Questionnaire - Rubric Scale

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Directions: This questionnaire is divided into five sections:
 A: Background Information
 B: ICT Vision, Plan, Policies and Standards
 C: ICT Infrastructure & Technical ICT Support
 D: Teaching and Learning Using ICT & Information Services
 E: Researching Using ICT
Please answer all questions in each of the sections to the best of your ability. Please give approximate
data if an excessive amount of time would be required to obtain precise figures. At the end of the
survey, space is provided for additional comments to help explain your responses or provide other
relevant information.


1. Name/title:

2. Position:

3. Institution/faculty:

4. Tel no. Fax no.

5. E-mail: Website:

6. Is your institution actively involved in academic research?  Yes  No

7. Does your institution currently implement any mechanism to assess the implementation of ICT
involving the following academic computing areas?

 ICT vision, plan, policies and standards  Yes  No

 ICT infrastructure  Yes  No

 Teaching and learning using ICT  Yes  No

 Researching using ICT  Yes  No

 Online information services  Yes  No

 Institutional ICT support  Yes  No

8. Is your institution interested in participating in a more detailed assessment of academic computing

using specialised tools?  Yes  No



 This section should be filled-in based on input from the ICT and academic department/unit.
 In this section, the questionnaire asks you to select the option that best characterises the current
state of ICT implementation in your institution in relation with each ICT indicator.
 Please tick () only one option for each ICT indicator, either option ,  or .

ICT Vision (A1)

Who drives the ICT Driven by enthusiastic Driven by ICT specialists Driven by the top
vision (A11) lecturers. and lecturers. management by
providing leadership.
  
Focus of the ICT vision Focus on the learning of Focus on the Focus on ICT based
(A12) ICT skills and the uses of infrastructure and learning environment
technology. improvement of learning based on ICT and
and the management of technology integration.
  
Awareness and Generally unaware of any Efforts are underway to Good awareness and are
understanding of the ICT ICT vision. built greater awareness well informed.
vision by the campus and understanding
community (A13)   
ICT Plan (A2)
The scope of ICT plan Limited to the acquisition Encompasses Encompasses
(A21) of basic hardware and infrastructure, the use of infrastructure, the use of
software. ICT in teaching and ICT in teaching, learning
learning and professional and research, prof.
development. development and support.
  
Who participates in the Developed by ICT ICT specialists and Developed with
development of ICT plan specialists. lecturers contribute to the participation from the
(A22) development of the plan. management, lecturers,
staff and students.
  
Funding for ICT plan Limited amount. Fair amount. Significant amount.
implementation (A2.3)   
ICT Policies and Standards (A3)
The scope of ICT policies Confined to the Encompasses Encompass infrastructure,
and standards (A31) purchasing of equipments infrastructure, learner learner access, info.
and access for learners. access, information literacy, teaching and
literacy, acceptable use learning, acceptable use,
and ethics. ethics, copyright,
intellectual property and
  
The level of ICT policy Very few are in place. Many are in place, but are Many are in place and
development and inconsistently consistently
implementation (A32) implemented. implemented.
  
Review of ICT policies None. Reviewed from time to Reviewed regularly based
and standards (A33) time based on requests on the recommendations
and recommendations of and feedback from ICT
ICT specialists and specialists, lecturers and
lecturers. students.
  


 This section should be filled-in based on input from the ICT department/unit.
 In this section, the questionnaire asks you to select the option that best characterises the current
state of ICT implementation in your institution in relation with each ICT indicator.
 Please tick () only one option for each ICT indicator, either option ,  or .

Computers (B1)
Ratio of all computers to 1:9+ 1:8 to 1:4 1:3 or better
students (B11)
  
Ratio of internet-enabled 1:9+ 1:8 to 1:4 1:3 or better
computers to students
(B12)   
Ratio of all computers to 1:5+ 1:2 to 1:4 1:1 or better
lecturers (B13)
  
Ratio of internet-enabled 1:5+ 1:2 to 1:4 1:1 or better
computers to lecturers
(B14)   
Network and Internet (B2)
Network specification 10 MB Ethernet or less 100 MB Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet or better
(B21)   
Internet bandwidth (B22) Dialup or broadband up Broadband, 2 to 7 MBps Broadband, 8 MBps or
to 1 MBps better
  
Wireless coverage (B23) Less than 25% of 25% to 50% of learning More than 50% of
learning area area learning area
  
Network/Internet Slowness/unreliability a Generally works well, but Always smooth without
performance (B24) frequent problem slow at busy times appreciable delay
  
Display Screen Technologies and Peripherals (B3)
Classrooms equipped Less than 25% of 25% to 50% of More than 50% of
with display screen classrooms classrooms classrooms
technologies (B31)   
Peripherals (B32) Mostly printers. Printers and other A wide range of
peripherals such as peripherals such as
scanners, digital cameras printers, scanners, digital
and audio/video recorders cameras, audio/video
recorders, portable
devices, specialised
devices for research and
instructional purposes,
computer conferencing
  


Software and Information Systems (B4)

Application software Office applications (word Office applications, Office applications,
(B41) processing, spreadsheets, subject specific software, subject specific software,
databases and multimedia authoring and multimedia authoring and
presentation software) video/audio production, video/audio production,
web tools web tools, collaborative
and conferencing, and
specialised software for
instruction and research
  
Learning platforms (B42) None available Web pages on campus Commercial or
Intranet and learning customised open source
material files stored in learning management
public folders on network system offering a wide
range of functions
  
Academic/student Academic/student data Academic/student Academic/student
information systems are stored mainly in information systems are information systems
(B43) spreadsheets and limited to mainly encompass a variety of
databases. registration and academic/student
examination functions. functions. Some of the
Access is largely limited functions have become
to administrative staff. paperless. Specific
functions can be access
by staff and students
from the Intranet/
  
Technical ICT Support (F2)
Ratio of technical ICT 1:6+ 1:3 to 1:5 1:2 or better
support staff to computer
labs/areas (F21)
  
Efficiency of technical ICT tasks and problems ICT tasks and problems ICT tasks and problems
ICT support (F22) are seldom resolved in a are not always resolved are always resolved in a
timely and efficient in a timely and efficient timely and efficient
manner. manner. manner.
  
Scope of technical ICT Support for ICT users is Ongoing support for ICT Ongoing support for ICT
assistance (F23) available when requested, users is readily available, users is readily available,
but limited to resolving limited to resolving encompassing hardware,
hardware problems and hardware problems, software, general ICT use
software installations. software installations and and specific ICT
the general ICT use in development/use in
common applications. teaching/learning and
research environment.
  



 This section should be filled-in based on input from the academic department/unit.
 In this section, the questionnaire asks you to select the option that best characterises the current
state of ICT implementation in your institution in relation with each ICT indicator.
 Please tick () only one option for each ICT indicator, either option ,  or .

ICT in Student Learning (C1)

Using ICT as a source of ICT use involves less ICT use involves 25% to ICT use involves more
information in preparing than 25% of courses/ 50% of courses/ lecturers than 50% of courses/
lesson plans and teaching lecturers lecturers
material (C11)   
Using ICT to support Infrequent ICT use (once Regular ICT use (once Frequent ICT use (once a
learning (i.e. a month or less) and it every two weeks) and it week) and it involves
complementary activities involves less than 25% involves 25% to 50% of more than 50% of
typically conducted of courses/ lecturers courses/lecturers courses/lecturers
outside scheduled
learning; e.g. using
internet for research,
word processor for
assignment, etc.) (C12)   
Using ICT in a role Infrequent ICT use (once Regular ICT use (once Frequent ICT use (once a
similar to traditional a month or less) and it every two weeks) and it week) and it involves
classroom tool (e.g. using involves less than 25% involves 25% to 50% of more than 50% of
presentation software of courses/ lecturers courses/lecturers courses/lecturers
with display screen
technology to replace the
use of OHP and
transparency, etc.) (C13)   
Using ICT in parallel ICT use involves less ICT use involves 25% to ICT use involves more
with traditional learning than 25% of courses/ 50% of courses/ lecturers than 50% of courses/
(e.g. using multimedia lecturers lecturers
courseware, curriculum
website, computer
modelling, etc. to
complement traditional
lecture mode) (C14)   
Using ICT to enable ICT use (at least for ICT use (at least for ICT use (at least for
flexible learning (e.g. e- specific modules) specific modules) specific modules)
learning for independent, involves less than 25% involves 25% to 50% of involves more than 50%
self-paced, flexible time, of courses courses of courses
remote location learning)
(C15)   
Communicating Using ICT (C2)
Using ICT as a means of ICT use involves less ICT use involves 25% to ICT use involves more
academic related than 25% of 50% of students/ lecturers than 50% of students/
communication/ students/lecturers lecturers
discussion between
students and lecturers.
(C21)   
Using ICT as a means of ICT use involves less ICT use involves 25% to ICT use involves more
academic related than 25% of lecturers 50% of lecturers than 50% of lecturers
discussion between
lecturers. (C22)   



ICT in Student Assessment (C3)

Online submission of ICT involves less than ICT involves 25% to 50% ICT use involves more
work (C31) 25% of courses of courses than 50% of courses
  
E-portfolio/ ICT involves less than ICT involves 25% to 50% ICT use involves more
e-presentation (C32) 25% of courses of courses than 50% of courses
  
Online test/examination ICT involves less than ICT involves 25% to 50% ICT use involves more
(C33) 25% of courses of courses than 50% of courses
  
Academic Information (E1)
Academic/student Institutional website Institutional website Institutional website
Information accessible provides only a very brief provides general provides a wide variety of
online (E11) listing of academic academic information information, including a
programmes on offer. such as programme detail description of
structure and programmes and courses,
requirements, and as well as other
description of courses. academic/ student related
information such as
academic calendars,
activities and
  
Learning Materials and References (E2)
Learning support Learning support materials Learning support Learning support
materials accessible accessible online involve materials accessible materials accessible
online (E21) less than 25% of courses online involve 25% to online involve more than
50% of courses 50% of courses
  
Online journals/databases Access to online journals Access to online journals Access to online journals
(E22) and databases is very and databases covers and databases covers all
limited and they are many related fields of related fields of study
accessible only from the study and they are and they are sufficiently
library. accessible from the accessible by staff and
library and certain students from within and
computers within outside campus.
  
ICT Skill Development (F1)
Integration of ICT ICT literacy is included ICT literacy is included ICT literacy is included
literacy in the curriculum as a separate unit/course as a separate unit/course as a separate unit/course
(F11) in the curriculum and is in the curriculum and is in the curriculum and is
compulsory for some of compulsory for many of compulsory for all of the
the programmes being the programmes being programmes being
offered. offered. offered.
  
ICT skill development ICT skill development ICT skill development ICT skill development
for lecturers (F12) involves less than 25% of involves 25% to 75% of involves more than 75%
lecturers. lecturers. of lecturers.
  


 Please fill-in this section if your institution is actively involved in academic research. This
section should be filled-in based on input from the academic/research department/unit.
 In this section, the questionnaire asks you to select the option that best characterises the current
state of ICT implementation in your institution in relation with each ICT indicator.
 Please tick () only one option for each ICT indicator, either option ,  or .

Collecting and Processing Research Data (D1)

Using Internet and online ICT involves less than ICT involves 50% to ICT use involves more
resources as source of 50% of research projects 75% of research projects than 75% of research
research information projects
  
Using ICT as a means to ICT involves less than ICT involves 25% to ICT use involves more
collect data (e.g. online 25% of research projects 50% of research projects than 50% of research
survey, web logs and projects
tracking tools, interviews
via e-mail, etc.) (D12)
  
Using ICT (computer ICT involves less than ICT involves 50% to ICT use involves more
hardware and software) to 50% of research projects 75% of research projects than 75% of research
process/analyse research projects
data (D13)
  
Managing and Publishing Research Information (D2)
Using ICT to manage and ICT involves less than ICT involves 50% to ICT use involves more
document research 50% of research projects 75% of research projects than 75% of research
projects (D21) projects
  
Using ICT to ICT involves less than ICT involves 25% to ICT use involves more
communicate and 25% of research projects 50% of research projects than 50% of research
collaborate between projects
research project members
  
Using ICT to share, ICT involves less than ICT involves 50% to ICT use involves more
disseminate and publish 50% of research projects 75% of research projects than 75% of research
research data/findings projects
  


Thank you for participating in this survey. Please return the completed survey using the attached
envelope. The names of institution and respondent will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL. The collected
data will only be used for research purposes.

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