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Introduction by Child 1:

Child 1: Good [morning/afternoon], respected teachers and dear friends. Today, we are here
to discuss a very important topic: Should there be age restrictions on using the internet? In
our modern world, the internet has become a powerful tool for learning, communication, and
entertainment. However, it also presents risks, especially for young children who may not
fully understand the dangers that exist online. Let's explore both sides of this debate and
consider how we can best protect and educate our young users. Let's begin!

Team 1 (In Favour):

Child 2: I understand your concern, but I believe there should be age restrictions on using the
internet. The internet is full of wonderful information, but it also has some things that are not
suitable for kids. Age restrictions can help keep children safe from harmful content and
online dangers.

Team 2 (In Oppose):

Child 4: Thank you, Child 2, for your point. However, not all children are the same. Some
kids are very responsible and can use the internet safely with their parents' guidance. Age
restrictions might not always work because kids can find ways to access the internet anyway,
and it's more important to teach them how to use it responsibly.

Team 1 (In Favour):

Child 3: I agree with Child 4's point, but sometimes kids might accidentally come across
things on the internet that are not appropriate for their age. Age restrictions can act as a safety
net, helping to prevent children from stumbling upon harmful content.

Team 2 (In Oppose):

Child 5: I understand your concern, Child 3, but parental supervision and education are
crucial. Parents can teach their children about internet safety and what to do if they encounter
something inappropriate. Restricting access based on age alone might not address the root of
the problem, which is educating children and empowering parents.

Team 1 (In Favour):

Child 2: Child 5 makes a good point, but age restrictions can complement parental guidance.
They can serve as a starting point for discussions about internet safety and help parents set
boundaries that are appropriate for their child's age and maturity level.

Team 2 (In Oppose):

Child 4: I agree with Child 2's point, but we must also consider the positive aspects of the
internet for children's learning and development. Restricting access based on age could limit
opportunities for children to explore and learn from the vast resources available online.

Conclusion by Child 1:

Child 1: Thank you to all the participants for sharing your thoughtful arguments. The
question of whether there should be age restrictions on using the internet is indeed complex.
While age restrictions can help protect children from potential dangers online, they are not a
one-size-fits-all solution. It's essential for parents, teachers, and policymakers to work
together to create a safe and educational online environment for children. By combining age-
appropriate restrictions with parental guidance and education, we can empower our young
users to navigate the internet responsibly and safely. Thank you once again for your insights
and participation in this important debate.

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