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Describe a person To be the life and soul of the party - a fun person, someone who is the centre of activity To bend over backwards - to try very hard to help someone Broad-minded (opp. narrow-minded) - prepared to accept other views or behaviours Easy-going (syn. laid-back) - relaxed and not easily worried about anything Extrovert (opp. introvert) - an energetic person who likes the company of others Fe Fun-loving - to enjoy having fun minded - to treat people equally Good company - enjoyable to socialise with Tolose one’s temper - to suddenly become angry Painfully shy - very shy Reserved - shy To put others first - to think of others before yourself Quick-tempered - to become angry quickly Self-assured = confident (opp. insecure) Self-centered - thinks only of oneself Self-effacing - to not try to get the attention of others (especially in terms of hiding one’s skills or abilities) To take after - to be like (often another member of the family) Thick-skinned - not easily affected by criticism Trustworthy - can be trusted Two-faced - not honest or sincere Reliable and dependable - be trusted not to let someone down Empathetie - understanding others emotions Generous listener - take time to hear what others are saying To emulate - to copy someone's behavior or try to be like someone else because you admire or respect that person Officials are looking to emulate successful ideas from other cities. Considerate - kind and thoughtful Moody - sometimes happy and sometimes sad/ cross Opinionated - certain about their beliefs, and expresses their ideas strongly and often Be a good/bad timekeeper - usually arrive at correct time/be late a) Generous ener - take time to hear what others are saying Glass-half full person - person views the situation optimistically or hopefully He is a glass-half full person, which inspires me the most no matter how hard the situation we are facing. Practical - making choices or decisions that are sensible in the circumstances; pragmatic He was very practical and helped the parties move forward. He had a good grasp of the issues. Rational - able to think sensibly and logically A normal, rational person can believe the evidence of their senses. Impulsive - tending to act as a result of sudden feelings or desires, without thinking about consequences At least for the next few days , allow yourself to be more impulsive. Perseverance - the quality of persevering, of not giving up trying to do something difficult Despite the prediction, he recovered because of his perseverance and determination. Goal oriented - concerned with or focused on achieving a particular aim or result He had a reason to full fill his goal he was goal oriented and no one was able to distract him from his goal. Fl - able to change or adapt to new situations You must be able to collaborate with other artists and be flexible in the hours you can work. - people who have a lot of energy, enthusiastic and determined Exercise daily. Exercise helps you to be energetic. Perfectionist - somebody who wants everything to be perfect Johnny and Gordon are perfectionists. Picky - fussy or choosy 1am very picky when it comes to music but | really like your mix. Stubborn - unwilling to change one’s ideas even when there are good reasons to do so He accused her of being a silly, stubborn old woman. Mean - unkind, cruel, nasty Jack was a mean and bitter person. Aggressive - behaving in an angry, violent way They soon became aggressive, punching him in the face and demanding his wallet and phone. a) ic - tending to believe that a bad outcome is the most likely, or interpreting something in the most negative way |, for one, am pessimistic about any change in legislation in the foreseeable future. Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities To me he will always be a selfish, arrogant bully who believes the only good advice is advice he gives. Egoistic - having a very high opinion of yourself and interest only in yourself Humans are egoistic of nature, this is because the will to be alive drives us all. Possessive - demanding someone's total attention and love My husband was very jealous and possessive, and he couldn’t bear the fact that | wanted to pursue a career. Selfish - thinking only of oneself, or showing this | think Zuckerberg is selfish. Let me explain you. Bubbly / extrovert / sparkling / vibrant / charming / attractive + personality Affable - friendly and easily approachable. An affable person would often be wearing a friendly smile. S/he would be someone who people would feel at ease to approach in case of anything big or small. The affable customer relations office helped ease the frustrations of the waiting customers. Amicable - pleasant and friendly nature. Someone amicable is able to remain friendly and pleasant often despite arguments or disputes. That is an appreciable quality in anyone since that should not be an easy thing to do. I'm hoping to come to an agreement with both sides, being the amicable person that | am. Conscientious - taking one’s responsibility very seriously. A conscientious person would be sincere about his/her duties and promises. It's a great quality in someone you are putting your trust in. Mr. Robson is never absent at work; very conscientious. Convivial - lively and enjoyable. A convivial person would make people welcome and at ease. It’s a warm quality to have in anybody to spend time with. We enjoyed the party very much, it had such a convivial atmosphere. Courteous - polite and considerate. A courteous person is respectful towards others as well as their opinions even if they are different from their own. Your children are very courteous. They offered us tea as soon as we walked in. Exuberant - cheerful; full of energy. Someone's exuberant nature would make them the heart of any gathering. They would automatically lift up the energy of the people around them. | feel very exuberant today, Il get anything done in no time. a) Gregarious - sociable; people's person. Someone gregarious would draw others in with their friendly and joyful energy. A gregarious personality will help anyone talk themselves out of any trouble since they are so good at dealing with people. He's always around a bunch of people and they love him. That's very gregarious. Placid - emotionally neutral; not easily excitable. Someone who is placid in nature would not be too easily excited in a time of crisis which is naturally a good idea. S/he would be able to keep his/her calm and think things through. She wore a placid look when Romeo and Juliette ended. Resourceful - the ability to find quick and witty fixes to any trouble. A resourceful person has a natural knack for getting things done easily which may seem harder for others. The manager has been very resourceful with the customers. She is a fast thinker. Versatile - adaptable and flexible nature. Someone with a versatile personality would fit nicely into any situation no matter what. Their nature would put the people around them at ease right off the bat. Your sister has a versatile personality. | admire that in people. Aloof - cold and distant. Someone aloof will not make others feel welcome. They would give off the vibe of being rather out of place or callous towards things going on around him/her. He is aloof in nature, better not expect him in intimate gatherings. Cantankerous - uncooperative and short tempered. People of cantankerous nature may be found screaming at someone more often than not. Others may be unwilling to discuss controversial matters with him. There's no point in arguing with a cantankerous jerk like your sister. Cynical - not trustful of others’ integrity; always looking for his/her own profit. Cynical people tend to live in their own little world trying to manipulate everything and everyone to their own advantage. Their self-centered nature often lets others down. Don't be so cynical, there are still good people around. Dogmatic - fixated on principles and tries to hold them as undeniably true. A dogmatic person is often a religious fundamentalist but other kinds of fundamentalism also count as dogma. Jason is rather dogmatic about stuff in general so be careful of what comments you throw. Fussy - very particular about things. Fussy people are very picky about every next thing and that makes them very irritable and hard to please. When things do not go their way, they tend to act up and create a fuss. Fussy people can be so hard to hang out with when you do not like arguments. a) Obnoxious - extremely unpleasant and disagreeable. People are obnoxious when they act inconsiderate and insensitive to the people around them. As a result, nobody actually likes them. Stop making obnoxious remarks about people's choices. Patronizing - condescending; looking down on others’ trouble while posing a sense of superiority over them. A patronizing person feeds off of the energy of putting others below them. The flaunt of superiority makes them unbearable to the rest of the world. Patronizing others will never get you on their good books. Stingy - mean; miserly. Stingy people do not mix well with normal groups of people. Their miserly nature can make them difficult to hang out with. Let's not be stingy here and split the bill equally. Touchy - oversensitive; easily offended. People who are always touchy about every next thing, are not good company since you can barely keep track of things that might prick them and an unconformable argument may break. Rose is being particularly touchy today. Let's not stir her too much. Vain - narcissistic; self-centered; useless. People are vain when they show off what they barely have. Their high esteem of self and their own abilities make others roll their eyes in disgust. It is so vain to presume everyone likes to listen to every word you say. Conceited - too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities Without wishing to sound conceited, | am the best salesperson in the company. Tight-fisted - unwilling to spend money: Don't wait for Gillian to buy you a drink ~ she's too tight-fisted. Crafty (syn. sly) - clever, especially in a dishonest or secret way Ihave some crafty ideas for getting around the regulations. Level-headed - calm and sensible She was glad to have the advice of someone so level-headed. Nosy - showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs She was complaining about her nosy parents. Cheeky - showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is amusing or appealing The boy was cheeky and casual. Witty - using words in a clever and funny way He was witty and very charming. a)

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