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Introduction to Web Technologies
Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles
How the Website Works?
Client and Server Scripting Languages
Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer
Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)
Responsive design and layout

Web Designing Frontend Native

What is Markup Language
Basic Structure of HTML
Document Overview
l The Structure Tags
l Getting Started With HTML
l Writing the Code
l Head Section
l Meta Tags
l External Link Tags
l HTML Tags
l HEAD Tags
l Title Tags
l Body Tags
l Displaying a web page in a web Browser
HTML Elements
l Block level elements
l Inline elements
l Empty elements
Working with Forms
l Creating a Form
l Form Tag
l POST and GET Method
l Text Input, Text Area, Checkbox, Image Input and Radio
l Select Option
l Option Group
l File Upload and Hidden Fields
l Submit Button, Reset Button
l Relation between HTML Form and PHP
Adding Special Characters
Block Oriented Elements
l Defining Paragraphs and new Lines
l Inserting Spaces
l Perforating the Text
l Changing Background Color
l Ordered List
l Unordered List
l Definition List
Attributes of List
l Using Type attribute with Unordered list
l Using Stat attribute with Ordered List
l Some other elements
l Visual Markup
Uniform Resource Locators
l Types of URLs
l Absolute URLs
l Relative URLs
l Document-Relative URLs
l Server-relative URLs
Hypertext Links
l Why links fail?
l Adding Images
l Adding Border to an image
l How to create table
l Adding Border to a Table
l Apply Formatting Features to Table
l Merge row and columns

Introduction to style Sheets

l How style sheets work
l Style Sheet Structure
Changing the Background
l Changing the color of the text
l Changing the front
l Changing the Indent of the text
l Changing the Line Spacing
l Hide a Style Sheet
Creating Style Classes
l Div
l Span
l Frame
l Layer
l Meta
l HTML Frames
l Frame
l iframe

l CSS Introduction
l CSS Syntax
l CSS Id & Class
l Types of CSS links
Colors and Backgrounds
l color
l background-color
l background-image
l background-repeat
l background-position
l background-attachment
l background
Text and Fonts
l font
l font-family
l font-size
l font-weight
l font-style
l line-height
l letter-spacing
l word-spacing
l text-align
l text-decoration
l text-transform
l white-space
l list-style
l list-style-type
l list-style-image
l list-style-position

l table-layout
l border-collapse
l border-spacing
CSS Selectors
l Universal Selector
l Type Selector
l Class Selector
l ID Selector
l Child Selector
l Descendant Selector
l Attribute Selector
l Adjacent Sibling Selector
l General Sibling Selector
l Query Selector
CSS Box Model
l CSS Border
l CSS Outline
l CSS Margin
l CSS Padding
CSS Advanced
l CSS Grouping/Nesting
l CSS Dimension
l CSS Display
l CSS Positioning
l CSS Floating
l CSS Align
l CSS Pseudo-class
l CSS Pseudo-element
l CSS Navigation Bar
l CSS Image Gallery
l CSS Image Opacity
l CSS Attribute Selectors
l Styling Links

Introduction to JavaScript
l Syntax
l Statements
l Comments
Enabling in various browsers
Popup Boxes
l Alert
l Confirm
l Prompt
l Arithmetic
l Assignment
l Comparison
l Logical
l Conditional
Conditional Statements
l if
l if...else
l if...else if...else
l Switch
l while
l do...while
l for
l Statement
l Break
l Continue
l User-defined Functions
l Function Syntax
l Function with Arguments
l Returning Values from Functions
l Built-in Functions
l paraseInt and parseFloat
l Introduction
l Mouse Events
l Keyboard Events
l Form Events
l Document/Window Events
Page redirection
Built-in Objects
l Introduction
l Number
l Strings
l Math
l Arrays
l Associative Array
l Array Properties and Methods
l Date
l Boolean
l Regexp
Advanced javascript
l Form Validations
l Basics of Form Validation
l Validating Radio Buttons
l Validating Checkboxes
l Validating Select Menus
l Validating Textareas
JS Document Object Model (DOM)
l Introduction
l DOM Events
JS Browser Object Model (BOM)
l JS Cookies
l JS Window
l JS Location
l JS Popups
l JS Time
Introduction to OOP concept
What is JQuery?
Overview of JQuery features
Using JQuery links
JQuery Selectors
JQuery Events
JQuery Effects
l Hide() & show()
l Fade()
l Slide()
l Animate()
l Callback function
l Chaining
l Get() & Set()
l Add() & Remove()
l CSS()
l Dimensions()
JQuery Traversing
l Parent() & children()
l Next() & Prev()
l Find()
Jquery AJAX
Image slider using JQuery plugins
Form Validation
l Introduction to HTML5
l Introduction to HTML5
l What's new in HTML5
HTML5 Syntax
l The <script> tag
l The <link> tag
l HTML5 Document
New input Elements
l Color
l Date
l Datetime
l datetime-local
l email
l month
l number
l range
l search
l tel
l time
l url
l week
New Input attributes
l autofocus
l formaction
l formmethod
l formnovalidate
l height and width
l list
l min and max
l multiple
l pattern (regexp)
l placeholder
l required
l step
Audio and Video
l <audio>
l <video>
l <source>
New Structural Elements
l <details>
l <dialog>
l <summary>
l <meter>
l <main>
l <header>&<footer>
l <section>
l <aside>
l <figure>
l What is SVG?
l SVG Advantages
l SVG Shapes
l SVG Text
l SVG Stroke properties
l SVG Animation

l What is canvas?
l Lines
l Curves
l Paths
l Shapes
l Color, gradients
l Image
l Arc
l Text
l Shadow
l Google Map
l Drag & Drop

CSS 3.0
Introduction to CSS3.0
What's new in CSS 3.0
l border-image
l border-radius
CSS Shadows
l Text-shadow
l Box-shadow
l background-clip
l background-size
l background-origin
l background-image
l transition
l transition-delay
l transition-duration
l transition-property
2D Transforms
l transform
l matrix()
l translate(x,y)
l scale(x,y)
l rotate(angle)
l skew(x-angle,y-angle)
3D Transforms
l transform
l transform-style
l perspective
l transform-origin
l @keyframes
l animation
l animation-direction
l animation-duration
l animation-name
l CSS combinations
l Pseudo Elements
l Linear Gradients
l Radial Gradients
Multiple Columns
l column-count
l column-fill
l column-gap
l column-width
l columns
l column-rule
l column-rule-color
l column-rule-style
l column-rule-width
User Interface
l resize
l box-sizing
l outline-offset
CSS Filters
l Blur
l Brightness
l Contrast
l Grayscale
l Hue-rotate
l Invert
l Opacity
l Saturate
l Sepia
l Drop-shadow
Media Query
l What is Responsive Web Design
l Intro to the Viewport
l The Viewport Tag
l Media Queries
l Fluid Layouts
l Tablet Styles
l Mobile Styles
l Making a Mobile Drop-down Menu
l Responsive Images & Polyfills

Web Fonts
l @font-face
l font-family
l src
l font-stretch
l font-style
l font-weight
l flex-grow
l flex-shrink
l flex-basis
l flex
l flex-wrap
l flex-direction
l flex-flow
l justify-content
l align-items
l order

Bootstrap Framework
Getting started with Bootstrap
Grid system in Bootstrap
Adding Header & Navigation
Adding Logo in Navigation Bar & Adding Banner
Adding Jumbotron
Adding Rows, Columns & Containers
Adding Column Width using offset
Ordering Columns using push or pull
Nesting Columns in Bootstrap
Adding Footer top Website
Typography in Bootstrap
Adding glyphicons
Styling Tables
Adding Responsive or Utilities in Bootstrap
Styling Button using between classes
Styling Images and making images Responsive
Adding description list in bootstrap
Adding Panels
l Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
l Color mode & resolution
l Types of Graphics
l Export image
l Animated Image
l Tools
l Ruler and scaling
l Create Logos
l Photos masking
l Smart Objects
l Merge Layers
l Group Layers
l Layer Styles
l Blending Options
l View Menu / Window Menu
l Filter Effects
l Image Adjustments
l Realtime Website Layout Design

Frontend SPA
Introduction To Angular
l What is Angular
l What is SPA
l Comparison between different versions
l Advantages and Disadvantages
l Key features
Environmental Setup
l Node /NPM
l Angular CLI
l Setup Project
l Directory Structure
l Code Editors
l How Angular Application Boot
l What is Module
l Decorator
l NgModule
l Core Module
l Bootstrapping
l Shared Modules
l Introduction to Components
l Component Architecture Patterns
l Metadata
l State and Behaviors
l Template Expression or Interpolation
l Data Binding (Event ,Property , Two Way)
l *ngIf , *ngFor , *ngSwicth
l Built-in Structural and Attributes Directive
l Built-in Pipes
l Custom Pipes
l Routes , RouterModule , routerLink
l Child Routing
l Params
l Guards
Custom Directives
l Structured Directives
l Attribute Directives
l Template Driven
l Reactive Form
l Custom Validators
Asynchronous Operations
l Observable vs Promise
l Network Call
l HTTP Request | Response
l Introduction to Services
l Building a Service
l Dependency Injections
l Injectors and Providers
Lifecycle Hooks
l Component LifeCycle
l All LifeCycle Hooks
Local Data Storage
l Local Storage
l Session Storage
l Cookies
Communication Between Components
l @Input()
l @Output() with EventEmitter
l @Viewchid()
Shared Service
Server-side Rendering
l Introduction to Server-Side Rendering
l Angular Universal
Angular Testing
l Introduction to Testing
l Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine
l Angular Material
l PrimeNG
Third Party Modules
l Social Login
l Pagination
l Search
l Filter
l JWT Token
l File Upload
l Many More
Angular Application Deployment
l Build Application
l Deploy in Heroku

Introduction To React Js
l What is React JS?
l What is SPA?
l DOM vs Virtual DOM
l Advantages and Disadvantages
l Key Features

Environmental Setup
l Node | NPM
l Installation of CLI
l Setup Project
l Directory Structure
l Code Editors
l How React JS Application Boot
Key Features Of React Js
l Conditional Rendering
l List and Keys
l Forms Handling
l Forms Validations
Component Lifecycle Hook
l Understanding component lifecycle
l All Lifecycle Hooks

Event Handling React

l Understanding React Event System
l Passing arguments to event Handlers
Network Call
l Fetch
l Axios
Custom Services
l Introduction to Services
l Building a Service
Local Data Storage
l Local Storage
l Session Storage
l Cookies
Routing With React Router
l Setting up React Router
l Configuring route with Route Component
l Making routes dynamic with Route Params
l Working with nested routes
l Link and NavLink
l Redirect Routes
Ui Components
l Material Design
l PrimeNG
Introduction To Redux
l Why Redux
l Install and setup
l Store ,Reducer , actions
l Dispatcher
l High order Components
l mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps usage

Advance Redux
l Async Actions
l Middleware
l Redux Thunk and Redux Saga
React Hooks
l Why We Need Hooks.
l Different Types Of Hooks
l Using State And Effect Hooks
l Usereducer , Useref Etc.
l Custom Hooks
l Rules Of Hooks
Third Party Modules
l Social Login
l Pagination
l Search
l Filter
l JWT Token
l File Upload
l Many More
l React Concepts
l JSX and TSX
l Render Elements
l Function and Class Components
l Props and State
l Handling Events
l Dynamic Data Rendering
l Property Binding
Rest Js Testing
l Jest with Enzyme

Develop a CRUD Application in React Js

React JS Application Deployment
l Build Application and Deployment

Backend Server Side

Introduction of Dot Net Framework
l What is Dot Net?
l Why Dot Net?
l Advantages of Dot Net
l Component of Dot Net
l What is Framework?
l Versions of Framework
l CLR architecture
l CTS architecture
l CLS architecture
l DLR architecture
l What is JIT?
l Types of JIT?

Getting Started with Visual Studio

l Understanding Project and Solution Explorer
l Creating a Project and Solution
l Understanding Solution Explorer
l Comments in C#
l Debug Project
l Understanding Execution Process
Assemblies in .Net
l What is Assembly?
l Types of Assembly?
l How to make Private Assembly
l How to make Shared Assembly
l What is DLL HALL Problem?
l What is SN Key?
l What is GAC?
l How to Deploy Assembly in Cache
l What is MSIL?
l What is DLL & EXE?
l How make DLL& EXE.
l Use of Ilasm.exe (IL Assembler) & Use of Ildasm.exe (IL Disassembler).
Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS)
l What is OOPS?
l What is Class & Object?
l Difference b/w Class, struct, interface and enum
l Types of Variable
l Static Variable
l Const Variable
l Read Only Variable
l Instance & Static Members
l Inheritance & Types of Inheritance
l What is Interface?
l Encapsulation
l Abstraction
l Polymorphism
l Types of Polymorphism
l Static Polymorphism
l Dynamic Polymorphism
l Concept of Method Overloading
l Concept of Method Overriding
l Concept of Early Binding
l Concept of Late Binding
l Concept of Up Casting
l Operator Overloading?
l What is Constructor?
l Types of Constructor
l Default Constructor
l Parameterized Constructor
l Copy Constructor
l Private Constructor
l Static Constructor
l Concept of This Keyword in Constructor
l Concept of Base Keyword in Constructor
l Concept of Base Keyword in Constructor
l Abstract Class & Abstract Method
l Static Class & Static Method
l Sealed Class & Sealed Method
l Partial Class & Partial Method
l Different types of Parameter
l Input Type
l Output Type
l Ref Type
l Params Type
l Dynamic Type


Introductions of C#
l What is C#?
l Namespaces in C#?
l Create namespace in C#
l Data types in C#
l Value type
l Reference type
l Null able type
l Heap
l Stack
l Looping in C#
l For,While,Dowhile
l Foreach
l Conditional statement
l Switch case
l If, if-else, Nested if
l GoTo
l Break
l Continue
l Convertion Types
l Implicit {Boxing}
l Explicit {UnBoxing}

l What is Array?
l Types of Array
l Simple Array
l Multi Array
l Jagged Array

File Handling
l Introductions of File Handing
l Working with Files and Directories
l Working with Directories
l Working with Files Using the File and FileInfo Classes
l Working with Directories Using the Directories and Directories Info Classes

Exception Handling
l Introductions of Exception Handling
l Role of Exception Handling
l What is Error, bug and exceptions?
l Try, catch & Finally block
l System Level & Application Level Exception
l Handel Multiple Exception
l Throw Exception

Software Engineering Models and Concept (Project Based)

l What is Software Development Life Cycle?
l Phases of a SDLC
l Project initiation and planning
l Feasibility study
l System design
l Coding
l Testing
l Implementation
l Maintenance

l Introductions of Collections
l Types of collections
l Generic
l List
l Dictionary
l Stack
l Queue
l Non Generic
l ArrayList
l HashTable
l Stack
l Queue

l Introductions of Delegate
l Types of delegate
l SingleCast
l MultiCast
l Generic delegate
l Introductions of Events
l Understanding Events and Event Handler
l Types of Event
l System Define Event
l User Define Event
l Event Life Cycle
l Binding Events
l Working with Event Handler

l Introductions of Reflection
l Reflection Namespace
l Reflection Classes
l Access Assembly through Reflection
l Member Info
l Method Info
l Property Info
l Constructor Info
l Browsing Members
l Runtime Information

l Introductions of Threading
l Threading Namespace
l Understanding Thread LifeCycle
l Default Threading
l Multi Threading
l Priority in threading Member Info

Introductions of Properties
l set
l get

l Define Indexer
l Advantages of Indexer

Business Requirement Specification (Project Based)

l Objective of Project
l UML Diagram
l Class Diagram
l ER Diagram

The SQL Server Management

l What is SQL?
l What is Database?
l Create Statement
l Create database
l Create table
l Use Identity
l Select Statement
l Insert statement
l Update statement
l Delete statement
l Drop statement
l Truncate statement
l Difference between delete, drop & truncate
l Alter Query
l Clauses
l Group By
l Order By
l Basic Queries
l Stored Procedure
l Use Input and Output Type parameter in Stored Procedure
l Function
l Types of Functions
l Trigger
l Cursor
l Union & Union All
l Transaction
l Joins
l Indexes
l Views
l Constraints
l Tracing sql query with SqlProfiler

System Requirement Database Structure (Project Based)

l Database Table Structure
l Database Design
l Stored Procedure
l Database Security

l What is ADO.NET?
l Difference between ADO & ADO.NET?
l Architecture of ADO.NET
l Disconnected mode Architecture
l Using SqlDataAdapter Class
l Using DataSet Class
l SqlCommandBuilder Class
l Connected Mode Architecture
l Using SqlConnection Class
l Using SqlCommand Class
l Using SqlDataReader Class
l Understanding ExecuteNonQuery method
l Understanding ExecuteScalar method
l Uunderstanding ExecuteReader method
l Working with DataTable class
l Creating PrimaryKey Column on VirtualTable
l Using Constraints Class
l ForeignKeyConstraints Class
l UniqueConstraints Class
l Store table in datatable
l Apply Insert,update,delete operations on VirtualTable
l Show, next,first,last,all by datatable
l Executing Stored Procedure
l Executing Function
l What is Sql Injection
l Applying SqlInjection

ASP.NET 4.6 Framework

l Asp.Net Introduction
l Evolution of Web Development
l ASP .NET different versions
l Understanding protocol and domain
l Understanding static & dynamic page
l Server-side programming
l Client-side programming
l HTML and HTML Forms
l Creating a simple html page
l Developing ASP.NET Applications
l Creating Websites
l Creating a New Web Application
l Page Life Cycle
l Understanding Events of Page Life Cycle
l Websites and Web Projects
l Adding Web Forms
l Migrating a Website from a Previous Version
l Difference b/w inline and code behind concept
l Asp.Net special directory
l What is Application Directories
l Different types of Application Directories
l Understanding application label and page label variable
l Need of Global class
l What is Configuration file?
l Need of Configuration file
l Difference b/t app.config & web.con file
l Nested Configuration
l State Management
l Need of state management technique
l Types of state management
l Understanding Server side and Client side state management
l ViewState
l HiddenField
l Cookies
l Cache
l QueryString
l Session
l Session Tracking
l Session Configuration
l Session mode
l Cookieless
l Session Timeout
l Session Mode
l Application
l Transferring Information between Pages
l Transferring Information between Cross Pages
l Web Controls in ASP.Net
l Types of web controls
l Server Controls
l Standard Controls
l Data Controls
l Validation Controls
l Navigation Controls
l Login Controls
l Ajax Extensions
l Ajax ToolKit
l Html Controls
l User Controls
l Data Controls
l DataList
l DetailsView
l FormsView
l GridView
l ListView
l Repeater
l DataGrid
l EntityDataSource
l Object DataSource
l LinqDataSource
l XmlDataSource
l Working with Templates of Data Controls
l Working with events of Data Controls
l Understanding CSS
l Types of CSS
l Inline CSS
l Internal CSS
l External CSS
l Selectors in CSS
l Themes & Skins
l Working with Image gallery
l Working with ImageSlide
l Master Page
l Nested Master Page
l Page Tracing
l Mail & Messaging
l Caching Techniques
l Understanding Caching
l Types of Caching
l Output Caching
l Data Caching
l Web Security
l Need of security
l Types of security
l Forms Authentication
l Windows Authentication
l Confidentiality with SSL
l Password Format
l Types of password format
l MD5
l SHA1
l Clear
l Performance tuning
l Ajax
l Understanding Gmail,Facebook and Twitter API's
l Deploying ASP.NET Applications
l ASP.NET Applications and the Web Server
l How Web Servers Work
l Understanding Virtual Directory
l Web Application URLs
l Web Farms
l Internet Information Services (IIS)
l Installing IIS
l Registering the ASP.NET File Mappings
l Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed
l Managing Websites with IIS Manager
l Creating a Virtual Directory
l Configuring a Virtual Directory
l Deploying a Simple Site
l Web Applications and Components
l Other Configuration Steps
l Code Compilation
l Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed
l Deploying a Visual Studio IDE
l Creating a Virtual Directory for a New Project
l Copying a Website
l Publishing a Website
l Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed

Technical Design & Development (Project Based)

l Working with Project
l Programming Language: C# (Asp.Net)
l Designing Tools
l Using CSS
l Using Ajax
l Using JavaScript


Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
l Introduction to LINQ
l What is LINQ
l Need of LINQ
l How LINQ Works
l Using Linq via Method based and Query based syntax
l Standard Linq Operators
l Sorting Data
l Filtering Data
l Joining Data
l Partitioning Data
l Linq Provider
l LINQ to Object
l Understanding Lazy Loading and Eager Loading
l Difference B/w Lazy and Eager Loading
l Using Stored Procedure in LINQ
l Working with Single table Inheritance
l Using of SQLMetal

Entity Framework
l Overview of the Entity Framework
l Difference b/w Linq to Sql and Entity Framework
l Using Schema First Approach
l Using Model First Aproach
l Using Code First Aproach
l Using Stored Procedure in Code First Approach
l Using Sql Profiler with Stored Procedure
l Creating/Managing one to many and many to one relations
l Using Table, Column and Key attributes
l Associations & Foreign Keys

Software Engineering Models and Concept:

l What is Software Development Life Cycle?
l Phases of a SDLC
l Project initiation and planning
l Feasibility study
l System design
l Coding
l Testing
l Implementation
l Maintenance
Business Requirement Specification (Project Based)
l Objective of Project
l UML Diagram
l Class Diagram
l ER Diagram

System Requirement Database Structure (Project Based)

l Database Table Structure
l Database Design
l Stored Procedure
l Database Security

WindowsCommunicationFoundation (WCF)
l IntroductionToWCF
l What is Distributed Application
l What is WCF
l Evaluation of WCF
l Understanding WCF Architecture
l WCF comparison with WebServices
l WCF comparison with Remoting
l Benefits of WCF Service
l Understanding WCF Templates
l WCF Service Library
l WCF Service Application
l WCF Workflow Service Application

Endpoints in WCF
l What is EndPoint in WCF
l End points seetings in app. Config & web.config file
l ServiceMetaData HTTP_Get enabled
l IMetaDataExchange Contract/Endpoint for Http and Tcp
l What is Address-Binding-Contract (ABC)
l Address
l What is Address
l Understanding improtance of address
l Difference between HTTP & HTTPS address
l Use of TCP and MSMQ address
l What is Named Pipe address
l Understanding IIS address
l Binding
l Understanding WCF Bindings
l Types of bindings
l Basic Binding
l Web Binding
l WS Binding
l WS Dual Binding
l TCP Binding
l IPC Binding
l MSMQ Binding
l Contract
l What is the of contract
l Types of Contract
l Service Contract
l Operation Contract
l Data Contract
l Fault Contract
l Message Contract
Developing WCF Service Application
l Hosting WCF Service in llS/ASP.NET Development Server
l Hosting WCF Service in Managed Application(Self Hosting)
l Hosting WCF Service in Window Service
l WCF service durable service
l Use of WCF service Request-Replay
l Use of WCF service One-Way
l Use of WCF Callback service

Understand WCF Service instancing behavior

l Single(Singleton)
l PerCall
l PerSession

Understand Concurrency in WCF Service

l Single
l Multiple
l Reentrant

Restful WCF Service

l Understand Restful service in WCF
l Use of Restful service
l How to make Restful service in WCF
l Use of XML/JSON in Restful service

Implementing Security in WCF Service

l Understanding security terms
l Authentication
l Authorization
l Confidentiality
l Integrity

l Message security
l Transport security
l TransportWithMessage security

l Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
l Brief history of ASP.NET MVC
l Understanding ASP.NET MVC Design Pattern
l Setup & Installation process
l Compare ASP.Net Web Forms with ASP.NET MVC
l Life cycle of ASP.NET MVC
l Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
l Understanding ASP.NET MVC project templates

View Engine
l What is View Engine
l Role of View Engine
l Types of View Engine
l Compare ASP View & Razor View Engine
l Understanding Razor syntax
l Accessing model data in Razor views
l Working with Razor Layouts
l Understanding Razor Expressions

l What is MVC
l Understanding scaffolding template
l Scaffolding template with Entity Framework
l Defining a data model
l Understanding Model Binding
l Working with explicit model binding
l Responding to the edit post request

l Purpose of Views
l Understanding View Conventions
l Types of View
l Understanding ViewBag, TempData,ViewData and ViewDataDictionary
l Creating strongly-typed views
l Adding a View
l Using Razor syntax in View
l Code Block in View
l Working with Partial View
l Introduction of Layout/Master page
l Working with Layout

Controllers and Actions

l What is the Controller
l Use of Controller
l What is Action and Action Results
l Action Filters
l Authorize Filters
l Result Filters
l Built In Filters
l Processing Input and Output Action

Membership, Authorization And Security

l Session and application state
l Using the Authorize Attribute to Login
l Securing Controller Action
l Authorize Attribute with Forms Authentication
l Windows Authentication
l Using Role wise Login
l Managing users and roles
l Configuring OAuth And OpenID Providers
l Login via OAuth and OpenID
l Security Implications of External Logins
URL Routing
l Introducing URL Routing
l Routing Approaches
l Defining Attribute and Traditional Routes
l Understanding Route Parameters
l A Details look at URL Generation
l Creating and Registering a Simple Route
l Ambient Route Values
l Using Static URL Segments
l Constraining Routes
l Bypassing the Routing System

Forms And Helper Methods

l Using Form Helper Methods
l The Action and the Methods
l Using GET or POST Method
l Using Template Helper Methods
l Using Model Metadata
l Making Helpers Do your Bidding Inside HTML Helpers
l Setting up the Edit Forms
l Using Strongly Typed Helpers
l Helpers and Model Metadata
l Helpers and Model State
l Html.Hidden
l Html.Password
l Html. RadioButton
l Html.CheckBox
l Html.DropDownList
l Html.Partial and Html.RenderPartial
l Html.Action and Html.RenderAction
Data Annotations And Validation
l Using Validation Annotations
l Custom Error Messages and Localization
l Using Range validator Attribute
l Regular Expression validator Attribute
l Required validator Attribute
l String Length validator Attribute
l Custom Validation and Annotation
l Using display format

Additional Techniques
l View scaffold templates
l Model Validation
l Global filters
l Model binding
l Bundling and Display Modes

Using Ajax, jQuery with ASP.NET MVC

l Overview of JQuery
l Unobtrusive Ajax and the 'this' context
l Using Ajax action links
l Using Ajax Helpers
l Autocomplete with jQuery UI
l JSON & Client-Side Template
l Bootstrap Plug-in

Using the ASP.NET Web API

l Overview of the ASP.NET Web API
l Building servers and clients
l Adding routes to your web API
l Incoming Action Parameters
l Validation
l Understanding IHttpController
l Enabling Dependency Injection
l Session Management in Web API
l Securing a Web API
l Single and Multiple Registered Services in API

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