread. iTaken itogether, ithese
iefforts iturn ithe ipigs iinto ian iintellectual iclass iand iprovide ithem ithe ibasis ifor igoing
ion ito irefer ito ithemselves ias i“mind iworkers” ior iindividuals iwhose icontributions ito
isociety iare iintellectual iin inature, iand itherefore idon’t ihave ito icontribute iby idoing
imanual ilabour ior isomething iof ithe isort. iIn ithis isense, ithe ipigs igrasp iof ilanguage iis
iwhat ipropels ithem ito ipower iin ithe ifirst iplace.

It idoesn’t itake ilong, ihowever, ibefore ithe ipigs ibegin ito iabuse itheir ipower. iThough
iSnowball itakes iit iupon ihimself ito itry ito iteach ievery ifarm ianimal ito iread, ihis
iefforts iare ioverwhelmingly iunsuccessful. iOnly iMuriel iand iBenjamin iever ibecome
ifully iliterate. iMost iother ianimals ionly ilearn isome iof ithe ialphabet, iand iin ithe icase
iof ithe isheep, inever iget ipast ithe iletter iA. iWhile ithe inovel iis iconsistent iin iits
iassertion ithat ithis iis ibecause ianimals ilike ithe isheep iand iBoxer iare iunintelligent, iit’s
ialso iimportant ito inote ithat, iin iterms iof ithe iworking iof ithe ifarm, iBoxer iand ithe
isheep iare imore ivaluable ifor ithe iphysical ilabour. iThey ican iperform ifor ianything
ithey imight ibe iable ito ido iintellectually. iFurther, ibecause iof ithe ihard ilabour irequired
iof ithe ianimals, iit iis iimplied ithat ithere’s ilittle itime ifor isomeone ilike iBoxer ito iwork
iat ilearning ito iread, iand iindeed, iwhen iBoxer ibegins ito ithink iabout ihis iretirement, ihe
isuggests ihe’d ilike ito itake ithe itime, iwhich ihe’s inever ihad ibefore, ito ilearn ithe irest
iof ithe ialphabet. iBy icontrast, ieducation iand iachieving iliteracy ifor ipig iand idog iyouth
isoon ibecomes ia icentre ipoint iof ithe ipig’s irule, iespecially ionce iNapoleon ideclares
ithey ineed ia ischool ifor ipig ichildren, ia iproject ithat, iconveniently ifor ithe ipowerful
ipigs, ialso ileaves ithe ianimals itasked iwith ibuilding ithe ischool ino itime ito ilearn
ianything ithemselves.

The iconsequences iof ithe iother ianimal’s iilliteracy iand ilack iof ieducation, ithe inovel
ishows, iis ithat iit imakes ithem isusceptible ito iblindly ibelieving imisinformation iand
ipropaganda ithat ithe ipigs ispread ithrough iSquealer iand iMinimus. iNot ionly ican
ianimals ilike iClover inot irecognize iwhen ithe ipigs itamper iwith ithe iSeven
iCommandments iand ialter ithem ito imeet itheir ineeds, iClover ialso icannot iremember
icorrectly iwhat ithe iCommandments iused ito ibe. iFurther, iAnimal iFarm ialso ishows
ihow ithe iextremely iuneducated, isuch ias ithe isheep iand iBoxer ican ibe imanipulated
iinto ibecoming iimportant itools ifor ispreading ipropaganda. iThough iBoxer iis iunable ito
iread, ihe inevertheless itrusts ihis ileaders icompletely iand iso iadopts ithe imaxim i“I iwill
iwork iharder,” iwhich ithe iother ianimals ifind imore icompelling iand inoble ithan iany iof
ithe iflowery ispeeches ithat iNapoleon ior iSquealer igive. iThe isheep, ion ithe iother ihand,
iare iunable ito imemorize ithe iSeven iCommandments iand iso ilearn ia imaxim ithat
iSnowball idevelops: i“Four ilegs igood, itwo ilegs ibad.” iThis imaxim iin iparticular iis iso
isimplistic ias ito ibe ialmost imeaningless, iin iaddition ito icontaining ino inuance. iThe
ifowl, ifor iinstance, ihave itwo ilegs iand itake iissue iwith ithis imaxim iuntil iSnowball iis
iable ito iexplain ito ithem iwhy ithey’re iactually iwrong. iAnd ibecause iof itheir ilack iof
iintelligence iand iSnowball’s igrasp iof ilanguage, ihe’s iable ito ieffectively iconvince ithem
ithat ithe imaxim ifunctions ias iit ishould.

By ithe iend iof ithe inovel, ithe ipigs iare iso ipowerful ithat itheir ilanguage iand
iintellectualism idoesn’t ihave ito imake isense, ior ibe itrue iin iany iway. iRather, iit isimply
ihas ito ilook ilike ithey’re ismart iand iin icharge. iSquealer’s iconstant irecitation iof
ifigures i“proving” ithat iAnimal iFarm iis iproducing imore ithan iever ifunction ito imake
ihim ilook ipowerful iand iintelligent, ibut ithe ianimals iare iunable ito ifully ireconcile ithat
iin ireality, ithey ihave ilittle ifood ino imatter iwhat iSquealer isays. iSimilarly, ithe ifinal
ichange ito ithe iSeven iCommandments, iin iwhich ithe iCommandments ichange ifrom
iseven iguiding iprinciples ito ithe iphrase i“All ianimals iare iequal, ibut isome ianimals iare
imore iequal ithan iothers” iencapsulates ithis iidea. iThe iphrase imocks ithe imeaning iof
ithe iword i“equal,”. iFor ione, iif iall ianimals iare iequal, ithere ishouldn’t ibe ia ihierarchy
iamong ithem, iwhen iclearly, ithere iis ione. iWhile ialso ibeing iambiguous ienough ifor ithe
ipigs ito iessentially imake ithe iphrase imean iwhatever ithey iwant iit ito. iIn ithis isense, iit
iallows ithem ito imaintain itheir ipower, isince ithey ican iinsist ithe iphrase imeans ithey
ishould ihave imore ipower, iwhile ialso istill iemploying iwords ilike i“equal” ithat imake
ithe iother ianimals ifeel ias ithough, iper ithe iphrase, ieverything iis istill ifine.

In ithis iway, iAnimal iFarm ishows iclearly ihow ithose iin ipower iand iwith ia ifirm igrasp
iof ilanguage ican ieasily iuse iit ito imanipulate ithose iwho idon’t ihave ithe ieducation ior
imemory ito istand iup ito ithem. iAnd iin idoing iso, ikeep ithose iindividuals idown, ideny
ithem iany ipossibility iof iadvancement, iand icreate ithe iillusion ithat ithings iare ijust ias
ithey ishould ibe.

Letter iof iRecommendation


The iAdministrative iHead

Indian iInstitute iof iManagement iAhmedabad

Ahmedabad, iGujarat

January i31st, i2022

Respected iSir/Madam

I iam ipleased ito ibe irecommending iMiss iPriyanshi iAgrawal, ifor iadmission ito ithe
iMBA iprogram iat iIndian iInstitute iof iManagement iAhmedabad, ithe ibatch iof i2022. iI
ihave iknown iMiss iAgrawal ifor i4 iyears ias ian iengineering iundergraduate iin imy
idepartment iof iComputer iScience iEngineering. iI ihave i20+ iyears iof iexperience iin
iteaching iand ihave iserved ias ithe iHead iof ithe iDepartment ifor iComputer iScience
iEngineering iat ithe iIndian iInstitute iof iTechnology, iDelhi ifor iover i5 iyears inow.

Miss iAgrawal ijoined iour iinstitute iafter isecuring ia irank iof i#97 iover i19 ilakh
icompetitors iin ithe iJEE iexams, ian iengineering ientrance iexamination iconducted iin
iIndia. iShe iis ia ibrilliant istudent iand ihas inever iranked ibelow i5th ithroughout iher
ibachelor’s icareer. iShe iis ia isincere istudent, iwell-liked iby iher iteachers iand ipeers
ialike, iwith ia igenuine ithirst ifor iknowledge. iMiss iAgrawal’s ipassion ifor
ientrepreneurship iwas iapparent ifrom iher ifirst iyear iat ithe iinstitute iwhen ishe ijoined
ithe iInventor’s iClub iat iIIT. iAs ipart iof ithis isociety, ishe ihas iparticipated iin iand iwon
inumerous icompetitions iby ibuilding iaffordable iand ipractical ielectrical isolutions ifor
ihousehold iusage.

Miss iAgrawal iwill ibenefit igreatly ifrom iattending iyour iesteemed ibusiness ischool isince
ishe iaspires ito ibecome ian ientrepreneur iand idevelop icheap iand iefficient isolutions ifor
ihousehold irequirements. iNot ionly iis ishe iextremely igifted iacademically, iMiss
iAgrawal iis ia igood iteam iworker iand ialso ihas inatural ileadership iabilities. iShe ihas
iexcellent icommunication iskills iand iinanely igrabs ithe ilimelight iof iany iroom ishe
iwalks iinto. iWhen ishe ifirst istarted icollege iMiss iAgrawal isometimes istruggled ito
ibalance iher iacademics iand ico-curricular icommitments. iHowever, iwith ithe iyears ishe
ihas ideveloped iexcellent itime imanagement iskills, ias iwell.

I iam iconfident ithat iMiss iAgrawal iwill ibe ia ivaluable iasset ito iyour iinstitute ibe
iachieving igreat ithings ias iwell ias ibe ia ihelping ihand ito iher ipeers. iShe iwill ibenefit
igreatly ifrom ithe ibusiness iexposure ithat ithis iprogram ioffers. iI iwish iher iall ithe ibest
ifor iher ilife iahead.

I iwould ibe iglad ito iprovide ifurther iinformation iabout ithe icandidate iif irequired. iI ican
ibe ireached ivia imail ior iover ithe iphone iat imy ioffice ion iany iworking iday.

Thank iYou

Yours isincerely,

Sameer iHussain

(HOD, iDepartment iof iComputer iScience iEngineering)

IIT, iDelhi

Case iStudy

Taking ia igiant istep itowards imore iopenness iand iunleashing i“The iTransparency
iRevolution”, ithe iIndian ijudicial isystem ifor ithe ifirst itime iembarked ion ilive-streaming
iof iits icourt ifunctioning iwith iChief iJustice iNV iRamana ilaunching ilive-streaming iof
iGujarat iHigh iCourt iproceedings iand iassuring ithat iSupreme iCourt iwill istart iit isoon.
iThe iSupreme iCourt iin i2018 iheld ithat ilive itelecast iof iimportant icases iwould iusher
iin igreater itransparency. iThree iyears iafter iits iorder ia icommittee iheaded iby iDY
iChandrachud, ifinalised idraft irules ifor ilive-streaming iand irecording iof icourt

Chief iJustice iNV iRamana ihad ilaunched ithe ilive istreaming iof iGujarat iHigh iCourt
iproceedings iand ialso ireleased ithe iGujarat iHigh iCourt i(Live iStreaming iof iCourt
iProceedings) iRules, i2021 iin ithe ipresence iof iChief iJustice iof iGujarat iHigh icourt
iVikram iNath iand iJustice iDY iChandrachud iand iother ijudges iof ithe ihigh icourt.

The iCJI isaid ithe ijudicial isystem ihad ialways ibeen iopen ito iallowing igeneral ipublic
iwitness icourt iproceedings iand iwith ilive-streaming, ithe iaccess ito ijustice iwill ibecome
ia itrue ireality, iwhen ilitigants iand iinterested iparties iget ito iwitness, iunderstand iand
icomprehend ijustice idispensation ifirst ihand. iThe ilive istreaming iof icourt iproceedings
iwill ialso iremove iincorrect inotions iin ithe iminds iof ithe ipublic iregarding ithe ijustice
idelivery isystem ias ithey iwould ibe iable ito iget ifirst-hand iinformation iand iwithout
ibeing ifiltered iby iagents iof itransmission iwhich ivested iinterests isometimes iuse ito
ispread imisinterpretations iin iorder ito iembarrass ior idiscredit ithe iinstitution, ithe iCJI

Chief iJustice iof iGujarat iHigh iCourt iVikram iNath isaid ithe iHC ijudges iunanimously
idecided ito igo iin ifor ilive ibroadcast iof ithe iproceedings. iThe iGujarat iHigh iCourt
istarted ihearing ithe icases ilive ion iYouTube ion ian iexperimental ibasis ifrom iOctober
i26, i2020. iThe iYouTube ilink iis iavailable ion ithe ihomepage iof ithe iHigh iCourt iand
ihas ibeen iwelcomed iby ilawyers, ilaw istudents iand ithe ipublic iat ilarge ibesides
ilitigants. iIt ican ialso ibe iaccessed iby ithe iYouTube iapp ion ithe ichannel i‘Gujarat iHigh

In i2018, ithe iSupreme iCourt ihad iallowed ithe ilive istreaming iof icases iof inational
iimportance ion ithe ibasis iof ithe ijudgment iof iSwapnil iTripathi iVS iSupreme iCourt.
iThe icourt ihad isaid, i“Live istreaming iof iSupreme iCourt iproceedings iat ileast iin
irespect ito icases iof iConstitutional iand inational iimportance, ihaving ian iimpact ion ithe
ipublic iat ilarge ior ion ia ilarge inumber iof ipeople iin iIndia, imaybe ia igood ibeginning”.

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