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Technology Glued to the screen — unable or unwilling to leave the digital device Rhiannon is glued to a screen as soon as she gets up in the morning: "I don't get dressed, sometimes | don't even draw the curtains.” Labour saving device - an appliance that saves work Nowadays, most women use labour-saving devices such as washing machines. Computer age - the period in modern history characterized by rapid technology development and widespread computer use Living in a computer age has many benefits. Computer fatigue - a syndrome of tiredness resulting from long computer usage About 60% of IT specialists are affected by computer fatigue. Digital editing - a process of changing digital materials like audio or video files Being good at digital editing is essential in our time. Light years ahead - very far away from. Modern computers are light years ahead of those which people used in 90s. Silver surfer - an old person, who uses the Internet Uncle Bob is a silver surfer. He uses the Internet every day, although he’s almost 70. Time-consuming and inefficient - something that takes too much of your time and isn’t rational to do. I find watching football time-consuming and inefficient. Well-oiled machine - something that works perfectly well My computer, despite being 7 years old, is still a well-oiled machine. Wi-Fihotspots - a public place where you can access the Internet Our university has a Wi-Fi hotspot. It is very convenient. Computer buff - a user who is good at working with a computer Mike is a computer buff. He got an A+ on his programming exam. Atechie - a person who is very knowledgeable or enthusiastic about technology and especially high technology The latest innovation came from a bunch of young techies in the research lab. Tech-savvy — well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology, especially computers. My kids are far more tech-savvy than | am, having grown up with computer technology. To surf the web - to look at a series of websites one after the other | probably waste a lot of time surfing the web a) To bookmark a webpage - to mark a webpage for future reference Researching information is much easier with the internet ... you can bookmark webpages for future reference. Automation - to make a process in a factory or office operate by machines or computers, in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans and the time taken to do the work The automation of production processes has led to increased unemployment. User-friendly - simple for people to use Modern mobile phones such as the i-phone are very user-friendly. Online piracy - the downloading of licenced media without payment Computer literate - to have sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to use a computer effectively The application form specified that candidates must be computer literate to be considered for the job. Technophile - a person who is enthusiastic about new technology My brother is a true technophile and can tell you about every new gadget on the market. Technophobe - a person who fears or dislikes new technology, especially computers, and does not want to use it. I keep telling him how easy it is to send an email but he’s an ardent technophobe and refuses to even have a go. Revolutionary - involving or causing a complete or dramatic change and improvement. The development of personal computers has proved revolutionary for business owners. Revolutionise - to radically change something so it is much better. There's no doubt that computers have revolutionised our lives. Breakthrough - important development or discovery. Some people argue that the invention of the internal combustion engine was the most important technological breakthrough of all time. Modify - to change something in order to make it better. Being disabled, | need a car that can be modified to meet my specific needs. Cutting-edge — very modern Our new mobile phone is still in development but it is at the cutting-edge of technology. State-of-the-art - the latest stage of development of a product, using the most recent ideas and method and including the latest features. The new aircraft design was state-of-the-art and was expected to revolutionise passenger's experience of flying. a) Advanced - modern and well developed In the developing world, simple technologies such the mechanical water pump are often more practical solutions to everyday problems than the advanced computer technologies of the western world. High tech - using or involving advanced technology. Some high tech solutions are less reliable than the basic technology they replace. Indispensable - something you could not manage without; absolutely necessary. For many people, their mobile phone is indispensable. Obsolete — not in use any more, having been replaced by something better. Jerry had to close down his small printing business as his old printer had become obsolete and he couldn't afford to replace it with the latest state-of-the-art equipment. Game changer - a new idea or factor that significantly changes an existing situation or way of doing something The professor's new theory was a game changer and if proved correct, brought the possibility of time travel one step closer. Word processing - the process of producing, editing and storing text ona computer Ihave to write a lot of reports for my job so word processing is what | use my computer for more than anything else. Viral - an image, video or piece of information that becomes very popular very quickly on the internet. The video of her cat riding on a giant tortoise went viral and achieve nearly a million views. E-commerce - commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet. Their business really took off when they built an e-commerce website and started selling their products online. The digital age - the time since personal computers were introduced and became central to people's lives. ! envy people born in the digital age as they've grown up with computers and seem to find it easier to adapt to new technologies than us older generation. To make education accessible to countryside students - give countryside students the chance to study Equipping remote schools with more computers could make education accessible to the countryside students. Navigate - to move around a website or computer screen, or between websites or screens Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate. a) Digital privacy - the protection of an individual's information that is used or created while using the Internet on a computer or personal device This tendency is interesting because as consumers become more acquainted with the internet they are also more likely to be interested in online privacy. Reliable = trustworthy = dependable = valid Is the BBC a reliable source? Troll - make an offensive/insulting/aggressive online post He's already getting trolled on social media for his comments after the game. Cyber bullying - the activity of using the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages In the past ten years, cyberbullying has become increasingly common among students. Scroll up / down = move up and down a page online Scroll down to the bottom of the page in order to find the SEND button. Remote working / studying / meeting / learning Virtual world / platform / reality / class / assistant Online courses / shopping / dating / banking To get something from the horse’s mouth - to get news/information directly This is reliable information, | got it from the horse’s mouth. To have something at your fingertips / at the click of a button - to have easy access You have price comparisons and customer reviews at your fingertips / at the click of a button To be a double-edged sword - to have a good and a bad side The Internet is a double-edged sword. lean‘t get my head around i This software is too complicated, | can’t get my head around it - | don’t understand it Itrings a bell - it sound familiar I think | know that software, at least the name rings a bell Adigital native = someone who has grown up with computers and the Internet It seems you are alll digital natives, but | am a digital immigrant! Disable turn off a function Enable- turn on a function Fitness trackers— apps that track your exercise or eating habits Streaming content - audio or video that streams directly to your phone, such as Spotify or Netflix or YouTube a) Financial services- Most banks have their own apps these days, where you can transfer money, or make deposits or withdrawals Voice activation— without touching your phone, some apps can be activated, or turned on, just by talking to your phone Turn smth into — transform 1'm enjoying those kinds of apps as | can turn my boring photos into extraordinary ones. Digital detox - a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world Break free of your devices and go on a digital detox.

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